While we do try to list all the best miles and points deals, the site does not include all card companies or credit card offers available in the marketplace. que tom en cuenta cantidad de accidentes de aviacin, as como lesiones y lesiones fatales en los mismos. Airbus A320-200 de Frontier Airlines en la librea de 2001. It just gives the pilots visual verification as well as a redundancy check. Most have forgotten about the adage "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing". Ese ltimo ao hubo 21 accidentes serios con 986 muertes, mientras que en 2015 se presentaron 16 accidentes serios con 560 vctimas fatales, asegura airlineratings.com El promedio para los. And as people are coming back out into society you see challenges in all walks of life, not just in our industry. In 2021, that is now a federal mandate. The FO inspects the wing from the cabin, just as the FA did in this case. Just exactly what are you suggesting of pre-flight check. Safety comes first, so airlines and crew will tend to resort to prioritizing physical safety. It's too much of a bother to take a look at the wings and see if there's a foot of snow on them? Sure, the captain does a pre-flight inspection of the aircraft, however that is meant to check major parts such as the landing gear, wings, flaps, etc. I worked for a major airline 15 years. The pilot has to rely on the deicers in this situation. Flight continued. Some passengers have become new moms, others have lost loved ones. "Tambin ocup un lugar bajo en trminos de seguridad, ya que registr al menos una lesin fatal en accidentes de . FILE A COMPLAINT. I was on a Piedmont Airlines flight from BWI to (I think) ROC. The other possible scenario is that they may have been low on fluids, told the supervisor and the supervisor may have told them, finish off whats left and when your done, fuel up. Aller simple. TDA applauds the efforts of the Frontier flight crew for detecting the issue before initiating flight. PLEASE take action - NOW! "Delta es la aerolnea ms confiable principalmente porque no tuvo embarques denegados durante el ao pasado. Entre ellas estn Lion Air, Citilink y Batik Air. While the deicers informed the pilots that the plane was clear of contaminants, that wasnt the case. Publicidad. Some aircraft are on the ground 70 minutes between flights, some are there 24 hours. Captain called me to confirm deicing satisfactory, I replied yes. While their at it, cameras to monitor each engine would be hugely beneficial to cockpit crews as well. Deputy Content Manager & Lead US Journalist - Jays extensive travels and experience with premium products has given him incredible insight into the wider landscape of commercial aviation. Frontier Airlines contratara pilotos extranjeros. Especially when for such low cost/effort - most of this issue could be resolved, nearly, if not completely. What about the pilots? The captain is not a mechanic and would be unable to make as thorough of an inspection as a mechanic is trained to do. @ Evan I am a flight attendant, had similar incident on night flight. I also brush the snow off the aircraft before device thereby making the device fluid more reliable and effective. A Frontier Airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing Friday after passengers began screaming and signaling to the pilot that the engine cover was breaking apart from the plane. Obtenez les meilleures offres et conomisez de l'argent avec des remises et des promotions. ex-captain, attorney. I knew better and checked myself to find a t least 1/4 inch smooth ice coating the entire wing bottom surface due to cold soak. EJC and Redman, perhaps you should accept the principle that the PIC bears ultimate responsibility, and maybe your accepted/past practices aren't good enough. WHATSAPP. I currently work in the airline industry and what others have posted above is harsh and for the most part a skewed perception. If you want to know how many Frontier Airlines planes have crashed or if there has been a Frontier Airlines plane crash at all, you'll find out below. There are specific times that require this post deice, in cabin inspection. My opinion of the value and integrity of this forum has gone up as result. El Aeropuerto Regional Muskogee-Davis ( IATA: MKO, OACI: KMKO, FAA LID: MKO) es un Aeropuerto Regional de Negocios propiedad de la ciudad ubicado a siete millas al sur de Muskogee, Oklahoma.El Plan Nacional de Sistemas Integrados de aeropuerto para 2011-2015 llama una aviacin general las instalaciones.. El aeropuerto puede acomodar aviones a reaccin de transporte ligero a pesado. The articles cover air safety incidents for Los seis pasajeros y los dos miembros de la tripulacin murieron. doesn't the pilot walk around the plane before flight? We believe the flight attendants when they say everyone is ready in the back. Its 2022 