Karma worked in my favor though, I guess. WebFamous Capricorn and Gemini Couples Kendall is, without a doubt, the most discreet of the Kardashian-Jenner family and, being a Scorpio, you could say its an attitude she has Were gone outhung twixt her and me. Just met my first pieces manto be continued. when a scorpio woman meets a pisces man These two experience the kind of passion most people just read about. Because both meant, both spake the same But hes a bit wishy washy which annoys my need for mapping out life clearly, but seriously. WebWhen a Scorpio man and Pisces woman are together romantically, they both want the same thing. And pictures in our eyes to get It think like we were both hypnotizing each other with our locked stare. Though the duo share a great bonding they do it in a romantic and intimate level and does not have comradeship qualities to pursue. This one profile really really caught my attention. I think I felt like I have never felt for any man- ever. Might thence a new concoction take, We have both become parents of wonderful children. He chases me as crazy as i chase him!!! (Im nineteen, shes sixteen going on seventeen in October) or The distance is too far. That being said, I would do anything for him in my power and he is the same for me. When love with one another so I was really intrigued by astrology and fed myself with how great and heavenly the Pisces Scorp match is. Virgo Man And Pisces Woman Compatibility A Pisces woman has a compassionate, generous, and caring spirit. This is NOT a match made in heaven since; hes always looking for a fight no matter how lame the fight may be about. i dont entirely trust him, theres a hidden danger in him and i can smell it. Doin things he neva did in past. Normally I dont post on these sort of things (being a very private Scorpio woman), but for some reason I feel compelled to share my story. then we stopped all of a sudden and just stared at each other. This is part of their wordless understanding of one another and the level of trust they reach instinctively. Of course, I didnt get up and go look, cause it is all symbolic, but I did go inside to do a quick search to see if the Perseids were supposed to be unusually strong this year. Pisces feels very secure and supported with Scorpio. Scorpio Woman and Pisces Man Compatibility - Aquarian Astrology He was boating on a nearby river and there was an accident. Everything sex. . This is one relationship that would have a number of splits and rapprochements. It took only a couple days before we realized we had nearly everything in common with eachother, and the level on which we connected as friends has been more than I have felt with any other being. In fact, they tell me too much and then that pushes me away because I can sense them luring me in every single time and I dont want to be obligated into telling them all my secrets. But only when we are done on OUR terms. Our bodies why do we forbear? I really, really loved him and couldnt risk losing him completely. Aries and Pisces need a constant reminder of the love and affection that they have for each other. and ironically he was a quintessential pisces: he had a mean artistic streak, and just completely romanced his now widow, victoria reggie when they met and throughout their marriage, made her an incredible oil painting for their anniversary, and of course his proneness to alcohol. The way Im talking youd probably think weve been together for years, but weve only been together 3 weeks. Name is Raymond. No kidding right? He came from a loving home and I did not. Im very happy with this man, and I hope everyone finds a love as true as that between a Scorpio and a Pisces thats all I can say for now. Scorpio Pisces Compatibility: Love Relationship, Friendship, The wedding will most likely take place near water, around night or dawn, with a vintage ambiance and amazing song. i was involved with a gemini an year ago and it turned out to be devastating.. i just wish so bad that this time it works out.. I thought they were arguing over something silly so I shouted over the phone to him and he didnt speak and my heart start racing I was falling in love over the phone and I didnt know his name. Iam a Scorpio (woman) that has recently come into contact with a Pisces(man). I was instantly drawn to him for a reason I couldnt explain when we first met. Are souls, whom no change can invade. They just love me. Both are FB friends so we are in contact if we want but one talks about nothing but sex, which to me is a turn on and the other is shy but is opening up. Heck! im apisces ii scorp chick arent really my type, have too high a standard and im pisces II, i am a pisecs male in absolute love with a scorpio woman. 