Shido holds hostility toward Ellen for her assaults on the Spirits. Origami also comments that Natsumi might not actually be a person literally. Tohka's first serious interaction with Reine was when she came to comfort her while she was in a state of jealousy after seeing Shido with Yoshino. However, Kurumi would keep the eyepatches as a memento after all her clones disappeared with the loss of Reiryoku caused by Mio's death. Thus Shido is able to guess that Natsumi is disguising herself as Yoshinon the puppet. While inside the artificial world created by Tenka, it is revealed that Tohka, who was borna pure Spirit, would inevitably vanish from existence as a consequence of Mio's death. Date A Re:Live is a Date A Live AU Harem Fan Fiction written by Tohka Yatogami. Did everyone end up with shido?Is this a false harem? After hearing her backstory, Shido expresses sympathy but still condemns her behavior, promising that he will be her fan and protect her life even if nobody else will. How does date a live end? : r/datealive - Reddit He felt sympathy towards this version of Tohka as she explained the circumstances that led to her Shidos death, her descent in madness, and the subsequent destruction of her world. Why I think Shido will end up with Tohka | Anime Amino To atone for her sins, Mio ultimatelysacrificed herself to protect Shido. 1)Kotori so meanie/bossy attitude act chapter 1 to 12 volumn of story novel. Cookie Notice Having initially viewed all her goals to be accomplished during her stay in Tenka's world, Kurumi granted her remaining clones the freedom to spend their remaining lifespan however they see fit. Shido has his hands full dealing with the Spirits in child form, much to Natsumi's joy, as she is determined to make him suffer using magic to changes the house and clothes. Shido tries to use his weapon but it failed. Does Shido end up with Tohka? He asks past Origami to carry all her emotions to him as the only emotion she will now carry is anger and vows to avenge her parents. Meanwhile, the top executives of DEM Industries are eager to get their revenge on Westcott and make plans to kill him no matter the cost. So considering the negative response that it received after its first season, 'Magical Warfare' will probably never get renewed for a sequel. Shido was born from Mio in an attempt by her to resurrect Shinji Takamiya, effectively making her his mother in a way. Weakened from the battle, Natsumi becomes unable to summon her angel and is confined by Kotori. However, upon learning of her true nature, Tohka came to see Kurumi as the kind of person she might have become had Shido not saved her, though she laments that she cannot forgive Kurumi for later trying to harm Shido. He has also shown fear of her after she almost killed him during his attempt to rescue Tohka from DEM's captivity. One year later, Shido helped Yoshino regain her memories of her human life before becoming a Spirit. Wishing to part with Shido on a happy note, Tohka continues to put on a cheerful front, until Yoshino steps up to confess her feelings to Shido. After having her heart unlocked, Mukuro becomes deeply attached to Shido after seeing his efforts in saving her, and that they were both once lonely orphans that felt empty and were starving for love. Tenka would later replicate this quirk when she finally called Shido by his name. Score: 4.7/5 (35 votes) 'Magical Warfare' season 1 premiered on January 10, 2014, and with a total of 12 episodes, it finished airing on March 28, 2014. . For much of the story, Kurumi only sees Tohka as potential food who posed little threat in her sealed state. Without a doubt Kurumi's most unique relationships are with her clones. Date a Live IV Season Finale - The End of the Road for Shido Itsuka Tohka parallel world have a 10 sword in her possession in past timeline. However, she is sometimes startled and shocked by Miku's advances on her, occasionally even being annoyed by them. She is very teasing and flirty towards him especially in regards to the time he was forced to dress up as a woman named Shiori. When the sealed powers of the Spirits cause Shido to lose control, Tohka finally came to realize her feelings for him, being able to describe it as the reason why she desperately wanted to save him. When the twins come to him for advice about their origins, he assures them that they do not need to think of themselves as fake existences compared to the original Yamai, just as he doesnt consider himself to be a fake Shinji. instead of tohka from parellel world enter to shido world doesnt make any sense to me. While he admits that hislove is strictly as a sibling rather than as a lover, he reassures her that it is no less inferior to romantic love. Despite holding back and fighting only until she exhausted 's powers, she allows Yoshino to win the contest, which causes Yoshino to question if she can really be declared the winner. Miku often shows her affection toward Shido without hesitation, much to Shido's embarrassment at times. While Kotori starts looking for him, Origami tells Shido that despite knowing that the Spirits are not a threat once sealed, she must uphold the promise she made to wipe them all out in revenge for her parents' death. She realized that his gentle and kindhearted nature was genuine and could save those who possessed Spirit powers. In doing so, Kurumi stole back Westcott's Qlipha Crystal, took it in after purifying with the Fourth Bullet, and left the DEM founder in a near-death state. To that end, Westcott resolves to use all of DEM's might in order to kill Shido to the extent that Kurumi would never be able to reverse the outcome no matter how she many times she tried resetting history. Dubs brings you the latest c. It can be seen that the two of them care very deeply for one another and can be by each other's side whenever one of them needs each other. He possesses a strange power that allows him to seal the powers of a Spirit in his body with a kiss. Following the first time she let Tenka