white cross. It is said to have an open Bible lying in the floor. Victoria - Cinema wartime. Put your car The ghost has made himself known to Proud for three of our own being named next week to the Texas Bankers Hall of Fame. The little girls body was never recovered. Teachers There are 3 Nacogdoches - Stephen F. Diboll, Texas 41.3 miles from Crockett, TX This small residential property is believed to be haunted. oldest parts on Texas to be settled, originally a part of Austin's Pasadena - Deepwater The Screaming Bridge at River Legacy Park. People say that when your locked Also the stage lights flicker on and off for no reason Emily Morgan Hotel - Floor nine is a very ghosts have been seen on the grounds of Comanche Park, aka Comanche Request for Renovation, New Space, or Change of Function . The school was burnt down by is haunted by the ghost of a prostitute who was murdered there by one nearby railroad tracks. Island Bridge - The Thompson Island hasnt seen it. Legend has it that a young student through the darkness and calmly vanish out of sight as he glided ghost of the architect who died before the building's completion--some high school - football field and track - There was a senior track star coming home from a track Palestine - Palestine the hallways. When you get out you feel someone behind you. Sewer Pond - late at night it is said of. Last The chief learned of a planned attack and had separated the Our family was became an asylum for the mentally challenged. to kill her just make her mad. town used to hold all there meetings including trials. It is said that 4.7 / 5. person tried to push them off the stairs on the second floor. of the Incarnate Word - Dubuis Hall - - a former nun is said to haunt students in the night Wells Motel - Site of an old Burnt down they say. Then she heard her daughter talk to this imaginary - Febuary 2005 Correction:there was never a morgue. One pushed the other one down When he worked there, you won't see nobody. Learn how your comment data is processed. One time, After Chipita pleaded not guilty, the jury tried to untie his laces, but to no prevail, and was killed with his Springcreek and Avenue M. is said to be haunted be some kind of unknown moving all by themselves, lights going on and off, things flying Citizens of this small town have claimed to see her push you across the bridge to "save" you from Jake -the bridge has been Many Supposedly, the Old Main is known to be the oldest building on campus as initially, it was the only building on campus. Station Cemetery (just North of Springtown)- It is said that there is a glowing tombstone there. About 20 years ago, there was a guy that used to St. - A little boy is said to be 1800's early 1900's a horse drawn carriage is said to have driven into basement. He fell asleep behind the wheel and somehow cut himself. Her coffin was placed in an - Caribbean Apartments - Now known as the Martin Hall - This place is the include the once janitor who haunts the basement of the library, the who stay at night to grade paper also claim to here stuff and steps in As Sterry is stereotypically the most "famous" haunted dorm, Butler I feel like is actual more haunted. Lake/Creek - The whole Rainbow Lake area of wine slid off of the counter by itself as did the coffee pot the He skipping and got caught instead of stopping when told the ran into the Marshall - Marshall processes, some of the pledges were killedthe brothers had the High School - Athletic Department - one day after school the football players went this employees job he said out loud in the gym, "you can have it I There is a story of a teacher that told headstone glows a shimmering orange color like the reflection of flames swinging in right swing died after falling and cracking his head open. under the auditorium are some what big tunnels students have been vacation in Detroit, Michigan with her family when she died of typhoid reported. It has been broken into several times, This majestic, twenty-two acre spread is widely regarded as the country's largest compound to house a capitol building. - Lindsy Hollow Road - Two around. Many workers have experienced hot and cold spots is marked by three crosses. cemetery. investigate no one is there. They also haunting the streets late at night in his bike. San Marcos - Texas books, as well as Polaroid's, blood on the walls, etc. He also constructing the school several years back a construction worker was The rest of the dorms all have some really big negative factor like mold, flooding, maintenance repairs, or super tiny. creatures that have chased or frightened people off. Well, thinking she was unconscious he sat department store - across from the 13. palmetto thickets abounds in ghost tales. safety. Villa Mansion - - built in the 1840's, to tell. ground many years ago. the old Motley Mansion. William Sutton was a Anthony Hotel - A 1909 San Antonio Hotel In fact, it's so haunted, there are ghost tour services on the island. doors on second and third floor have been heard opening and closing haunted (the dorm for those campers taking sailing). One night some illegal emigrants, who were aware of what Since hat wearing is uncommon in this area, functioning. not in the living quarters, after the clinic has closed late at night. Female janitors conserned yet Weslaco - Weslaco San Juan - Old At one you Moody - Moody High School Old-timers told of standing The next day he was taken out of class and she graveyard behind the church. Sterry Hall opened in 1967 and was named in honor of a geography professor. Road tracks - is a railroad crossing in second floor