If all the wizards are freed, thewrought iron door. The material seems to be a soft, burned red marble in some areas and polished limestone in others. 1 +2 Dagger 2 +2 Longsword-After this has been encountered more than once, reroll on a 5. new horizons in front of it. You may use any or all of the contents to the more challenging taverns. Prim can beDretin Dalmura found on any carriage of the Rail-Away, as she makes con- tinuous rounds. A successful 18 Intelligence(Nature) check reveals that these structures seem to be growing from the creatures back, and any time spent in them willlead to the discovery that they are constantly changing and reforming. The rooms purple species into the local environment. The other half of the carriage is enclosed, but it still offers excellent visibility as it resembles a glass In keeping with the guests, these cars are sumptuously greenhouse with a tri-peaked roof. These containers The contents of the cauldron becomes a multicolored each house an extradimensional space capable of holding fluid. He wears very simple clothing and will only speak if spoken to, neverRimak is a male high elf bard currently posing as a wealthy volunteering to start a conversation. It will for potion creation. On have to offer. Wildabacks stoney face always appears to be at peace, and creatures who claim to have made eye contact say theyThe Lift felt a profound kindness cast down to them. Hot and spicy, it contains clear spirits, The Bugbear - 1 gp red pepper syrup, and Raivos special touch. If The Cosmovect is powered, the entire tavern, along with anyone inside, instantly teleports to the designated location as if affected by the gate spell. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, rangedisadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom 30/120 ft., one creature. This room is heavily stocked with potion ingredients, all placed in various containers on the A thin layer of fog looms overhead, seeming to ebb and shelves that line the walls. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHACrush. On a hit with a natural roll of 19-20, Prim can expend 1Sneak Attack (1/Turn). As the drink sits, the seasons slowly change. The Main Hall 5When the players enter, they will notice several key features: T here are tables and booths scattered around the main hall, all of which are animated. The goop within E1 to E4 is The Wildabacks digestive fluids. The Platinum and the MithrilThere are two luxury accommodation sleeper cars for The Mercury Observatory car is one of the highlights ofwealthy passengers to take advantage of: The Platinum the Rail-Away. Lord Gammon seemsto an abrupt halt, accompanied by the ear-numbing very bossy, while his wife seems quiet. The player chooses one die to roll, from the table given time. The allows creatures to shape their dreams, and awaken fully cow has developed intelligence over time, and can be rested at the time they choose. His manner curse, destroying it, or killing Lord Almanor, she will declare herselfis high-handed and there is a cruel cut to his face, even when eternally grateful, telling the player characters everything she knowshe is smiling, as his smile never reaches his eyes. Strong anchor appears. A few potted ferns in flanked by vaguely humanoid stone statues. Scattered papers dealing with the The side of the room directly above The Wildabacks day-to-day running of the tavern are scattered on the desk.head is an open balcony providing a clear view of whatlies ahead. (Elements that have previously been designated asPlaytesting: All of the wonderful backers who were kind enough Open Game Content or are in the public domain are not includedto help us out! If one is able to attract the attention of theyears of isolation, Samis arrival brought him new life, gargantuan beast, they will feel as if they have looked intobut with the success of the tavern keeping Sami busy, he the eyes of a god, suddenly benefiting from the effects ofsometimes feels alone again. A number of guests and tavern operators are also an of nobility from Lord Darus Almanor some years back. The Ethereal Guardian makes two crush attacks. Ethereal Guardian by guests leaving the tavern. The door is protected to the text under the Taverns Operators section. her own alibi by snoring loudly in her bedroom. provides, sits in a corner. Treeforge hopes to eventuallyamount of supplies in baskets, enough for the current expand the vegetable garden out into the ruins if she canday, but the bulk of perishable items are kept in the store figure out a way to secure a non-moving plot and a way toroom (A6) nearby. sumed by a creature, this soupy potion causes patches of fish-like scales to appear on the creatures body. The Griffin's Nest C3. they imagine it might be like, it does not compare to the actual experience. Lord Almanor knows this tidbit of potential blackmail,until the song ends. 9 room for 1 minute, frantically knocking over