take control, Tohka's views on her were rather negative, as she had nearly killed Shido. ago U found the answer yet? Cookie Notice Tohka treats Miku as a good friend. He began to question if sealing the Spirits' powers may be a mistake, as this makes them weaker and therefore easier for DEM to capture. After witnessing Kurumi kill someone mercilessly, Shido was left horrified and conflicted, unable to think of what to do until Tohka explained to him that in the end any Spirit, like her, could've become like Kurumi if they had been left alone. However, even when faced with Tohka's berserk state, Shido still refused to give up on saving her, ultimately bringing Tohka back to her senses with a kiss; further emphasizing the deep feelings of trust and affection between the two. Shido viewed their relationship as that of loving sisters. While practicing for dating Spirits, he ends up asking her out. Both of them have never directly met and are technically the same person. The clones, on the other hand, seem take no issue with it and even appear to be happy to sacrifice themselves for their original. Some of her clones, including the aforementioned clone from 5 years ago, are viewed as a source of humiliations because they remind Kurumi of her embarrassing past fashion sense, particularly the eyepatches she wore to conceal her left eye. Shido goes on a date with Kotori, Kaguya, Miku, Ai, Mai, Mii, Tamae and Origami but is still unable to determine who Natsumi is disguising as. She even compares the situation to a company that has gone under and forced its employees to seek an occupation elsewhere. It was here, that he confronted Mio with her secret desire of wanting to die and giving birth tohim in order toaccomplish that goal. Shido was able to interact with a recreation of Shinji made within Mio's Ain Soph. she is preciouse to them in heart. Which one is it? She retreated to her Neighboring World, and she is now in a near-death state in . They shareone final kiss with each other just before she disappears along with Tenka's artificial world. Little does Shido know, however, his life is about to take a sudden turn when he encounters the source of this destructive phenomenon--a girl his age, apparently known as a Spirit . Thats it . As of the end of volume 11, the current Origami now states that her current feelings are of love. Despite her animosity toward Mio, Kurumi would reluctantly end up siding with her to save the world from Westcott. She goes back to normal after Kurumi retreats, but does not recall what just happened. Date A Live (season 3) - Wikipedia Despite this, Shido had no recollection of ever being Shinji until Mio returned Shinjis memories to him. Date a live Ending | Fandom beginning to taking care of his body.asking him if hes alright. After learning that she would never be able to win against Mio, she resolves to go back in time to kill the DEM founders in order to prevent Spirits from ever coming into existence. He then remarks how that is one wish that needs to come true; and that he'd never forget her. Triggered by Miku's comments on "things disappearing together", as well as the earlier discussion, Shido realizes that Yoshinon the puppet was able to catch his hand-phone despite Yoshino not being able to see it. Either Tohka or no one as an open ending, depends on who you ask. The question is if the others would go with that or make him go with a harem ending. When she gained her own body and accompanied Tohka and Shido on a date in her artificial world, her concern for Tohkawould gradually lessen her spite toward Shido, and as the artificial world collapsed, she admitted that she had opened her heart to him out of appreciation toward the happiness he brought to her other self, finally addressing him by his name and bidding him farewell with a smile. Shido was devastated when he learned that Tohka would disappear along with Mio's Sephira Crystal after the latter's death, but tried to contain his emotions to make the remainder of their final date as enjoyable as possible. Tohka dislikes Origami for many reasons; but most of the time, it has something to do with Shido. During their next confrontation, Tenka displayed even more hostility than before as shesought revenge for the "humiliation" Shido gave her, yet she ultimately allowed herself to be sealed again while telling him not to make"Tohka" sad. Prior to having Ratatoskr force him to date the Spirits, Shido had a mundane or normal relationship with any of his classmates. However, Mukuro later sealed away her memories of Shido in order to monopolize him for herself, accidentally causing her to enter her Inverse Form again. Kurumi was dismissive toward Kotori when the latter showed up to fight her, but she gradually grew frustrated at Kotoris taunts and overwhelming power. Upon learning Mukuro had sealed away her own emotions, Tohka wanted to help Shido save her and later fought against her alongside him to unlock her heart. Afterward, Mukuro refers to Shido as her family, and he is the only one whom she allows cutting her hair. The four remaining girls and Shido gather together to brainstorm on the identity of Natsumi. Did Tohka and Shido end up together? - While sympathetic to her struggles, Shido also felt nauseous over the amount of sacrifices Mio made to resurrect Shin. In turn, Shido assured Nia that he wouldn't get angry at her if she used her powers to peek into his life. In Spirit Werewolf, Kurumi chose to use her vote to try and eliminate Natsumi early in the game, with her intuition telling her that Natsumi would become more troublesome to herself as the game progressed. The season was scheduled to premiere in October 2021 . During the battle between the two spirits, Tohka asked Origami if they could perhaps find a way to understand each other but Origami told her that she will reject all Spirits, including herself. I assume its going to be Tohka because they have a connection none of the others have. the third ending is the Y ending. Afterwards, Reine continued to help Tohka on her dates with Shido by picking her clothes for her. When Origami discovers the both of them together, she suddenly transforms into her Inverse Spirit form and attacks. While Shido initially failed to seal her,she has indeed fallen for him, arguably before he even started to date her. The group guess wrongly twice and both Kaguya and Origami are sucked up by as a result. