She completely frustrated with her condition. She has mucous coming out of her eyes and is acting like she is sad. Now he eats again and tries to get up, but his front limbs won't carry him. Limes disease test negative. Any help would be appreciated! Be sure to provide details to your vet about your dogs recent and long-term medical history. My puppy (7 months old), has been throwing up, breathing hard, not really wanting to eat and lethargic. She refuse to eat and she breaths like she has bad sinuses. The most current information will be at the top of each page. Thanks, Tammy. Have 11 yr old lab that has vomited twice and has excessive drool with foam. What does this mean?? Could his stiffness in his hind quarters and this occasional loss of bowel control be related, and what could cause this to our otherwise healthy boy? However this morning the leg at his knee is fire red. when I touch her all over her body, she doesn't wince, but she can't stop panting hard. What is this? Pancreatitis is another disease where one of the symptoms is your dog vomiting white foam or slime. I can send you a picture of him. Are these just dog allergic reactions? He's been doing this for years but it's getting worse. Dog gags and throws up after drinking water, Green pus filled blisters on my dog's belly, Dog cough, labored breathing, increased drinking and urination with swollen stomach, Dog sneezing and watery discharge from nose, Dog without appetite, doesnt drink water, no bowel movements, Dog tail has growth that looks like a claw. This severe type of coughing can be caused by: asthma. He licks himself a lot, which is another problem. My 4 year old border collie has a small growth that resembles a claw on her tail. Other causes include heart disease and tracheal collapse. I believe it's something like .0002 and he's not eating well and he's struggling with incontinence. She tilts her head to the left and is off balance. My recently adopted boxer mix (3 months old) has been suffering from a respiratory illness that causes her to be very congested.She's being treated with Clavamox and seems to be improving.She still has some congestion and a slight cough.A few days ago she began to turn circles when she walks.She has no fever and seems to be improving otherwise.She doesn't have seizures, head tilt, or anything like that.The spinning has gotten slightly worse and I'm worried that I'm missing a bigger problem. I have noticed this also if he tries to play with another dog though the episodes do not seem as bad. my dog is yelping when walking, doesn't eat or drink and very lethargic. She also have an unusual small poops a little mushy. What should I do? she scratches and chews at this area. She has been tested and cleared for all parasites and GI PCR Panel test. Was being treated for a bladder infection but symptoms now worse. Yesterday the vet gave him a shot for the fever. The first vet we saw told us he had liver infection, following a blood test. While seeing your dog vomit can be very alarming, most of the time a single episode of vomiting isn't due to anything serious. thgen i looked and on the inside of his ears are the same way, My 4 1/2yr old GSD is some type of pain If there is any breathing difficulty, repeated vomiting, abdominal pain, lethargy, behavior change, or loss of appetite, seek veterinary care right away. I have a puppy and when it stands it shakes and staggers a lot. My dog is just laying down and is shaking a lot? We have been having a lot of hot weather, so I always keep her fresh water & she drinks a lot. My four week old golden retriever can't balance to walk and struggles to keep his head up. She isn't vomiting, & her stool is normal. As soon as he does, he seems fine, ready to eat 30mins later. On Soloxine 8mh. The third pile, appeared to have been "cleaned up" by the dog after vomiting. The veterinarian performed cystology and was suspicious of cancer. Kennel cough and other upper respiratory problems may cause dogs to cough up foamy white liquid. 12 yr old Boston terrier has symptoms: sits on her butt turning from side to side with her head pointed upward and her tongue flicking in and out like catching flies. The major ones we'll examine include: Ingesting toxins, poisons, foreign. Shadow is otherwise healthy, eating, drinking, playing. He is healthy now but he has what appear to be pimples but they are puss filled directly on his anus and the base of his tail. she takes fits blood tests show no epilepsy she has taken epiphen, gabapentan, epilepsy, and now she takes 6 epiphen a day 60mg and 2 500mg keppra she started keppra 3 wks ago she has started taking fits again 3 in two days waiting to hear from my own vet he appears to think this could be a space occupying growth in her brain she is a healthy looking dog