Their stones were brilliant and beautiful; all were brilliant and splendid to behold; and beautiful was their surface. ju huan ). Enoch, the seventh patriarch in the book of Genesis, was the subject of abundant apocryphal literature, especially during the . Btw, I love what you have done here. GIANTS, THE BOOK OF, a book mentioned as a canonical work of Mani in the Coptic Kephalaia (chap. Finally Solomon used the grip of the Master Mason to raise the corpse. It makes real, what you thought wasn't! Proudly created with. It is also a play on the word right because right in God is my right is implying Christ. For times of war etc Book of Job, 33:22- 24, Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? rosette- Notice this one is BLUE. and the humble. Notice too Akasya looks very similar to Ayahuasca, A-Y-A-H-U-A-S-C-A. ) Click to learn more about joining The Good Vibe Tribe \"Ancient Oblivion: The Plasma Apocalypse\", reveals the secret, demystifying the occulted truth: fantasy and reality are two sides of the same coin! I had someone say just recently that they got a 404 message? For towards the north life shall be planted in the holy place, towards the habitation of the everlasting King. Like all natural life forms, people and plants all start in darkness, the soil, or womb and with the right water, sunlight and chemistry they all become their own beings, creators or seeders. Chapter 66 - The Book of Enoch Chapter 66 1. 25.4 And this beautiful fragrant tree, and no creature of flesh has authority The Book of Giants - Wikipedia (I call them 'fringe' benefits get it?? The skin is the largest organ of the human body. Its no accident -after being generally suppressed- these writings today are being openly discussed and researched, and along with practical evidences left behind (i never knew these remnants,old huge tree trunks existed in the world) studied along with the ancient writings (eye witness accounts, of those whose authorship has passed down to us, or if not by these authors then most certainly via oral tradition. You here strange noises and then. Read the writings of Manly P. Hall, honorary 33rd degree Mason for more on this. Did God take the Giant Trees, and store them at Antarctica as written in Job? So no king COULD defeat it. Enoch says Titans cut the Giant Trees! - YouTube none of them, nor any others, were like it. What we experience are the possibilities we see changing as a flow of undefined information in a realm without limitation when we are in the DMT state. It makes a circle and circles roll like time flows. The men in BLUE or POLICE, Military, and the protectors of the SPACE that the Masons seem to believe they somehow own through their creation of a completely false paradigm of information and force used to enslave the cowan and profane.. According to The Book of Enoch, the mingling of angel and human was actually the idea of Shernihaza, the leader of the evil angels, who lured 200 others to cohabit with women. Rulers define and that is something that no ruler could measure, define, control nor put into words sufficiently. Welcome back to the Ancient Tree Research Project. 2. And said: Enoch, why dost thou inquire respecting the odour of this tree? Here on the wiki for Cerro Autana we read, For the Piaroa Indians, the original inhabitants of the area, Autana is a sacred mountain (Wahari-Kuawai in the Piaroan language). Enoch has been proven to have existed and was mentioned before the existence of the church. 24.4 And there was, among them, a tree such as which I have never smelt, and The people who learned to master alchemy or the stars, ended up rewriting our entire history. The dramatic buttewhich towers, The Devils Tower, aka The Tree Of Life, in Wyoming, doesnt seem to be a natural. The SCOTTISH Rite, the TIME and the FLOW of BLOOD meaning the people through controlling information like media, schools and control the flow of BLOOD also through ALCHEMY with drugs, food additives, chemtrailing, fluoride, vaccines..etc. Not sure if they meant to subscribe here or YouTube. And they hide the experience in film as well. The 2nd Dream is a tree uprooted, all but 3 roots are torn up. These actions trigger the flood. Chapter 31 - The Book of Enoch Chapter 31 1. 9 And out of the ground the Lord God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The Ayahuasca vine could be replaced with SYRIAN RUE SEED extract which is made easily by boiling the seeds in an acidic liquid like lemon juice or vinegar. Enoch 1-16 The Fallen Angels - Book of Enoch Wow. The dramatic buttewhich towers 1267 feet above the plains of northeastern Wyoming and the Belle Fourche Riverwas famously featured in 1977s Close Encounters of the Third Kind, culminating in a scene in which an alien mothership descended upon the rock formation. Yet this had not greatly changed the face of nature. And when the angels shall ascend, the water of the springs shall again undergo a change, and be frozen. Well I can tell you it most likely came about by a DMT experience. It is our goal to raise the consciousness of humanity through knowledge, truth, and love. Let him be drenched with the dew of heaven, and let him live with the animals among the plants of the earth. It is hidden in plain sight all around us. 2. An illustration of two photographs. If something makes us not believe it crashes. Chapter 66 - The Book of Enoch Full text of "The Book Of The Giants.pdf (PDFy mirror)" - Archive rubedo, a reddening, purpling, or iosis. Notice PURPLING. The Acacia acts more as the active ingredient to Ayahuasca brew. END is Eden. Depicted here in the double-headed eagle. I found this interesting. For some reason, I get no notifications from YT n u put out new but I know there game so I search u out. Some people believe Our planet has not always experienced the heavygravity it has today. The Stone Circle museum has several hundred fossils of giants and creatures. The fruit of this tree shall be given to the elect. And Origines or ORIGINS. Truth in plain sight once again. Hello Rosetta, Whats up, Rosette? GIANTS, THE BOOK OF - Encyclopaedia Iranica 6. We note that the subterranean root bark of acacia and mimosa species are known to contain high levels of Dimethyltryptamine, an entheogen which is strongly psychoactive when extracted and inhaled, and which is easily combined with other sacred entheogenic plants, and consumed as a potion.. 