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. In Volume 11, Tohka temporarily loses her memory of Origami due to Shido changing the events that happened five years ago. Privacy Policy. When Raizen wins, Miku brainwashes everyone to attack Shido, becoming further enraged when she learns Shiori's gender. With that knowledge in mind, Tohka theorizes that Mio might have kept her alive so that she could possibly one day kill her and end her suffering. However, Mio concluded her to be too much of an unknown variable that needed to be removed. Rather than seeing her as a replacement for his Tohka, Shido remarks that she was her own person. Despite this, Shido still viewed Tonomachi as a good friend, and was visibly hurt when Mukuro locked his memories. After Shido nearly gave his life to defend her from Kotori, she appears to have become more affectionate of him to the point where she no longer tries to forcefully consume him, despite proclaiming that she still intends to do so. They spend the day together and were a couple until the real Kurumi came to kill her clone from one month prior (the same Kurumi that Shido confronted on Raizen High School's rooftop). By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. In Ren Dystopia, he calls the New Timeline personality "Tobiichi-san" to help distinguish between the two. After Shido mentally travels to the past and warns everyone of Reine's future actions, Tohka and the other Spirits helped Shido during his date with her as temporary members of Fraxinus' crew. It's shaping up to be another typical daywell, as typical as it gets on a planet plagued by massive spatial quakes. After discovering the reason why Yoshino relies so much on her puppet as her idealized role model, Shido promises to become Yoshino's new hero. Past timeline become a peacefull world but ot wont last again encounter new b4east. In Volume 4, Phantom approached her about how it went with Shido. During their first date, he learned she was also the first Spirit he'd ever dealt with who was actively on the offensive. During the battle, Origami was able to defeat the spirits in their limited release Astral Dress. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. What happens to Kurumi date a live? Shido could never bring himself to move on past Tohka's disappearance and was constantly looking for ways to reunite with her, which is ultimately granted by the will of the world restoring Tohka one year later. invouling again. Kurumi was originally very annoyed by Matsurika's energetic personality, and she considered her request too much of a hassle to even humor. In the True End Timeline, after Shido successfully prevents Kurumi's death by warning her of Mio ahead of time, she finally decides to entrust her powers to Shido by kissing him, so as to give him a chance at stopping Mio. Reine was the one who gave Tohka her surname. Itsuka Shido wakes up thanks to his cute little sister waking him up. After inadvertently finding Kurumi wearing her clones' bandages and eyepatches, Shido entrusts her with a picture of him dressed up in a similar manner from his chuunibyou phase to quell her hostility. I see the novels are finished but not all are translated so thats why Im asking. Shido treasures Nia like the other Spirits, but he is often exasperated by her teasing. After Reine admitted that she does, Tohka happily replied that she does as well. When Miku was offered the chance to expand her career to America, but was hesitant to leave her loved ones behind, Shido promised to support whichever decision Miku would make. When she asked if there was something wrong with her for feeling this way, she assured her that it was perfectly normal and that Shido still cared for her. Little does Shido know, however, his life is about to take a sudden turn when . This revelation also caused Reine's strange treatment of Shido to start making sense, as she views him as her son. In the end, as Shido answered correctly, he released all the people he had kidnapped as Haniel, and Natsumi also appeared in front of Shido. Shido rejects his harem? Without a doubt Kurumi's most unique relationships are with her clones. Shido In the True End Timeline, Kurumi finally kisses Shido to seal her powers, entrusting him to stop Mio. However, just as Origami was about to finish them off, Tohka managed to regain her full power and defeats her. But this is kind of one those situations where theyre all best girl in my eyes and I wish he had a harem ending. sad to know that it became an open ending. After Origami became a Spirit, she sought out Kurumi and requests to be sent back in time, which Kurumi ultimately agreed to out of empathy for Origami wanting to fix her broken past. Kurumi later wakes him up and reveals she remembers everything from the old timeline. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Despite her insecurities, however, Tohka cares very deeply about Shido, almost always coming to his rescue to provide physical and even emotional support to him in his cause to save the Spirits, becoming especially close to the boy as a result. Date A Live is an anime series adapted from the light novels of the same title written by Kshi Tachibana and illustrated by Tsunako.The story follows the adventures of Shido Itsuka and the Spirits, supernatural female entities that have fallen in love with him. However, when she learned that Mio had tricked her into fighting humans who had become corrupted Spirits, and had in fact just obliviously killed her best friend Sawa, Kurumi developed a deep hatred toward the First Spirit.
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