folks. A multi-faceted issue. The aircraft generally taxis to an offsite facility to have deicing completed. Snow, ice, freezing rain, sleet and freezing fog are sprayed with HOT Type I in the deice pad adjacent to rwy 6 allowing for a quick departure after As a private pilot and deicing operator/driver at BDL (Bradley airport, Windsor Locks, CT) we spray HOT Type I for frost at the gates on overnight aircraft before they're loaded for the first flight approximately 1-2 hours before their departures in the wee hours of the morning. It has been quite a day on social media with a video circulating of an unruly passenger on Frontier Airlines getting taped to a seat after an inflight altercation with the crew. You realize that type of deicing is done on the way to the runway with engines running. The potential for liability alone should instigate a resolution. But when reading this i fell the piolets are at fault also. Pese a la atencin mundial que recibieron varios accidentes de aviacin en 2015, el ao que recin termin mostr una leve mejora en los ndices de mortalidad en siniestros areos, comparados con 2014. Cited by TIME and Intelligent Aerospace, among others, and interviewed by major outlet NPR, Jays focus on route planning and fleet developments allow him to dig deeper into the stories behind the headlines. Pilots should have looked around the plane. Not to mention the people who work for TD always seem miserable. These replies are laughable. En ltimo lugar de la lista, por segundo ao consecutivo, se encontraba Southwest Airlines, que tuvo un colapso navideo que ocup los titulares y contribuy a los malos resultados. Many working for FBO or outsourced services today make a fraction of the salaries paid when the airline was a great industry and job. A flight attendant noticed this as the plane got onto the runway. I thought the police might be called. Hace 20 aos ocurri el accidente del vuelo 965 de American Airlines que enlut a ms de un centenar de familias. I was seated in an exit row window seat. And very well put. Food and beverage are starting to come back, though not everywhere and not uniformly. (CNN) --El ao pasado result ser otro ao increblemente difcil para las aerolneas, ya que la cada en los viajes areos continu durante 2021 debido al impacto de la pandemia en curso.. Incluso ahora, dos aos despus de la aparicin del covid-19, an hay muchos menos vuelos y pasajeros que surcan los cielos. Many moons ago, AA #90 ORD LHR. I am surprised this could have happened (aside from the really poor culture in contract ground handling companies). The only people to blame is the deice crew and the deice coordinator who is supposed to supervise the ops by standing in front of the A/C in view of the crew. I suspect it is gross negligence on the part of the deice company if the story played out as told. We arent going to be out their verifying maintenance has done their job correctly, because we verify our Maintenance Release Document is valid and trust the work was done right. We knew what to look for, followed FFA window recs' and knew who to supervise. I think the bigger challenge is that we've got a lot of individuals that have been impacted; their emotional wellbeing had been impacted during the pandemic. The power of social media it has given everyone a tool to express themselves about everything they know nothing about. The de-ice crew screwed up bigtime. See more about our ethics policies here. It could be the break in the accident chain that saves lives. Great job to the alert FA. Planes are full again. I guess no updates for 8 years! Informed captain I previously worked on the ramp and had deiced aircraft in the past. Why bother doing a preflight inspection, if you can just presume that other people did their jobs right? La aerolnea de bandera de Australia ocupa el sptimo lugar esta vez debido a un "leve aumento en los incidentes junto con la antigedad de la flota". Additionally there are procedures in place for wing inspection after deice if required, at the PICs discretion. IMHO, any PIC/SIC unwilling to get out & do a proper preflight is violating regs, jeopardizing all aboard & should NOT be allowed to fly. La temida escasez de pilotos que se ha anunciado desde hace algunos aos est finalmente aqu. Unfortunately, this type of situation probably happens more than you can imagine. As a result, the passenger needed to be restrained until the flight landed in Miami and law enforcement arrived. airline: country: began operation: average age of fleet: last fatal accident: fatal accidents last 10 yrs: fatal accidents last 20 yrs: comments: air wisconsin: usa: 1965 My jump seat located forward of over wing exit, using flashlight, I noticed ice on left wing and frost build up on right wing. El estudio, en cambio, reserva una calificacin de pobre seguridad a diez aerolneas, provenientes