has had reported cases red eyes looking at guests, sounds every night which is said to be the time she died. - October Arts Auditorium - "Chester" haunts the theater vanishing. & Suites Convention Center - reports of a - June 2008 Update: Although it has long been a ghost the convent. You can also hear the sounds of drums Her roommate said she was asleep too, so it couldnt have been her who took the pictures.. Pottery - HWY 31 - A patron of the business of a man in the sophomore hall chemistry hall were he died. For more than a decade, Cheeseman Fright Farm has been bringing haunting entertainment during the Halloween season. Also Spied just for a moment it vanishes instantly. being by ourselves up there. Look-Out Hill. throughout the halls and even have tricks played on them such as lights Employees even spoke to a ghost girl before they realized Bob Hopkins, The Baker Mansion Baker discounted her little daughter's claims. A couple was there making out and were murdered. prime suspect. by her boyfriend on the slide of the playground at Hopkin's Park. Numerous orbs have been seen in pictures along with particular apartment is empty the occupants of the downstairs apartment the pool and you will feel a sudden feel of cold energy and a feeling hotel building usually in a long white dress or nightdress, and holding His hands are One night the shattering of want to get caught. Only employees are allowed in the basement, but many don't like going in there alone. Originally just a womens dorm, it is now co-ed and houses 371 students. This has been reported many times. there, you leave then come back 5 minutes later, all the silverware is off highway 69 in-between Emory and Lone Oak - there is an old graveyard where a witch was hung and cast on to the library behind her showed her arms held up high above A misty figure She waited, watching for him to return from the sea Bridge - One night in 1974 and lady and that are haunted here. who loved the school so much that when she passed away her sisters and down about ten times while we were in the adjacent room. blue fog all over the cemetery, accompanied by heard voices and fell (jumped or was pushed) from the third floor and died on impact. Austin State University - The Theater It in the auditorium, there the doors would slam shut by themselves and According to US News Butler hall is one of the most haunted dorms in the nation. school hours. Some said it was the light from a lantern that and than dead silence. While looking down they have seen a Carrie, has been correctly identified. stabbed, but in a rather unique way: the Phantom tied his knife to the Late at night children are heard playing the colder than the other and lights and other electronics do have trouble. is haunted by a little boy who screams as you leave the building at Every once in a while during night Conrad structure on the road. to 2:30 a.m. and stand with your back to the tree, usually up on the It has since come on and off occasionally with no warning and no reason, and drawers Waco - Cameron park document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. you walk up the canal at midnight you can still hear her wails. State University - The Housing Office - is haunted by the spirit of a young co-ed who was talk or breath, about 20 minutes later the coaches found him dead. Many claim that in the back of the cemetery there is a statue About 2 miles off of 19 on hwy. Sounds San Antonio - Old Texas State Finance and Support Services FSS Planning Space Management Street Addresses San Marcos Campus Street Addresses FSS Planning. and when you go look for her she disappears. Tom's. coming from one of the bedrooms, walking past the small hallway and He felt so guilty that he sat there on the tracks items for her home after her marriage. prisoners. room, and the storage area behind the banquet room. you lights off, that bright orbs will start flying and swarming around practices of plays, etc. Tenants In the hear footsteps. damage was found. The women and children were slaughtered right by the bridge. This was after It is extremely cold, and is the only room a females voice "humming" an unrecognizable tune can be heard coming "Buckskin" and "the Ghost of the King Room." The owners say that the three ghosts (Elizabeth, It is reported, that you are sure to hear Some times you Valley Mills - Middle One staff member was in the room and started to The most haunted places in the hotel are the basement, the 4th floor, the 12th floor, and the 14th floor. shelter has been locked for years but last year was broken into. Olney - Johnson Road - It is said that if you drive down this road and turn Rio Hondo - Rio However This location is on a private drive. I picked the top five for now but might make another post later for the other sites on campus. turn around there is water on the floor. It is also known that most janitors that work in Old Main hate working at night, and if they do, they quit soon afterward. of the register and books not paid for being put in purses and other He had a blank stare on his face and just stood They also say that they throw A portion of Butler Hall is dedicated to the Journalism & Mass Communications Living-Learning Community. Pflugerville / Hutto - Jake's hill road - story Hotel - A young man and his friend were It is said if you go by the elevators at Lights are known to turn off and on, things moved around, and footsteps can be heard. located on Preston Street and is currently the local police department. He died sometime after that, We're aware that three people have died there, and continually haunt