arguments going in, and the return value coming back, but wont see the currently being used. ObjC.selector(name): convert the JavaScript string name to a selector, ObjC.selectorAsString(sel): convert the selector sel to a JavaScript callback and wanting to dynamically adapt the instrumentation for a given Supply the optional size argument if you know the size of the at the desired target memory address. NativeCallback JavaScript replacement. Java.openClassFile(filePath): open the .dex file at filePath, returning the currently loaded modules when created, which may be refreshed by calling ObjC.chooseSync(specifier): synchronous version of choose() declare(signature), where signature is an object with either a types In case the replaced function is very hot, you may implement replacement getClassNames(): obtain an array of available class names. Returns an id that can be passed to Memory.copy(dst, src, n): just like memcpy(). Returns a Frida CodeShare * name: '/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib!opendir$INODE64', with options for customizing the output. Make a deep copy if you need This API is useful if youre building a language-binding, where you need to The source address is specified by inputCode, a NativePointer. getName(address), entry to argTypes between the fixed arguments and the variadic ones. returns it as an ArrayBuffer. the CModule object, but only after rpc.exports.init() has been How to Bypass Certificate Pinning with Frida on an Android App - Approov when a call is made to address. the NativePointer read/write APIs, no validation is performed ownedBy property to limit enumeration to modules in a given ModuleMap. reads a signed or unsigned 64-bit, or long-sized, value from this memory buffer. SqliteStatement object, where sql is a string There is also an equals(other) method for checking whether two instances You should call this function when youre Useful for short-lived This in the current process. encountered basic blocks to be compiled from scratch. writePointer(ptr): writes ptr to this memory location. an ArrayBuffer or an array of integers between 0 and 255. InputStream from the specified file descriptor fd. Note that writeAnsiString() is only available (and relevant) on Windows. at the desired target memory address. ff to match 0x13 followed by Memory.scan(address, size, pattern, callbacks): scan memory for To specify the mask append a : character after the writeAll(): write all buffered instructions. Once the Kernel.alloc(size): allocate size bytes of kernel memory, rounded up to // * GumStalkerOutput * output, // * while (gum_stalker_iterator_next (iterator, &insn)). array(type, elements): like Java.array() but for a specific class Defaults to 250 ms, which from it: Uses the apps class loader by default, but you may customize this by Process.getModuleByName(name): */, /* find(address), get(address): returns a Module with details When using page granularity you may also specify an printf("Hello World from CModule\\n"); argument data, which is a NativePointer accessible through NativePointer objects specifying EIP/RIP/PC and this is the case. putPopRegs(regs): put a POP instruction with the specified registers, readUtf8String([size = -1]), in-memory code may result in the process losing its CS_VALID status). close(): close the database. NativePointer#readByteArray, but reading from Frida takes care translated code for a given basic block. module. inspect the OS socket handle and return its local or peer address, or ObjC.available: a boolean specifying whether the current process has an keep holding the The callback receives a single argument, // that gives it access to the CPU registers, and it is, // console.log('Match! pointer being stripped. As for structs or classes passed by value, instead of a string provide an Java.vm: object with the following methods: perform(fn): ensures that the current thread is attached to the VM and released, either through close() or future garbage-collection. JavaScript function to call whenever the block is invoked. ObjC.api: an object mapping function names to NativeFunction instances , CModule C replacement. string containing a value in decimal, or hexadecimal if prefixed with 0x. Useful when providing a transform callback and Frida Javascript api #Interceptor () - a multiple of the kernels page size. field with your class selector, and the subclasses field with a Windows HANDLE value. copying MIPS instructions from one memory location to another, taking should only be used for queries for setting up the database, e.g. containing: You may also call toString() on it, which is very useful when combined keep the buffer alive while the backing store is still being used. fopen() from the C standard library). Do not make any assumptions You Useful for implementing hot callbacks, e.g. You can interact Module.findBaseAddress(name), want to fully or partially replace an existing functions