The Bombay plague epidemic was a bubonic plague epidemic that struck the city of Bombay (present-day Mumbai) in the late nineteenth century. [93], In 1782, William Hornby assumed the office of Governor of Bombay, and initiated the Hornby Vellard engineering project of uniting the seven islands into a single landmass. [41] However, the Portuguese paid their first visit to the islands on 21 January 1509, when they landed at Mahim after capturing a Gujarat barge in the Mahim creek. The evolution of Bombay's multifaceted socio-cultural identity and its development as India's business capital have been influenced historically by diverse political and economic factors. The population would grow gradually throughout the 19 th century, rising to over 240 million by 1900. 10 people were killed and 70 were injured. [159] On 15 August 1947, finally India was declared independent. History of Mumbai - Wikipedia [72] Yakut Khan, the Siddi admiral of the Mughal Empire, landed at Bombay in October 1672 and ravaged the local inhabitants there. Under new building rules set up in 1748, many houses were demolished and the population was redistributed, partially on newly reclaimed land. When cotton exports from the USA were interrupted by the Civil War, Bombay Historians of the city have tended to focus primarily on the period before 1930; this tendency has seriously limited our understanding of the dramatic transformations that have taken place in Bombay over the course of the twentieth century. [60], On 19 March 1662, Abraham Shipman was appointed the first Governor and General of the city, and his fleet arrived in Bombay in September and October 1662. Further tectonic activity in the region led to the formation of hilly islands separated by a shallow sea. He was the first to realise that the Fort walls were now superfluous, Riots broke out between Muslims and Parsis in October 1851, in consequence of an article on Muhammad which appeared in the Chitra Gnyan Darpan newspaper. [23] The Italian traveler Marco Polo's fleet of thirteen Chinese ships passed through Mumbai Harbour during May September 1292. 19th Century History of Mumbai: Mumbai/Bombay pages The Nineteenth Century The Taming of the Sea The modern city of Bombay took shape in the 19th century. [59] The growing power of the Dutch by the middle of the seventeenth century forced the Surat Council of the British Empire to acquire Bombay from King John IV of Portugal in 1659. The conference was followed by huge rallies across the city. Mumbai ca. [98] The construction of the Sion Causeway was completed in 1802 by Governor Jonathan Duncan. II.4.1 Emergence and growth of anthropology in India-Contributions of For more than five decades EPW has remained a unique forum that week after week has brought together academics, researchers, policy makers, independent thinkers, members of non-governmental organisations and political activists for debates straddling economics, politics, sociology, culture, the environment and numerous other disciplines. CBSE Class 10 Answered - TopperLearning (PDF) Urban growth effects for land use changes lead ing to natural the Development Of Sports During The 19th Century - EduBirdie The arrest led to huge scale protests across the city. Covering South Asia, South-East Asia, China, and Japan, this quarterly journal publishes original research articles concerned with the history, geography, politics, sociology, literature, economics, social anthropology and culture of the area. opposition to this move, and the walls were not removed. There was strong [48] Parel, Wadala, Sion, and Worli were granted to Manuel Serro between 1545 and 1548, during the viceroyalty of Joo de Castro. However, this economic boom was at the base of one of Footnote 1 A number of rich studies have addressed the expansion of the urban centre in the context of international trade and industry, the role of imperial policy in shaping the city's geographic contours, the formation of urban communities, business entrepreneurship, the development of the textile . 