51 Scorpio Celebrities - Famous Scorpios List - Oprah Daily I let the fish swim free. Pisces never does that..rarely does a Pisces feel uninhibited to show affection.I suppose you have some really special moments waiting for you. Thirdly, deny it all you want Scorpios Rock!, keep running as far as the mind will take you, but you cant hide, well not from a Scorpio, you cant. A lot of what I have read for both signs seem decently accurate. Scorpio woman been in in a 20 yr relationship with a cold unemotional Virgo man. One thing i would say about pisces man they are very complicated very difficult to read their mind.they really play a lot of mind games that really irritates me they are egoistic mean.cant believe their words.they are some times proud and self undoing and fickle minded, @koola my story is very similar to ur story even the same situation am happy after reading your story wish u luck. This is simply a relationship made in heaven. he is very romantic and sentimental, more so than i. you maybe compatible signs but there has to be the right heavenly combination, a receiving and giving heart to make any relationship work. I think all sorts of things come into play when it comes to who people really are. I also want to say that I think scorpio people need to understand the darkness, not really prove, or show? But anyway. Then I met a broken-hearted Virgo, was a nice guy but had his own problems so I called it quits after a month and a half cause we needed different things at the point we were in a relationship. i thought it was unfoundedi have to be stirred the wrong way before i react. but Hes always talking about sex, always wants sex. Im too handsome and my success rate is 99.6% with Scorpio women. Small change when were to bodies gone. and the first thing I thought was my Angel just fell from the sky and landed in my back yard! In fact, they're known as astrological soulmates! The strength, the colour, and the size WebJustin (Pisces) and Hailey Beiber (Sagittarius) A fiery Sagittarius paired with a romantic Pisces could be an astrological odd-couple" but the two signs actually have a lot more WebRyan's a Scorpio while Eva's Pisces. Their darker humor and dryness. Many astrologers have written perceptively about how hard it is to be a Dionysian man, a Pisces male, in our culture. Our soulswhich to advance their state, I dont understand why, I just do. Im a sentimental person like that. We live in separate states, but less than 2 hours away, and until recently, I thought he had died. but hes scared of having to go through what he went through in his past relationship. So my new boss was a Pisces. The reason we havent yet is because Im still healing after a two year relationship to a lieing cheating (cancer) man who left me with a beautiful daughter. We met at a skating rink down from my house, I was going out with some friends just to get my head on straight before I went to work that night. .. let me continue. This report, as prepared on your And I would know because I am usually a very fickle being and my relationships have a record of lasting only a couple months. The sex between scorpio woman and pisces me is in fact extremely intense. Once he decides to marry her, this means he accepts all the results that come along with the marriage life. So I start paying a little closer attention. And on his birthday March 1st we hung out. With reference to your followup letter dated December 29,2015. We talked everyday. At this time, I am feeling very out of body and I start getting visions. Famous Scorpio-Pisces Couples: Demi Moore and Bruce Willis, Goldie Hawn and Mark Russell, Nicolette Sheridan and Michael Bolton, Roseanne and Tom Arnold, Jamie Lee Curtis and Christopher Guest One of those near ideal matches, both temper the other and bring out the best. Since this time we have both been through a divorce and each has remarried. Someone told me about this site plentyoffish.com so I thought what the heck right. After a failed marriage that produced a son, my Fish came back into my life, at my prompting After having spent a great night together, he called several times after that to which I never responded. 7 Astrologically Compatible Celebrity Couples Who Are Matches Til now we are in a commitnent.i dont know what i should give a name to my relasionship.we know our feelings.i hope he wil be my destiny and i Ive always been pretty perceptive, and its true like most Scorpios I can tell right after meeting someone whether or not theres any hope for a relationship; however, I never had believed in love at first sight until that moment. Though a little uncomfortable for Pisces, this pairing allows her And its true he is very attractive, but that wasnt what was drawing me to him; it was something that I really cant explain, like two souls converging. I thought he was coming around, but after 4 weeks, and sporadic hot/cold messages, Ive gotten fed up. The best match for Pisces would be The Cancer, Taurus or Libra. 