Nations party to the Convention may not use torture to extract information from POWs. The LOAC also permits the handcuffing or physical restraining of persons for the purpose of interrogating them, as well as isolation methods, so long as these are temporary measures used only when strictly necessary militarily (Ibid., p. 35). In fact, it is the duty of any serviceman or servicewoman to disobey superior orders, if those orders are manifestly unlawful under LOAC (i.e. About a third of those were questioned using enhanced techniques. [15], CIL refers to practices in warfare that are so consistently upheld and adhered to by a majority of States on the world stage that they have become generally regarded as law. [26] Modified images taken from M.E. States comply with the practice out of a sense of legal obligation to an international norm or custom, rather than solely due to their own legal LOAC obligations or national interests.[16]. In the wake of 9/11, that was a risk I was unwilling to take. All service men and women on military operations worldwide have a personal duty and obligation to act lawfully by obeying the LOAC during their service in the military, no-matter the military situation in peace or in war, and no-matter the location of deployment at home or abroad. Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions and U.S. Detainee Policy The Law of War establishes: - Weegy One of the Fundamental Rules of International Humanitarian Law Applicable in Armed Conflicts, which were prepared by the International Committee of the Red Cross in 1978, requires parties to a conflict to distinguish at all times "between the civilian population and combatants in order to spare civilian population and property. CIL is considered binding on all states, regardless of whether or not the practices have been enshrined in international treaties or, if the practice is already within international legislation, whether all or a majority of States, have signed on to them. [24] As Derbyshire states: The [New Zealand Defence Force] Manual of Military Law 1929 includes in its section on the Laws of War observations to the effect that there can, in the nature of things, be no finality regarding the law and usages of war. Torture has been defined in the Rome Statute as: The intentional infliction of severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, upon a person in the custody or under the control of the accused; except that torture shall not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to, lawful sanctions (Article 7(2)(e) available to view here: 11) The Law of War requires humane treatment for military personnel who are out of combat (hors de combat) due to capture by enemy forces. Where domestic law does not allow for the exercise of universal jurisdiction, a Statemust introduce the necessary domestic legislative provisions before it can do so, and must actually exercise the jurisdiction, unless it hands the suspect over to another country or international tribunal. (4) Civilian persons in time of war (Geneva Convention IV). The new updates stated all prisoners must be treated with compassion and live in humane conditions. All cases of partial or total occupation of the territory of a High Contracting Party, even if the said occupation meets with no armed resistance. Sweden/Syria, Can Armed Groups Issue Judgments? Humane treatment includes: (Military Persons Exempt From Attack, pg. How the malice of the wicked was reinforced by the weakness of the virtuous.[1]. Trailer #12: SEAL Team Low-Impact (High-Risk) (2022, Series 6, Episode 1) [American SOF Forces, Burkina Faso/Mali]. That view was reinforced by his boasting and his behavior, intended to persuade his own people and his neighbors of that success. Al Qaeda terrorists attack the United States of America: On 11 September 2001 four passenger commercial aircraft were hijacked by Al Qaeda terrorists, in a plot designed and enacted by the central Al Qaeda cell led by Osama bin Laden in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan. Last updated in June of 2017 by Stephanie Jurkowski. In October 1863, delegates from 16 countries along with military medical personnel traveled to Geneva to discuss the terms of a wartime humanitarian agreement. The severest of these interrogation tactics was supervised waterboarding a technique used on 3 of the highest ranking, most knowledgeable and most obstinate Al Qaeda terrorists in American custody (see endnote). According to Pejic, despite the U.S. Supreme Courts ruling of applying Common Article 3 (NIAC law) and Article 75 (IAC law) to detainees of the GWOT (both articles being fundamental principles of CIL), the reality is that: The two articles do notprovide any guidance on many substantive and procedural legal issues, nor on how to resolve practical questions, that arise in relation to captured unlawful combatants.