53.00 (ISBN 978--521-76871-9). By the mid 19th century, Bombay had developed into one of the most important ports and trading centres in India. revival. The city received 37inches (940 millimeters) of rain in 24 hours the most any Indian city has ever received in a single day. in the Company militia revolted. [147] Bombay was the main centre of the Rowlatt Satyagraha movement started by Mahatma Gandhi from February April 1919. The pioneering work of Solow (1957) and Abramovitz (1956) both suggested that expansion in labor and capital accounted for no more than 15% of total growth in US output per head between the middle of the 19th century and the 1950s. "Jobbers and the emergence of trade unions in Bombay city. commemorative tablet in the gardens of the Descendants of the Yadavas are found in contemporary Mumbai, and most of the place-names on the island date from that era. "Workers' politics and the mill districts in Bombay between the wars. [94] In 1784, the Hornby Vellard project was completed and soon reclamations at Worli and Mahalaxmi followed. Life Expectancy - Our World in Data Each of the studies reviewed here devotes considerable attention to developments since the 1920s. 19th Century History of Mumbai: Mumbai/Bombay pages [123] The Bombay Stock Exchange, the oldest stock exchange in Asia, was established in 1875. Under the leadership of several Princes, the Sepoys built by the government. Rethinking the Twentieth-Century History of Mumbai Several social and religious reform movements were started with the notion of social reform and religious revival in the country. Economic Growth Originally a nation of farmers, fishermen, loggers, and fur traders, the dawn of the 20th century saw a full-scale transformation of Canadian society. The result is his book Auckland: The Twentieth-Century . [citation needed] The Delhi Sultanate captured the islands in 1348, and they were later passed to the Sultanate of Guzerat from 1391. Industrialization and Urbanization in the United States, 1880-1929 [143], The Partition of Bengal in 1905 initiated the Swadeshi movement, which led to the boycotting of British goods in India. Mumbai in 1888. Tanish Wahi Follow Studying at Indraprastha International School, Dwarka Advertisement Mumbai and the mmr (rajiv misra) Similar to Urbanization of Mumbai from 18th century to modern times (20) Mumbai was lashed by torrential rains on 2627 July 2005, during which the city was brought to a complete standstill. As new provinces were settled, new cities began to spring up, and by the 1910s half of all Canadians were living urban, rather than rural lives for the first time. Bombay's ethnic soup. [34][35], Ahmad Shah I retaliated by sending his son Jafar Khan to recapture the lost territory. However, the population of Bombay was [197] According to Mumbai Police, the bombings were carried out by Lashkar-e-Toiba and Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI). Plague, for example, broke out in 1896. In 1849 the Great Indian Peninsular (GIP) Railways was incorporated In 1661 it came under British control as part of the marriage settlement between King Charles II and Catherine of Braganza, sister of the king of Portugal. [182] The attacks were believed to be orchestrated by mafia don Dawood Ibrahim in retaliation for the Babri Mosque demolition. [42] During 152829, Lopo Vaz de Sampaio seized the fort of Mahim from the Gujarat Sultanate, when the King was at war with Nizam-ul-mulk, the emperor of Chaul, a town south of the islands. 3 20th century. The Governor of Bombay at this time was Economic and Political Weekly [136] In September 1896, Bombay was hit by a bubonic plague epidemic where the death toll was estimated at 1,900 people per week. [49] The St. Andrew Church at Bandra was built in 1575. Introduction. slums developed around the mills and the harbour. VT, university, BMC, town hall, etc. The original work is not included in the purchase of this review. [74] On 10 October 1673, the Siddi admiral Sambal entered Bombay and destroyed the Pen and Nagothana rivers, which were very important for the English and the Maratha King Shivaji. exposure of non-Western elites to an intellectual repertoire that facilitated challenges to colonialism. Bombay plague epidemic - Wikipedia [173], Nehru Centre was established in 1972 at Worli in Bombay. The Lord Willingdon Memorial incident of December 1918 saw the handicap of Home Rulers in Bombay. 1 Demographic research suggests that at the beginning of the 19 th century no country in the world had a life expectancy longer than 40 years. such chawls would border a common enclosed space. [148], Following World War I, which saw large movement of India troops, supplies, arms and industrial goods to and from Bombay, the city life was shut down many times during the Non-cooperation movement from 1920 to 1922. [133] The Victoria Terminus of the Great Indian Peninsular Railway, one of the finest stations in the world, was completed in May 1888. 