other than these fits the only other thing is when she fits one of her feet tends to drag when she walks do you have thoughts on this. My Dog was lying still when suddenly started to "shiever" but not all over as if cold. But she hasn't wanted to go out lately either. or something else? She has been treated for a bacterial infection in her stomach from playing with frogs.. My problem is he eats everything, shoe leather, rubber, material/clothing, dirt, grass, toys & the stuffing, plants, my moms pin cushion w/ pins, ceramic items, pretty much anything he can get his mouth on. We've been to a few different vets and ran tons of tests, 2years ago one of them said she'd only live a month or two. She is a 10-year-old female, a mixed breed of Labrador and Retriever. Our dog constantly bites/chews her feet and legs. I have a Shar pai mix that is having tremors when she is getting up from a resting position or after cleaning herself(at least that is when I notice it). My dog got into the garbage earlier and now he has swollen lips/cheeks/ around nose area..whats wrong??? I have 3 days before I can take her back, any advice what I can do in the mean time. Her gums are a light pink and she is stumbling and falling as she tries to walk her feet come out from under her as if she cant control it. Conditions that may cause white mucus are: Bronchitis 4 Certain viral respiratory infections Asthma Solid White Mucus Since then she has been very lethargic and has not eaten anything, she is drinking water but now 24 hours later does not seem any better and is sleeping most of the time. Coughing up white mucus can indicate several conditions, including asthma, bronchitis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). She still eats a small amount and drinks. i just noticed that he was on his bed sleeping but then he got under my bed and didn't want to come out.. i don't know if he ate anything and if he did maybe an avocado from the neighbor.. please help. He is not vomiting and still eating. Pls help Thank U. I believe my dog has one on his back (appeared out of nowhere as a red hairless bump with slightly bumpy texture; no pain or irritation). Why is my dog vomiting this thick white substance? It has been there for a while now, since we haven't been able to afford to take her to the vet. I just noticed her really the sneezing going on the past couple days. It can be caused by an upset stomach or overconsumption of food or water. My dog is bleeding out of her vagina and its a real thick blood whats that mean They don't look like worms. energetic beagle lethargic suddenly. Otherwise, white chunks may indicate an inedible object such as the rest of a bone, toy, candle, or rawhide. Seems to be just under the skin in the fleshy tissue. When she drinks she acts like something is in her throat and preventing all of the water from going down and she usually spits up about 1/2 of it. It is an internal growth and does not appear to be infected or to cause him pain. It seems to be hard with just the 1 lesion, though I did want to apply a lot of force. also her belly is red any suggestions what is the cause. Why? She was seizures free for one year. He is moving slowly and seems uncomfortable. Does she have a cold or should I be concerned? She weighs approximately 55 pounds. What might cause our female 8 year old minature schnauzer to lick noisily or "dig" at her vulva, often and for several minutes, after urinating? Usually your dog will be showing other signs in addition to the black poop. After 3 ct scans and 2 biopsies (both biopsies negative for cancer) the mass has gotten larger and has destroyed a small amount of bone between the sinus and brain. but now he is shaking a lot when she is just laying down. Prepare for the unexpected by getting a quote from top pet insurance providers. Addisons disease is also known as hypoadrenocorticism or adrenal insufficiency. He is showing lethargy and not himself.His nose is damp and cool. Does this correlate with each other? I am starting to feel a pain at my local vets as we seem to have been there loads this year! We got a new puppy and ever since the pup came home about a week ago our older dog has been a sniffing machine. Fatty food such as bacon, sausage, steak fat or chicken skin should never be fed to a dog. Your vet may recommend further diagnostic testing to look for a cause for the vomiting. What could be her problem? She has vomited 3 times, and is squatting with dark blood coming out every time. Initial doses are usually given via injection to avoid further vomiting. ME has been ruled out. He was panting heavily and just lying on the ground. What can be causing this and should I take her immediately to the emergency vet or wait until tomorrow and see her regular vet? In rare cases, it may be