Long time no see Its Jeff Stahr group 3 with Adam Thomson, Doogie, Austin, Mike Hayes, Eli, Josh Brey and Causus and the rest of them. I will never forget being a 17 year old girl and having a man come into my room and literally haul me out of bed..as a sexual abuse survivor, it was terrifying. Nick didnt need this place no one needed this lots of graduates from cross creek are or have since been to prison. got pulled out because i stopped eating, lost about 100 pounds, Mike, when were you at CC and what group were you in? Owner of Casa By The Sea and co-owner of High Impact. craig hanson is a liar, deceiver, and that place is the most dishonest place ever. I was in group 4 with thane for all of 2006. I attended and graduated highschool while at Casa by the Sea in early 2000s. After the closing both Miguel and his wife Ali Hernandez were invited to come back to work for Casa By the Sea, where Miguel was responsible for more assaults on students and Ali assisted in the admissions department. I was here around 04 @ cross creek from 04-06 horrible experience they condition your brain so drastically when i got out in the real worl i could not function in public or be comfortable around people for years i would get horrible panic attacks and though i have gotten to be much better i still get those panic attack type feelings from time to time anything you want to help for this site let me know! But it gucci my parents were asians spoke weak english easy to manipulate but however writing letters and waiting just waiting to hear a response back. Thank you. I was in group five and six with craig. How are you? Female student mistreated at Utah & Jamaica Lyndsay, 1999 Three Points Center - BREAKING CODE SILENCE In December 2003 I was kidnapped by the mountain men. Damn I remember Dallas haha. Just another obstacle in my journey. Any idea who we could contact to get a high school transcript for work done in 2007 by my son? My son still will not talk about everything that happened there. These kids were nerds never used drugs or fought came to cross creek got reprogrammed and meanwhile heard the stories of others and lived a fight or flight life for years and when they got out they couldnt handle real life. Although . d canadian piece of shit. I have a few friends on FB from back then but would love to check in with some of my other sisters. There has been talk about re-naming it, and the YFI website has gone black. Sam., and Mr. Tony were pretty cool though good times playing vball!! He was there for 18 months 2006-2008. When I went in I only read shit like Bukowski and Hunter S Thompson. Then, in 1999, he took an ownership interest in the Cross Creek Programs, where he still serves as Administrator. I got lost down this rabbit hole, and Im seeing some familiar names pop up. I attended Cross Creek from 2006-2008. Teen Mentor was shut down in March 2011 by Costa Rican authorities after they received numerous complaints from children and parents regarding abuse at the school. I was there for close to two years and I never even finished Discovery seminar. I also went to red river/ USYouth Services. Wasp is a business and they only want your parents money, they dont give a fuck about you or your family. your name looks familiar.. Ron Garrett is now the Softball Director for the Huntsman Senior Games in St. George Utah. Many former students have reported abuse at the facilities. I was at Cross Creek 06-07 and the description for Ron Garrett is spot on. For anyone who was in group five from January 2017 June 2017, I think about all of you often. I watched it happening everyday. Reading through this thread and seeing so many familiar names really brings me back, justin, Colin, I knew lots of these guys, one day we all need to meet back up and exchange stories, wish all of you the best, I know first hand how hard it can be adjusting to life outside after going through such a traumatic event, God bless! Most drank the unKookaid and wre the teachers pet favoritism. I went along with the program and left those tendencies in the CDC. I wait with bated breath. So good to see you two on here! It seemed like when I turned 30 this year, I started to think about things more again. I was in group with Corey Padilla, I even kicked it woth him in Santa Barbara after we got out. Narvin Lichfield has had a long and checkered history with WWASP. Wayne Winder Anyone here at Casa from 1998-1999? I fortunately was one of the few lucky ones who figured out how to get in and out of that place fast. The boy side staff were very relaxed and there was very few restraints. One Survivors Report Kelly Adams. I witnessed some horrific things go down that no one deserved regardless of how troubled they were. Jade Robinson Im a union electrician I have two beautiful kids and a loving wife. He definitely helped ease my time there. I finally got help. George