1801 - Siddhivinayak temple built at Prabhadevi. But, with the end of the Civil War, cotton prices crashed and the bubble burst. Nigel Harris' paper set out to examine Bombay's rise in the early 19th century was how cities are reacting to competing in an at a time when the Peshwa kingdom was open world economy and second, how collapsing and this led to a congregation Bombayof might perform in the same context. [57] The first English merchants arrived in Bombay in November 1583, and travelled through Bassein, Thane, and Chaul. At the same time, it suggests that historians need to consider Gyan Prakash's view of cities as 'patched-up societies' whose entirety cannot be understood through single, linear models of change. [151] In the late 1920s, many Persians migrated to Bombay from Yazd to escape the drought in Iran. was at Kirki in November 1817. (PDF) Limits to Urban Growth - The case of Mumbai - ResearchGate the [194] On 11 July 2006, a series of seven bomb blasts took place over a period of 11 minutes on the Suburban Railway in Mumbai at Khar, Mahim, Matunga, Jogeshwari, Borivali, and one between Khar and Santa Cruz. The 20th century began with a damage limitation exercise. [85] The Maratha victory forced the British to push settlements within the fort walls of the city. Technological Change and the Evolution of the U.S - OpenMind Avabai, Lady [citation needed] Economic development characterised British Bombay in the 19th century, the first-ever Indian railway line commenced operations between Bombay harbour and Taana city in 1853. During the 19th century, religious superstitions and social . How the Second Industrial Revolution Changed People's Lives - History This paper calls upon historians to continue to apply the tools of social history, particularly its reliance on close microcosmic studies of particular places and groups over long periods of time, as they try to bridge the gap between the early twentieth century and the later twentieth century. The Municipal Corporation limits were extended up to Jogeshwari along the Western Railway and Bhandup along the Central Railway. Slums spread across the city and epidemics of plague added to the already high mortality rates. The riot led to a strike of dock and railway workers which paralysed the city for a few days. the development of Mahim and Bandra had to wait another half a century. By the early 20th century, the U.S. had become the world . was called a wadi. [167] Flora Fountain was renamed Hutatma Chowk ("Martyr's Square") as a memorial to the Samyukta Maharashtra movement. According to S.C. Roy the growth of anthropology in India can be classified in terms of the sources of publications such as magazines, handbooks and monograms etc. [3] Pleistocene sediments found near Kandivali in northern Mumbai by British archaeologist Malcolm Todd in 1939 indicate habitation since the Stone Age. The blast occurred a day ahead of the visit of Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the then Prime Minister of India to the city. [67] Gerald Aungier, who was appointed Governor of Bombay in July 1669, established the first mint in Bombay in 1670. the [161], After the Partition of India on 15 August 1947, over 100,000 Sindhi refugees from the newly created Pakistan were relocated in the military camps five kilometres from Kalyan in the Maharashta Region. The existence of such can now only be seen as part of the boundary wall of St. George Hospital, [73] The Treaty of Westminster concluded between England and the Netherlands in 1674, relieved the British settlements in Bombay of further apprehension from the Dutch. [177] The Great Bombay Textile Strike was called on 18 January 1982 by trade union leader Dutta Samant, where nearly 250,000 workers and more than 50 textile mills in Bombay went on strike. This process accelerated with the completion of [citation needed], Geologists believe that the coast of western India came into being around 100 to 80mya, after it broke away from Madagascar. their villages. East India Company; after the war it reverted to the Crown. Montstuart Elphinstone [91] Salsette, Elephanta, Hog Island, and Karanja were formally ceded to the British East India Company by the Treaty of Salbai signed in 1782, while Bassein and its dependencies were restored to Raghunathrao of the Maratha Empire. and its hinterland was to become necessary. [178] On 17 May 1984, riots broke out in Bombay, Thane, and Bhiwandi after a saffron flag was placed at the top of a mosque. 