[36]. In IACs, the principle gives rise to a number of explicit rules, such as those prohibiting torture, rape and sexual violence and exposure of prisoners of war to public curiosity. However, while this is a clear and generally accepted definition of torture, there is still no agreed international agreement on what specific acts actually constitute this torture, and there is additionally no internationally accepted definition of humane vs inhumane treatment. As a result of this ambiguity under the LOAC surrounding lawful interrogation techniques versus true, unlawful torture, intense and controversial debate about these matters raged between 2006-2008, and continue to the present day. It also identified new protections and rights of civilian populations. Robert Gates, the U.S. Secretary of Defense under both the Bush and Obama Administrations from 2006-2011, likewise supported the U.S.-led coalitions war to remove Saddam Husseins regime. With regard to the highly controversial Iraq War, the U.S. Marine Corps former Deputy Commander of U.S. CENTCOM, Lieutenant General (LTGEN) Michael DeLong, stated in 2007 that: Although we wondered about the timing, we never wondered about the rightness of removing Saddam from power. Reuters. Torture is defined under the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment as an act by a government official that inflicts pain or suffering, physical or mental, for particular reasons, including obtaining information. In sum, nearly 3,000 people mostly unarmed civilians living and working in a country at peace were killed on this terrible day in human history, and a further 6,000 injured as a result of these terrorist attacks on 9/11.[26]. This way of thinking resulted in more humane treatment for those officially classified as prisoners of war. Finally, it discusses how occupiers are to treat an occupied populace. The [New Zealand Defence Force] Manual of Military Law 1929 includes in its section on the Laws of War observations to the effect that there can, in the nature of things, be no finality regarding the law and usages of war. Their interrogations helped break up plots to attack American military and diplomatic facilities abroad, Heathrow Airport and Canary Wharf in London, and multiple targets in the United States. when the government is obliged to use military armed forces against dissident insurgents, instead of simply the police force; or (2) non-government dissident groups must possess organized armed forces sufficient to render them parties to the conflict, meaning that they are operating under some kind of command structure and have the capacity to sustain military operations within the State. In Rwanda in 1994 and Bosnia in 1995, UNAMIR and UNPROFOR national contingent forces failed in their preeminent mandated duty to act in a robust military fashion to protect the lives of thousands of non-combatant civilians, sheltering in UN safe areas under their command, from the hostile intent and hostile lethal force actions of Enemy forces towards the local civilian population. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! In Kosovo, despite the express aim of the security mission being to establish and maintain a secure environment in Kosovo including public safety and order, two-thirds of the NATO KFOR force was comprised of national contingents restrained by national caveat bans that prohibited them from any participation or engagement whatsoever in direct combat-related functions. Furthermore, the majority of KFOR national contingents were also prohibited by their governments from engaging in low-level riot control operations. The doctrine of universal jurisdiction is based on the notion that some crimes, such as genocide, crimes against humanity,torture, and war crimes, areso exceptionally gravethat they affect the fundamental interests of the international community as a whole. [31] [Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 2006] see S.C. Welsh, Terrorism Detainees: Geneva Convention Common Article 3, Centre for Defense Information Law Project, 2006, p.1,, (accessed 16 January 2007) and L. Greenhouse, Supreme Court Blocks Guantnamo Tribunals, New York Times, 29 June 2006,, (accessed 23 April 2019). In the following blog, #25 Laws of War Brief (Part 2): The Protections, Rights & Obligations of Civilian Non-Combatants & Military Combatants under the LOAC , I will continue this analysis by presenting what is, to the best of my understanding, the most important, mandatory and need-to-know obligations of the LOAC and CIL on all individual military personnel of national armed forces of all ranks, all Services, and all nations around the world. While it is true that the criminal behaviour of terrorist unlawful combatants never negates the obligations and duties of lawful combatant military personnel to act in an upright manner in their own decisions and actions (the law of Tu Quoque/You also being no defence for crimes committed against the LOAC), by respecting, adhering to, and upholding the LOAC themselves in their comportment at all times within an armed conflict, the basic lack of reciprocity in the ongoing criminal nature, behaviour and deliberate intent of terrorist and terror-using combatants does continue to challenge and frustrate contemporary thinking on the matter. I directed the CIA not to use them. [12] The Additional Protocols, dealing expressly with the two categories of International (Additional Protocol I) and Non-International (Additional Protocol II) armed conflict, were written in 1977 in order to reflect this reality, and to express international concern that the