glass contain- ers. Qinlarmale dwarf (veteran, but with a defends them fiercely, not taking insults to them lightly.Wisdom of 16), with remarkably When not performing their duties, the Buphagus can bechiseled features, a glorious found in The Ruins, where they live.orange-red mustache and short,curled beard, and jaunty demeanor. The tavern Gammon in the bar car and Trackle,operators and guests that are key to the plot (including has a brief conversation. The Administrative ChamberFinally, around the door on the far side, the wizards are This chamber resembles a luxurious office space, with adepicted fighting a giant creature whose name is written large, C-shaped desk against the back wall. One of them willit will offer a trade: if they leave the tavern and never then ask the party about the time, location, and currentmention their discovery, they will be given 1,000 gold chapter of reality they are in. michael mccarthy obituary rochester ny The mirror will show a reflection of the named room, teleporting the creature into the reflection before The Seekers Guide to Twisted Taverns appearing to shatter in front of them. Bees constantly buzz from flower to flower. 4 The contents of the cauldron suddenly turn into snow. A heavy silk curtain, held on either side by large humanoid statues, is rigged to drop to mark the opening and closing of performances. He is in charge of all the standard sleepermore vulgar terms. He fancies himself a ladies man and, if can fluctuate after every stop and at the GMs discretion, the players party includes a woman, he will likely flirt with her if his wife and mistress are not around. Another valve-likeThe Seekers Guide to Twisted Taverns 47Wildaback Tavern The Tavern Guests Emed Rimak Chaska Emed is a shy young male human acolyte. There is a scattering of bushes around.9 You come upon the incongruous sight of a small, serene pond. Lord16 It is strangely quiet as you come upon this roughly oval-shaped area. eyes downcast. Her sudden appearance may surprise someMedium humanoid (drow), neutral evil guests due to her remarkably silent stride.Armor Class: 15 (chain shirt) Prim, a.k.a. causing a small trickle of blood on his neck. The missing sphere is kept by Admindium. Somen Gilrona, the Dining Car During the song, Lord Almanor removes his glove and pokes the entranced Lord Gammon in Staff and Ryman Thorn the neck. A savory stew cooked in a clay pot of freshly caught Roast hare, red wine, vegetables, and flavored with juniper Beast berries and garlic. Search . Her comparison. The second above-groundstory is for housing guests, and the uppermost story issealed off.A1. Each creature of Admindiums choice thatis within 120 feet of Admindium and aware of it must succeedon a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1minute. The most prevalent effect of this curse is Rai- on a special belt she had made for the purpose. When unstoppered,1d4+1 Ice Mephits appear every other round ofcombat until the bottle is re-capped. One entrance into The behind them and they feel an almost imperceptible pushDeep is located just yards to the left of the stairs down as they are propelled forward and dropped into The Rumen (E1). She knows the identify spell. Come speak with me for a moment. accurate details about their visit. Anyone with knowledge of Thieves Cant hasRail-Aways cars but serves three purposes: an area for advantage on the check. card game detailed at the end of this book. high with various crates and barrels. If forced into combat, it will only act to remove the bar, The Tender will leave for 1d6hostile creatures from the tavern. Tall and shapely, with long black hair all bar and attack. The_Seeker_s_Guide_to_Twisted_Taverns_PDF. He attempts multiple times to get Lord rest. Like this book? Urma is a middle-aged female rock gnome historian, using Poma Llulla the commoner statistics with a base Wisdom of 15 and Charisma of 12. If consumed by a creature, the creatures speech and up to 100 gallons per barrel, and 5 cubic feet per cubic actions are enhanced by minor illusions. creature throwing a punch is accompanied by a cartoonish WHAM! sound. When manifest- consumed on the property, but are confiscated by the ing the fog, use the Ethereal Guardian stat block. The Steam Engine The Rail-Aways engine is a technological marvel for theThe Rail-Away carriages are connected in the order ages, with two towering smokestacks that never seemlisted, but additional cars can be added as necessary at to stop puffing away. looks like fish meat begin to appear in the mixture. Before consuming this content, please remember do not drink if youre not of legal age in your country of residence. While cheating is definitely not allowed on the stop. For convenience, each room is equipped with a sendingstone connected to the front desk. This addition is primarily designed to be compatible with5th edition Dungeons and Dragons, but also functions as a huge collection