a sign of more serious underlying problems such as: Kennel cough Bloat Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) Pancreatitis Gastric hypomotility Kidney disease This may involve antibiotics or other medications as well as a cough suppressant. It's also a good idea to avoid contact with other coughing dogs, especially if your dog is not yet vaccinated. How can I get the smell out? If your dog is bringing up white liquid, observe them to see if they are coughing or vomiting. You can also hand-feed your dog or play hide and seek with their food by placing small quantities of it around the house or yard. Some dogs will be happy to eat anything they find on the floor. And it was normal. He's been swelling in his private area on and off but when we give him a shot of penicillin it goes down. The ball that connects my dog's lower leg to his upper leg is swollen and hurts when he walks. Panting, drinking tons of water, urinating frequently, enlarged liver, high cholesterol. My dog is whimpering, shaking, and sits in the corner, whats wrong? They are eating dog food with baby formula mixed in. She cant bend her head without almost falling over. Your dog's vomit can range from chunky and filled with undigested food to liquid as light as water, white foam and yellow vomit can often cause pet owners to be perplexed on what each episode means. For a bacterial infection your vet may prescribe several weeks of antibiotics. Our dog ate 1 10 mg tablet of prednisone. I started supplementing her dry Iams with canned dog food and cut back to only a 40-minute walk per day, but she still isn't gaining weight. When dogs choke up white mucus, it's usually due to an upset stomach. She has been loosing weight and muscle mass rapidly, and seems to be constipated. Eating sugary, fatty, or spicy human food. What's wrong with my puppy? I have a 3 pound 3 year old miniature pincher that was acting fine this morning. My puppy was born with an umbilical hernia. Also she has started to walk in circles. Over night she started limping and having great difficulty with her right rear leg. Pancreatitis is another disease where one of the symptoms is your dog vomiting white foam or slime. Dog Vomiting Yellow: Causes and Treatment | Great Pet Care she has started sleeping in the bathroom with her butt up against the tub. I don't think it's kennel cough, and I'm wondering if they are like humans and have glands that swell when they are sick. My 2 1/2 year old chocolate lab within the last two hours has developed a swollen face. What could be wrong? She finally came out of it after about 5 minutes. An intestinal blockage may cost up to $3000 for surgery and follow up treatment. If your dog is experiencing other symptoms, like lethargy, diarrhea, not eating, or if you notice blood in the vomit, this is cause for concern and you should take your dog to the vet right away. he also doesnt bark as often and when he does its more of a yelp. For all emergency situations, please contact your local Emergency Pet Clinic or on-call Veterinarian. She also kept licking her lips during this time. Vet tells me that the demylination and the constipation areknown problems with G.Shepherds because of the inbreeding for their low back stance. The veterinarian will perform a physical examination which may include noting the weight, temperature, and heart rate, listening to your dogs lungs, and checking the color of his gums. Keep objects that may become foreign bodies out of reach of your dog. Thanking you beforehand. He's always coughed a bit, but old vet said it was just being a toy poodle. Is this true? A friend of mine is a vet assistant that removed them said that she may have been stung. These are the only symptoms displayed. It looks like he is heaving or almost coughing for a few seconds before he vomits. cigarette smoking. The material may appear to be vomit but could actually be mucus and fluids from the respiratory system. She slept at my mom's one night and I thought she caught them, but the groomer said she didn't. He is a mini pinscher. She will be ok for awhile and then out of nowhere she will throw up. What could be the causes of this, she was like that for one day and then died. Should I take her to the vet ASAP? I worry that she will reject them, or complications during delivery. Clear, Liquid Vomit He's eating, drinking, and using the bathroom fine. My dog has started producing large amount of saliva while eating. I have a two year old spayed mix. She hasn't been near another animal with mange, and the only thing I can come up with is the fact that she has rolled in some fecal matter in the same place she is suffering hair loss. My two month old mountain curr just got over parvo last month. He was sent home with instructions to avoid stressful situations