My mind is quiet. Often, we as human minds get into conflicts and find ourselves unable to decide whats wrong or right? I AM releasing into the violet-laser light all subconscious blocks in my emotional bodycause, effect, record and memoryfrom this and past lifetimes. Fill me with your love so I can send love to all at the highest vibration possible. Saint Raphael is the healing angel, I pray to him to take my need for healing and that of everyone I know, lift it up to your throne of grace and deliver back to us the gift of recovery. Previous, painful experiences with the wrong person break people to the extent that they swear not to allow anybody in their lives. I ask for the harmonious fusion of our bodies, minds, souls and spiritsto be instantaneous and complete. "Beloved Archangel Michael, Angle of love, I pray you to bring my twin flame in my life and protect our love forever. If not seen him in 6 weeks and hes hardly communicated with me. Through My Mighty I AM Presence, Beloved God, My Heavenly Source, Please invoke and manifest in me and my twin flame now the Sacred Violet Flame of Transmutation. I ask that this LOVE now given be magnified by 100 million times more powerful than all other love and light previously sent and that it be allowed to go exactly where it is needed the most! Ill acquire greater spiritual awareness. In this divine union, they both feel like home and infinite belonging. I was perfectly comfortable and preferred keeping that private for several reasons. Hear, O Universe, I AM grateful! Archangel Gabriel - Angel of the Annunciation However, The will to be together must be from both sides. The name Michael appears five times in the Bible. If I falter, please lift me up, and help me see the life I should be living. Lord, You Who said, I leave you peace, my peace I give you, grant that, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, we may be liberated from every evil spell and enjoy Your peace always. Goddess of Purity, I desire to return to a Being of Love at all times. . It may take time to grow inward, but they can come back together if they desire and work on themselves. Archangel Michael Ways to Manifesting Your Twin FlameHow would you like to meet 'the one' and share the closest romantic soul connection in your lifetime?You. Then hand in hand, homeward bound, Until our Light shines forth, Bring to the land, to hearth and home The fruit of Christ Eternal. The Violet Flame is a high-frequency energy that can be used to transmute negative energy into positive energy. Helpme tolearn and use the simple art of letting go and letting God perform His perfect work in me and through me. PDF PRAYERS AND DECREES FOR TWIN FLAMES - book study groups O Life, be nourished by this Love! Amen. Be with us in our final moments and when our souls quit this earthly existence, carry them safely to the judgment seat of Christ, and may Our Lord and Master bid you bear us quickly to the kingdom of eternal bliss. Catholic Prayer to St Michael the Archangel. Intensify the action of the circle and blue sword, O raise me now, O raise me now; O speak thy sacred word. One needs to express when one needs to make the other one feel loved or important. Archangel Michael Prayer. Do not despise one of these little ones, Matthew 18:10 says. Ruby love, now blaze through me; expand my heart this hour. So, the answer to your doubt is a big Yes; twin flames can sense each others energy at some levels. At Peace, I AM and Free Proclaiming our Eternal Bliss In Lifes true Destiny! I ask you to act on our behalf and our personal protection, and for the protection of our love. Amen. In the Name of the Beloved Mighty Presence of God, I AM in me, and my very own Beloved Holy Christ Presence, by the Power and Authority of the Immortal, Victorious Threefold Flame blazing upon the Altar of my Heart, I call to Beloved Alpha and Omega in the Great Central Sun, Beloved Helios and Vesta in the Sun of our System, Beloved Saint Germain and Portia, Beloved Maha Chohan, Beloved Omritas Ruler of the Violet Planet, Beloved Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, Beloved Mighty Elohim Arcturus and Victoria, Beloved Sanat Kumara, Lady Master Venus and the Seven Holy Kumaras, Beloved Jesus and Mother Mary, Beloved Kwan Yin, the Lords of Karma, and the Hierarchs of the Elements Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Akasha, to Blaze the Violet Transmuting Flame throughout my entire consciousness, being, and world. Archangel Micheal is the only Angel mentioned in three different texts of three different religions. Prayers/Angels | Pure Love I put my faith in you pray you to remove all the blockage my heart or spirit has. PDF Calls and Affirmations of the Lord through the Archangels 2. In the FU]*CKAPH3 Tp?e9"c*CzOq4/-|FxER n\@/@p)1G 9#P: ;4WF37LK Archangel Michael has numberless guardian angels at his command. I AM a being of violet fire I AM the purity God desires.I AM a being of violet fire I AM the purity God desires.I AM a being of violet fire I AM the purity God desires. I call to remove the human-imposed self-limitations that stop us from the full expression of our twin flame identity and the accomplishment of our original contract with Spirit in service to mankind. Let it be done according to Gods holy will. Holy Father, you have given us archangels to help us during our journey on earth. Their job is to protect the children of God from physical and spiritual dangers. Astrea, clear my feeling mind,in purity my peace I find,with higher feeling you release,I co-create in perfect peace. Amen. SEAL! I am fully open to your divine guidance and love. Astrea, with great clarity,I claim a new identity,etheric blueprint I now see,I co-create more consciously. Violet Flame Prayer | Invoke The Violet Flame You and your twin flame should choose the prayer that best fits your circumstances. Final Words About Twin Flame Prayer: Connecting with your twin flame is genuinely not so easy and instant; sometimes, it may feel chaotic. If you have been in the wrong relationship and are afraid of getting