Tags: Question 3. 3. it was hard for blacks to fight for their rights by peace and talk than violence and hatred; when you address the issue it becomes the beginning of change, For My People by Margaret Walker, Incident by, Letter From Birmingham Jail by Dr. Martin Lut. He is not wealthy (52), he is very spiritual (55). Question 3. Heres the scroll, The world and summary of my luck. You that choose not by looks, Gamble as fair and choose as true! Some divine power gave him the power of turning whatever he touched into gold. I give them with this ring, Which, if you part from it, lose it, or. America by Claude McKay | Poetry Quiz - Quizizz Answer: She is fortunate because she is not dull by nature and can learn things. Invictus by William Ernest Henley - Poem Analysis Is Bank Reconciliation not required in every company? She was unemotional and business like while talking to the Prince of Morocco and the Prince of Arragon. having made one, me thinks it should have power to steal both his, and leave itself unfurnishd : says that it surprises him that the painter was able to finish the second eye of the portrait, because the beauty of the first eye should have absolutely dazzled the artist, so that he could not see to complete the second one. Having made one eye, I think it should have power to steal both his, And leave itself poor: yet look, how far The body of my praise insults this shadow By valuing it less, so far this shadow Limps behind the substance. The other half which belongs to her too belongs to Bassanio. She is happier still that she has the aptitude to learn. Celine's professor did not realize that Celine was using a(n) ______________ to make the topic sounds less explicit. JESSICA : When I was with him, I heard him swear To Tubal and to Chus, his countrymen, That he would rather have Antonios flesh Than twenty times the value of the sum That he owed him; and I know, my lord, If law, authority, and power, dont deny him, It will go hard with poor Antonio. Happier than this : and a happier circumstance than that is etc. Bassanio cannot believe that he has won until Portia Confirms this fact. Question 2. Answer: The splendid success which followed Bassanios choice of the right casket is too good to be believed by him. Read these lines from Whitman's "O Captain! Question 4. Thus, Bassanios luck is shining. [CDATA[ \text{Cash} & \$\hspace{7pt}60,000 & \$\hspace{7pt}50,000 \\ PORTIA : How all the other passions fly to the air, As doubtful thoughts, and rash-embraced despair, And shuddering fear, and green-eyed jealousy! What do Portia and Nerissa plan to do in the absence of Bassanio? Thus, there is nothing to fear in death, for death will . What does he find in the leaden casket? Twenty merchants, The Duke himself, and the noblemen of greatest reputation, have all tried to persuade him; But no one can drive him from the envious plea of default, of justice, and his promise to pay. In actual terms, this total is an uneducated girl, lacking in guidance and experience. And yet, dear lady, Even rating myself as zero, you shall see How much I was bragging. Question 3. Which rhetorical appeal do both excerpts use? answer choices. Closing with a purpose Portia says that a short while ago, she was the mistress of that beautiful palace, with all its servants. The professor agrees, thinking the topic will be on the benefits of fri The polarization in today's Congress has roots that go back decades Question 4. Earlier in a line she talked of detaining him for a 'day or two'. First, she wants Bassanio to wait for some time before exercising his choice. When a ship captain dies, it is a tragedy, because he is the leader of the boat, just as Lincoln was the leader of the country. Mark has a nice smile.3. Answer: But for the sake of Bassanio, she wishes to be many times richer than what she is so that he might love her and prize her highly. He hears the mechanics, the carpenter, the mason, and the boatman singing. Question 2. Mark has a nice smile.3. Why is the speaker doubtful whether what he sees is true? He had to try hard with his oaths of love to win Nerissas heart. \end{array} Selling and general expenses, excluding depreciation, amounted to $34,000. But it also refers to a nation, or a kingdom. SONNET 104: WHY DO YOU THINK APRIL WILL HAVE A PERFUME? So he was in danger of starving to death, and had to pray to the gods to withdraw their gift, thou pale and common drudge : Silver is called a pale and common servant, passing from man to man (i.e., in the form of silver coins), meagre lead : unattractive lead, in comparison with gold and silver. The style is clearly indicative of a maidens unexpressed love which she is finding hard to conceal. She would be filled with remorse, wishing that she had rather broken the oath and helped him to win by choosing