For those who are referring to Sicilian words as dialect I urge you to do research about your ancestral history which is not taught in the US schools. This is awesome, like a blast from the past miss my italian relatives, all long gone now. That was not a mistake, but a pattern found in many southern Italian dialects, where over time, the pronunciation of the vowel shifted one degree. Anyone have an idea of what it could be? Cjristmas Eve was filled with music and later we ate home made Sicilian Pizza and played cards. My grandfather always said something like male di cuah when something was broken or not working. She also used to say ammunini (among many other Sicilian words) which meant come with me or lets go. Thank you for all the fractured Italian words. = I dont know how to spell it properly in Italian, but it sounded like meen-gya-roll. ), They say it means, Drink to your health for a hundred years.. (la sorella!/tua sorella ( una putana)!) [FWEE-dee-DOW-goo], gabbadost/gab a tost hardhead (capa dura/capa tosta), gabbagul/gabbagool type of meat/food/idiot/fool (capicola/capocollo/capacolla) [gaa-baa-GOOL], gabbaruss/gab a russ redhead (capo rosso) [gaa-baa-ROOS], gabbadeegats/capa di cazz ball face (capo di cazzo) [gaa-baa-dee-GATS], gabish?/capish?/gabisc? alito puzzolente m. bad breath; (lit. Italian: Come ti chiami? American. I would think Zi Francesc leaving off the o in zio (uncle) and the o in Francesco, In the Napolidan language they dislike using word endings to denote gender. In one sense, a Canadian is an American as much as any New Yorker. Makes it hard to learn proper Italian, because the voice recognition programs keep correcting me! An estimated 7,500 American companies do business with Italy and more than 1,000 U.S. firms have offices in Italy. Paying homage to the people, we have come to be known as the upbeat and spicy Italian-Americans, natives of the United States of America, but from Italian descent. Anyone have a clue? Im glad you mentioned Staten Island. I also remember the oh -de!! Italian-English dictionary by AllDict. 7 years in Brooklyn was an education for which I should have gotten 2 years of college credits, that is after the first year of shock and acclimating. Sometimes, my Italian uncles would call me a jumba-lone when I was a kid. Fagioli becomes Fagool and in America, Fasool. Most people who come from a southern italian american background have probably grown up hearing and using these words. I guess some of these words and phrases are just ways that Italian Americans used to hang on to their heritage. If so, do you know what dialect it is? Una volta cherre uno Once upon a time there was one I was sitting here with my 16 year old looking up some of the words that I could remember my italian grandmother saying through the years. In Boston there were Polish and Yiddish words in the mix. I have enjoyed all of them, and I refer to Bonners Sicilian Grammar book often. Another is caca!! gabinyost-gossiping Rhode island. le ose se cudava. [seh-SEHN-taa-FAA-may], sfacimm bad person (sfacimma) [SVAH-CHEEM] [svaa-CHEEM], sfogliadell italian pastry (sfogliatella) [SHVOHL-ya-dell], sciaquadell whore (sciacquata) [shock-wa-DELL], scumbari disheveled (scumbari) [shkoom-baa-REE], sigilian Sicilian (siciliano) [sih-jeel-YAAN], spasciad/scasciad not talking (to someone) (spacciato/spasciau) [spaa-SHAAD], spustad/spostat spaced out(spostato) [spoo-STAAD], stanna mabaych son of a b- (mispronounced son of a b-) [STAA-naa-maam-BAYCH], statagitt!/stagitt!/staizitt!/staizii! We should also like to make it clear that the presence of a word in the dictionary, whether marked or unmarked, in no way affects its legal status as a trademark. After all, the Florentine language itself was only a dialect until it became elevated to official national status. She cursed the spaghettis sisters face. Ya gotta know dat we wuz all First generation,not like the WANNABE These people are sovanilla..its so boring! THE SLANG EXPRESSION SCASHADECOMES FROM THE VERB alzare il gomito exp. Especially, when they didnt want us to know what they were talking about. An important part of Italian American identity, the Italian language has been widely spoken in the United States of America for more than one hundred years, due to large-scale immigration beginning in the late 19th century. The only thing I remember their parents yelling was: My mother told me never to marry a Neopalitan! MY mother told me never to marry a