Leaders assess risk continuously throughout COA development. 3. Starting with a baseline pattern and keeping a mission analysis on how the population is responding or have responded in the past under similar circumstances will assist leaders in using patterns to the unit's advantage. New facts and new or updated . He must be able to see his own tasks and enemy actions in relation to time. PDF Company OPORD Development Checklist - The Company Leader Commanders should limit their CCIRs to essential information. A-101. A COA sketch developed in one of several COA-editing tools that have What terrain has higher headquarters named as key? As the passengers boarded, I noticed a slight haze in the distance. A-85. The COA statement briefly expresses how the unit will conduct the combined arm concept. He uses these factors, gained from his relational combat power analysis matrix, as his frame of reference in tentatively selecting the best COA. Leaders constantly receive information, from the time they begin planning through execution. Leaders in small units primarily use the COA statement and COA sketch to describe the concept of the operation. _____ (60 points total) COURSE OF ACTION STATEMENT Instructions: The C634 course of action statement and sketch (COA S&S) is worth 20% of the overall C600 grade. Where can I destroy the enemy? Prepare COA Statements and Sketches Conduct a Course of Action Briefing. How will temperature and humidity affect the unit's rate of march? The four categories the leader considers include. In order to keep communication at a standstill, phone lines are cut connecting the outside to the camp before the attack. COA analysis (war gaming) brings together friendly and enemy forces on the actual terrain to visualize how the operation will unfold. Higher headquarters (two levels up) mission, intent, and concept. Prepare a COA statement and sketch. He assesses the ability of the attacking force to overwatch or support movement (with direct fire). EEFI are the critical aspects of a friendly operation if known by the enemy, that subsequently would compromise or lead to failure of the operation. ;" "Reconnoiter route BLUE;" "Assist the forward passage of 1st platoon, B Company." Identify the essential communicators and formal and informal processes used to influence people. Leaders must understand assumption the battalion (S-2 uses to portray the enemy's COA. We also obtained a report from the battle captain concerning the weather situation at the destination airfield. Sometime before sunset, I headed out to preflight the aircraft. How will existing obstacles and restricted terrain affect the enemy? If commanders reject all COAs, the . Gaining complete understanding of the enemy's intentions can be difficult when his situation templates, composition, and disposition are unclear. For example, fratricide is a hazard categorized as an accident risk; surface danger zones and risk estimate distance are used to identify the controls, such as TRP and phase lines, to reduce this accidental risk. The leader identifies critical factors such as type, amount, and duration of precipitation. By defining organizations within the community, leaders can understand what groups have power and influence over their own smaller communities and what groups can assist our forces. Likewise, he must understand enemy doctrinal objectives. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each avenue? A COA should position the unit for future operations and provide flexibility to meet unforeseen events during execution. He determines the disposition of the next two higher enemy elements. In the defense, weapon positions must be both lethal to the enemy and survivable to the Soldier. They need not analyze METT-TC in a particular order. Winds of sufficient speed can reduce the combat effectiveness of a force downwind as the result of blowing dust, obscurants, sand, or precipitation. In a time-constrained environment, a platoon leader typically develops only one COA. These may be indigenous, come from a third country or U.S. agencies. Poorly developed road systems may hamper logistical or rear area movement. A-106. The unit has the technical and tactical skills and resources to accomplish the COA, with available time, space, and resources. A-120. COA statement should identify -Decisive point, and what makes it decisive. A-122. Understanding of time and space relationships of events, leading to thorough contingency plans. For sustaining operations, it accomplishes the assigned purpose, which enables both the shaping and decisive operation (again, nested concept). Write your commanders intent to address key tasks or conditions that must be met to achieve the stated purpose and end state. The leader looks at specific enemy actions during a given operation and uses the appropriate situation template to gain insights into how the enemy may fight. An example of a (partial) sketch of a course of action. Will wind speed and direction favor enemy use of obscurants? All work must be your own. AGADAP Example Walk-through Part 3:. Distinguishable. Identify friendly strengths to exploit the enemy weakness. Next, the leader analyzes relative combat power, generates options, arrays his forces, develops a CONOP, assigns responsibility, and prepares a COA statement and sketch. Enemy Situation Template Other events, such as disasters and those precipitated by military forces, stress and affect the attitudes and activities of the populace and include a moral responsibility to protect displaced civilians. Precipitation affects soil trafficability, visibility, and functioning of many electro-optical systems. In order to make the creation of COA diagrams eortless for the user, interaction must occur eortlessly and the interface should be invisible to the user. Tactical risk is associated with hazards existing due to the enemy's presence. 