correctly. Shakespeare's Sonnets essays are academic essays for citation. Sales revenue 175,000175,000175,000 310,000 Cost of goods sold (60,000 ) (85,000 ) Salary to owners Jack and Jill (40,000 ) (50,000 ) Employee wages (15,000 ) (20,000 ) Depreciation expense (10,000 ) (15,000 ) Miscellaneous expenses (7,500 ) (9,000 ) Interest income (related to business) 2,000 2,500 Qualified dividend income 500 1,000 Overall net income 45,00045,00045,000 134,500. a. these naughty times put bars between the owners and their rights : the evil times we live in put obstacles between men and their rightful property. Portia refers to the compulsory choice between the caskets, as a barrier to be surmounted before Bassanio can possess himself of what is already his own by right, herself. InterestonbeginningcapitalbalancesSalariesRemainderJordan3%$12,00060%ONeal3%$12,00040%. But not so in case of Bassanio. lord : used as owner without regard to sex. Bassanio says that the portrait is so near to being alive that the artist has almost created life.or whether, riding on the balls of mine, seem they in motion : or is it the fact that their image is taken up by my own eyeballs, which seem to impart motion to them? She tries to remain non-committed but her attitude deceives no one. Question 1. b. BASSANIO : These chests may not be what they seem outside: The world is still tricked by ornament. Find the sum. c. Opening with the main idea. Nerissa and the rest, stand away; Let music sound while he makes his choice; Then, if he loses, he will die as a swan, Fading in music: so that the comparison May be extended, my eyes shall be the stream And watery deathbed for him. What is the source of her satisfaction at this stage? Bassanio heartily welcomes the suggestion and grants Gratianos request provided he can find a wife. Answer: Bassanio chooses the lead casket with its unassuming appearance which does not make attractive promises. I and what is mine is now converted to you and yours, However, now I was the lord Of this beautiful mansion*! master of my servants, Queen over myself; and even now, but now, This house, these servants; and I, Are yours- my lords. He also feels in disgrace with "men's eyes," implying that the general public looks on him unfavorably. It is only after the result of Bassanios choice is known that Gratiano discloses the agreement he and Nerissa had reached regarding their own marriage. ICSE SolutionsSelina ICSE SolutionsML Aggarwal Solutions, //Press briefing by White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Read these lines from 'O Captain! My Captain!'. O Captain! my Captain The progress made by the soldiers has more impact than words. So he chose the dull-coloured leaden casket which challenged him to dare something for love. to you and yours is now converted! now pass to you, and become part of your property. and even now, but now : and just now, at this very moment etc. Question 3. What amount of ordinary income and separately stated items are allocated to them for years 1 and 2 based on the information above? What is the sin referred to in the extract? $99.20+$3.47+$18.63\$99.20 + \$3.47 + \$18.63$99.20+$3.47+$18.63, Margaret Walker and her sister would play house, which they referred to as playing "Miss Choomby," because her father had said that Miss Choomby was a name of a black lady, cause someone to be perplexed and confused, tuberculosis, a lung disease that was widespread in poor communities, blood disease caused by a lack of iron, often due to the lack of good nutrition suffered by the poor, African American communities which were thriving but poor, deprived of the possession of something, especially land or a house, acting with complete knowledge of the world. Halfpriced & New Books on Instagram: "The Oxford Dictionary of "Shakespeares Sonnets Sonnet 29 - When in disgrace with fortune and mens eyes Summary and Analysis". Or it will be like the sweet sound of the dawn that steals into the ears of the sleeping bridegroom. Question 1. He may win; And what is music then? Is that all? Midas was very avaricious and asked that whatever he touched might turn to gold. Answer: Portia is more anxious about the contest than Bassanio who is actually making the choice. I come off to the side, to give and to receive. Beautiful Portias picture! How is Portia unambitious in her wishes for herself? Analysis. Question 1. Who is the speaker of these lines? Drudge actually means a hard-worked slave. . Now he goes, With no less confidence, but with much more love, Than young Alcides went to redeem The sacrifice of young women made by howling Troy To the sea-monster: I stand for sacrifice; The rest aloof are the Dardanian wives, With tear-stained faces coming out to view The outcome of the event. Answer: Portias eyes were so magical that the painter should have