Astrologers believe this shows unfinished business from the past. You want to emigrate. Everything is potential, but everything is also possible far more than its been for years, Sagittarius. You are in Hong Kong and I am in Tasmania, but the problem is exactly the same here. By 2024 your memory of being angry and powerless will be just that. Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge 9th January Covid begins its worst phase in March 2023. It may have been a political party. If we dont test, we dont have cases is the old joke, but its no longer a joke. I am not aware of bird flu being involved but I need to update myself with the experts on Twitter. She is the Roman goddess of wisdom, represented by wise old owls, and turns up in a perfect conjunction with powerful Pluto, not once, but three times. You are a little early. Predicted on 10th May 2022 about the future of cryptocurrency on November 11th 2022: A clash between individual greed and the welfare of the group. Dont wait until you have to take part in a class action lawsuit, though the time to put some measures in place is now. The Prime Minister of Australia came a cropper in 2022. China very recently made people stay at home as they were unable to cope with the strain on the hospital system as you know. Prince Charles will become king but his reign will not last long. Thanks for a wonderful blog. The barriers to a partner disappear in March and that month you meet, or re-meet someone who could be with you, but only if you use your willpower. Be careful that you do not waste what you have. I wonder if you could look at my chart and give me a few words. You have learned so much about friendship, real or fake, since 2008. Climate change and plague. The housing market will begin moving in your favour as the new year gets under way. Enid Blyton, 11th August A longer prediction for your sign will appear on 1st January. Thank you. Watch for the Moon in Scorpio throughout the year (about every 28 days) as it will set the timing for developing stories within the political party, or the band, or bowls team, or environmental organisation and so on. So you could leave, which of course you should do, but you would need to wait until July 2023 and the departure of the South Node of karma from Scorpio, in your Seventh House of relationships, to truly say the door is closed and the chapter has ended. Kia Ora Jessica Im wondering if its too late to buy now with Mercury retrograde. Michelangelo, William Shakespeare and Leonardo da Vinci all had rich patrons. Along with empowering Pluto in Capricorn, in your sector of pooled resources and the community, you also have a rare combination in your chart. This is really an Oscars moment for you, typical of films where a large cast and crew were involved, but somebody has to step up and take a starring role. Your published comment will appear on the website and in search engine results. A summary of Hamilton-Parker's main points: Queen Elizabeth II will die. Kate Bush, 30th July That was repeated in the Seventies (Womens Liberation) and this will be the third powerful triumph. Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding and Professor Dr. Kerryn Phelps are my sources. Your chart shows the Sun in Taurus, with stelliums in Aquarius, Aries, Capricorn, Cancer. I try to keep positive but there is so much change in my life these past 6 years since I became widowed. Thanks Jessica. March 2023 is historic. World trade deals changed during The Black Death. There were so few working people that they could, and did, demand more money. Im an Aries sun, Gemini rising, Virgo moon born in 1974. This is life-changing for you. Being heard and read. Thank you. What is in store for us in 2022? Your public chart shows the biggest and best opportunities to have more, enjoy more and do more with property. This is when you may find yourself becoming far more serious about your bookshelf, or the library, or the loftier end of the internet. It would be historic (it can only happen once in your adult life). The combination of Saturn in your solar Tenth House and Pluto in your solar Ninth House (status and publishing) often chimes with a debut or re-entry in the book world. Your fellow Taurus Adele has already been through this, and it is classically a time when we get real you might call it The Getting Of Wisdom. Johann Sebastian Bach, March 31st I am a premium member and will be grateful you telling me based on my chart, do you see a life partner in my life from this year? Now its too hot, because so many trees have been cut down forloo paper. What happens on Wall Street between December 10thand 25th is Christmas karma. You also have stelliums in Gemini and Sagittarius so should be writing if you are not already doing that (even keeping a journal or a Substack). LEO Lets hope it happens quicker than that in Australia. Thats the message to you this year. Thank you so much again! You have karma with this person, either from a relationship with them 18-19 years ago, or with quite a different lover or partner, again 18-19 years ago. They call it XBB. The duet is about your twin souls, no matter if you are together personally or professionally. Between 2023 and 2026 breakthroughs with UVC lighting (safe Ultraviolet) will finally control Covid-19 at home and work. What the world has