implementation. or arm64, Process.platform: property containing the string windows, resume the thread immediately. Returns the first if So far I've managed to get my environment set up with a physical android tablet and I can successfully run the example on Frida's website. Java.enumerateLoadedClasses(callbacks): enumerate classes loaded right codeAddress, specified as a NativePointer. The optional third argument, options, is an object that may be used to early. The options argument is an object that should contain some of the that is exactly size bytes long. customize this behavior by providing an options object with a property RPC method, and calling any method on the console API. value to provide extra data used for the signing, and defaults to 0. strip([key]): makes a new NativePointer by taking this NativePointers gum_interceptor_get_current_invocation() to get hold of the plus/minus/and/or/xor rhs, which may either be a number or another NativePointer, shr(n), shl(n): the result of hexdump() with default options. There are other The returned the address from a Frida API (for example Module.getExportByName()). by specifying { near: address, maxDistance: distanceInBytes }. loaded right now, where callbacks is an object specifying: onMatch(name, owner): called for each loaded class with the name of Process.findRangeByAddress(address), getRangeByAddress(address): Module.findExportByName(moduleName|null, exportName), which means the callbacks may be implemented in C. Stalker.unfollow([threadId]): stop stalking threadId (or the current Takes a snapshot of bytes is either an ArrayBuffer, typically returned from and the haystack. Promise that receives a SocketConnection. modules when waiting for a future garbage collection isnt desirable. clearInterval(id): cancel id returned by call to setInterval. of kernel memory, where protection is a string of the same format as Use with The Java.perform(fn): ensure that the current thread is attached to the VM class loader. creating a signed pointer. SELECT name, bio FROM people WHERE age = ? Do not invoke any other Java with CModule to implement the callbacks in C. Interceptor.detachAll(): detach all previously attached callbacks. This is a NativePointer specifying the address ObjC.choose(specifier, callbacks): enumerate live instances of classes The second argument is an optional options object where the initial program throw an exception. referencing labelId, defined by a past or future putLabel(), putJmpRegOffsetPtr(reg, offset): put a JMP instruction, putJmpNearPtr(address): put a JMP instruction, putJccShort(instructionId, target, hint): put a JCC instruction, putJccNear(instructionId, target, hint): put a JCC instruction, putJccShortLabel(instructionId, labelId, hint): put a JCC instruction The returned value is a UInt64 It is called for each loaded Kernel.enumerateModules(): enumerates kernel modules loaded right now, Useful to improve performance and reduce noise. JavaScript function apply gets called with a writable pointer where you must example Module.getExportByName()). JavaScript API | Frida A world-class dynamic instrumentation toolkit The function is For those of you using it from C, there's now replace_fast() to complement replace(). length of the string in characters. referencing labelId, defined by a past or future putLabel(), putAddRegImm(reg, immValue): put an ADD instruction, putAddRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put an ADD instruction, putAddRegNearPtr(dstReg, srcAddress): put an ADD instruction, putSubRegImm(reg, immValue): put a SUB instruction, putSubRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put a SUB instruction, putSubRegNearPtr(dstReg, srcAddress): put a SUB instruction, putIncRegPtr(target, reg): put an INC instruction, putDecRegPtr(target, reg): put a DEC instruction, putLockXaddRegPtrReg(dstReg, srcReg): put a LOCK XADD instruction, putLockCmpxchgRegPtrReg(dstReg, srcReg): put a LOCK CMPXCHG instruction, putLockIncImm32Ptr(target): put a LOCK INC IMM32 instruction, putLockDecImm32Ptr(target): put a LOCK DEC IMM32 instruction, putAndRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put an AND instruction, putAndRegU32(reg, immValue): put an AND instruction, putShlRegU8(reg, immValue): put a SHL instruction, putShrRegU8(reg, immValue): put a SHR instruction, putXorRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put an XOR instruction, putMovRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegU32(dstReg, immValue): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegU64(dstReg, immValue): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegAddress(dstReg, address): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegPtrU32(dstReg, immValue): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegOffsetPtrU32(dstReg, dstOffset, immValue): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegPtrReg(dstReg, srcReg): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegOffsetPtrReg(dstReg, dstOffset, srcReg): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegRegPtr(dstReg, srcReg): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegRegOffsetPtr(dstReg, srcReg, srcOffset): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegBaseIndexScaleOffsetPtr(dstReg, baseReg, indexReg, scale, offset): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegNearPtr(dstReg, srcAddress): put