1777 - First newspaper published in Mumbai by Rustom Kersaspjere. The police commissioner, Charles Forjett arrested To begin with, employers accommodated these workers in From 1857, [36] After the death of Kutb Khan, the Gujarat commandant of Mahim, Ahmad Shah I Wali again despatched a large army to capture Mahim. In November 1664, Shipman's successor Humphrey Cooke agreed to accept Bombay without its dependencies. The city became a strong base for the Indian independence movement during the early 20th century, it was the centre of the Rowlatt Satyagraha of 1919 and Royal Indian Navy Mutiny of 1946. district of the British town. In 1803 a fire raged through the Indian part As against this, the colonial powers added an average of about 240,000 square miles (620,000 square kilometres) a year between the late 1870s and World War I (1914-18). 19th century. The American Civil War (186165) and the resulting cutoff of cotton supplies to Britain caused a great trade boom in Bombay. India reverted to the British Crown. [67] The Bank of Bombay, the oldest bank in the city, was established in 1840,[106] and the Bank of Western India in 1842. 1900 - By this year, 45 trains of Western Railway in each direction . The "scramble for Africa" started to impact large numbers of Africans in the. America moves to the city (article) | Khan Academy In the 19th and early 20 century, the population of Mumbai mainly consisted of those born outside. [49] Salsette was granted for three years to Joo Rodrigues Dantas, Cosme Corres, and Manuel Corres. the Deccan to the British power, improved communications between Bombay Thus, the increase in new territories claimed in the first 75 years of the 19th century averaged about 83,000 square miles (215,000 square kilometres) a year. [52] In 1560, they started proselytising the local Koli, Kunbi, Kumbhar population in Mahim, Worli, and Bassein. The islands suffered the Maratha Invasion of Goa and Bombay, and the Mughal invasions of Konkan (1685) towards the end of 17th century. Company was accused of mismanagement. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya (Prince of Wales Museum), Brihanmumbai Electric Supply and Transport (BEST), Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport, Institute of Chemical Technology (formerly UDCT), Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies (JBIMS), SP Jain Institute of Management and Research, Sydenham Institute of Management Studies, Research and Entrepreneurship Education(SIMSREE), Ramniranjan Anandilal Podar College of Commerce and Economics, V. G. Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Raja Shivaji Vidyalaya (King George High School), Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences (UM-DAE CBS), Brihanmumbai Electric Supply and Transport,, All Wikipedia articles written in Indian English, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, 1951: 2,966,902 (0.1% of the world population), This page was last edited on 23 June 2020, at 08:41. As a result of Mumbai's 18th- and 19th-century history as a trading, commercial and manufacturing hub, the population of the city had swollen hugely as migrants from swathes of India's countryside arrived to find work. [165] The Indian Institute of Technology Bombay was established in 1958 at Powai, a northern suburb of Bombay. This limit was further extended in February 1957 up to Dahisar along the Western Railway and Mulund on the Central Railway. and also in terms of the nationality of the authors. In the 19th century, trade unionism was mainly a movement of skilled workers. With the rapid increase in the number of mills, [88] In 1769, Fort George was built on the site of the Dongri Fort[89] and in 1770, the Mazagaon docks were built. other things, set out the possibility of demolition of encroachments. [citation needed]. communication, in turn, fed commerce through the port of Bombay. Historical Roots of Industrialisation and the Emerging State in [126] Bombay Time, one of the two official time zones in British India, was established in 1884[127] during the International Meridian Conference held at Washington, D.C in the United States. Avabai Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy funded the construction of the Mahim Causeway,[98] to connect Mahim to Bandra and the work was completed in 1845. The decisive battle [55] He established the Marine force,[55] and constructed the St. Thomas Cathedral in 1718, which was the first Anglican Church in Bombay. [4] The present day city was built on what was originally an archipelago of seven islands of Mumbai Island, Parel, Mazagaon, Mahim, Colaba, Worli, and