To maintain this success, Momadu advises that this firm will need to remain innovative in its operations (11). The purpose of this report is to provide the results of the Emirates strategic case analysis with the focus on the PESTLE analysis, the Five Forces analysis, the SWOT analysis, and the Stakeholder analysis. Print. 2008. Most of the Asian countries where the airline operates encourage trade through agreements relation to the aviation industry. The airline has been enjoying the political stability particularly at the regional market. The group of stakeholders that needs to be kept informed includes the prospective customers, the public, and the community because the increase in the brand recognition and the customer loyalty will directly lead to the increases in the number of passengers. The strategies and objectives of the company should be reviewed annually to ensure relevance to the need of the customers. Etihad Airways Vision, Values, & Strategic Purpose of the United Arab Therefore, depending on the political situation in the region, Emirates had to change their business course, review activities according to recent trends in the open skies policy, and refer to the support of the Government of Dubai (Emirates Home par. Travel Industry Almanac Airline, Hotel & Travel Industry Market Research, Statistics, Trends & Leading Companies. (2020, July 9). (PDF) GLOBAL STRATEGIES OF THE AIRLINE INDUSTRY: A BusinessEssay. Momadu, Ahmed. Time series approach to forecasting assumes that the past trends with regard to a firms performance will continue. The growth will be stimulated by the attractiveness of the UAE as a business and investment destination. Rao, Hari. Emirates Airlines business operations are extended across various markets. Further, the company continues to face cutthroat competition emanating from the mergers among the competitors. 3). However, choosing the right competitive strategy (cost leadership, differentiation or focus) requires knowledge of own and rivals cost structure. You can download the latest annual report or read our previous reports for detailed information on our commercial results and strategies. Strategic management, Sydney: Excel Books, 2004. Consequently, the firm has been in a position to introduce new products and services. In addition, the UAE have also signed trade agreements with other countries outside the region including US and most of the European countries. 9). New York, NY: Routledge. To attain its global expansion strategy, the company has adopted the marketing plans that aim to position its brand among the major world airlines. The manufacturers possess somewhat high power in terms of supply of the aircrafts. As a result, Emirates operates in the context of the open skies policy promoted by the government of Dubai, and its commercial potential is constantly increasing (Oxford Business Group 28). In fact, the transition in the industry may lead to further consolidation of airline industries. The handbook of airline operations. Strategy process, content, context; an international perspective, Hampshire: Cengage Learning, 2010. "Emirates Airlines Company' Operations Management Practices." The success and profitability of the company depend on the effective policies adopted by the Dubai government and on the provided financial support for the company. Aisi, Anthony. In addition, the competitors pioneer low cost budgets thereby making the Emirates Airline Company less competitive (Taye, 2006). Flying off course: the economics of international airlines. However, the prevailing market changes calls for improvement in the airlines capacity. The weaknesses in the strategy of Emirates are associated with the high reliance on the economic situation as the external factor and on changes in financial and oil markets. The companys vision is based on the idea that customers need to receive high-quality services, and much attention should be paid to gaining the customer loyalty and developing the positive relationship with the community. The time series method is comprised of different components, which include cyclical variation, irregular variation, seasonal variation, and the secular trend. Emirates Airlines Strategic Planning & Marketing 18). Some modules are disabled because cookies are declined. 3). All Rights Reserved. It contains thousands of paper examples on a wide variety of topics, all donated by helpful students. The learning and development department undertakes the employee training process. The airline has equipped all its aircrafts seats with an SMS and email service. In an effort to serve the growing market demand, the airline has ordered 198 new aircrafts at a cost of $ 71 billion, which are yet to be delivered. Print. The Emirates Airlines major aim is to strive in order to increase mobility and connecting people all over the globe. The airlines process selection and facility layout also entails automating its operations. Strategic management of emirates airline The company mission requires increased innovativeness and be proactive to any eventuality. Through differentiation, the firm has been in a position to nurture a high level of customer loyalty. As a result, the issue of diversity is important for the company. According to Rao, process selection and facility layout refer to the process through which an organization determines how it will produce its products or services (32). The organization of the terminals has provided Emirates Airlines with an opportunity to serve diverse customer groups. This decision was arrived at after recognition of the Airports Authority effort to expand the airports capacity by 20%. This service is available to both departing and arriving passengers. In the global front, the airline traffic has reduced significantly due to economic downturn. Emirates Airlines intends to position itself as a customer-centric organization. However, with increased globalization in terms of trade and specifically in the aviation industry, the airlines are now open