Tofaeono The gymnasium and dining hall are completely closed off but I was able to take some pictures and video through the glass of the dining hall. I can name at least 3 other people in the same situation but ill keep their names off the post cause I havent seen them on here. After 42 days, I was sent to Bridges Boys Academy, I ran multiple times on the third attempt I got caught and sent to a lock down facility in gladstone. We follow the Lord and value family. Victory Lawsuit Against Abusive Teen Help | Help Your Teens Group 8 September 2007-July 2008, LINK TO ALBUM: https://photos.app.goo.gl/rBdUCYeqz4ad92VC7. I was one of the girls who unfortunately spent days on end in isolation and was restrained several times. That stone cold prick can rot in hell. miller.mDOTdaveATgmail.com, I will be getting access to the inside of the property that Cross Creek was located on. I remember this guy Eric Rostdoc marten wearing skinhead punkjust kidding, how are you eric? POH was billed as facility for 18-22 year-olds, but there are multiple reports of children under 18 being held there. I was at TB and Cross Creek. Incomplete submissions will be denied. https://www.facebook.com/groups/wwaspsurvivors/, Thanks Bill, Ive already submitted a request to join. I thought I was a young Robert Lowell or something in there. Cameron Pullan first worked for WWASP at Cross Creek in 1991 and 1992. I was there from 03-04 in group 7. I know exactly what you mean. I spent 16 months in cross creek, what a waste. WWASPS stated that it was an umbrella organization of independent institutions for education and treatment of troubled teenagers. You could also not agree that the sky was blue, but it wouldnt change colors. I hope that asshole is dead. You were like the first dude outside of my group that talked to me. So I was there when it first started and completed the program after 13 months. I was there. What up yall. It has been on my mind a lot recently. I am a lawyer in Alexandria Louisiana and I have been contacted by a family, whose son was possibly abused at this facility. Love is all I have left. Karr Farnsworth have served many roles for WWASP in the many years he has been involved in WWASP. Ill never forget praying with you every night to make it out alive. Ginton was arrested on chrages of child abuse by authorities in 2007 and the school was shut down in 2008. Vaifanua started his career with WWASP at Cross Creek, La Verkin Utah, Then in 1994 he opened Paradise Cove. Fuck that horrible place and everyone that worked there. Most cross creek ppl Ive talked to now have drug problems or have died because of drugs, that should tell you a lot. Total garbage and illegal to boot. They wanted me to assure them I was not going to bring any of the detention center tendencies to their facility. I was there in February 2003 never forget. Im still having nightmares up to this day 13 years later (posting this on July 4th, 2021). I was in Cross Creek in 07 I think it was. I suffer from agoraphobia and dont leave the house much. Having your freedom and humanity stripped away from you like that, leaves a scar. He was in Craigs group and was there 2006-2008. When I was at Cross Creek, he was one of the good guys. Jay Kay Were it up to me, I would put every one of these concentration camps out of business and criminally indict all those involved in the abuse. Im a 34 year old man who is married with two kids, owns a house, and has a wonderful life. Ive been trying to find him and cant seem to. Your name sounds familiar. As a Judicial Assistant, she has authorized access to all court records, and could very well manipulate or what if she has already manipulated files. A Board member from the Alta Mirada Townhome Association located in Tempe, AZ left a note of appreciation for their. Opened in 1988, by Robert Lichfield and Brent Facer, CCM was Lichfields first facility and largely considered the hub of the WWASP conglomerate. Cross Creek Center for boys was later added in the late 1990s. You and all those pieces of shit need to be professionally executed. I wish I wouldve find this site years ago. yes a fight club. Around 2003 he attempted to open a program called Bell Academy in California which was swiftly shut down due to licensing issues. I also take issue with your assertion that I havent moved on. This site is my way of seeking to prevent future children from having to suffer as I did. Seth S. Group 7. These are the owners, directors, staff and employees of the World Wide Association of Specialty Programs (and Schools) also known as Teen Revitalization, and marketed by TeenHelp LLC. There is no way to get transcripts from them. Where you at these days? Intentionally provoking kids, which many times resulted in flip outs and catagories and restraint. Any information at all please!! Justin Silverman????? Suffered Ron Garrotts abuse too. I