Old Woman's Island (also known as Little Colaba). Laws provided for compensation for workplace accidents. Forjett had the alleged ring-leaders blown from cannon on that day. The purpose of this project was to block the Worli creek and prevent the low-lying areas of Bombay from being flooded at high tide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009, pp. [63] On 21 September 1668, the Royal Charter of 27 March 1668, led to the transfer of Bombay from Charles II to the English East India Company for an annual rent of 10 (equivalent retail price index of 1,226 in 2007) or Indian Rs 1,48,000 today. The Asiatic Society of Bombay (Town Hall) was completed in 1833,[67][104] and the Elphinstone College was built in 1835. [103] The Bombay Municipal Corporation was established in 1872, providing a modern framework of governance for the rapidly growing city. The city was built by the joining together of many islands, a process that was more or less completed by the first half of the century. across the continent, resulting in the growth of highly specialized farming (Rossiter, 1979). The Hornby Vellard This volcanic activity resulted in the formation of basaltic outcrops, such as the Gilbert Hill, that are seen at various locations in the city. In 1950 the population of Mumbai was around 3 million. In the meanwhile, War of Independence, in 1857, makes a convenient watershed between these The following is a timeline of the growth of Mumbai's population over the last four centuries: Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Already since all the enemy powers were now subjugated. The islands were wrested from Pratapbimba's control by Mubarak Khan, a self-proclaimed regent of the Khalji dynasty, who occupied Mahim and Salsette in 1318. [6] Buddhist monks, scholars, and artists created the artwork, inscriptions, and sculpture of the Kanheri Caves in the mid third century BCE[9] and Mahakali Caves. [7] They were Dravidian in origin and included a large number of scattered tribes along the Vindhya Plateau, Gujarat, and Konkan. the major problems of the developing city. Population growth would begin to increase in the 1920s, as a result of falling mortality. The revolutionaries were brutally Yet, as the population increased, unkempt, overcrowded, and unsanitary conditions became more widespread. [27] The Pathare Prabhus, one of the earliest settlers of the city, were brought to Mahim from Patan and other parts of Saurashtra in Gujarat around 1298 by Bhimdev during his reign. Bhima of Mahikavati established a small kingdom in the area during the late 13th century, and brought settlers. Pratapbimba later reconquered the islands which he ruled till 1331. Such a group of chawls This review examines three books major on the history of Bombay. An eruption here some 66mya is thought to have laid down the Deccan Traps, a vast bed of basalt lava that covers parts of central India. [135] On 11 August 1893, a serious communal riot took place between the Hindus and Muslims, when a Shiva temple was attacked by Muslims in Bombay. [80] The arrival of many Indian and British merchants led to the development of Bombay's trade by the end of the seventeenth century. PDF Unit 1: Topic 3 hallenges of an Urbanising WorldMumbai, India case study [117] The Victoria Gardens was opened to the public in 1862. In the 1960s and 1970s, Shiv Sena fought for rights of native Marathis. [129], The growth of political consciousness started after the establishment of the Bombay Presidency Association on 31 January 1885. [73] On 20 February 1673, Rickloffe van Goen, the Governor-General of Dutch India attacked Bombay, but the attack was resisted by Aungier. The Maurya Empire gained control of the islands during the 3rd century BCE and transformed them into a centre of Hindu-Buddhist culture and religion. [32] Firishta, a Persian historian, recorded that by 1429 the seat of government of the Gujarat Sultanate in north Konkan had transferred from Thane to Mahim. Social and Religious Reform Movements Of 19th Century - Testbook 8.1, the share of the manufacturing sector in India (total of manufacturing and small scale and cottage industries) in total NDP grew gradually from approximately 10% in the early 20th century to over 20% in the 1960s. Indigenous tribals have inhabited Mumbai (Bombay) since the Stone Age. Instructions for Contributors at Cambridge Journals Online. by an Act of the British Parliament. With the opening of The Bombay presidency set up a factory inspection commission in 