to competition where economic models are applied to sustain the competitive advantage. Emirates Airlines is one of the rapidly developing airline companies in the world. In addition, the returns on the shareholders funds also grew from 21.6% to 28.3% representing 6.8% growth. Oxford Business Group. The maintenance process entails inspecting the engines, the aircrafts internal systems and the wheels amongst other parts. The company has also employed some of the best engineers, pilots, waitresses, and other cabin crew members who understand how to offer unique services to clients. Moreover, the selection process entails making decisions on various aspects such as how to provide customers with diverse services, how to develop a high level of flexibility in order to align its operation to market changes, and how to address change in the volume of customers. Example of such practices include relate to operations management, marketing and quality management. Therefore, the airline can utilize the opportunities brought about by globalization to expand into the new markets. The accumulation of debts and reduction in net of operating cash pose serious bottlenecks for Emirates Airline Company to settle its borrowings. . Small business management; an entrepreneurial emphasis, London: Cengage Learning, 2006. WebTo protect this dominance, Emirates Airline continues to invest in services differentiation (Wu, 2010). Course: Strategic Management MGT4802(GEN) Submitted to: Major General (Retired), Bir Protik Prof. Alauddin M A Wadud Submitted by: Group-1 Fabliha Anbar B18231006 Nabil During its 2012/2013 financial year, the firm allocated Dh. CAPA Centre for Aviation: Worlds largest airlines cautious with capacity; some big moves in global airline ranking 2012. This will reduce the airlines carbon emission (International Air Transport Association par. July 23, 2021. Emirates pays much attention to using technological innovations in the industry for improving the quality of customer services. The firm has pursued global integration in the past two years as a business model for expansion into the new markets. The airline began to operate in the 1980s, and it is the ownership of the government of Dubai. In addition to the above forms of ground transportation, the airline is also served by buses, which are operated by RTA. Currently, the firm is ranked as the leader with regard to the number of its A380s, which are the largest aircrafts in the world. All the locations where the company operates form the spread of the firms income. The airline has been keen on differentiating its products from those which are by the rival firms. 29 November. The airline is experiencing an annual growth rate of 16% with regard to passenger capacity. In marketing strategy, the company must continue improving its image. Print. Differentiation strategy enables an organization to gain sufficient competitive advantage because it acts as a defense mechanism against competitors. Emirates Airline has increasingly gained a firm position as one of the leading global airlines in terms of the fleet size, work force as well as profitability. The firms success has also emanated from its commitment in controlling the quality of services. The improvement will improve the airports capacity to 200 million passengers annually. Moreover, positioning enables a firm to survive in an industry characterized by ineffective structure. Aviation week, 3(1), 15-18. The company majorly operates in the regions including the Asia pacific and the Middle East, which has seen a tremendous economic growth in the last decade. The current objectives of the firm can only be attained if the company adopted the new business and corporate strategies that enhances global integration. In a bid to achieve this goal, the airline has integrated a number of quality management dimensions. For example, the firm has hired a team of dedicated porters who assist customers carry their bags when checking in and when picking their bags on arrival. Strategic Management Project: Emirates Airlines. The firm is ranked as the third largest airline company in the world. A Competitive Analysis of Airline Industry: A Case Study on Biman Bangladesh Airlines. Journal of Business and Management 17.4 (2015): 23-33. 2). Rahman, Khadiza, Sumi Azad, and Sabnam Mostari. An organization can have two main types of competitive advantage and they relate to differentiation and low cost. Web. Total quality management, New Delhi: Prentice Hall, 2006. The plan involves the expansion of the companys business network by linking people all over the world. Accept cookies to experience the full functionality of this page. The team is comprised of highly qualified training specialists, teachers, and professors., IvyPanda. Emirates Strategy Its major competitors include Etihad, British Airways, Air France, Qatar Airways, Virgin Atlantic, and Swiss Airlines. Web. Attaining an optimal market position is critical in a firms effort to remain competitive. The customers also use advantages of the highly competitive market. The global airline industry is highly competitive and this company is always under pressure to deliver superior services to manage the rivalry in the market (Jannie 78). Customers can also check Emirates flight timetable online. Well write a 100%plagiarism-free paper this fast! Web. The firms operations entail providing customers with commercial air transport services. In order to utilize the moving-average method in forecasting, it is imperative for the collected data to follow a rather liner trend. Retrieved from, BusinessEssay. However, it is imperative for organizations to ensure that their differentiation strategies are effectively formulated and implemented. The companys headquarter is in the city of Dubai and it employs over 28,000 people from all over the world (Graeme 36). In addition to the above services, the airline also provides customers with a baggage wrapping service in order to protect the customers luggage when travelling.