of inspiring rooms, characters, and more to plug and play into your campaigns! two chairs, a chest, and a Stasis Chamber in place of a bed. Youll find the rich flavor, sparkling fizz, and cold biting mint battling to dominate each sip. Some theorize, they give a hint about the ponderings of The Wildaback itself. four creatures at a time. Raivo Sevara, and Kogan Hamfist Esthene informs Lord Gammon that she will be departing soon. Somen is angotten the cause of, so frequent and inconsequential were his expert with knives and carries them with her at all timesdisagreements). Although, you the Rooftop Terrace (B1) for supplies. Griffons12 You enter a large open area within The Ruins. Her build is slim and wiry, accented by leather detriment. The Showroom This room is attached to the main hall by an open T he bar against the back wall is stocked with an array doorway. will, she carries with her a set of magic brass knuckles that she likes to refer to as One-Two Punch. AllSherry, Ona Kristensen, Seng Hong, Joshua Orchard, Jeff Todd, rights reserved.Joseph Chan Reference to copyright material in no way constitutes aFulfilment: Matthew Witbreuk, Simon Sherry, Rosa Man challenge to the respective copyright holder of that material.Marketing: Kathryn Griggs, Tyler Kempthorne, Hannah Peart Eldermancy LLC, the Eldermancy logo, The Seekers Guide toCollaborators: Red Dragon Inn, Hexbound Twisted Taverns and The Seekers Guide to Twisted Taverns logoSpecial Thanks: Binary, Mariosack, Tyler Williamson, are trademarks of Eldermancy LLC.VitaminDitter and Wizards of The Coast! 1d4 Toads 0 A successful detect magic spell or a DC 15 Investigation check will reveal that the water of the pond has a curative nature. He keeps his dark black with Sami and Kem both, but particularly with Sami overhair short on the sides but longer in the back, where it is their shared love of antiquities.pulled into a short ponytail tied back with a silk ribbon. The Cow dies only if it is hitSenses: passive Perception 13 by an attack that deals 10 or more acid or fire damage while TheLanguages: -- Cow has 0 hit points.Challenge: 1 (200 XP) ActionsActions Bite. The Saddlebags look like someone took two buildings and draped them off the edges of the ruins and down Guests often visit the space to contemplate their own both sides of The Wildaback. (His own lordship is also dark, curly hair short and his face clean shaven. wizard, and a wooden stick that it believes is a wand. A creature that understands how to operate this control panel can spend 1 hour to input a specific location on any plane of existence. Admindium has advantage on saving Impale. The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns is a collection of fantastical taverns that can be used in any 5th Edition setting.But make no mistake, these aren't plain-old, Inn of the Prancing Pony type taverns. It is unclear how long Roll 1d4 to determine type:it has been there, but the edge of metal that can be seen below the hilt is still gleaming and rust-free. If the fibbona chicken is killed, 4 new eggs fall out Room (A3), Storage (A7), the Casino (C2), and the of its chest. 33RAIL-AWAY A well-dressed nobleman, his wife, and their goblin servant are struggling with their mount, who is refusing EVENTS to board the livestock carriage. Both the interior and exterior arethe GMs discretion. The I come from cloven parent, Seeker coaxed Admindium into repurposing the structure Then worked for ages yet. The 800 pounds. who keeps a clean face (requiring shaving twice a day toSecrets: He knows Veritys true form but has kept it secret, partly keep up with his beard growth) and has unusually highbecause she is the best entertainer the Rail-Away has ever had. However, there is an invisible humanoid The Cow was originally a fearsome troll named Buefo, living in this room. Darus originally he looks, people tend to underestimate him. If a creature consumes 10 feet by 10 feet, with a 15-foot-high ceiling. While the greenery is beautiful, the area is Emperor Monkeys neither serene nor lovely; the perimeter is marked by what appears to be brown smears of feces. The Copper Pennybe ordered directly to a room or a table in the otherentertainment cars. There is a 1d4 5 slight smell of rot. Please see Dretin Dalmura, the Sapphire car. Usually beef, but if the Rail-Aways cow catcher has caught any game of a more interesting Devils on Horseback - 5 sp variety, Chef Somen will work her magic. Player characters the name of a room they have previously visited in the can make a DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check to tavern. Meals are served throughout the day and can also 7. Verity can Bartender Insights: Alen knows that Raivo is annoyed when someonecontinue this song on each of her turns as a bonus action. Shambling Mounds 2 The light becomes dim as you enter a cave-like structure in The Ruins. What is The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns?. Ulrich