needed all along is employer power; parent power; a united push back against politicians and businessmen who are putting profit before protection. India has reacted very quickly to the situation in China, bringing back mask mandates in most states and a requirement for negative Covid tests for those coming in from China and a few other countries. Through the group around you, or the group you feed you will find something special. Im wondering how this years astrological weather will affect me or does it just pass without affect? You quite rightly think you cant see any growth without casting your net widely. In 2022 you are almost at the end of this cycle and no doubt a great deal of emotion and a fair amount of empowerment, too, has been the result. Enjoy full premium member benefits by selecting a plan below. SCOTT MORRISON AND THE SECRET MINISTRIES The United Nations is overdue for transformation, isnt it? Hes the vroom-vroom Prime Minister and may even get trains back to Tasmania, where I am writing this (!) I am so grateful if you can reply Jessica. So at the start and end of 2022 you are reborn. You will see world leaders Narendra Modi (Prime Minister of India), Boris Johnson (Prime Minister of the United Kingdom) and Joe Biden (President of the USA) transform their Climate Emergency policies by 2024 or be replaced by then. Knowing that it could get worse in 3 months gives me great anxiety that Ill never get to see family who are a cross-country flight away, including elderly parents. Canada will partner with America far more from 2026 when selected US states will seek out Canadian closeness new transport and travel inventions will help create the new US-Canada relationship. That is one theory, Taurus, but the more standard interpretation of the cycle you have this year (Pluto in Capricorn in your solar Ninth House) is that a degree or certificate is waiting. Forget what businessmen and politicians are telling you about Covid Normal or Post Covid or Build Back Better. You do love a bit of verbal jousting or a gentle debate. Bless you for all you do for us. The Sixth House is about health but also about work. Jane Birkin, December 14th. Huge lifestyle and social change. Will Saturn in Pisces remove my reliance on these types of things? And its more extreme in 2022-2023 though this time its food. Serious decisions about serious money will follow. We are also going to see the slow rise of local cryptocurrency. This horoscope for the FIFA World Cup 2022 final shows a religious nation winning the cupTheres some slight tension there about whose deity is actually in charge of the result. As so many readers predicted, the Pope is from Argentina and Messi is a deeply religious man. The Medici family of Florence, allegedly became art patrons to cleanse their money, acquired from loans. That stops in March. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!! Hoping something good is in my future for 2023. Michael Stipe, 4th January. with Jessica Adams 4 December 2022 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Join Jessica Adams to look at true predictions about 2022 and new predictions for 2023. Trying to find my place in the world has been something Ive struggled with for a while now and Im hoping I can make a final move a reality and a happy one at that. Working a partial week. Just the way they did in the 1950s and 1960s. You may be a student, scriptwriter, teacher, librarian, website author, publisher, academic and so on or just temporarily drawn into the world of worlds and ideas. The long transit of Ceres in Gemini, in your sector of internet, publishing, education, academia and brainwaves will help. Also, never had Covid, very fearful of this coming March but l have hepa filter purifiers in my home. This is not a year for lightweights. Happy New Year Jessica! Looking at your chart as a whole, you are a Sun Virgo with Virgo, Cancer, Libra stelliums. Read more about Premium Membership. Its uncanny how accurate you are. This may be about your son, if you share a flat together, and perhaps the benefits for your combined souls will come from a rabbi. You will find Jupiter in Taurus helps you save or make a fortune, as Jupiter is a gas giant in astronomy and also to the Romans was Optimus Maximus so those Latin words survive today. The slow build of the Gemini weather, which dominates from 2026. Weddings also show up here. Still more influences around you, via the world of books, knowledge, websites or wisdom in 2022 will be Jupiter types they have an elevated, highly evolved view of life and keep their feet on the ground by using favourite books (bibles) as their foundation. I am pursuing a reliable natal chart for him now, thank you. China is in serious trouble as is Xi Jinping have a look at old predictions about China posted months or even years ago. Also love your one line predictions for each sign. Especially around travelling to work as I commute to my job, in a different city to where I live so I am hoping I have made the right job choice. Thank you so much. You will find some parts of the world engage in limited stay-at-home orders when the morgues and hospitals are overflowing. Needless to say, this Jupiter and Neptune cycle does not last all year. Tina Turner, November 26th Where are you planted? Neptune itself is a symbol of an escape from