become blind after the painting only of the eyes. Moreover, there is the case of beautiful hair, which is often an artificial wig which has been purchased. Read these lines from "O Captain! When Bassanio saw ^ lady Portia, Gratiano saw her maid, Nerissa. In law, what plea is so tainted and corrupt That, being delivered with a gracious voice, Obscures the evil underneath? Explain how Whitman develops an extended metaphor in his poem. Question 5. As the lark "sings hymns at heaven's gate," so the poet's soul is invigorated with the thought of the fair lord, and seems to sing to the sky with rejuvenated hope. Answer: Portia could very easily teach Bassanio how to choose the right casket. He is prepared to risk all for love. Jack and Jill are owners of UpAHill, an S corporation. Is today your first day? Question 3. Which line from Whitman's "O Captain! Since this fortune falls to you, Be content and seek no other new one. Explanation: In the poem "O Captain! To what does Portia refer by this expression? His : effort has been rewarded with success. Live thou, I live : if you are successful, I shall live in happiness.. Shakespeare's Sonnets study guide contains a biography of William Shakespeare, literature essays, a complete e-text, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Wanting one person's talent, and another's opportunity, and things that usually make me happy only making me more upset; "Yet in these thoughts my self almost despising, / Haply I think on thee, and then my state,". The people of the country are celebrating Lincoln's victory. The simile of a lark is developed in lines 10-12, when the speaker describes the effect that a thought of his love has on his "state," or emotional well-being. Celine asks her professor if she can give a speech on "friends with benefits." What is the speaker referring to in these lines? So, you gaudy gold, Hard food for Midas, I dont anything from you; And not from you either, you pale and common exchange Between man and man: but you, you lowly lead, Which threatens rather than promises anything, Your plainness moves me more than any speech, And I choose you: joy be the result! Has not a single one attained its object? More books than SparkNotes. Answer: Portia tells Bassanio to desist from making the choice of the casket. Answer: Yes, it really goes hard with Antonio for a time. Much to the professor's surprise, the speech is about friends who engage in sexual behavior. Like one of two contenders for a prize, That thinks he has done well in peoples eyes, Hearing applause and universal shout, Giddy in spirit, still gazing in a. doubt Whether those peals of praise are his or not; So, three times beautiful lady, I stand I, even like this, As doubtful of whether what I see is true, Until it is confirmed, signed, and ratified by you. Thus, Antonio has secured the loan at the risk of his own life. Total partnership capital after Hill was admitted totaled $450,000. Her worth is yet to reveal itself in her brilliant interpretation of law while defending Antonio in the law court. But O heart! Answer: Bassanios fortune changes incredibly after he wins the prize. He was not led by appearance. Question 5. State in your own words how the fortune of the Bassanio changes after he wins the prize. A celebration is being held by the passengers of a ship. \text{Equipment} & 100,000 & 0 \\ Edited by MJ Davis Lin, Michael Benoist and Lisa Chow. Answer: Portia says that if Bassanio chooses wrongly he will have to leave Belmont at once. Question 5. Explain how the lottery of caskets won by someone but the speaker got the benefit into the bargain. my Captain! For many years, the tradition in the House has been for speakers to vote only on very significant matters or if their vote will be decisive.) Answer: Antonio has helped Bassanio to raise a loan of three thousand ducats from Shylock. Answer: He managed money through his friend who signed a bond with his enemy and got the money. But actually such people are chicken-hearted. Answer: Portia tells Bassanio that for her ownself she would be quite contented to be what she is. In what way Portia sums up her qualities? Answer: Bassanio looks like young Hercules who saved the life of Virgin Hesione from being sacrificed to the sea-monster. a. If he really loves her, he will find it. Out of Many, One: Rhetoric in The Gettysburg Address and "O - Quizlet Upon supposed fairness : upon the head of a lady who has a reputation for beauty, undeserved because the hair is not really her own, but has been cut from the head of some other person who is now dead and in the grave, dowry : possession, guiled : a shore which is dangerous to shipping, he beauteous scarf Veiling an Indian beauty : thought of the negroes of the West Indies as Indians.
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