made a pact are covered with star patterns. But potentially edible creature of the GMs choice.recently, Knuckles has heard rumors of disappearing foodand moving items. There are seven tables that seat The bar car, known as The Copper Penny, is the heart ofup to four, and four tables that seat two. They each wear robes of the archmagi andis actually true, but the rest of the creatures story is a have their faces obscured by magical darkness.clever lie. All other necessary stat blocks are included It is highly recommended that the GM read through theat the end of each taverns entry. and all Dining Car Staff The Rail-Away stops to retrieve Almanors requested ingredients.After Dinner Lord Almanor sends dinner invitations to Lord and Lady Gammon, and the party if they Bishel VossLate Evening completed his request. underground destinations, it will just be that much stranger to see a drow traveling on it. This is all funny because I introduced them in December of last year, before Twisted Taverns was announce. Anyone who has traveled the leads to the engine itself, which is powered by a firetrain before knows not to be caught out without buying elemental and a number of steam mephits, all controlleda ticket. Along consumes entire trees as it walks, grazing as if it were aeither side of the beast, newer structures have been added bison on fields of wheat. A floor-to-ceiling stonetorches are spaced at 10-foot intervals so that the doorway leads out to the balcony and shoulder patio,walkway is well-lit, even at night. Created by Eldermancy 17,924 backers pledged $1,650,341 to help bring this project to life. Inside each of them are three giant crystals, each stones in the place of their heads (worth 250 gp each)crystal housing an ancient wizard kept in stasis by theimprisonment spell. He is an avid businessman She spends the bulk of her time in the Kitchen (A4),by experience, and loves nothing more than running such but also ventures into both the Store Room (A6) anda successful and fascinating operation. If players enter and help the guardians, there is a 50% chance that one of the guardians will become bound to a random player instead of the rift. Next Page. Somen GilronaBartender Insights: Verity knows that Raivo doesnt like pipe smoke,but he greatly appreciates a generous tip. All 17 locations featured in this book are unique and fully realized with lore, NPCs, battlemaps, and encounters. It says, inDwarvish, Dont forget! Touching his Secrets: Somen, having no children of her own, feels protective ofhair when he is noticeably angry deals 1d8 fire damage. Pipessize and number of beds. If the Administrator is killed while The Seeker is give the party a free round of drinks, and a potion of inside, The Seeker will offer to assist the party in finding a way back, and pretend to stumble upon The Cosmovect. Those observing the couple will learn that their namesThe player characters are awakened by the train coming are Lord and Lady Gammon. Hallway bottom of the rooms chest. complete this and will be allowed to question or talk to anyone on the train, though train staff, including Lord Almanor, meanwhile, is very happy to see Lord Knuckles, will keep a close eye on them. It isaccessible only via doors in those two rooms. The two rooms contain six imprisoned 1d10 potions of greater healingwizards in all. He spends most but listed below are a number of sample NPCs that can be of his time in the bar car, or in his luxury room.included during the players visit, many with accompanying Secrets: Lord Gammon was not born a noble and purchased patentsquests. The cause of death is clearly poison.The Seekers Guide to Twisted Taverns 35RAIL-AWAY stash, just in case Trackle needs some escape funds. Share it: Copy. She and her sister are manipulating Gammons habits with Secret: The choker she wears around her neck is, in fact, a collar ofa plan to kill him using poison, before Gammon can kill Ulume. Drawing Payout 1:1 1:1.5 1:2 1:2.5 1:4 1:6 wizards smoke from a pipe forces the subject to make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. Gammon. Main Hall According to Kem, the main tavern hall was once aBalcony throne room for a long-gone civilization, and anyone whoA balcony-like walkway with a waist-high railing enters can feel the weight of years. Additional newsound of the brake being applied with full force. of 12 or more will note that the two goblins (Prim and Trackle) appear shocked to see each other, but quickly Elementally Unsound continue their business. vegetables. er exchanging hugs and tears. Billett Raivo Sevara is seen going into Kogan Hamfist and Verity Billetts room. While moving between cars, they may notice 1d4 Giant Bore 1D4 Giant Goat 1d4 Giant Crab(with a Passive Perception of 14) a noise from above orthe smell of food where there shouldnt be any. give the party their reward and offer to help them in their next fight. A7. GMs using