victims of Non-International armed conflict likewise be afforded basic protections under the LOAC, especially given the great danger posed by armed groups to the lives of ordinary civilians in these high-intensity and highly-violent internal conflicts. the Global War on Terrorism involving inter-State warfare in addition to intra-State insurgencies, and the wars that have taken place in both Georgia and Syria), with guidance often having to be provided on a case-by-case basis by the evolving consensus of world opinion on the conflict. *For an excellent documentary discussing the CIAs use of enhanced interrogation techniques on captured terrorists detained at Guantanamo prison, and presenting, However, while this is a clear and generally accepted definition of torture, there is still. The rules help draw a lineas much as is possible within the context of wars and armed conflictsbetween the humane treatment of armed forces, medical staff and civilians and unrestrained brutality against them. Any unlawful act or omission by the Detaining Power causing death or seriously endangering the health of a . 3 of 8) All of the above Indeed, it seemed to the U.S. government that they were in unchartered LOAC territory faced with a new class of non-State, unlawful combatant, in a new kind of international war against non-State terrorist militants and their State supporters/protectors, that was neither foreseen nor governed by the laws of war contained in the 1949 Geneva Conventions. The worldwide campaign against Al Qaeda and other global terrorist networks along with their State sponsors or protectors, which began in 2001 following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and continues in various forms against diverse Islamist terrorist entities (including ISIS) and in multiple conflict theatres around the globe to the present day, was termed the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT). [23] Derbyshire, 149.335 Introduction to LOAC, in Section One: Introduction to LOAC and Historical Development, 149.335 Law of Armed Conflict, op. At present, 168 States are party to Additional Protocol I and 164 States to Additional Protocol II,this still places the 1977 Additional Protocols among the most widely accepted legal instruments in the world. [9], In order to be a Non-International armed conflict, either: (1) a minimum level of intensity in the hostilities must be reached, e.g. As a result, the Geneva Conventions were expanded in 1949 to protect non-combatant civilians. The law is thereforequite simply your State's law. . Consequently, just as in the past, the laws of war that govern armed conflict in the world today though a little outdated are still practically workable to confront the problematic conflicts of the twenty-first century, no-matter how complex they are and may yet become. The truth is that modern conflict has become so extremely complex, intractable and mixed in current times, displaying simultaneously features of both International and Non-International armed conflict especially in modern anti-terrorism campaigns waged against Islamist terrorist groups and terror-using insurgencies in the Middle East, Central Asia, Africa and Asia that it has created grey zones with regard to the appropriate LOAC that leave room for diverse legal interpretation between nations and new evolutions in customs of CIL. However, CIL is founded on general, rather than unanimous, international recognition and agreement. Modern CIL goes further than this, however, and contends that it is illegal to torture any person for any purpose or in any circumstances, or to subject any person to cruel or inhumane treatment for any purpose or in any circumstances, during any armed conflict (see in particular the 1987 UN Convention against Torture and the 2002 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court ratified by many, but not all, nations). They concluded that the enhanced interrogation program complied with the Constitution and all applicable laws, including those that ban torture. In addition to nationally ratified laws of war (e.g. 35-36 in Geneva Convention I, pp. futhermore, the animosities generated by terrorism make the postwar peace more difficult to preserve. Indeed, some KFOR military contingents failed to take any action whatsoever during the security emergency among them two NATO Lead Nations, France and Italy, with significantly large KFOR national contingents in addition to lead command responsibilities over their respective KFOR sectors. Al Qaeda terrorists (unlawful combatants under the LOAC) captured in Afghanistan.