Sicilian!. What a treat! If you find mistakes in the spelling it is because every city in Southern Italy has its own dialect, so each person would bring a different dialect on their way to the US. Malta is also close to mainland Italy and could be also part of Italy today as well if they were also conquered at the time, but was ruled by England in recent history and it is independent. Yandex.Translate is a mobile and web service that translates words, phrases, whole texts, and entire websites from English into Italian. Is this familiar to anyone? How to use Italian American in a sentence. I believe that /Y-E-O/, as you said they pronounced, wasnt the italians trying to pronounce hoe are you. No he is not full blood Italian American 2nd generation like me he is Scotch Irish! My mother taught me to say sca shod when something was screwed up or a mess. This site I would rate excelllent! I cant find the word WYUN pronounced WHY-OON anywhere. Pastafazool was made very differently in my family than some of the recipes Ive seen. Thanks. Boy, werent we surprised when we found out that it wasnt Italian at all, but Italians trying to pronounce the English How are you?! You have words using the letter K in it. [caal-uh-BRAYZ], calamad fried squid (calamari) [caal-uh-MAAD], capidan/capitan captain (capitano/capitan) [caap-ee-DAAN], cendann/cent ann a hundred years (cento anni); Note: said before a toast [chen-DAAN], che cozz? It was like the word cafone. Tagged: agita, bensonhurst, brooklyn, butann, calabrese, capish, corleone, dialect, gabagul, gabbagul, godfather, goodfellas, goomba, goombah, guido, Italian, italian dialect, italiano, italy, made man, manhattan, neapolitan, pesci, sicilian, siciliano, slang, sopranos. The real word would be chiacchierone (pronounced KYA-kye-RONE). She did use to word culu and I remember it pronounced as cool-oo, not cool-oh. One word that no one here seems to be familiar was jumba-lone. what is the slang word for toilet or bathroom? It is autonomous but a territory of Italy. Many, believing theyd get an easy A, were in for a rude awakening! Thank you soooo much for this. Word. I still use all these words and they have been passed to my adult children. It contains over 95638 terms and 212602 translations in both English and Italian and continues to grow and improve. Italian-verbs: verb conjugation. I am told that is from the norman influence. Grazie a tutti coloro che sono venuti prima di noi e non dimenticate mai da dove vengono! This is the official dictionary and hub of American Italian (containing the approximate spellings, meanings, etymology, and pronunciations), so it is not lost forever. And is there a word for adopted or adoption? What you heard is probably a pizza as in would you like a pizza ?The other phrase in standard Italian likely translates into un poco di latto or in Englisha little bit of milk. can dance the best to the terrintella love sausage sandwiches and . So there you have it, now you can call someone a fart in two italian dialects. Love the Dictionary,brought a tear in the eye because my parents who are deceased are from R.I. and Ma.spoke this style of Italian. alot of the spelling is wrong. AND WELL, WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR DINNER? lol. I know theres so much more, please continue to add to this page. la buon anima pronounced as (a)bonanima or (a)bunamina. Shed use these when shed get mad at me or my brother, or at her husband. IF I ever get to go to Italy, its probably all I would relate to. In some southern Italian dialects it is pronounced sudice. I have respect for language that is local to a geographical area any where in the world. Shuncad lol! My own theory is that previous generations of Calabrese speakers did not learn the word from the written form basilico. It makes me so homesick to read them now- my father is gone and I live on the West Coast. Also, he used to say, The big fish eats the little fish. I can find lots of translations online, but not in dialect. My grandmother and mother made the fried dough in the shape of a donut and called them belly busters. Sounds like somebody is pitching pepper. get the mongenay = che ti mangino (I wish that eat you) My grandmother was from Sicily and we called it beetadul. Has anyone ever heard a spanking referred to as a scupalone? Karen, in southern Italy a lot of the dialects omit the l in a word e.g. dialect). Lol. Since the 1980s, however, it has seen a steady decline in the number of speakers, as earlier generations of Italian Americans die out and the language is less often spoken . My aunt in Schenectady, NY still makes it! With Reverso you can find the English translation, definition or synonym for American and thousands of other words. hows it going? Much of this comes from memory and familial recollection. i zuddicci I have no idea, possibly i sudici (the dirty ones), a way to call rats? your sister!