3. Piaroan mythology tells how -the tree-top went as high as the infinite, and its branches were full of fruits which fell and gave life to the Amazon. BOOK OF ENOCH SAYS ANGELS CUT DOWN THE TREES, FALLEN ANGELS CUT TREE,, giant silica pillars that reached upinto the heavens into other realms thosetrees were. For centuries Aboriginal, African and Native Indians used trees as well as plants to make medicine, using bark, branches and leaves to cure all sicknesses. The FOOLISHNESS of God are those things which are undefined. It shall be blessed and multiplied in the presence of the earth, in the name of the Lord.. The Devils Tower, aka The Tree Of Life, in Wyoming, doesnt seem to be a natural mesa but a gigantic tree whose wood has been petrified for possibly thousands of years. So I would say the same with the Chinese elements. There were likewise deep valleys, which did not approach each other. Cerro Autana or Autana mountain just to name a couple. These trees can easily reach heights of 300 feet. However the Baalbek TEMPLE looks like a man (with his heels together, mason stance). I need your help. Im beginning to notice the more I am able to see that even that which we think is old and pure has been just as corrupted as the modern/new. Cain worked in the soil, while Abel worked the sheep. It brings to life your every dream, fantasy, and nightmare! Followers of the LEFT hand path. Their two-headed Janus god. Thank you. Ancient Lost Treasures-Giants Ate Human Flesh drank his Blood Baalbek is on the opposite side of the Wedi Quannoubine, and coast of Lebanon. 4. Btw, I love what you have done here. 10. Universal Lighthouse offers our own Writings Plus, other information that is found throughout the Internet, Please Like or Subscribe for more amazing Discoveries and Universal Enlightenment. Software. Stemming from a reoccurring, cyclical, worldwide reset terraforming Earth and changing life as we know it so dramatically, that it can only be described as The Plasma Apocalypse! The offspring of these unnatural unions were giants 450 feet high. 25.2 Then I, Enoch, answered him saying: "I wish to learn about everything, How much money has gone into NASAs research into a form of space which may or may not exist, when our own world and its origins & history,whilst passed off as the fantastic may be more realistic and amazing than a lot of complicated, undecipherable, formulae (albeit they may have a role to play for minds which understand them) of the cold side of science. But I do appreciate your offer. Its fruit Its fruit resembled the cluster of the palm. Dr. Seuss was definitely in the know something Ive known for sometime but wasnt sure what I knew he knew lol. But one thing is for certain, it don't take much imagination to see they do seen to resemble Giant tree stumps. One day Wahari (a God) and his nephew Ruayei, which had been transformed into a lapa (Cuniculus paca), cut down the tree to get all the fruits at once.. The murdered body of Hiram Abiff, a Master Mason and Master of Works on Solomons Temple, was raised from his resting place beneath an acacia sprig which marked the spot to those who would be sent by King Solomon to search. . So the Blue book represents the OUTER portico of the Temple, while the RED book represents the INNER portico. Here on the wiki for Cerro Autana we read, For the Piaroa Indians, the original inhabitants of the area, Autana is a sacred mountain (Wahari-Kuawai in the Piaroan language). Heres a passage from the 1st book of Enoch discussing the Tree Of Life. Cerro Autana or Autana mountain just to name a couple. The Book of Enoch, by R.H. Charles, [1917], at In many cases The resemblance to massive Tree Stumps is undeniable. You basically have the most intense, vivid DREAM while you are AWAKE. After these things, surveying the entrances of the north, above the mountains, I perceived seven mountains replete with pure nard, odoriferous trees, cinnamon and papyrus. We have Benbulben in Ireland. Their text books I had a look at in Lebanon, surely focus on the books of Ezekiel, Daniel, Nimrod. Remember, You are what you eat! Chapter 31 - The Book of Enoch The Giant Cedar of Lebanon? The hills were crowned with majestic trees supporting the fruit-laden branches of the vine. 148), in the Homilies (p. 25.3-4), and Psalms (p. 46.29), as well as in the Chinese compendium of Mani's teachings, third article (Copt. The Book of Enoch Read online or download the Book of Enoch PDF, EPUB or .MOBI (Kindle). The sweet odour shall enter into their bones; and they shall live a long life on the earth, as thy forefathers have lived; neither in their days shall sorrow, distress, trouble, and punishment afflict them. Chapter 24 - The Book of Enoch And they grow here in Hawaii like weeds. Greetings from Germany, Your email address will not be published. They deal with COMMERCE, TRADE, MONEY and REGIONAL INFLUENCES like countries. They are the Monarchs. 8. 25.1 answered me and said And in Aborigines we have AB which is another word for God. Kukenan Tepui. I am most grateful for your research. So the Acacia wood is the Mimosa wood. The Mimosa, teaching US. An illustration of an audio speaker. So you can see Akasya, Acacia, Ayahuasca, DMT and Mimosa are ALL connected. Ancient Text, paranormal and supernatural exploration, Metaphysical Theology and Spiritual Awareness. 11. Are Flat top mountains the remnants of behemoth trees? The photoreceptors of the retina strongly resemble the cells of the pineal gland. 24.1 And from there, I went It is Kuaimayojo, the stump of the sacred tree of the fruits of the world. The Ancient Giant Trees of Earth - Universal Lighthouse
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