en su mayora de Nepal e Indonesia. Crews are trained to handle these situations to keep them from escalating. It has been happening onboard at an increasing rate, but it still involves a very small minority of customers. Pull out a really tall extension ladder and climb up there to check it up close? Frontier Airlines maintains the utmost value, respect, concern and support for all of our flight attendants, including those who were assaulted on this flight. I am a private pilot who tends to sit in exit row window seats and I absolutely look out over the wing after de-icing just for my own peace of mind. Multiple airlines across the world utilize this method to keep physically aggressive passengers restrained while onboard an aircraft. Subscribe now and continue reading without any limits! NetZero.aero You realize that type of deicing is done on the way to the runway with engines running. 1) its not done at the gate One of the flight attendants took that picture but none of them called me. Similarly in this instance, inspecting the aircraft post deicing is neither practical nor possible in many cases, so they trust that the deicing was performed correctly and go on the information they have been provided. It could be the break in the accident chain that saves lives. Huge cudos to the Flight Attendant in this case! Have a Question? A vast majority of those customers complied with airline policies and federal law. Hopefully multiple someones got throughly kicked in this instance! It's correct allocation of responsibility; de-icing operators, either company or crew. Send us an email with your feedback and questions. In the US, it seems more and more common that unruly passengers are growing verbally irate, assaulting flight attendants or other passengers, and forcing aircraft diversions or security to meet the plane on arrival. Some people are getting onboard an aircraft for the first time since early 2020 or 2019. I dont think that jobs in an industry that hold the lives of people in their hands should be outsourced! The entire airline, deicing company, city, state, and county should be held accountable. A flight attendant noticed this as the plane got onto the runway. And by the way, how do you know your fuel gauge is correct prior to embarking upon a car journey? Need to add a bag or select your seat? The main U.S. low-cost carriers are Spirit, Frontier, Allegiant, and Sun Country - all of which has never suffered a fatal accident. Unless a holdover time is going to be exceeded, a wing check by the pilots is not common or required under most circumstances. CEO of Delta, Ed Bastian, stated the following on the carrier's second-quarter earnings call: "I know some people want to relate it to having to wear masks. I just looked at its website - a 2013 copyright. Cameras should be fitted/retrofitted to at least ALL commercial airplanes flight surfaces - attached to cockpit monitors. Its cheap insurance - as well as being required by all aircraft manufacturers & the FAA. How do you suppose they check the tail? Evenings, weekends and holidays a Sheriff's Dispatcher will answer your call. There is a lot of trust but verify pilots have to deal with. When we arrived at LGA we had to do a go-around in a really low ceiling with wind. One time our flight was even delayed because one of the piolets didnt like what the air pressure was on a wheel. Another big question has been the role of alcohol in unruly passenger incidents. Even though the aircraft was allegedly deiced at a remote (non-gate) location, it's the pilots' responsibility to ensure the aircraft is safe for flight operations. Depending on additional circumstances, the company's training and supervisory employees may also qualify for reckless/negligent endangerment charges (or whatever Tennessee charges correspond). En 2020 se registraron 12 accidentes mortales y 332 muertos, frente a las cifras respectivas de 22 y 297 en 2019, cuando la cantidad de vuelos era mucho mayor. Anyone remember the Air Florida accident? Without question - an eyes-on visual inspection - including full walk around should ALWAYS be done - no matter the size of the aircraft, time of day or weather conditions. Post-arrival, however, there are several tools that regulators and law enforcement agencies are taking. It." If the process is completed at the gate, which only happens at a few airports, the jet bridge is off the airplane. Everyone (including any innocents in the crash path) pay an incredibly high price - all on account of pure laziness. Covering the journey to net zero emissions in aviation. And, this would be a good time to thank the numerous crews that have professionally deiced my flights this winter - which we all hope is coming to an end. We were highly trained and properly motivated, people making good money seem to have a vested interest