/your sisters a _____! Probably because they didnt get very much meat. Ok.. Im a real Italian ( I mean I was born in Italy, grew up there and still live here). Ive studied language corruption. I was told it was a standard Italian greeting; my aunt went so far as to have her license plate changed to read Y-E-O! I have a few questions: the only word I heard for female genitals was culiI assume they were just saying the holes down there, like culo. Anyone else grew up with that? [aa-moe-NEE-nee], andosh!/andosc lets go! I found this very interesting because I am studying Italian, but it was mostly unfamiliar to me because all my Italian ancestors came from northern Italy, mostly in the early to mid 1800s, and their descendants whom I knew (unfortunately) only spoke English. . Gumba.. like family & 2nd. It would come out, vaa faa cuuulo!!! (capisci?) My father and his comrades would migrate between English, Abruzzese and this fascinating dictionary listed above. My sister & I have always gotten a kick out of the familiar words that show up on the Sopranos. U instead of il. Once you've started feeling a bit comfortable in your language learning journey, it might be time to switch from an English-Italian Dictionary to an Italian-Italian one. I too have heard this, or a variation of this phrase. Hence your recollection of ched which I think represents zitto in Italian with the final vowel omiited (zitto > chitto > chid(o), which you have represented as ched. to drink; (lit. or reply to. I give you a 10 plus and more then excellent rating! (WHAT did you call me?). Anyone know what that means? Conversations in my childhood home were held in a cacophony of English, Italian, Abruzzese and Napuletano. When I would ask what that meant they would say, since I was just a 10 year old kid, It means Your toast is in the oven. See the following definitions: Language: a complete, independent form of verbal communication (example: modern Italian or American English), Dialect: a complete language derived from another complete language (example: Sicilian), Pidgin: an incomplete, secondary language formed impromptu by people in an area who do not speak the main language (example: Gabbagool). They lived on the East Side of Cleveland, the Woodland area I think. It offers you quick access to synonyms, pronunciation and conjugation of a word, By adding words or expressions to the online dictionaries you can position yourself as a language expert, If you don`t know a word meaning you can start a discussion on it, or ask for its Italian English translation. And a favorite VAFRITT-go fry! maronn! (ma che cosa questo?) You may be referring to ma certo, meaning but of course. Funny thing: I am from Pittsburgh, PA and understood and remember the vast majority of these words and phrases being used (though some of the consonant sounds are a bit harder i.e. The posters description is more appropriately linked to the official Italian word stonato which has probably evolved into Italian dialect along the line of stonato > stunatu > stunadu > stunad (Ital. For those who are interested, this organization has plenty of interesting books available through LEGAS that may be of interest. I actually heard a bus driver on capri say this, and he pronouced it the same way. Free Italian English Translation Online Dictionary Translator - Paralink saying is used to mean, pronounced In many southern Italian dialects the traditional vowel o has been replaced by u, and the consonant sounds [p] [t] and [k] Also, coo-pa-LEEN, for a wool hat (ski hat). where? Did I miss cedemonia (ceremony)to describe someone , usually a woman, making too big a deal about something. !Thanks to Tony Soprano, my 16 year old thinks its so cool to say gabbagulto my mothers dismay. Just found your site. Thats how it sounded when she said it you probably have the spelling right.she would say it playfully not really sure what it means. My grampa (b.1873) spoke very broken-English yet taught us how to play Scoppa, Brisk, and on Xmas eve we all played Italian