8. The COA sketch is a drawing or series of drawings to assist the leader in describing how the operation will unfold. What lateral routes could the enemy use to threaten our flanks? After developing the COA, the leader analyzes it to determine its strengths and weaknesses, visualizes the flow of the battle, identifies the conditions or requirements necessary to enhance synchronization, and gains insights into actions at the decisive point of the mission. This preview shows page 13 - 24 out of 34 pages. They identify their headquarters tasks and purposes as well as their own contributions to this fight. Decisive point and what makes it decisive. Conclusions include at least the following : Obstacles I informed my co-pilot of my observation and positioned myself to take the controls if he couldn't correct our situation. Another example of essential terrain for a platoon and squad in the attack is high ground overlooking the enemy's reverse-slope defense. What is the enemy's most probable course of action? It was about a 20-minute flight and as we got closer, the dust storm worsened. PPT MDMP Class (Military Decision Making Process) PowerPoint Reinforcing obstacles, protective (reinforcing) obstacles offer close-in protection and are important to survivability. Strong winds and wind turbulence limit airborne, air assault, and aviation operations. Capabilities Where is the dead space in my area of operations? They must know their areas of operation and areas of interest: Prioritization of Terrain Analysis The C634A2 course of action statement and sketch (COA S&S) is an individual assignment worth 20% of the overall C600 grade. They must determine how the terrain and weather will affect the enemy and their units. Most importantly, as events occur, he must adjust the time available to him and assess its impact on what he wants to accomplish. Purposes of critical warfighting functions elements. Given more time, they might analyze the remainder of their platoons area of operation and area of interest. Cover and concealment is just as vital as clear fields of fire. What are the strengths and weaknesses of subordinate leaders? FM 7-30: The Infantry Brigade - Appendix I - GlobalSecurity.org Some precipitation questions to answer include . At greater altitudes, it can increase or reduce fuel consumption. The product of this process is the synchronization matrix. ATP 2-01.3 for more information. This product is similar to the MCOO in it shows the critical military aspects of terrain. Key terrain is locations or areas whose seizure, retention, or control gives a marked advantage to either combatant. When possible, the observer conducts a ground reconnaissance from both enemy and friendly perspectives. When the mission window passed, he canceled the mission. How can the enemy use each avenue of approach? Where are the natural target registration points? Some types of clouds reduce the effectiveness of radar systems. A-56. R&S assets and, most importantly, his and his higher headquarters pattern analysis and deductions about the enemy in his AO. Scenario Blueprint Examples. Is this terrain also important to the enemy? The purpose of COA development is to determine one or more ways to accomplish the mission consistent with the immediate higher commander's intent. The goal of this step, generating options, is to determine one or more of those ways quickly. It, along with the platoons purpose, is usually assigned by the higher headquarters' OPORD in concept of operation or Tasks to Maneuver Units. A-116. He then must task organize his forces specific to the respective essential tactical tasks and purposes assigned to his subordinate elements. Civil considerations are important when conducting operations against terrorist or insurgent forces in urban areas. It was only then that I was able to look outside again. Little effort is needed to enhance mobility, but units might have to zigzag or make frequent detours. Partial cloud cover can cause glare, a condition attacking aircraft might use to conceal their approach to the target. Assign Responsibilities At small-unit level, the enemy's most probable COA is what the enemy is most likely to do. Leaders conclude their mission analyses by restating their missions. The two flight crews met at the TOC for the mission briefing. It also includes understanding the full array of assets in support of the unit. On another mission, we were told we had legal weather, the forecaster reporting three miles visibility. Time analysis is often the first thing a leader does. A-86. A-87. For example, in an attack against a defending enemy, the COA must address the movement to, deployment against, assault of, and consolidation upon the objective. We discussed the weather conditions and decided to keep an eye on it. COA Sketch and Narrative A graphic and text description of the COA Should include: Scheme of Maneuver in chronological order A Main Effort action with task and purpose Supporting Effort actions with task and purpose Can use Close, Deep and Rear operations Phasing/ staging/ timing Developing a synchronization matrix here for each COA will be helpful during wargaming Risk assessment is the identification and assessment of hazards allowing a leader to implement measures to control hazards. Tactical considerations in analyzing key terrain. Perhaps the most critical aspect of mission analysis is determining the combat potential of ones own force. Implied tasks are those being performed to accomplish a specified task, but that are not stated in a higher headquarters order. Population statuses overlays can best describe groups and define what feelings the group has toward American forces. What are the enemy's likely counterattack routes? Specified tasks also may be found in annexes and overlays, for example-- "Seize OBJ FOX. The concept of the operation describes how the leader envisions the operation unfolding, from its start to its conclusion or end state. Leaders understand their immediate headquarters concept of the operation. During all phases, leaders consider critical times, unusable time, the time it takes to accomplish activities, the time it takes to move, priorities of work, and tempo of operations. It was a familiar mission; a flight of two UH-60Ls were to fly a five-and-a-half-hour ring route under night vision goggles. This is key terrain which seizure, retention, or control is necessary for mission accomplishment. The operations purpose usually matches or achieves the purpose of the immediate higher headquarters. Relying on the technology rather than my senses, I transitioned inside to the instruments and noticed our nose starting to rise and our airspeed slowing. He includes in this situation template the likely sectors of fire of the enemy weapons and tactical and protective