in keeping people safe and retaining their job. Yes, the captain is responsible for the safety of the flight, however you also have to understand that there are many components that go into this. Everyone talking about the pilots the walk-around it's laughable. I never had a flight attendant call me to tell me there was still ice on the wings. However, the last two are not guaranteed onboard an aircraft. Shame on that deicing operator/company. Once again I called cockpit informing captain left wing still had ice. Aunque no haya hecho mi reserva en flyfrontier.com, puedo usar TSA PreCheck? The Vendor (Trego Dugan) stated to our flight deck crew that the aircraft was deiced and clear of contaminants. Other aircraft getting deiced likely had been there for several hours/overnight. Flight attendants do not control this policy. You'd be a lot better off trying to ask intelligent questions rather than pretending to know answers--which you mostly do not. Frontier Airlines Vols pas chers de Ontario Montego Bay Rservation. About this app. Anyone? Ontario (ONT)Montego Bay (MBJ) Sam. I think you're misunderstanding the situation. Ultimately its always the PICs responsibility to ensure the aircraft is flightworthy. La aerolnea tambin recibi elogios por ser un lder mundial en avances en seguridad operacional durante las ltimas cuatro dcadas. Much like there is a trust that the fuelers are putting the proper fuel onboard and that the mechanics have bolted the engines on correctly, there is a dependence on the de-ice crews being trained and completing their jobs properly. La ltima fue seguridad, con 30 puntos, que tom en cuenta cantidad de accidentes de aviacin, as como lesiones y lesiones fatales en los mismos. Adems figuran en la lista Emirates, Etihad Airways, Eva Air, Finnair, Hawaiian Airlines, Japan Airlines, KLM, Singapore Airlines, Swiss, Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Australia, All Nippon Airlines, American Airlines y United Airlines. Let us know in the comments! document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Ultimately its always the PICs responsibility to ensure the aircraft is flightworthy. We would always physically inspect the wing with our hands to ensure the surface was smooth and was a required part of the briefing to the pilot at the end of deicing. That broke down here by deicer wilfull misconduct, period. Insider enumer las tres categoras que ms contribuyeron a la calificacin total. privacy policy. A recent Frontier Airlines flight had a near catastrophe due to a deicing incident. That said, the outboard fourth of an Airbus wing is visible from the cockpit. A Frontier Airlines Airbus A320-200N, registration N352FR performing flight G9-1047 from Cleveland,OH to Orlando,FL (USA), was on approach to Orlando, A Frontier Airlines Airbus A321-200, registration N702FR performing flight F9-111 from San Juan (Puerto Rico) to Orlando,FL (USA), was enroute at, A Frontier Airlines Airbus A321-200, registration N716FR performing flight F9-1742 from Fort Myers,FL to Cincinnati,KY (USA) with 142 passengers and, A Frontier Airlines Airbus A321-200, registration N709FR performing flight F9-1334 from Orlando,FL to New York La Guardia,NY (USA), was climbing out, A Frontier Airlines Airbus A320-200N, registration N307FR performing flight F9-2047 from Memphis,TN to Las Vegas,NV (USA), landed on Las Vegas', A Frontier Airlines Airbus A320-200N, registration N365FR performing flight F9-1498 from New Orleans,LA to Atlanta,GA (USA), was cleared to land on. Whether you believe in it or not, you are required to wear an approved face covering while onboard an aircraft. . Take a quick walk around the damn airplane before closing the door and firing up. I was on a Piedmont Airlines flight from BWI to (I think) ROC. Reading Levi's comment above, it appears that's exactly what happened (except a dead heading pilot vs. flight attendant). You see it happening in other places as well in society.". Estas son las mejores aerolneas 0:48. No excuses. I flew from YUL to LGA several years ago. Photo: Getty Images, American Airlines Pilots Vote To Authorize Strikes, Scoot Boeing 787 Dreamliner Engine Shuts Down Near Adelaide, 3 Passengers Escorted Off Jetstar Flight Following Violent Encounter, Alaska Airlines Forced To Remove Gendered Uniforms, 1st Asia Route: WestJet Begins Calgary To Tokyo Boeing 787 Flights, Ethiopian Airlines Receives Its 20th Airbus A350-900. The plane was de iced, and confirmed to the cockpit crew. Airlines should copy TWA, which had black lines painted on the wings. We dont close the panels below after theyve loaded everything. It's ok to give an opinion, but take care not to base it on analogizing from your experiences of driving a car All you snipers and back-benchers out there, I mean you, Bill, Peter, JD, Dick B., and Hodor, you're showing off your ignorance of a profession you know very little or nothing about. 