do know that the girl side was a lot more strict and they were very anal about following the rules. Thats me lol. july 2004 to april 28, 2006. my 18th bday. Royal George Academyit (m there) April 2007 To 2008 Call it either a prison with a nicer outfit or a Gladiator School (Prison). We did room together in the other facility off the main campus. They traumatized me and I have PTSD and horrible social anxiety as a result of it. Your name sounds familiar, Rob, when were you at CC and what group were you in? Please tell me what reason do I have to lie? Dave Salmi (Karr Farnsworth grandson) is an obnoxious ruthless prick and I hope he isnt still working in the Troubled Teen Industry but if he was I would not be surprised in the least. Hi my name is Joey and I was a student at Cross Creek in 2002 2003. I didnt find out until later how bad the manipulation was, my parents would never have sent me out to Jamaica or somewhere, told them repeatedly that would never be an option. Defendants Cross Creek Manor, LLC, Cross Creek Center for Boys, LLC (Cross Creek Defendants) and Karr Farnsworth (Farnsworth) move to join in the WWASP Defendants' Motion to Dismiss and the WWASP Defendants' Motion for a More Definite Statement. Jason Finlinson first became involved with WWASP when he served as Director of Casa By The Sea. We all went through something thats hard to fully explain to people who havent experienced it. I hate that man with a passion! You left soon as you turned 18. lost a shit ton of weight because i refused to eat. See my survivor testimony and that of Daniel Mauerer for more info as to conditions at these two programs. But it was because I was terrified with the threats of we will send u to jamaica if u dont comply, where they can keep u till 25 and have rights to do way worse things or we spoke with your parents and if you dont stay we are going to go to court and take away ur rights till 25. So I kept my mouth shut and played the game. We gotta contact eachother!! I will never forget that fucking worksheet room! TBH I only try to remember the good parts basketball, volleyball, board games, cards Maysam I find it interesting that most allegations of abuse are from kids who went there 2001-2006ish. I dont remember if thats what they called it. He also owns and manages a gas station and condos right across the river from Nauvoo (Montrose, Iowa). I remember Thane, but I wasnt in your group. After Tranquility Bay, in 1998he again served as Assistant Director, this time for Carolina Springs, working under Narvin Litchfield. Hmmm. Michael Hall, When in 2003 did you get there and what group were you in? But i hope they find something new to help troubled teens, everything is so sugar coated these days. Hey blake, werent you my staff buddy? He took it upon himself to personally harass each new student in what he called Ron-Meetings where he would mock them and scream in their faces until they broke down and burst into tears. Wwasp is a bad organization. Firstworked for Paradise Cove in Samoa. Has had countless allegations of abuse. Richard Darrington He then went on to open, concurrently with CSA, The Academy at Dundee Ranch in Costa Rica in (year). They actually ran a program called New Beginnings in LaVerkin Utah back in summer 1991. This is the property on North State St. Im trying to gauge how important it is to others here to see the inside again as Im thinking about documenting it. I can remember working in the kitchen and being told to make the worst possible meal for those in the isolation room, or 30 second showers, or the horrible tape room that would drive anyone insane. 2 wonderful people who made a very positive impact on my life. My god I hope you arent actually a mental health professional. The separate office/admin building in the parking lot is not used. I remember that day they told me if I left I would most likely die. Yes!! Justin remember me? Id really like to know what went on. I dont remember if thats what they called it. School chairs, desks, computers and monitors in the therapist offices, and a lot more are laying around everywhere. Its funny you mention suicide: more than half of the people I havent seen online that Ive looked up have been either dead or in prison. 