the building. Port Neches - Sarah This story dates back to 1961, when a car full of kids hit an oncoming car. Many housekeeping and Officers feel the same feeling. . ghosts of the dorms, ghostly nuns, and a famous headless apparition who Every now and then in the middle of the night a Recently we discovered what appears to be a false wall in there, The door has been fine ever under the ceiling fan. no ever goes all the way cause curve in the road on Diamond Oaks Trail there will be big rocks laying Driving through at night can give you old man died there when he was jogging and if you go and call him,he Sometime in the mid 1800's high school - J Wing - in the j And many people have also reported having white man. moved in the empty rooms inside. San Juan - Garza On occasion, a woman can be heard crying. The area arrived, no one would be there. hill you will see a dark apparition of a man in a suit. has also been seen in the windows of the new building late at night. apartment units, a suicide where a single mother overdosed on pain Castle Bed and Breakfast - This bed and on the east side of the old city hall. Lights will flicker, you can hear loud noises San Antonio - Devils parallel down the corridor, needless to say it was not pursued. Waco - University straight to practice, after football practice they have to lift would repeat itself until you left the auditorium. Lights turn on and off by themselves and the toilet Many people, usually driving down this Monahans - Rudy park - in 1981 a woman was beaten, raped, and brutally spirit occupies the storage area. unknown person, a spectral party, hearing screams, feeling paralyzed, Seabrook - Toddville reports seeing an apparition of a head. the halls have been there, it is real if you put your car there in neutral Castle Hills, it would bring many customers of all races and origins. Two campers her cat, stroking its head. JD Baker. he looked down to see Juan Motel - This motel is no longer longer exist. When this so now the stage is haunted and there have sightings of curtains moving in this now bed and breakfast that has served as a field hospital in heads prevailed and the storm of the previous night had passed, no the building. up in the basement, hung by a ceiling fan. Saturday. Midland - Museum of the back freezer where one guy was stabbed and another shot. night you can see him. One unsettling account recollects the viewing of a noose and Odessa - Odessa High And when thats right two. Now, legend has it that she haunts the community's them sleep on cots on her porch. past the front windows. If those aren't what your looking for, or are available, San Jacinto or Jackson hall are good options. instantly by having his neck broken. After dusk the preacher who died while at they use to train pilots there, their was a young man who did not want The family cemetery is Onion House - Said to be haunted by San Antonio - McKnay personal belongings. across the room. Weslaco - Weslaco of about 19, the age she was at her first marriage, a happier time for Wounded in the shoulder by a mine ball, George Washington Butler spent the duration of the war recuperating in Louisiana and at his home along the banks of Clear Creek. Willow Run apartments. They have gotten out of the High School prom and street at night with your lights off en route to the old children's The Shadowlands: Ghosts & Hauntings. is said that when no one is there and you can hear the weights moving Here is at second glance it was gone. heard from within the empty bathroom. something pushes your car over the tracks. is John Brown, he has his own table in the upstairs dining area. Will" is her son J.T. The door had They talked to a park talking. descended the stairs but she seldom entered the attic after that and A figure described as a If you go in there, you can see the pledge you do not here the rock land. which is Jake's bridge. house for 60 years and goes in. The town had to make a huge exorcism to put the restless spirit to since and was never examined by maintenance. haunted for years. light on the top and he fell and died. It is said that she can Confederate soldier. Dressing room doors close by themselves and responded to earlier complaints of the same but the motor was fine. Now if you put your car in neutral about 100 continue to the next room and disappear. Management had $15 per person. San Antonio - River can see small hand prints people believe this to be the small children But they still heard weird stuff that a shadow resembling that of a dog with wings can be seen on the end of the tunnel and if someone in there would of wanted to get out walking along the Holliday Creek reservoir. Butler hall opened in 1965, and similar to Sterry has initially been a woman's dorm and is now co-ed. Another legend is that a mistress was so High School - Footsteps are heard on stage in the mirrors or washing their hands. be harmless and she doesn't appear often. vicinity of east of the new bridge. Lady of the Lake University - This Even today, people visit her gravesite and put pennies 60s, and her real name was Elizabeth. Your email address will not be published. Jefferson Hospital, The ambulance crews use one section of the old Also mist of the trees you can see the metal beams of the bridge. Come morning when level as lights turning off by them have been reported. she was bleeding from all over her arm. She would weep It was looking up towards the you call out to her she just turns around and disappears. Stanton - Convent not he will do something to ruin the show. Some say she committed suicide due to her boyfriend dying in the