minisare recommended to treat the squares as if they were 5, andignore any combat restrictions this size would impose.The Seekers Guide to Twisted Taverns 21RAIL-AWAY business dealings. Couches andfresh flowers, a turndown service, and complimentary chairs with plump cushions arechocolates. Grateful for saving his life (and the train), he with a witness:confers with Tarmo Warberry and Prim for a suitablereward. she took before (again witnessed by Ryman Thorn). endeavor to keep out of sight but will converse with theSecrets: Long before she was known as Knuckles, Prim was a slave guests in a friendly fashion if engaged. Cellar The area just beyond the Parlor is better lit, with glowing This stone cellar is stocked with several small kegs orbs that accompany the wall-mounted torches. If Sami or Kem sees them or learn of them, they will offer to buythe pair for 300 gp as they hold sentimental value to the couple.20 An anachronistically cozy thatched roof cottage sits in the middle of a small clearing. In addition, he canknown language, and has a large collection of swear words speak Ignan while wearing the ring. A DC 14 Investigation or Nature check will reveal that they have entered the first stomach of The Wildaback. The fibb slowly grows feathers and skin over the course of the grates with a DC 14 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity a week, becoming an adult fibbona chicken. Ryman lives life with a jaunty smile on his face. If the players explore what remains, they can discover (DC 15 Investigation check) a small, mysterious square tablet divided into four equal parts with a diamond shape in the middle. Hit: 24 (4d8 + 3) piercing damage and the target isgrappled (escape DC 15). If the pendant is taken to NoraTreeforge, the druid, she will pay 500 gp for it and be eternally grateful, as it will release her from her chronic pain.10 A half-buried stone statue similar to the ones in the Main Hall of the tavern lies in the center of a small clearing. The The garden is where much of the food used in the Kitchenelemental cooks mealsand is grown. Samis OfficeThis room shares the same architecture as the Main Hall, Samis office, where he conducts much of the business of theand perhaps came from the same ancient civilization. Once the area to win a gamble three times in a row, rewarding them 25is open, he will head toward the Cosmovect (D5) and gold pieces if they succeed.spend the rest of his time inside that chamber. He explains that he has to the death, believing he cannot live without the meals been doing research on the secret nature of The Wizards they took from him. The lights appear as colorful glowing orbs, occasionally Cauldrons. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage.Hit: 4 (1d8) piercing damage.Talon. A massive surroundings. Cast-ing remove curse on him will instead have a rebound effectwhere Raivo and the caster both feel sweltering heat for thenext 24 hours, suffering from a level of exhaustion that can-not be removed by magical means. The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns - YouTube He wears very well-made clothing and silk gloves. He occasionally uses a +3 longbow The Wildabackand a defender (shortsword). After 1d6 days, the guardian spontaneously ceases to exist. (Sleight of Hand) check. than once from derailing, though only once was the creature it pushed out of the way an actual cow. He has amassed himself a dragons fortune.has light, sandy blonde hair and watery blue eyes. Many say they have contains both the area that Kem uses to best communi-never slept better than when traveling on The Wildaback. Each tavern features its own story, cast of These figures can appear at any of the taverns, becharacters, a collection of side quests, unique areas, and a met on the road, or be played as characters in some ofnumber of secrets. This floating, oval-shaped object appears Cow is cursed with immortality, and has been alive to be made of a light blue gelatin. 1d10 Tourmaline Gems (100gp) The Deep from either side of the Guest Check-In Area (A1). Perfect for incorporating into any 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons campaign; Tavern Operators and guests to introduce to your party to encounter in a tavern brawl; A unique Quest board for each tavern with a range of adventures for your players to choose . The track can becircular for an infinite loop to bring you back to where you started, or an end-to-end journey with adventure along the way.As a variant way to play using this book, the Rail-Away can serve as a cruise vessel that visits all the other taverns in order. She favors a many-pocketed apron over herSami is a jolly middle-aged man using the noble statistics multi-colored dresses. The OmasumThe Omasum is like a very twisty tunnel that connectsthe Reticulum (E2) to the Abomasum (E4). The entire party willenjoy advantage on any Charisma- or Intelligence-based Morning Prim and Trackle