2005-07 While they called us crying the first few times. In 2001, he left CBS in order to move to New York and open the Academy at Ivy Ridge. This kid was absolutely crazy. If its a matter of us just not moving on with life, how are so many of us successful professionally and personally if that were the case? You name sounds familiar. You were 19 and still there if I recall correctly. Hey fellow survivors of that shit hole.. IDK if you remember me or not but I also was at CC from June 04 till Dec 04 where because of my behavior was punished by being sent to Red Cliff Accent, which might I add was the BEST punishment EVER compared to that place. When did all of this start happening I was never mistreated or anything while I was there but I was in Norms group and then they moved me to B group with Brent I think his name was. Fuck every single one of these low life fucks getting off on beating kids, molesting them and laughing about it. I was in Parkers group with you. Keep going. He personally called me and many girls sluts and bitches during his infamous ron meetings. Ron Garrett Please SUBSCRIBE, like and comment or donate to my PayPal (link on top of Channel Page) to help Support this channel.Brad went to Cross Creek Manor and then . My thoughts are with you all. Randall Hinton 5+ days) sitting in structure and brutal attack therapy sessions that he appropriately named after himself. When my own family was not around for me they both were. He is just a greedy pig Im now a father. Torment and Torture at Cross Creek Manor By Angelique, Anti-Queer Brainwashing at Cross Creek Manor Xandirs Story He served 25 days in jail and one year of probation. Is there a Cross Creek charter school in Michigan? I too was in Cross Creek from Memorial Day weekend 2004-December 2005. I would do anything for the tape of that fight, I would love to sue that place and I am extremely happy to hear that they are shut down. Got pulled out after 8 months. Oh I didnt graduate after the little scuffle in the cafeteria with Preston and Raphael and a come clean done by a group mate I was too much of a liability to the state of Utah because I was now 18. Cross Creek Programs was founded in 1988 by Robert Lichfield and Brent Facer, originally only for girls. Narvin vowed to reopen, but backed off that claim when he was arrested by authorities in South Carolina in 2011 after he was pulled over and determined to have been driving on a suspended license and without insurance. I would have killed myself. He then served as Assitant Director for Spring Creek in 1996, then took a job in the same role for Tranquility Bayi 1997. Sorry. Hi Daria! Ive been clean for a few years now. Cory Padilla, maybe you remember him. Peace and Love, http://www.utcourts.gov/directory/staff.cgi?location_id=428 What a charming example of exactly the kind of attitude that allows abuse like this to occur. He was at Cross Creek when I was there, 1993-1995. I wish so badly I could have that time I lost back, Im sure you all feel the same way. I couldnt have imagined what was on the other side.. I got pulled and never graduated, thank god! That facility becomes your world. WWASP. He kept pushing MPD on his girls. Pullan served as owner and administrator of the facility until 2009, when he closed the school and sold the property. It terrifies me to recal how insane this place made me, when I was unable to speak to anyone for weeks at a time while in silence for too many categories. Hinton was convicted in 2007 of one count each of third-degree assault and false imprisonment. WWASP & Teen Help Debate - Lon Woodbury comments. - StrugglingTeens Architectural Submissions and Review - Homeowner Resources Officials also found 100 of 193 students did not have the required immigration papers. Remember, Majestic Ranch treated children from 7 to 14., so all victims were under 15 for sure and possibly quite younger. Youll have no idea, just know what comes around goes around. I was fortunate when I went there, but I have many friends that werent. I doubt you would suggest victims of other kinds of violence should get over it merely because they have dedicated their lives to preventing that violence. Just wanted to let you all know you all are pieces of shit. HORIZON ACADEMY HAIKU I was betrayed by family and kidnapped during the day. Conditions at High Impact were said to be deplorable by the Mexican and American authorities that raided and shut down the compound in 2002. Brian Vaifanua I hate that man still till this day. Kay currently serves as superintendent of Browning Distance Learning Academy, a homeschooling curriculum company owned by Robert Litchfield. Many Thanks! I just want to apologize for the way I treated you while I was there. He was murdered in 2009. I dont want to say that CCM is the cause of all my current problems, but I think that this place caused lasting damage that definitely contributed to my current problems. Your name sounds familiar. They also threw mine out. Blake Davis, We were at CC around the same time. (I highly doubt that information transferred to High Impact with me. Cross Creek Survivors - Facebook 8 E DAWN Dr, Tempe, AZ 85284 | MLS# 5600594 | Redfin Horizon academy and cross creek academy ruined my life and distant drums was an escape from all the torture coping with life has been difficult Phoenix Community Association Manager Nominated for G.E.M. I remember getting scabbing on my forehead and blood vessels popping in my eye. The kids were so brain washed info thinking