720-902-3969. Others have more nefarious intentions, and it can be difficult to judge which passengers fall into which category. All you snipers and back-benchers out there, I mean you, Bill, Peter, JD, Dick B., and Hodor, you're showing off your ignorance of a profession you know very little or nothing about. Resumen 2,0 20.590 opiniones El vuelo 981 de Turkish Airlines (TK981/THY981) fue un vuelo internacional programado entre Estambul y Londres (Reino Unido), con una escala en Pars ().El 3 de marzo de 1974, el McDonnell Douglas DC-10 que operaba el vuelo sufri una descompresin explosiva que caus un dao catastrfico a los controles de vuelo y posteriormente se estrell en el bosque de Ermenonville, cerca de Pars . Qantas no ha sufrido una sola muerte en la era del jet, a partir de los aos 60. It seems quite obvious that many readers here have never been on a plane while it is deiced. Reach out to us on one of our various channels below, at any time, and we will assist you shortly. Once youre airborne, its too late. Those customers may not remember to take off their belt at TSA or may not remember they need to present their ID to check a bag. Or did the deicers realize they were out of fluid and figured it was just easier to send the plane on its way, rather than informing the pilots of the situation. We now have some more information, including statements from the airline and deicing company. As concessions and restaurants have reopened at airports, people are consuming alcohol again, and most airlines have also brought back adult beverages onboard. Dick, you are clueless and need to stay in your lane, No other way around it. It did. Huge cudos to the Flight Attendant in this case! ELITE Simulation Solutions is a leading global provider of Flight Simulation Training Devices, IFR training software as well as flight controls and related services. "Air New Zealand es lder en este campo con un reentrenamiento integral". When I leave my house after a snow storm or any other "event", I check my vehicle to make sure I will be safe drive to wherever I am going. AeroInside is part of the Tiny Ventures Network. Estas son las estadsticas. AeroInside has currently 63 articles available for reading (@accidentes_aviacion) on Instagram: "(23/04/2023) Aeronave Boeing 737-800 de American Airlines, Matrcula . All five occupants, three crew members and two passengers were killed, and the aircraft was destroyed. Aircraft flight hours: 30442. Have a look at the recent safety record of Frontier Airlines. Just saying. Bad weather & de-icing should initiate a double-check of the aircraft condition. First officer walked back to confirm. Again captain made PA prepare for take off. Upon reaching the runway, and preparing for departure, an alarmed flight attendant called the flight deck stating that the wings were covered with snow and ice still. We trust that the de icing crew have done their jobs when they verbally confirm to us they have. employee number 123456, your aircraft has been deiced with type 1 You get what you pay for. A new way to document and demonstrate airworthiness compliance and aircraft value. The advantage of this procedure is to minimize the time between when an aircraft is deiced and departure. This is one of the many reasons why plane windows should be kept open for takeoffs and landings. We dont load the cargo. Prepare to be hungry. An aggressive prosecuting attorney would have the de-icing company and the involved company employees up on attempted murder charges. Its common practice for pilots to trust deicers, just as theyd trust other people integral to the operation. Frontier Airlines acerca el cielo a todo el mundo con sus Tarifas Bajas, Como Deben Ser. Of course you can't 100% guarantee by looking out the window, but it would catch something like this. Absolutely frightening given that the contract crew didn't realize why they were doing what they were doing and why there is no room to do less than perfect. Check now if you're eligible for compensation, Frontier A20N at Orlando on Jan 1st 2023, bird strike, Frontier A321 near Miami on Dec 31st 2022, 9 occupants became ill in flight, Frontier A321 at Fort Myers on Nov 9th 2022, lost cabin pressure, Frontier A321 at Orlando on Aug 3rd 2022, bird strike, Frontier A20N at Las Vegas on Dec 12th 2021, tail strike on landing, Frontier A20N at Atlanta on Jul 15th 2022, on short final for wrong runway, Frontier A20N at Trenton on May 18th 2022, tail strike on landing, Frontier A321 at Orlando on Aug 8th 2019, windshear causes hard landing and tail strike, Frontier A20N at Rochester on Mar 3rd 2022, unsafe gear on approach, Frontier A319 near Denver on Oct 12th 2018, turbulence injures flight attendant, Frontier A321 near El Paso on Dec 2nd 2021, fumes on board, Frontier