6 months after my divorce I met a girl that made me laugh and listen and do things I never thought to do. But theres absolutely no denying the connection between a Pisces and Scorpio, as I can attest to one that has been around for almost 40 years. Its gotten to a point where I started to blame myself, because all we do that at some point But I cant figure him out. Now weve reconnected, and it moved very fast. I think about him constantly and we only met once idk joyfully everything will go well. I mean something like that shouldnt be just an acquantaince? Within seconds, a huge, bright meteor falls out of the sky on an angle heading straight back behind my house! A female pisces friend of mine summed it up they (scorpios) are very sexy, but not quite as unforgetable as they think they are, and thats their downfall. Pisces Same goes in relationships I had with men too. Not to mention a Dragon Scorpio and was born the year of the Dog which spells out diaster waiting to happen. He was very kind, especially to me. Im glad to read that many Scorpio girls are happy with their Pisces menthey are the best for us.. The Scorpio energy is dominating, intense and probing; the kind of thing that Pisces is nervous of cuz we defend ourselves with illusion and were not fighters. He quits his job, becomes lazy and doesnt want to do anything but sit in house all day and now i dont know what to do. Sending you wishes and energy for true happiness and connectedness, I know exactly how Jessica feels, Im a Scorpio woman, and Im with a Pisces male. Raymond, I once read somewhere that if you want the RAINBOW youve got to put up with the rain. He is the only one who understands me,the only one who knows when to dominate me and when he knows when to be dominated..No matter what we talk about,we always have the same ideassometimes it feels like we read each others mindI never knew what love is..until I have met him.. but she often pops in my mind. Now we are fighting about his chat with another girl, but he said its not what Im thinking. And started going out since then, he said he had been in a very bad relationship and does not want to have another, we go out and all have sex. we are back to together and better than ever, we have surrendered our hearts to each other and we never felt so comfortable in life. She also has to be a virgin otherwise shes a fraud. Whereas the soft, dreamy fish takes the sometime bitter vindictive edge off the scorpions sting. When our parents has spoken to a astrologer about the compatibility between us, giving our DOB, TOB. Hypnotized and you havent even met yet! I know that her parents would almost never allow us to be together, only at this present moment as far as either of us know, but I would fight to the bitter end just for one -chance- to win her heart. Katy Perry (Scorpio) and Orlando Bloom (Capricorn), and SCORPIO WOMEN UNBELIEVABLE!!! Here we go (Scorpio Women- me- opens up deep secrets). I am a Scorpio woman with pisces man & the compatibility discription above sums me & him up, we make the perfect couple, apart from I find him very lazy around the house & after 10months together I have sadly parted from him, as his lazyness drives me mad & cant seem to get him to listen & take what I say to him. None of them lasted for more than a month and a half. To the point where I avoid them! Bye yall. No.I think Pisces man can live and survive only with a Pisces girl.Scorpio girls are no good. This report, as prepared on your RIP RIP. Sorry this message is so dang long by the way, this is the first time Ive ever really put all this into words (ironic considering no one I know will probably ever read it). All which before was poor and scant I have the chills and I am not going to sleep until I meet this girl! We agreed before I left though that we would have to hang out sometime. I am a pisces male, ive tried a relationship with each sign and of all the blood of my heart still rushes when i see my ex scorpio lover we are still friends we still get the urges but we never give in, my romance with her was like non other we would spend days in my house not even sleep eat or anything just lye in the nude laugh talk cry like it was never gonna end. I am a scorpio and all these stories made me want to share mine. The Pisces girl would give him the much needed confidence in life and he can confide in her everything that life gives to him. Or rather I knew he was very very enteresting. In the back of my mind I am afraid. Thus far nothing relationship wise has compared to the emotional attachment and physical moments that Pisces and I shared. Very romantic. I am a Aries-Pisces male (born on or near the cusp on the 21st of March) with the moon in Gemini. Copyright 2023, Indian Vedic Astrology Horoscope Online Portal @ www.omastrology.com. WebFamous Scorpio Man and Pisces Woman Celebrity Couples 1- Eva Mendes (Pisces, 5 March 1974) and Ryan Gosling (Scorpio, 12 November 1980) 2- Elizabeth Taylor Zodiac Compatibility of 2018's Favorite Celebrity Couples - Insider WebIn an ideal couple of an Aquarius woman and a Scorpio man, the relationship should be based, first of all, on mutual respect and love. And I believe I fell for him then, even though at the time I didnt want to, because I didnt know him When he skated back in, I knoticed he was in pain and that wad the moment we started talking. (It takes super batrayal) Falling out of love would have to take someone really not caring any more. There must be passion. We have had a friendship, a love affair, arguments, quarrels, and back to friendship during all this time. But, O alas ! It was purely emotional. I can honestly say you hit the nail on the head when you talked about this magical wordless understanding we have for one another. WHERE, like a pillow on a bed, I was like WHOA! I really understand Scorpios. Think of all those wimpy indecisive pisceans like, err, George Washington, Rupert Murdoch, Mikhail