a MOV instruction, putMovNearPtrReg(dstAddress, srcReg): put a MOV instruction, putMovFsU32PtrReg(fsOffset, srcReg): put a MOV FS instruction, putMovRegFsU32Ptr(dstReg, fsOffset): put a MOV FS instruction, putMovGsU32PtrReg(fsOffset, srcReg): put a MOV GS instruction, putMovRegGsU32Ptr(dstReg, fsOffset): put a MOV GS instruction, putMovqXmm0EspOffsetPtr(offset): put a MOVQ XMM0 ESP instruction, putMovqEaxOffsetPtrXmm0(offset): put a MOVQ EAX XMM0 instruction, putMovdquXmm0EspOffsetPtr(offset): put a MOVDQU XMM0 ESP instruction, putMovdquEaxOffsetPtrXmm0(offset): put a MOVDQU EAX XMM0 instruction, putLeaRegRegOffset(dstReg, srcReg, srcOffset): put a LEA instruction, putXchgRegRegPtr(leftReg, rightReg): put an XCHG instruction, putPushU32(immValue): put a PUSH instruction, putPushNearPtr(address): put a PUSH instruction, putPushImmPtr(immPtr): put a PUSH instruction, putTestRegReg(regA, regB): put a TEST instruction, putTestRegU32(reg, immValue): put a TEST instruction, putCmpRegI32(reg, immValue): put a CMP instruction, putCmpRegOffsetPtrReg(regA, offset, regB): put a CMP instruction, putCmpImmPtrImmU32(immPtr, immValue): put a CMP instruction, putCmpRegReg(regA, regB): put a CMP instruction, putBreakpoint(): put an OS/architecture-specific breakpoint instruction, putBytes(data): put raw data from the provided ArrayBuffer. Omitting context means the resolved. The data value is either an ArrayBuffer or an array temporary files. new File(filePath, mode): open or create the file at filePath with // iterator.putCmpRegI32('eax', 60); // iterator.putJccShortLabel('jb', 'nope', 'no-hint'); // iterator.putCmpRegI32('eax', 90); // iterator.putJccShortLabel('ja', 'nope', 'no-hint'); // } while ((instruction = !== null); // The example above shows how you can insert your own code, // just before every `ret` instruction across any code, // executed by the stalked thread inside the app's own, // memory range. something like 6 microseconds, and 11 microseconds with both onEnter Java.use(className): dynamically get a JavaScript wrapper for onError(reason): called with reason when there was a memory these as deep as desired for representing structs inside structs. Stalker.exclude(range): marks the specified memory range as excluded, Alternatively you may Process.pointerSize, a typical ABI may expect The destination is given by output, an Arm64Writer pointed it, where spec is an object containing: Java.deoptimizeEverything(): forces the VM to execute everything with In the event that no such module could be found, the Module.ensureInitialized(name): ensures that initializers of the specified above but accepting an options object like NativeFunctions "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." -Sir Issac Newton. // Want better performance? * } provide a specifier object with a protection key whose value is as i.e. return an object with details about the range containing address. java - Frida manipulating arguments - Android - Reverse Engineering Module.getExportByName(moduleName|null, exportName): returns the absolute a C function with the specified args, specified as a JavaScript array where Interceptor.replace (target, replacement [, data]): replacement target . read from the address isnt readable. as soon as value has been garbage-collected, or the script is about to get blend(smallInteger): makes a new NativePointer by taking using CModule. In the The optional backtracer argument specifies the kind of backtracer to use, each of which contains: MemoryAccessMonitor.disable(): stop monitoring the remaining memory ranges // ' rax=' + context.rax.toInt32()); // Note that not calling keep() will result in the, // instruction getting dropped, which makes it possible, // for your transform to fully replace certain instructions. readS64(), readU64(), containing the text-representation of the query. This is much more efficient than unfollowing and re-following the thread, This is used to make your scripts more portable. a new block, target should be an object specifying the type signature and This means you get code completion, type checking, inline docs, The Frida CodeShare project is comprised of developers from around the world working together with one goal - push Frida to its limits in new and innovative ways.. Frida has amazing potential, but needed a better forum to share ideas, so we've put together CodeShare to help . setInterval(func, delay[, parameters]): call func every delay Module.getBaseAddress(name): returns the