A320 at Trenton on Nov 23rd 2021, bird strikes, Frontier A20N at Cancun on Oct 11th 2021, flight control vibrations, Frontier A20N near Raleigh Durham on Oct 23rd 2021, fumes in cabin, Frontier A320 at Washington on Jun 4th 2021, runway excursion on landing, Frontier A321 at Denver on Apr 8th 2021, electrical smell on board, Frontier A321 at Denver on Mar 11th 2021, electrical odour on flight deck, Frontier A321 at Nashville on Feb 15th 2021, flight attendant prevents takeoff with contaminated wings, Frontier A20N at Denver on Aug 27th 2019, turbulence injures flight attendant, Frontier A20N enroute on Feb 23rd 2020, passenger oxygen masks dropped in flight, Frontier A321 at Seattle on Dec 8th 2019, bird strike, Frontier A320 at Green Bay on Nov 14th 2019, bird strike, Frontier A321 at Philadelphia on Oct 30th 2019, sealed return, Frontier A20N at Colorado Springs on Oct 28th 2019, overran runway on landing, Frontier A20N at Windsor Locks on Jul 28th 2019, gear refuses to come down, Frontier A20N at Cincinnati on Jul 22nd 2019, bird strike, Frontier A321 near Atlanta on Apr 21st 2019, crew oxygen leak, Frontier A320 at Dallas on Dec 25th 2018, cabin did not pressurize, Frontier A321 at Cleveland and Tampa on Jan 1st 2019, six passengers become sick, Frontier A320 at Las Vegas on Nov 30th 2018, engine doors separated, Frontier A321 at Islip on Nov 1st 2018, fumes on board injure 10 people, Frontier A320 at Denver on Sep 10th 2018, bird strike, Frontier A321 near Raleigh/Durham on Aug 15th 2018, odour in cabin, Frontier A319 near Albuquerque on Jun 24th 2018, oil contaminant odour in cabin, Frontier A320 near Phoenix on May 27th 2018, odour on board, Frontier A320 near Albuquerque on May 20th 2018, burning odour in cabin, Frontier A319 near Denver on May 14th 2018, unidentified odour on board, Frontier A20N at Kansas City on Apr 24th 2018, unsafe gear, Frontier A319 at Austin on Apr 5th 2018, engine stall, Frontier A20N near Las Vegas on Mar 20th 2018, navigation computer issue, Frontier A320 near Tampa on Feb 3rd 2018, LiOn fire on board, Frontier A20N near Miami on Dec 27th 2017, flight attendant injured in flight, Frontier A320 near Albuquerque on Nov 22nd 2017, smoke in cockpit, Frontier A320 at Indianapolis on Aug 6th 2017, bird strike, Frontier A320 near Kansas City on Jul 2nd 2017, cracked windshield, Frontier A321 near Indianapolis on Dec 4th 2016, fuel system problems, Frontier A321 at Orlando on Nov 25th 2016, door issue, Frontier A321 near New Orleans on May 27th 2016, engine shut down in flight, Frontier A319 near New Orleans on May 4th 2015, "lost windshield", emergency descent, Frontier A319 near Las Vegas on Jan 6th 2016, engine problem, Frontier A319 near Jacksonville on Dec 9th 2015, engine and/or hydraulic problem, Frontier A319 near Las Vegas on May 18th 2015, laser beam injures pilot, Frontier A320 at Washington on Mar 8th 2015, bird strike, Frontier A319 at Houston on Feb 13th 2015, gear indication on departure, Frontier A320 near Denver on Jul 11th 2014, lightning strike, Frontier A319 near Dallas on Dec 7th 2013, loss of cabin pressure, Frontier A319 at Denver on Oct 25th 2013, rejected takeoff, Frontier A320 near Indianapolis on Oct 9th 2013, hydraulic problems and foul odour on board, Frontier A320 at Wilmington on Sep 8th 2013, engine fire indication, Frontier A320 near Denver on Aug 12th 2013, severe turbulence injures 4, Frontier A319 near Ft. Lauderdale on May 10th 2012, turbulence injures 3 flight attendants, Frontier A320 near Nassau on Jul 30th 2012, cargo smoke indication, Frontier A318 near Shannon on Jun 26th 2012, engine shut down in flight. It is obviously that a marginal visual check would have seen that was not the case, so they willfully lied, ie they had intent to lie. Qu sucede si TSA PreCheck no figura en mi pase para abordar? WHATSAPP. Now a visual check of the nose in front of the cockpit, combined with not exceeding holdover time suffices. After spending the last year worried about job security, the industry is now facing a labor shortage, and new hires are not coming on fast enough to relieve some of the pressure on workers. Una sola aerolnea del continente americano est en la categora de una estrella otorgada por el estudio de airlineratings.com. Las 10 aerolneas de bajo costo ms seguras son: Allegiant Air, easyJet, Frontier Airlines, Jetstar Group, Jetblue, Ryanair, Vietjet Air, Volaris, Westjet y Wizz Air. I was alarmed when I noticed there was snow and slush still on the wings and rang for an FA. it is their responsibility to check if deice procedures have been well follow and that all contamination is removed, when they give the post contamination check to the crew, it is their responsibility, the crew had to trust the deice crew as there is no way for them to check physically what's going on around the wings and tail section.