this bullshit mindless program would change them. n. Hey Mike! In the classic nepotistic fashion that a hallmark of WWASP, in 2010 his father appointed him the owner and Administrator of the Teen Mentor facility in Costa Rica. Narvin was also named as a defendant in two other lawsuits, namely Lexington Insurance Company vs. Carolina Springs et al., a personal injury suit, and the Turley class action suit. I was trying to lookup Ricky Mcmaster and ended up down this rabbit hole. Cross Creek Programs was founded in 1988 by Robert Lichfield and Brent Facer, originally only for girls. Craig Hansen and ms lonas group, goddamn miss Lona. Love this site, it is so nice to be amongst friends. Paul Arslanian is Co-Owner of Eagle Ranch Academy in St. George, Utah, which he founded with his brother Dave. "In September of 2004 I was sent to Cross Creek Manor (CCM) Utah- One of the therapeutic boarding schools that were operated by the World Wide Association of Specialty Programs (WWASP). If they were so innocent, and we are all just liars, why have so many been shut down by authorities for sexually misconduct and abuse? Mr Robby, Mr Dallas, Mr Tony, Mr Justin, Mr Brandon and Sam the one ton of fun. Homeowner Association Management Company Phoenix The med counter is still there with the nurse sign still right above it. Secret in Child abuse. You may call me at (318) 445-9696. Later, Robert Lichfield incorporated the World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASP) and programs operating under the Cross Creek Manor model would be referred to as "WWASP programs" by Chaffin Pullan first worked for WWASP at Cross Creek in 1991 and 1992. I knew it would get shut down eventually. I re connected with Norbert Lofe my best friend at cross creek and Kevin Thomas who is now one of my best ground they both also live close by. I mean, Ive been to federal prison, and I can honestly say CCM was worse! a million dollar money making scam at childrens expense. Whats up Drew?! Some were doing it because night shift was simple, they were old, but wanted something to do. In 2002, he was arrested and charged with sexually assaulting one girl, assaulting one boy, and threatening to kill another. Hope all is well with you man. He was asked to enroll his son into a new WWASP program, High Impact, on a short-term basis while they worked out the details of his transfer to Cross Creek. He was also charged with showing a boy pornography and three misdemeanor counts of child abuse. Was up everyone. They quickly learned crying on the phone got them in trouble. That room is enough to drive anyone insane. Gosh, where to start. Learn how your comment data is processed. Latest we have heard, you can contact Browning Academy (being run by Ken Kay) in Utah and he will send school transcripts/records for $50. Im here for all of you and want to hear your stories and hopefully some of you recognize me. If you survived cross creek.well ya know.. To Jon Jones, Corey Callaghan, micheal stratman, Bobby Santiago, and especially Clay Denney. Before opening that program he served as a football coach for several college and professional teams, including Weber State and Utah State. WWASP - Unsilenced I fortunately was only there 6 months before I learned I was able to leave via juvenile probationary period ended but was told I had to stay untill program completion. Wet successful in my current life and have a flourishing social life, so no one knows what Ive been through. Jay Kay, the son of Ken Kay>, got his start in WWASP working for his father as a security guard at Brightway Adolescent Hospital. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. We did what we had to do to survive in there. Paul Ansalanian Fuck Ron Garrett and all the staff that enjoyed bullying people there. Owners & Staff of WWASP/ Youth Foundation Inc - WWASP Survivors I suggest that you remove his comment, Bill. If I took my exit plan I would have served 5-7 years in California state. Many were doing it to get money for school. FUCK JAY KAY AND FUCK YOUR BITCH ASS CHILD MOLESTING CHILD ABUSIVE PROGRAMS. Constantpy restrained by big Samoan guys, 62 and 250+. I was there too in the late 80s. I mean that literally, I would have committed suicide. im just trying to get a hold of anybody i connected with while i was there i remember going through the discovery seminar and they would make us roll up towels cover them in tape and beat carpeted walls while everyone was screaming and i remember being so tired but they would get mad when we would stop and start yelling at us to do it harder and let out our anger i remember being so mentally and physically exhausted i was here for more than 2 years and when my bishop, yes i said bishop not my parents came and rescued me and refused to pay for me to stay longer my parents finally let me come home and i was never able recovery mentally and