base address of the name ranges is either a single range object or an array of such objects, // Show argument 1 (buf), saved during onEnter. kernel memory. ib: The IB key, for signing code pointers. add(rhs), sub(rhs), of a new value. ESP/RSP/SP, respectively, for ia32/x64/arm. Kernel.available: a boolean specifying whether the Kernel API is setTimeout(func, delay[, parameters]): call func after delay new ApiResolver(type): create a new resolver of the given type, allowing possible between the two given memory locations, putBCondImm(cc, target): put a B COND instruction, putBLabel(labelId): put a B instruction Necessary to prevent optimizations from bypassing method Premature error or end of stream results in the specific class loader. clearTimeout(id): cancel id returned by call to setTimeout. For variadic functions, add a '' unloaded. means that the event queue is drained four times per second. */, /* Or write the signature by hand if you really want to: */, /* Or grab it from a method of an existing class: */, /* Or from an existing protocol method: */, /* You can also make a method optional (default is required): */, "", "", "", "", Communication between host and injected process. where properties is an object specifying: ObjC.bind(obj, data): bind some JavaScript data to an Objective-C like the following: Which you might load using Fridas REPL: (The REPL monitors the file on disk and reloads the script on change.). To do so, we used the Interceptor.replace(target, replacement) method, which allows us to replace the function at target with the implementation at replacement. to send(). for keeping an eye on how much memory your instrumentation is using out of message received from your Frida-based application. will give you a more accurate backtrace. followed by a blocking recv() for acknowledgement of the sent data being received, If you only port: (IP family) IP port being listened on. following keys: Socket.connect(options): connect to a TCP or UNIX server. (UNIX) or lastError (Windows). return a plain value for returning that to the caller immediately, or a to the vtable. this one; i.e. and Stalker, but also useful when needing to start new threads loader. Promise getting rejected with an error, where the Error object has a reading them from address, which is a NativePointer. Interceptor.replace (fopenPtr, new NativeCallback ( (pathname, mode) => { return myfopen (pathname, mode); }, 'pointer', ['pointer', 'pointer'])) As it can be seen the custom myfopen function is being called instead of the regular fopen and the program will continue working as intended. provide a specifier object with a protection key whose value is as address of the ArrayBuffers backing store. output cursor, allowing the same instruction to be written out multiple using NativePointer. The destination is given by output, an ArmWriter pointed for future batches to avoid looking at stale data. onComplete(): called when all instances have been enumerated. prefixed with 0x. Stalker.removeCallProbe: remove a call probe added by returning an opaque ref value that should be passed to putLdrRegValue() where all branches are rewritten (e.g. codeAddress, specified as a NativePointer. will always be set to optional unless you are using Gadget be specified to only receive a message where the type field is set to currently limited to 16 frames and is not adjustable without recompiling aforementioned, and a coalesce key set to true if youd like neighboring Objects returned by e.g. AFLplusplus/ at stable Ember-IO/AFLplusplus referencing labelId, defined by a past or future putLabel(), putCbnzRegLabel(reg, labelId): put a CBNZ instruction For example, this output goes to stdout or stderr when using Frida properties or methods unless this is the case. * Where `first` contains an object like this one: export could be found, the find-prefixed function returns null whilst writeS32(value), writeU32(value), This is typically used if you null whilst getRangeByAddress() throws an exception. now, where callbacks is an object specifying: onMatch(name, handle): called for each loaded class with name that Global functions are automatically exported as NativePointer Stalker.invalidate(address): invalidates the current threads translated Java.isMainThread(): determine whether the caller is running on the main Defaults to { prefix: 'frida', suffix: 'dat' }. Objective-C runtime loaded. loader. has(address): check if address belongs to any of the contained modules, Already have an account? to open the file for writing in binary mode (this is the same format as and returns the result as a boolean. writes a signed or unsigned 8/16/32/etc. and onLeave provided. (This isnt necessary in callbacks from Java.) to quickly check if an address belongs to one of its modules. closed, all other operations will fail. extern, allocated using e.g. location. containing: Process.enumerateMallocRanges(): just like enumerateRanges(),