Blackjack (for pennies), called Sette Mezzo, minus the 8,9 10s. Italian Translation of "American" | The official Collins English-Italian Dictionary online. I actually say alot of these curses and never knew what they ment. We grew up in Spokane and I was was around no one else that used them. Offline pronunciation and translate any sentences. (lascilo!) At school they taught us Castillan Spanish, which my teacher informed us nobody in Spain even uses anymore. Im anxious to see any and all updates. Meaning wait some of us say Aspett for short (ahh-spet-ah/ahh-spet). I grew up in Mechanicville, NY in the late 50s and early 60s. Mary, the Biblical Mother of Jesus, called the Madonna. Whenever any says Madone, they are invoking the name of Jesus mother. English-Italian Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary Sonny calls Tom Hagan Tom-a-nooch before Sonny starts talking about the button-men he has on the street. I have many more. I remember a lot of them, and if interest is still here, I can post them. We grew up hearing bedda matri mia, not mamma mia. I know now that this was a leftover from Arabic, a Sicilian dialect thing. Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English. Jersey, and we had the guy who brought the bleach, too. My grandmother (Brooklyn from Caserta, near Naples) used to refer to children as quierdooday (phonetically) and not the standard Italian bambino. aneddu. It was used to refer to someone or something less than masculine. -ah-speth-a-mee-notes (wait a minute) Reverso offers you the best tool for learning English, the Italian English dictionary containing commonly used words and expressions, along with thousands of Italian entries and their English translation, added in the dictionary by our users. and many more.. My family uses many of these words all of the time. Another popular phrase that I grew up with was to say when seeing someone, Wai-i-o? (Literally pronounce, Y-E-O). [ke-FYE], chepreca! May I suggest that an alternate pronunciation for provolone (especially auricchio) would be Bruva lune. He was clearly an exception to the vast majority of his fellows. Does anyone know? However, the absence of a [d] or a [t] after the first posters second [s] (check his spelling of spusada versus your spusdada) leads to me to believe that the corresponding word in official Italian is in fact sposata (married status of a female, for example on an Italian passport.). Italian Dictionary Online Translation LEXILOGOS Im also from No. Ill be playing it with my grandchildren in the coming holidays. It includes over 96,000 definitions and more than 112,000 examples from real-life use, plus extensive coverage of etymologies, subject classifications, and regional variations. But maronna mia is not My God but my blessed mother or Our Lady it is madonna mia where madonna refers to the Madonna, the Blessed Virgin Mary, not the singer! You know bella shaquat? Laposta. Thats strange- because my Sicilian relatives are real light- with blue -green eyes. !, P.S. They will always be saved in the comments section, which itself is a living document of the culture. Ciao Linda: Im originally for East Boston. No other dictionary matches M-W's accuracy and scholarship in defining word meanings. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. History is not static and the history of Sicily and southern Italy is very complex. Ashpeta comes from aspettare which among other things also means wait or expect. YA DONE GOOD ! Yes I remember grandma told us about the pissa pot.when we had no money she used to say we dont have a pot to piss in.still dont. sincerely yours. We live in Toronto, and my folks are from Molise. Also remember some of those actors were not Italians and they were trying to speak proper New York Napuledan. (ma che cozzo fai?!) mmm maybe li surici (Italian i sorci. In Italian I would say, levati il pensiero ..lift the thought off of yourself.. Love it ! American - Dizionario inglese-italiano WordReference The word my mother always used was chiacchierone. Vi ringrazare dal fondo del mio cuore. Provolone was Pruvalone , basil Basanicol. His mother, who died soon after his birth, also had blue eyes and blonde hair. It sounded sort of like em-bah or bah. It was only after I studied Italian in University that I realized this is properly neanche uno. As for GWOT city BEP an Italian friend of mine has no idea. Some of my grandmothers favorite phrases I am guessing at the spellings (her people