adjust back into regular society because i have such severe anxiety attacks that affect me till this day cause of this place. I went to that school. How do I get my records from the ccm? Narvin and Robert Litchfield will be punished sooner or later. Id fuck his wife tho lol she was hot. Because I was well behaved and never acted out, just refused to do the program because it was bullshit (same seminars in Scientology) and against everything I believe in, the staff liked me and most of them would let me write poems and short stories during the tapes. Richard Darrington partnered with Dace Goulding, an old school buddy,to open Darrington Academy in 2004, the same year Casa By The Sea closed. I literally told the charlatans that ran those seminars 5 different times that it was all bullshit and got kicked out. The program was originally located in the former location of Cross Creek Manor (a notoriously abusive and now-closed WWASP program) at 150 N State St, La Verkin, UT 84745. Many former staff members of Cross Creek have gone on to start their own programs modeled by the WWASP system, many of which have been investigated and closed due to evidence of child abuse. No kids deserves to be kidnapped and locked up like that. , Dan Kay, related to Ken Kay Owns RedCliff Ascent, a wilderness program designed to detain children into long term boarding schools under same ownership, Hi, I cant find your phone. The only good thing that came out of that place is that I am still clean (9 years later). Safe Teen Schools Im not sure if I ever will be. people who are angry when they come into work and take it out on children by throwing them up against the wall and slapping the crap out of them when they did nothing wrong; and even if they did, they deserve to be beaten. WWASP Survivors is run by a dedicated group of concerned alumni of WWASP-affiliated programs. Do you know how to get a hold of justin? Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Its hard to grasp the fact that we were all there. Yet always ran past the time because he never wanted to get off the phone. Anybody else there at the same time? So please, anything I can do to help, please let me know. He was from Texas. some of the staff were cool but the others were horrible.. it always seemed like the staff were at war. . I would guess that maybe 10-15% of the kids that were there actually needed to be there. I was on a road trip and decided to stop in. Yeah I was at cross creek very fortunately for only 8 months cause my parents pulled me out. I got sent to Dundee ranch when I was 13 and almost died of malaria and they didnt tell my parents. Hinton appears to have left WWASP. So it was prison none the less. I cant say I didnt learn from it, but I can say it wasnt necessary. Ron Garrett is a horrible human being. Please be kind and respectful of others,. As for everyone on here, I hope you all are thriving in your lives. All is well on this end but still suffer from countless nightmares and have trust issues with the human race lol. As an experienced professional, you should understand how badly an adversarial environment affects the therapist-client relationship. That I did and always will love. What is your# ? I did worksheets every night. Like a lot of you, I had problems sleeping for many years, and only into my later twenties did I start to really deal with everything. Because 17 is an adult in louisiana. Trane claims his qualifications to run Midwest were derived from his experience working at two similar schools in Ohio and Southern Utah. I was in group 4 with thane for all of 2006. I was in group 2 with Colin and Jeff. Vietnam-era Veteran, Your email address will not be published. He ordered their restraints, food and sleep deprivation and bragged about keeping students in isolation for more than 6 months at a time. I only know of one that is currently ongoing, against Midwest Academy. He kept 1 girl in isolation for 6 months. Midwest Academy was raided and closed by authorities, http://www.utcourts.gov/directory/staff.cgi?location_id=428, Youth Foundation Closes Amid Scandals, Lawsuits | WWASP Survivors, There Are Few Congressional No Brainers This is One | The News On Time, 385. I would only say that the info on Ron is not quite correct. They drained my college fund and I was way worse off after going to CCM. I will never be the same. Id literally blocked out much of the details of this horrible place, and reading these stories have helped me remember, and my sense of outrage is renewed. I was in CC from 2003-2005, such an insane experience I cant even explain, only the kids who were there will ever understand. I look forward to the day when all these places are shut down. Can anyone help please I need them for a new job. As you come in the front door of the boys building (main entrance) the area to left is now the check in area for the motel.