involved again, Seek help directly from God. Archangel Michael Prayer to Manifest Twin Flame #Shorts Archangel Michael Prayer for Protection! - YouTube Protection Decree to Archangel Michael | The Violet Flame I call for divine justice and the true and righteous judgments of God. May the Lord rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do You, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the grace of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits Please prepare the way for the unfoldment of the light. . SEAL! The Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel usually refers to a specific Catholic prayer to Michael the Archangel, one of many prayers addressed to him. Let your prayer and divine angels help you bring your love closer to you. Help me to create a harmonious environment which will encourage and foster my nurturance, creativity, and growth. Connection to self ultimately leads to peace and increase the wisdom to allow your twin flame to recognize you in time. O Life, be filled with cosmic Love! What to Expect; Our Barbers; Partners; The Service. In the name of my higher self and my twin flame, I call upon the angels to seal our hearts and let us recognize each others soul purpose. Let me vibrate the energy that attracts my twin flame and connect us as soon as possible. The archangel Michael is perhaps best known for being the constant thorn in Satan's side. Le our bond be greater the circumstances, and we stand by each other in good or bad. from every threat or harm from the evil one, and protect him by raising him above all evil. Please surround them in your loving support and healing presence. I ask you to eliminate all the differences between my soulmate and me. By the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit., In the name of my Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin FlameI pray that we reuniteI cancel all negative karma, clouding our ability to recognize each other, and creating a sense of separation.I call to dissolve the human imposed self-limitations that keep us from the full expression of our twin flame identity, and the fulfillment of our original contract with Spirit in service to mankind.I call for my Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin FlameI call for my Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin FlameI call for my Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin Flame, I pray that We reunite in Divine Love. After completing the nine salutations say Our Father, who art in Heaven four times. The River of Life never stops flowing. I ask and accept that I am lifted in this and every moment into Higher Truth. And I embrace my pure soul as who I AM., I welcome the transformation that is allowing my true essence to shine through more and more as I embrace the pure energies coming in in the Equinox portal, and subsequent portals as I refine my energy increasingly and permanently, showing me the way to connect fully with Source.. I do not give permission for anyone to affect my physical space or being, whether they are spirits, entities, men or women from any direction and dimension in this world. Id never invoked these beings or the violet flame becore. Envelop me in purity, your blazing aura bright! Let it be done according to Gods Will. In this journey we see lots of signs and synchronicities. This morning, he sent me several messages, saying he was sorry hes been out of touch and that he wants to reconnect soon and said a couple of things which gave me hope for us in the future. Teach me how to use the Resurrection Flame to conquer fear and achieve true God-mastery. I will let Your Healing begin, SEAL! He and Mother Mary rule the Angels of Healing. " Archangel Michael connect with me now" or "Archangel Michael protect me . Simple Prayer: Be consistent in your Prayer and believe in him. Let me be positive in all things and in response, let all good things come to me. As I encircle my twin flame and I in the violet flame, I ask God/Lord Jesus to please send to my twin flame and I, Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Ariel, Chamuel, The Ascended Masters, Lady Portia and Saint Germain, as I invoke the violet flame and all the violet flame angels to go forth and find all soul fragments belonging to my beloved twin flame and myself, and cut them free to return for healing and integration into our being so we can be reunited in the physical. May the vibration of our love, union and common purpose bring peace, healing and light to all people around us. Enhance my aura and fill my heart with the love and protection my twin flame deserves. me and every person on Earth in your Cross of Blue Flame and your RingPass Not of Gods First Cause of Perfection now and forever! In this channel that was given by Archangel Michael to a private client, he explains that the Twin Flame is an energy that is found primarily within you, and then can be experienced in the outer or manifest world. It is done! I call to remove the human-imposed self-limitations that stop us from the full expression of our twin flame identity and the accomplishment of our original contract with Spirit in service to mankind. I AM the Violet Fire A Mighty Whirling Flame. Whatever my ancestors have done, whatever pacts they have made, whatever they invoked, I no longer choose to participate. -Jivanmukti, God, I completely surrender to your love and light now fully on all levels. Click to access SoulMates_TwinFlames_Prayers_C.pdf,, In the name of the ChristI call to the blessed I Am Presence of our twin flamesFor the sealing of our hearts as oneFor the victory of our mission to humanity. Twin Flame ~ Prayer to Archangel Michael for protection/help I saw the twin flame prayer for reuniting and felt an urge last night to recite it. I will not fear evil because You are with me, my God, my strength, my powerful Lord, Lord of peace, Father of all ages. I call on Gabriel to be with me now. I ask you to raise us to the highest vibration of LOVE and Lightand to conduce us to our ascension in union still on Earth.