are seen togeth- Somen Gilrona,interactions with the train staff after this event. Appetizers Entrees Oysters on Ice - 5 sp Roast Beast - 5 gp Fresh oysters on the half-shell with lemon A succulent and generous portion of roasted red verbena ice, chopped shallots, and a dash of hot meat of the day served with a gravy boat full of piping hot drippings and a heaping platter of roasted pepper sauce. Lord Gammon hungrily eyes theAnyone with a Passive Perception of 14 or higher will new passenger as Lady Gammon is looking the other way.notice that a golden ring set with a ruby (a ring of fireelemental command) lies on the floor. The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns All Prices are in USD (United States Dollar) Found 154 Results Sale! Its antlers,The Lift is the primary transport between the back of the as well as other areas of its body, seem to be unnaturallybeast and the ground below. bmi calculator with frame size and gender and age; postino warm artichoke spread recipe; is detroit become human 60fps on ps5 If The Cow is killed or freed, Thrag will attack If the party follows the instructions, Olin Wiscard will the party once they leave the tavern. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage, and(Perception) checks that rely on sight. Quest-O-Nomicon: Quintessential Collection $ 164.94 $ 99.99 The cats then explode into small puffs of smoke. A creature that steals them This L-shaped Hallway leads from the Main Hall into can choose to wear the clothes. While his expression is haughty, there is something roughNot everyone is what they seem on the Rail-Away, in more around the edges about him, notable due to a few scars on ways than one. Hehas also learned that the bartender loves cinnamon-based sugar sweets. Its doors command word is open. The walls mirror. Cargo / Livestock Car be cracked with a DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation)This multi-purpose carriage is one of the smaller of the check. The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns 149 The Grand Shanty Creatures with an innate climbing speed, such as from Events a spider climb ability or similar, automatically receive a 20 on this ability check. His Plot One (Cause of Death) plan is to force Gammon to capitulate to his demands Lady Ulume Gammon and her half-sister Esthene with the curse. Dretin Dalmura has advantage on saving Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16throws against being charmed, and magic cant put the drow Languages: Common, Goblin, some Elvishto sleep. The Swallows C4. To do so, A5. He wears a out its properties.number of ornate gloves, and has a pair to match every outfit.Lord Almanors neck is wreathed in multiple bejeweled If the player characters free her from the collar by casting removegolden chains and his ears are studded with gems. Sami spends all of his time running the tavern, Kem Kasik checking up on guests, helping the other staff members,Kem Kasik is a young-looking human man with shoulder- and doing loads of paperwork. healing to whoever answered the last riddle. truly one of a kind, The Wildaback is a lonely creature at heart and finds it hard to communicate with others, Once an avid spiritual wanderer, Kem became the but looks upon those that visit with benevolence andimmortal caretaker of The Wildaback ages ago. The water comes from several spouts on the wall at this stage. Trying to steal the self-playing instruments Tender. It has two additional arms that protrude from risks invoking the attention of the ethereal guardian, its back, and it wears a top hat (animated headwear) as the instruments will create loud noises in panic. The Seeker shows up dead at Death's Door, her staff has her brother's soul in it which is impossible without killing his body or putting it in an eternal coma, the Ironstout tavern's main storyline involves a wraith and will-o-wisps, a horse whose eye is mentioned straight out d i e d by what's in it, and so on. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., oneBeak. Lady Gammonthe situation. 2d10 500 gp stones 1d20 1,000 gp stones A recently swallowed family of 3 (1d6) very confused E4. If a battle later occurs in that location, this golem will not attack the player characters and will instead fight alongside them.If the players attack the trapped stone golem, it will fight back, but as if caught in an entangle spell and with disadvantage.11 As you enter this roughly square open area, a flock of flying beasts land and squawk a challenge, but do not immediately 1d10+1 2 attack. Pull Up the Sail. She needsthem found and now before word gets out that shes lost Wyvern Giant Crocodile Hellhoundher touchshe cant punch someone she cant find. If the players to sleep in the stasis chamber here will suddenly be dispel this effect using dispel magic, it will either attack them embraced by the invisible humanoid.
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