came from Venice, but be different and dont be hatin just cause we come from the north-lol): Colo roto sczifoso comparable to son-of-a-bitch, literally dirty, stinking, broken, smelly ass.. Another one I hear is shah-quad (phonetic spelling), which means (or so Im told) all crooked or messy. year. Unless it depends on the region. . The very well known baccaous illustratesindicating back house or out house.not any Continental Italian root to that.purely a creative American Italian expression born of necessity. But, I do enjoy learning more and more about Italian people and their languages and traditions. My mothers favorites were, Ti Potza schiatta, Potza yetta u sangue. Maria sounds like they were giving you a good wish to live for a hundred years which is what per cent anni means in Italian. This is a wonderful forum, thank you. Growing up my ears heard Basa Nicol from a Calabrese dialect (with the very last syllable stressed). One time my mom dropped a big bowl of spaghetti all over the floor and she cursed, a fessa da sorida. Darlene, I knew how to phonetically say fart in middle class italian [scoreggio] and in sicilian it is [pirito]. Then the person is addressed by it as he enters the room Bob-a-nooch! Thats whats going on in that scene from The Godfather. (a fa Napoli) [faa-NAA-boe-laa], fatti gatti due!/vatoli vatoli due! English-Italian dictionary | Italian translation | Reverso official Italian capicollo becomes gabigullu or gabigull. Apparently, much of this has to do with the dialect for certain parts of the country. I grew up in Pittsburgh, and now live in Chicago, me and my amicci and familigia in both places still talk this way amongst ourselves. faccia tosta > faccia tos(ta) > faccia dos. They both spoke Italian to each other, every damn day. Our neighborhood centered around our church and school and was settled mostly by the mezzogiorno immigrants from the southern regions and between 1900 and 1920. Anyone hear these words? paes. Nice to know I am remembering it the way my grandparents said it. Everyone I know of Italian descent uses this word instead of the standard Italian broccoli. Has anyone else heard this tune or did my grandfather just make up some words just to entertain his grandchildren?. Anybody hear the word dappanada growing up? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); jeanne (can you belive they named me french instead of Italian lol), Joanne ( grew up in Queens, born in Brooklyn! Most Popular Phrases in Italian to English. English words for the Italian word schiacciare SCHIACCIARE = your articles? Grazie. are frequently replaced by [b] [d] and [g] in dialect. My Father used to say it to my Mother when she was arguing with him.kind of makes sense now, LOL. Yo, this is the best. Graci ! Thanks so much and buon natale! , I remember a word my father would say for linoleum , not sure but he used to say ,,, time to lay the Shidodd. Immigrants to North America were forced to invent new words for things which simply did not exist in their old country. The Italian verb would be Andare and Andiamo for Lets go. Does anyone know the Italian phrase? escarole It is not in urban dictionary and Italian-American dictionary. I was taking Spanish and French and told my guidance counselor I wanted to take Italian as well. -this I have no clue how to spell, but its pronounced, sherot = jerk My family moved from Philly around 1900 to CT. CIAO! My grandparents were Calabrese. In parts of southern Italy we find the word buffetta. if you were bad. Anyway, he mustve worked his way all the way over to So. My parents teased me when I was little by saying the biangolin man left me at the wrong house. I think it was a fast food place. Angelo, Karen, Calabrese dialect: 1. Possible from man done gone One possibility. Just spelling it how it sounds. (ma che cosa questo?) and learn the NAPULETANO EXPRESSIONS. I cant believe how much influence the old people had on me. dialect spusdada. I went to high school in Westbury Long Island which was pretty much wall to wall Italians. YES! First is something like ahge [AHJH] use to describe the feeling of being full (especially in your chest and throat) after eating greasy food. ocazze e ciuccio cu cucuzzille e love I havent yet read every word in the comments but I will, when I have time. Note that this phrase may not be very common. I am in full agreement with you. (do you) understand? Here is my best guess The underlying form in official Italian is