obstacles, either identified or merely templated, which support defensive tasks. The decisive point does not simply restate the unit's essential task or purpose; it defines how, where, or when the unit will accomplish its purpose. The leader goes past observing to application. How will precipitation (or lack of it) affect the mobility of the unit or of enemy forces? Recent Activities Coa statement and sketch example #991# - Carol Romine A prominent hilltop overlooking an avenue of approach might or might not be key terrain. Without determining a valid decisive point, the leader cannot begin to develop a valid or tactically sound COA. These two products are the basis for paragraph 3 of the OPORD. This often becomes a union of resources and specialized capabilities. A-82. Lessons Learned First, leaders consider TTP from doctrine, unit SOPs, history, or other resources to determine if a solution to a similar tactical problem exists already. The essential task is the mission taskit accomplishes the assigned purpose. This reconnaissance helps him to see the ground objectively and to see how it will affect both forces: A-54. How do I get him to go there? A-39. What additional assets are required to accomplish the mission? EENT, moonrise, moonset, and percentage of illumination. Strength In analyzing the enemy, the leader must understand the A-109. Do not discuss this assignment or your answers with anyone other than a Department of Distance Education (DDE) instructor or your academic advisor It enables him, A-123. Extremes of temperature and humidity reduce personnel and equipment capabilities and may require the use of special shelter or equipment. OAKOC What avenues would support a friendly counterattack or repositioning of forces? It is a continuous cycle of action, reaction, and counteraction. BMNT, sunrise, sunset, A COA sketch developed in one of several COA-editing tools that have been used as data-entry interfaces to CADET. The two types of constraints are proscriptive (required; mandates action) and prohibitive (not allowed; limits action). Even if it offers clear observation and fields of fire, it offers nothing if the enemy can easily bypass it, or if the selected course of action involves maneuver on a different avenue of approach. This tentative decisive point forms the basis of his planning and COA development; it also forms the basis of communicating the COA to his subordinates. Leaders look at the terrain, foliage, structures, and other features along avenues of approach (and on objectives or key terrain) to identify sites offering cover (protection from the effects of direct and indirect fire) and concealment (protection from observation). Many Eastern cultures rely upon religious organizations as their centers of power and influence, whereas Western culture's power comes from political institutions by elected officials. As addressed in step 1 of the TLP, time analysis is a critical aspect to planning, preparation, and execution. Our aircrews carefully synchronized our return flight using proven aircrew coordination skills. The terrain, however, may favor defending or attacking. He allocates resources required for the decisive operation's success first and determines the resources needed for shaping operations in descending order of importance. A-34. Information Requirements The problem statement generated during problem framing communicates the commander's understanding of the problem or problem set upon which the organization will act. Army Coa Examples - Army Military Can I observe and fire on his location with at least two-thirds of my combat power? Another critical step was checking the weather for the evening. A-121. Determine where events will occur that differentiate between EN COAs (these become NAIs) 4. A description of the weather we had encountered earlier added credence to our discussions with the battle captain. A-43. How can I use these features to force the enemy into its engagement area, deny him an avenue, or disrupt his movement? This includes those personnel outside the area of operation whose actions, opinions, or political influence can affect the mission. Most missions and tasks can be accomplished in more than one way. How can precipitation (or lack of it) add to the unit achieving surprise? The concept of the operation is a framework to assist leaders, not a script. The leader groups mutually supporting mobility corridors to form an avenue of approach. We had passengers, field Soldiers, aircrew and our aircraft to consider. Acceptable. The normal cycle for defensive missions is engagement area development and preparation of the battle positions, actions in the EA, counterattack, and consolidation and reorganization. Documents Required for Senior Personnel - Funding at NSF | NSF The COA statement details how the unit's operation supports the next higher leader's operation, the decisive point and why it is decisive, the form of maneuver or type of defensive mission, and operational framework. Course of Action Statement/Sketch - Study Research Papers What is the composition and strength of the enemy force? This team effort ensured a more accurate assessment for the battle captain. The leader must assess what terrain is essential to mission accomplishment. Questions It is a conclusion, usually arrived at after enemy analysis and COA development, rather than an observation: A-48. How will obstacles and terrain affect the movement or maneuver of the unit? Flexibility built into the plan by gaining insights into possible branches to the basic plan. One technique is to parallel the TLP based on the products received from higher. He conducts mission analysis to help him start developing his vision, and to confirm what he must do to accomplish his mission. The relative-force ratio is a correlation of friendly combat power and. For example, if the specified task is "Seize Objective Fox," and new intelligence has OBJ FOX surrounded by reinforcing obstacles, this intelligence would drive the implied task of "Breach reinforcing obstacles vicinity Objective Fox.". A COA describes how the unit might generate the effects of overwhelming combat power against the enemy at the decisive point with the least friendly casualties. Leaders understand their second higher up concepts of the operation.
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