[34]. The U.N. calls for the humane treatment of prisoners of war, citing talk of summary executions. The CIA interrogation program saved lives. In previous blogs I have presented case-studies of Multinational Operations (MNOs) in Rwanda, Bosnia and Kosovo, in which participating national forces bound by government-imposed national caveat constraints failed to use lethal force at the critical and necessary moments in order to fully uphold or pursue the primary security objectives of their security mission mandates. Humane treatment | How does law protect in war? - Online casebook As Condi Rice would write years later, The fact is, we invaded Iraq because we believed we had run out of other options. unlawful perpetrators of war crimes and excessive human suffering rather than victims these captured unlawful combatants had few rights or protections under the LOAC. The principle seeks to ensure that the physical integrity of captured/detained persons is not violated, that they are not subjected to any form of torture or ill treatment. Common Article 3 the article common to all four of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 which alone treats Non-International armed conflict requires that, in addition to, In essence this means that, according to CIL, States acting as Detaining Powers must provide persons under their power with the most humane (human) treatment that each State is capable of providing, including adequate food and medical care, and that they should. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! We strive for accuracy and fairness. 31, 32; [21], Common Article 3: The article common to all four of the Geneva Conventions of 1949, which is also an accepted and established customary norm of CIL, requiring that all persons that are not taking an active part in hostilities within a Non-International intra-State armed conflict be treated humanely in all circumstances, regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, birth, wealth or any other similar criteria. This manual is a Department of Defense (DoD)-wide resource for DoD personnel - including commanders, legal practitioners, and other military and civilian personnel - on the law of war. Lieber Code - Wikipedia Not surprisingly, the disconnect and outright contradiction between the KFOR mission mandate and its key security objectives on the one hand, and the restrictive ROE of contributed KFOR national contingents on the other, had direct and serious consequences during the Kosovo Riots of 2004. Joint Staff Law of War - (2.5 hrs) Flashcards | Quizlet (2) The laws of war do not apply; the US military has a free hand. 17) The Law of War requires humane treatment for military personnel who are out of combat (hors de combat) due to capture by enemy forces. cit., p. 4. In 1859, Genevan businessman Henry Dunant traveled to Emperor Napoleon IIIs headquarters in northern Italy to seek land rights for a business venture. Intelligence information is much more often imprecise than it is precise[Included in our intelligence analysis was] WMD from the last Gulf War, the [testimony of Saddams defecting] son-in-law who gave information, [and the] monumental reams of intercepted information (cited in DeLong, ibid., p. 69). Source. Once armed conflict breaks out, the exact laws of war and regulations that govern the hostility depends largely on its classification as either an International or Non-International armed conflict. The severest of these interrogation tactics was supervised waterboarding a technique used on 3 of the highest ranking, most knowledgeable and most obstinate Al Qaeda terrorists in American custody (see endnote). [See in particular the LOAC protections provided in Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions, in addition to Articles 51, 52, 53 and 75 of Additional Protocol I governing International conflict, and Articles 4, 13, 16 and 17 of Additional Protocol II governing Non-International conflict.]. For under the LOAC, Detaining Powers are clearly permitted to question detainees in order to ascertain their identity and status and to obtain information of military value, and are generally allowed to use skilful interrogation to induce detainees to provide intelligence of worth (NZDF LOAC Manual Chapter 15: Prisoners of War and other persons deprived of their liberty in the course of armed conflict, in Section Nine: Prisoners of War and Other Persons Deprived of Their Liberty. I had asked the most senior legal officers in the U.S. government to review the interrogation methods, and they had assured me they did not constitute torture. Yet as even a cursory examination of the history of the nation's laws of war shows, presidents from Washington to Reagan and beyond have long championed the idea of humane treatment of prisoners . Family homes in Serbian towns and villages in Kosovo Province were set on fire or destroyed by violent Albanian rioters during the Kosovo Riots of 17-19 March 2004.[3]. HISTORY reviews and updates its content regularly to ensure it is complete and accurate. I would have preferred that we get the information another way. In 2006, however, there was a whirlwind of international legal controversy with regard to Al Qaeda and Taliban terrorists and terror-using insurgents captured by the United States and its coalition allies in Afghanistan and Iraq, and held as unlawful combatant detainees in Guantanamo prison. 