Gorbachev, Ariel Sharon. A Pisces woman and a Cancer mans compatibility can be described as a wonderful relationship that keeps growing and improving. and let me tell you, this was the first time i have ever. @Steeve This is true and has some punch to it. I just have this feeling that something is up. 2023 Horoscope will offer you a 'complete & personal guide' to the events expected in your life in the year 2023. Cause our next conversation was about relationships. WebPisces and Capricorn Celebrities Couples List Some famous Pisces and Capricorn celebrity couples are: Penelope Ann Miller (Capricorn) and James Patrick Huggins (Pisces) even though these couples went through a brief period where they filed for legal separation, they later reunited and have made their marriage work. WebPisces & Sagittarius Shared Activities For as long as they are in a fascination phase of their relationship, they will be inseparable. Do I love him on top of all this? Hethough he knew not which soul spake, No worry about cheating here if you have really connected you will know if the slightest thing is off. I am a Pisces male who had an intimate encounter with a Scorpio female (in secret as our familys would never allow us to be), I agree that this summery is quite true, including the When Its Over part, ever since shes been in my head every single day, even when I focus my mind on other things to forget about her, works for a while but not for long, I miss her always. I read the article about Capricorn man with a Scorpio woman and it is really difficult to have a relationship with Capricorns..they change their mood like the weather and they never express what they feel..the only feeling they show is angerno matter how much you try to be patient and understanding,they hurt Scorpios.. i dont know how you do it! His mom an aquarius, and they get along awesome! So I decided to click the image to get a larger view. When he walked me home he told there and then he loved I told I felt the same and he would be my 1 and only forever and always no matter what he did I will always forgive him and take him back. Their deep bond will give them the ability to work out many of the details of their life together with a minimal So i so totally agree on the not being able to get over him. dats the irony with Pisces,not always the one to initialize.We have our own deep fears and insecurities.But hey,a tiny sparkle of love and affection is just like a sparkling sea attracting a mermaid(merman). Bruce Willis and Demi Moore. I didnt play evil and neither did he. The most perceptive creature of all the zodiac has caught your eye and is about to draw you magically toward her. Perhaps they can achieve a good friendship, but hardly anything beyond that. When its over, it is over if one falls out of love. I usually take sign compatibility with a grain of salt, but I recently got out of a long relationship with a Sagittarius (8yrs) and with one man in between, just got into a new relationship with a Pisces. I am a Scorpio woman and have recently started a relationship with a Pisces man. Thats when I let him in. We will see how it pans out. 13 Celebrity Couples With Compatible Zodiac Signs, According Sagittarius Man and Scorpio Woman Compatibility He ha just found out that his gf had been cheating in him. Which sense may reach and apprehend, @Donna >> Go for it girlfor Gods sake.. Famous Scorpio-Sagittarius Couples: Kate Capshaw and Steven Spielberg, Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis, Marlo Thomas and Phil Donahue. Feelings drift about I think Im the wierdest Scorp in the world though. Well we go to the computer lab and this girl who Ive from time to time looked at in class but never really met sat about two seats down from me. Scorpio Man Im a 22 year old Octoberian Scorp chic born on the 24th. According to It is and I dont care what anybodys fit is about it accept ya know, obvious cult suicides for ex. Well when her partner got up to fetch supplies she just all of a sudden scooted down and kinda bumped me, didnt say anything, just scooted down, well i bumped back, and we played this bumping game and laughed. The Scorpio man and a Pisces woman share deep levels of compatibility in a relationship. We talked for a minute and he said that he would come back again soon to see me. There may be no better match than this one. Imagine what a great lover hell be. I am a scorpio, moon, mercury and pluto.. Aries asd. I didnt see him come in but when I walked back to check on my table, our eyes met and it was like lightning. That I feel hes just using me for sex. i cant even go a minute not thinking about what could have been. My luck ha it though, he was with someone, so I didnt think it would go anywhere and couldnt believe how disappointed I was about that. Together, this water and earth couple make great communicators and in the And since Im always their guide for everything and the consultant and planner for them, and since I know their secrets and knows them maybe better than they know themselves He then said so ur his sister I have been trying to get ur phone number but he told me he had no sisters can I get ur phone number I said of course U can to my brothers disgust.