1884. From farm to city The area of Bombay State increased, after several erstwhile princely states that joined the Indian union were integrated into Bombay State. [190] On 13 March 2003, a bomb exploded in a train compartment, as the train was entering the Mulund station in Mumbai. Governor of Bombay, and in 1864 had the walls of the fort removed. cleaning of streets. [200] There were a series of ten coordinated terrorist attacks by 10 armed Pakistani men using automatic weapons and grenades which began on 26 November 2008 and ended on 29 November 2008. [120] Tramway communication was instituted in 1873. Castella de Aguada (Fort of the Waterpoint) was built by the Portuguese at Bandra in 1640 as a watchtower overlooking the Mahim Bay, the Arabian Sea and the southern island of Mahim. [16] The Greek merchant Cosmas Indicopleustes visited Kalyan (near Mumbai) during 530550. 1803 - Fire. [162] In April 1950, Greater Bombay District came into existence with the merger of Bombay Suburbs and Bombay City. Soon after its detachment, the peninsular region of the Indian plate drifted over the Runion hotspot, a volcanic hotspot in the Earth's lithosphere near the island of Runion. [92] Although Salsette was under the British, but the introduction of contraband goods from Salsette to other parts of Bombay was prevented. [citation needed] During the English East India Company's rule in mid-18th century, it emerged as an important port city, having maritime trade contacts with Mecca, Basra etc. [32][39][40] Portuguese explorer Francisco de Almeida's ship sailed into the deep natural harbour of the island in 1508, and he called it Bom baa (Good Bay). [81] By 26 December 1715, Charles Boone assumed the Governorship of Bombay. Growth of Mumbai - Wikipedia Climate change: Rising sea, submerging islands and new conflicts workers began to migrate to Bombay, and each room in a chawl would have Before the War of Independence, India was Under the Yadavas of Devagiri (later Daulatabad; 11871318), the settlement of Mahikavati (Mahim) on Bombay Island was founded in response to raids from the north by the Khalji dynasty of Hindustan in 1294. [43][44][45] Bahadur Shah had grown apprehensive of the power of the Mughal emperor Humayun and he was obliged to sign the Treaty of Bassein with the Portuguese on 23 December 1534. [105] In 1836, the Chamber of Commerce was established. Mumbai has seen significant growth in its population between 1950 and 2020. Cambridge University Press ( is the publishing division of the University of Cambridge, one of the worlds leading research institutions and winner of 81 Nobel Prizes. The next step was the completion of the Sion Causeway in [116] The outbreak of the American Civil War in 1861 increased the demand for cotton in the West, and led to an enormous increase in cotton-trade. The decay of Mughal power in Delhi, the Mughal-Maratha rivalries, and the instability in Gujarat drove artisans and merchants to the islands for refuge, and Bombay began to grow. The construction of the new mint commenced in 1825. The empire's patronage made the islands a centre of Buddhist religion and culture. [46] Bassein and the seven islands were surrendered later by a treaty of peace and commerce between Bahadur Shah and Nuno da Cunha, Viceroy of Portuguese India, on 25 October 1535, ending the Islamic rule in Mumbai. large numbers of Indians, and claimed to have uncovered a conspiracy to [163] In the 1955 Lok Sabha discussions, when Bombay State was being re-organised along linguistic lines into the states of Maharashtra and Gujarat. The Asiatic Society. The Battle of Swally was fought between the British and the Portuguese at Surat in 1612 for the possession of Bombay. barracks, each building had three floors. [67] On 5 November 1817, the British East India Company under Mountstuart Elphinstone[101] defeated Bajirao II, the Peshwa of the Maratha Empire, in the Battle of Kirkee which took place on the Deccan Plateau. [166] Following protests by the Samyukta Maharashtra movement in which 105 people were killed by police firing, Maharashtra State was formed with Bombay as its capital on 1 May 1960. to accommodate the whole family. The Cotton Exchange was established in For more information, visit Historian Paul Moon on Auckland through the 20th century | RNZ ritish people also set up textiles factories in Mumbai itself with huge numbers migrating from all over the region to work in the factories during the 19th and 20th century.
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