'Common Article 3' - the article common to all four of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 which alone treats 'Non-International' armed conflict - requires that, in addition to humane treatment for all military personnel 'hors de combat' or taken 'Prisoner of War' in International armed conflicts, all persons not taking an active . International treaties, agreements, pacts, conventions and protocols (including the 1949 Geneva Conventions and their 1977 Additional Protocols); International customs or practices that are so consistently repeated in modern warfare that they are accepted by States as binding law, also known as Customary International Law; Common principles of law generally recognised by civilised nations; Judicial decisions of international courts; and the. Among those contingents theoretically permitted by their governments and Rules of Engagement (ROE) to actually conduct these riot control operations, moreover, a substantial number of these national contingents were ill-trained, ill-equipped and ill-prepared to actually conduct riot control in actuality. But as the years went by, Saddam became much more aggressive in limiting the reach of the inspectors, and the inspections for all practical purposes ended in 1998. This meeting and its resultant treaty signed by 12 nations became known as the First Geneva Convention. [39] C. Weller, Startling maps show every terrorist attack worldwide over the last 20 years, Business Insider, 1 November 2017,, (accessed 1 May 2019). It also grantsthe right to proper medical treatment and care. b. It also banned the use of weapons that cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering, or cause widespread, long-term and severe damage to the natural environment., According to the Red Cross, Protocol II was established because most victims of armed conflicts since the 1949 Convention were victims of vicious civil wars. But. Geneva Convention of 27 July 1929 relative to the treatment of prisoners of war. [11] The Use of Force in International Law: Types of Armed Conflict, Open University [Great Britain], 2019,, (accessed 23 April 2019). [2] Modified image taken from P. Gourevitch, After the Genocide, The New Yorker [Magazine], 18 December 1995,, (accessed 14 September 2017). Further, additional regulations regarding the treatment of civilians were introduced. The Geneva Convention was a series of international diplomatic meetings that produced a number of agreements, in particular the Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflicts, a group of international laws for the humane treatment of wounded or captured military personnel, medical personnel and non-military civilians during war or armed conflicts. International Committee of the Red Cross. International armed conflict is defined in Common Article 2 of the Geneva Conventions as: All cases of declared war, or of any other armed conflict, which may arise between two or more of the High Contracting Parties (States), even if the state of war is not recognised by one of them, All cases of partial or total occupation of the territory of a High Contracting Party, even if the said occupation meets with no armed resistance. If judges are honest and the compass of justice truly points north in law-abiding nations, to whom members of the armed forces belong, then any individual member of the Armed Forces who disobeyed superior orders that were manifestly illegal under the LOAC, in order to uphold the binding obligations and rights under the LOAC, ought not fail to be exonerated of any crime or wrong-doing during any subsequent civilian or military trial. PDF '(3$570(17 2) '()(16( /$: 2) :$5 0$18$/ - U.S. Department of Defense A punitive war took place firstly in Afghanistan in 2001 against the Taliban regime hosting and shielding Osama Bin Laden, the leader of the Al Qaeda terrorist network. Indeed, according to the Administration, even the enhanced interrogation techniques including waterboarding were lawful under both the Constitution and U.S. law, did not constitute torture, and were not in themselves inhumane. Prior to 2006, the full list of some 17 enhanced interrogation techniques (lawful sanctions) to be used on the terrorist detainees at Guantanamo only in situations of military necessity had been studied under the light of the U.S. Constitution and American LOAC obligations, and then approved and legally authorized by the U.S. Congress, meaning that the interrogation procedures were in fact being used lawfully by interrogators at Guantanamo. The Law of War requires humane treatment for military personnel who are out of combat (hors de combat) due to capture by enemy forces. Regarding the Humane Treatment of al Qaeda and Taliban Detainees (February 7, 2002), . It also made the repatriation of captured belligerents a recommendation instead of mandatory. For under the LOAC, Detaining Powers are clearly permitted to question detainees in order to ascertain their identity and status and to obtain information of military value, and are generally allowed to use skilful interrogation to induce detainees to provide intelligence of worth (NZDF LOAC Manual Chapter 15: Prisoners of War and other persons deprived of their liberty in the course of armed conflict, in Section Nine: Prisoners of War and Other Persons Deprived of Their Liberty, 149.335 Law of Armed Conflict, ibid., p. 36). Under this body of International Humanitarian Law for the conduct of war, known as the LOAC, all laws and conventions on armed conflict that have been ratified by a State are binding on that States armed forces and applies in all military situations, whether or not war has been formally declared or recognised.[13].
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