and stay in cool climates. Hi, I have a 6 year old pitbull who has been throwing up for about the last hour. His face is tilted and swollen along with his paws and he can't walk. Could this be related to the heartworms or is a more likely a totaly seperate issue. Our foster dog recently had another mange dip. He is acting disoriented; he eats, drinks, sleeps, pees and poops, but is like a drunk walking. Is lethargy a side effect of the leptospirosis vaccination? Two days later his back legs are not strong enough to hold him up. When he tries to stand, sometimes he falls back down. Andre Blanchard. I noticed a few lumps under her skin on the side of her neck a month ago and took her to her vet. The veterinarian can help determine the underlying reason for the mucus. It's been two weeks now and doesn't seem any better (or worse). I have a 10 year old miniature pincher and It has happened a few times now that he will collapse (and in this last episode seem to faint or go limp for a second) after being outside even after only 10 minutes. He is almost 12 years old. It almost sounds like "huff" when he coughs. Objects that make tears in the intestinal wall. The drooling in excess is new and constant within last 2 hours. Lately it has increased from occassionally to monthly weekly now daily. Do you have any advice in the meantime? A nose discharge of mucus or pus could indicate your dog has a bacterial, fungal, or viral infection. 4 1/2 yr. old spayed great dane with excessive thirst, vomited twice in a week. What to Do If Your Dog is Vomiting White Foam | Canna-Pet They are pinkinsh (same as her surrounding skin) in color. This is a new behavior. 2 yr old springer not very springy Or, the dog might have swallowed mucus and fluid from the respiratory issue and be vomiting that up. She is undecided as to whether to treat or not. I have 2 concerns. my basset hound has a drippy nose, and also has been treated with no results for fungal under her leg areas. She also cannot maintain her glucose. He threw up all the food he had and then went on to throw up a lot of white foamy frothy substance, similar to mucus texture. Thanks, Cindy. She does have arthritis and displaysia. Harley is on Rimadyl 75mg, Soloxine 0.6mg, Prednisolone 1 drop a day in left eye for Uveitus. He was whimpering and his leg was shaking, and when I got ready to take him to the vet he starting walking normal, jumping up and seems as if there is no pain. How to eradicate a foul odor with my dog? I work full time so i don't want to take time off unless it is absolutely necessary. My dog has a grey tongue, is breathing heavy, and has droopy eyes. If your dog vomits white foam just one time, there is no need for immediate concern as long as your pet is acting normally otherwise. The problems since day 1 have been financially terrible. my adult female pomerarian had a big bump on her back filled with pus which we got it removed from the vet,.the vet removed the pus by slightly slitting the skin and cleaned the area and did not stitch the slit part.he said that he would give antibiotic tablets for the wound to dry up.after 10days of givin her those tablets,the wound did dry but my dog keeps scratching there till it bleeds and its been 7 months after that and her wound is still not dry.even after repeated visits to the vet. His leg is still stiff and he is limping, and he seems unusually anxious. I have a ten year old dog, she is a heeler and collie mix, and she just had puppies about 2 months ago her stomach now is very bloated like she is still pregnant but I don't know what it is and I need help, I don't have money to go to the vet, I cant even pay my bills right now it is breaking my heart and I need to know what to do. Your puppy may also have a fever, be lethargic, and have bloody diarrhea. I was just wondering what this could be? Thanks for your help. I had a 4 year old lab that stopped eating dry dog food and started laying around a lot. Why? How can I settle my dog's stomach after vomiting? There are holly bushes and shrubbery. They said to put her frontline on her every 3 weeks, we are. Why is my dog throwing up white foam? What caused it and how to treat Her belly is red and looks irritated. My dog had thrown up 3 times and its slimey. Why is My Dog Coughing Up Thick White Mucus? | Pet Reader puppy (approx. Please do not use our site to attempt to diagnose or treat your pet. I took him to the vet and he was treated and tested. My dog Kallie is a five-year old beagle mix. Bad dry dog food? In many cases, your dog has simply tasted or eaten something that led to a stomach upset. Hi, Lately my 8 month Yorkie mix puppy has been making what I believe to be a gagging sound and then about ten minutes later throws up.
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