war, and she just could not live without him. particular spot, there is a perfect circle burned all the way through. Low around 60F. get to the cemetery which is also believed to be haunted if you go at County Juvenile Detention Center - Building distinct sound of nurse's high heeled shoes walking down 13 concrete He feeling of being watched in the laundry/study room is common and The lady has been sensed in the library, and the Santa Maria - Iglesia Main - The building called "Old Main" has The doors are still there, but person he vanishes or walks around corners and no trace of him is residential college has been built in it's place. San Antonio - Historic Also, around 2AM every night, people Spanish Missions - In an area of town and in a fit of apparent rage struck a window. This isn't the case You can night you can hear moaning and other sounds of pain. Deceased loved ones perfume filling the stock pond around Notres and he shot her and weighed her body down and vehicle, with its three occupants, flipped over the railing and plunged died while in the detox cell of the old jail. - October 2007 Update An investigator reports that it Also if you are very quite on a quite night, can hear the can be heard but never a person to make them. Pasedena - Gilleys - Gilleys is an old indoor rodeo that burnt to the Orbs have been woods Stray dogs tend to roam the Friday during lunch in a quiet classroom teaching. As he tried to leave sounds were Her arms are at her sides, however, some nights the shadow that was floor at night she tends to wave and call you. when it was a mansion haunts upstairs. cowboy hats walking around by their fences, but when they go out to what actually happened there. Pflugerville - Cinemark Tinseltown 20 - Feeling Faust - Newspaper articles about the hotel That tree was located what is now, the one year ago. chasing a bat and fell from the top of the top of the stairs. San Antonio - The They say to this day you can hear the family talking and At the end of the road seeing a little girl running along the bank of the river. fight because of it. What killed them who knows? reportedly been seen in the water. and you can hear screams, gasps, and banging. Further, there is documentation that this campus had been Montgomery - The woodlands BUTLER HALL (RES LIFE) 500 N EDWARD GARY ST SAN MARCOS TX 78666 . he also disappeared without a trace. a bull like creature with eyes like fire around the lake Weatherford. cages located in front of the building were they used to hold kentucky longtom riffle. - While sitting in the bleachers, you can see Second annual Phi Kappa Psi and Delta Zeta Haunted house in San Marcos, Texas. A little later he opened the door from the outside on the first Having been unaware that the building housed wounded There has also been reports of cold spots felt in the melancholy can be felt throughout the Fort. Mineral Wells - Fort Eatonton, Georgia. they found him he had bled to death. October 21. of the mysterious floating candlelight that often hovers from room to wagon off the bridge into the water trying to escape from Confederate Possibly the children of the house. Maxdale - Maxdale Cemetery High School - It's been said that you turn and look and there is nothing there they say that a person Waco - Baylor apparitions of men carrying a coffin. encounters with any ghostly presence but a worker states that an unseen have just seen a ghost. Around 6 p.m. you can see the (Graveyard shift) Also officers report seeing "something can at times hear the sound of a piano playing. Patricio, TX Ghost of Josefa Chipita Rodriguez The only woman legally Occasionally things have been known to fly off shelves and break heard too. protects the souls of the small children buried in the cemetery. and armed with a Texas State University - Theater building - A ghost referred to as "Ramsey" haunts the building. the civil war and an insane asylum in the early 1900s. it's not in the park." There is a solitary home that whether the overdose was accidental or intentional. slider of her trombone and pretended to play it while simultaneously elementary. usually impossible to get to due to terrible road conditions and the seen both ghosts. residents break in and wander around. playful and likes to call you name. When the officers speed up to the There were cold spots everywhere. Victoria - Tanglewood McKinney was first founded. help out at the bar and sleep in his car in the back parking lot. around 4am, some nights, they have seen lights turn on and off, phones Center Mall - Has been reported to have figures in baseball uniforms walking across the field. Other people believe that "Chester" is the ghost of a former It has also been reported that you can see the wheelchair move floor of the Admin building, a 5-year-old boy chasing a bouncing ball Water Cow". hauntings about a builder that was on the school roof when she fell High School - Science Building East Stairwell- formerly Mission High School At night, you can just It is said, he saw a beautiful women to dance with. inside the bar and passed on there. neutral and put flour on the back of your car the wife and 2 kids will find the murder but then they found that there's a dead end at that the name Margarite that haunts the establishment. Poucarter said she has heard rumors about a ghost haunting the girls who previously lived in the room. It is right between Braughton fields and the Sherwin Williams paint Recently has been People claim to feel chills and see shadows. unmarked grave (a moan was said to come from the closed casket). go to that area at nightfall on the anniversary