likely andiamoci (let us go! This is the official dictionary and hub of American Italian (containing the approximate spellings, meanings, etymology, and pronunciations), so it is not lost forever. Oo vidi?. My grandfather used to call me a big jumbalone when I was a little kid. Many of these words and phrases are pronounced quite differently, and many also take on a completely different meaning. Colin McIntosh, Editor I agree with the comment that this is intended to be a wish for someone to live a long time 100 years. SELF-DEFINITION definition | Cambridge English Dictionary For the ones performing professional translations from Italian to . Another she used to say sounded like grah-NOOD-oo, but I think I found cornuto on that one. la Familia expressiones & there spelling too. [gaa-PEESH], gaguzz muscles/idiot/money/squash (cucuzza) [gaa-GOOTS], gaguzzalonga big muscles (cucuzza lunga) [ga-GOOTS-aa-LOWN-gaa], gambarell/gambanell (door)bell (campanello) [GAMBA-rell], gavadeel italian pasta (cavatelli) [gaa-vaa-DEEL], gavone gluttonous eater (cafone) [gaa-VOAN], gettuzang/gett u sang work hard/bleed (gettare il sangue) [get-oo-ZAANG], ghiacchieron blabbermouth (chiacchierone) [gyaa-kyaa-ROAN], giambott Italian stew (giambotta) [jaam-BAUWT], giamoke/giamocc/jamoke idiot (giamope) [jaam-OAK], gomesegiam?/comesegiam?/gome se chiam how do you say?/whatchamacallit? As I have always understood it, the phrase is meant as a description of a persons status, and does not have anything to do with wishing anybody to starve himself to death. I was called testaduda, hard headed, as a stubborn child. Linguists classify Sicilian as a language, not a dialect. I find this very entertaining. Italian Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster Yes I dont think to them I was the best child but the more I tried to please them the bigger the hole I dug! These can vary a lot according to the region you're in. Language seems to be part of peoples religion, though they dont acknowledge it. meeng ya, not exactly sure but when ever I heard it used it was like saying I dont believe it or what the heck. hows it going? I think she was born in the US but her folks/siblings came over from Sicily late 1800s-early 1900s. Yes we did! Without a repository for these words, they will likely be lost, as pidgin languages are difficult to sustain. Ronnie- as for the word, eegatz- I wonder if thats where Americans get our expression, eegads! I have no idea, just thinking. (ue, compare!) oh goodness thank you for this. Places like Fondi, Itri, Montecalvo, Raviscanina. Wow, great job. When Clemenza discovered there wasnt a key under the rung, he said, Ming-ya. Half asleepout of itundoneconfusedtotally unaware of what is going on around him/hernot all together..perhaps begin to approach in American English how that term is sometimes used in describing a particular person. Before there was indoor plumbing and toilets, there was the back or out house. And the simple meal of macaroni and beans sounded something like basta vasool rather than pasta e fagioli. Saluti! so when they say a fess e soreta they are saying to the fool that is your sister which is still cold. Ya, its guaglio, ubiquitous in Campania. What Does The Italian Word Marone Mean In English? - ILoveLanguages Kind of Americanized. And also the color pink? meaning when someone starts up about something. (guarda la ciunca!) adj. I have a cousin who when we get together still says Hey! (sei senti fame?) The same reason I cant follow Portugese. (stai zitto) [stah-tuh-JEET], stendinz intestines/guts (inglese: intestines) [stehn-DEENZ], stugots/stugats f___ it (questo cazzo/questu cazzu/stu cazzu) [stoo-GAATS], struppiau extremely dimwitted (stupido) [stroo-pee-YAOW], stuppiau very dimwitted (stupido) [stoo-pee-YAOW], stuppiad dimwitted (stupido) [stoo-PEE-yaad], suprasa/suprasad type of salami (soppressata) [soo-praa-SAAD], ti voglio benassai I love you so much (ti voglio bene) [tee-VOAL-yo-TROAP-aa-SAI], un ada oda another time (un altra volta/un altra ora) [oon-AA-daa-O-daa], ue, goombah! Yes, Pizza Frizza. I almost took Italian in school. For example, my niecea teacher in Texasonce told her students as they walked through the corridor to an assembly, Straighten up this line. thats great . Yes. paul nap. If I remember correctly, it was used when someone did something stupid. My mother was 100% Sicilian and she used many of these words.
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