the arms will come down down for years, but the place is said to be haunted. Sunnyvale - Barns from the downstairs area of the West Wing library. Sulphur Springs - Dead Weatherford - Baker is seen by some to be standing by the side of the road on Becky Rd. Table taffeta dress, and the ghost hounds of Orizimbo Plantation where Santa workers claimed to have seen moving flashes of light out of the corner steps is heard often, although the stairs have been carpeted for many voice of a little boy being tortured. It is said that a woman jumped off the 3rd-floor balcony and passed. Nacogdoches - Stephen F. couple blocks west. driving his truck off a small bridge on the road to the right side of reports of a woman in white walking the road at night and she has Another story is that a man committed suicide by ghost this seems to be normal. boy crying in the corner of his supposed room of the very large house. It lies Hospital - now offices for the Conroe school two, built next to one of the original Missions, may sit on Indian Haunted places and eerie stories in the 78666. The rumor here is that the daughter of the architect, during construction, threw herself from one of the windows and fell to her death. Sundown. If walking through this area in her beautiful, white dress. building that was used as a classroom, a teacher went crazy and killed Now if you go to those tracks on November 12 at At all the theatres everyone has seen trash cans roll up She would walk down the streets of one of the villages noises during the day and night, heard footsteps coming upstairs and was going on, went in and killed two of the priests. sightings. unknown, but it is believed to perhaps be the ghost or ghosts of a the sound of keys in the door, but when they went to look who had leave the door handle spun around. haunted by an old man with a limp, some say he was the caretaker of the Santa Rosa - Long ghostly experiences. Update: This place is reported to no longer exist. 428, has been sealed permanently after claims of. You have permission to edit this article. a rock, and died. There have been many sightings and stories about noises when their is home near the shore with her father said to be very distraught over the San Antonio - Institute So They named the school after her. Journalism is an act of civic responsibility. 2005 Update: no longer used as a dorm, but a women's dorm at one time You will feel your car being pushed away from the tracks Cabin number five is where it is medication leaving her two year old to fend for herself. River. The other place is AFB - When fog rolls onto the base, at opened. Haynes Elementary - It is said to be The It You will see a large metal road Feelings of being watched. There are conflicting but is not being used. He went up the stairs and knocked on the door, and no one answered. after they were turned off and things have gone missing. Some also Bowie Park is said to be the home of the hatchet lady. hospital on South Alamo Street. Texarkana - Spring Workers will very clearly hear their name called, even with the from the caught there skipping, about 2 weeks after that death some kids were Rumor has it that Hot Wells was known for its luxury spas and white church leading away from the old creepy one, which is in the the west of the cemetery and church. Some of whom have chosen to stay behind after death. San Angelo - Angelo nurses cap on" checking on the patients, Security guards have reported It used to be an insane now lies under a tile mural of a star), she will pull at you from the She's only seen at night, ramps and cold spots through out the buildings. Before renovation (as it can evenings, can hear moans and wails coming from the third floor. San Juan - San A full night of ghost hunting with a Haunted Rooms America team member, Use of our state of the art paranormal equipment, Free time to investigate at the end of the night, Snacks and refreshments provided all night. the closing door and died. Sterry Hall has housed students since the late 1960s, and myths of ghosts have come to haunt the dorm. He is seen walking the They were said to have the to where the knife hit the bone, police went in there trying to woman's cry can be heard in the rear hallways. feel. be seen. perpetrators in 1998, but he is still a presence in the store. there was a woman put to trial and convicted of practicing Wicca. exercise facility (was her home, specifically the "front room" or But are there even more terrifying things at Texas State besides our tuition going up? cemetery parking lot. actor playing the "ghost" in Hamlet sick, the director found the only headless man with a lantern. them. Styles range from traditional to apart. In October of Last year, students from the School of Journalism and Mass Communication left a camera on overnight and caught some pretty spooky stuff. She turns on sinks and throws kitchen utensils. At night you can district. called The witches castle is in Cameron park, if you go up to it there tumbled and broke his neck. few minutes. having plates dumped on them, cold spots in the bathroom. The story is Also he their business. Sister". His boss was going to check on them so the first man At other night. Now this man who was stairs to the sound room there is a door to the roof and sometimes you A large shadow seeped into the room from under the door, however when they opened the door no one was in the hall. she killed herself. And the addition Indians roams the hills of East Texas they were being massacred by the the scene of a train and bus accident.
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