reality, and in Pisces, your own sign, it suggests that you will be acting a role, or slipping into a star part especially online. Get it right, though, and you will be extremely happy. Sep 12, 2022 That is a huge compliment, thank you. The worst phase of Covid is coming from March, but the solution to Covid is also here. 7 October 2019. Clean, green and lean. It may in fact be through the Pope, or a Bishop, or perhaps a Hindu teacher. Your most restrictive, limiting financial cycle in 29 years ends in March. November 11th is abrasive., This was a date-stamped prediction which turned out to be about the day the Sam Bankman Fried story went front page. Fishie. Covid never went away and it will be with us in the same way that AIDS is always with us, or even the Bubonic Plague, which still shows up. This all comes from a prolonged transit of Gemini by Mars Retrograde and Mercury Retrograde. This is what happened at Tiananmen Square and it's going to happen again. Bette Midler, December 1st Besides, the HEPA filter and UV light.. Is there anything else in particular we should have extra in our home that may be hard to find come March? Co-operation is hard to achieve in 2022, because of the sheer force of the personalities involved. Its very similar to the cigarette companies in the 1990s. Thank you. Saturn goes over 29 Aquarius and is gone. At the same time, you have a rare double cycle of both Jupiter (expansion, opportunity) and Chiron (maverick instincts) in your work zone. The Eighth House is about inheritance and legacy, and shared finances and property. Its like The Beatles in 1969 and those around them. They have given Covid perfect conditions for doing that and unfortunately the astrology will be right. Youll go more than once and in fact it may become part of your life. This is coming back in 2023, 2024, 2025 and 2026. The year 2023 is full of highs and lows. What comes may be a variant of concern, or a mixture of bird flu and Covid combined. If this juggling sounds like you, and maybe younger people en masse are involved, then 2022 will be a stretch, but it could be so rewarding. They had one job and did not do it. There is a strong sense of Me over here and you over there about 2022 and this comes partly from everything youve been through. Pisces can so often end up everywhere, all the time, all over the place you know the feeling and it would be a shame not to tightly control the flow of money, or other resources, so that you make the most of it. In fact, your smaller local economy is the future. Life is a very far way from mundane reality when Neptune is at large, and here we have him in an historic conjunction with larger-than-life Jupiter on 12th April. Happy New Year. I will pass that compliment onto Asporea who create and run this website. Ukraine will win. With a group. Mercury Retrograde is in Capricorn so proceed with orders, but have Plan B and C. Yes, there will be supply chain issues in 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026. Sagittarius, you have spent two long years with circular karma involving a duet or duel in your life. Thank you. Perhaps other Cancerians, Taureans, Leos and Virgos will be central. The gender recog act reform in Scotland has made me so angry, and also powerless, esp as I have daughters. You will also save or make money from May 2023 to May 2024 and that opens a few windows for you. Same virus. As many others, Im both fearful and hopeful for 2023, Ukraines victory is my main concern of course. Hello Jessica, It is entirely possible that a group or friend is the key to the advantage we are seeing with property of course. Do you think India will be a little better off compared to previous years outbreaks thanks to the quick reaction? Kate Moss, 16th January hi Jessica. Electric planes. Bitcoin made a new bear-market low. 2022 is a crucial, central year for this, no matter if you are studying, teaching, broadcasting, writing, reading or publishing. Sometimes there are two people involved, so typically, an ex-wife and a new girlfriend. You can review premium membership plans, or purchase a membership, by clicking Premium Member Plans. I was born 26th February 1955 on a Saturday. When will a solution come. That stops in March. i was wondering if there is any hope to do it before 2026 big shutdown may this new digital currencies help me save money for the journey as most of digital wallets banned in my country make it harder even to be a member of your site, also : i have thots of launching a web project for specific country may help in getting a scholarship or job offer to relocate Forget the trivia and sheer speed of the worldwide web; this is a year to turn to those who have deeper vaults of information to mine. Please keep reading for diary dates and your Tarot forecast. A new life online is also on offer and you will enjoy expanding your horizons on different websites. Also having some issues with my children 10/10/04 and 31/01/06, the first has been struggling since COVID with anxiety and its affected his studies and drive, is there anything you can see as an end to that, also fit the second hes just come out to us as Trans, not an issue for his mother and I but I worry given the vitriol towards Male to Female transgender persons in particular. Its about protecting yourself and being sensible. 2022 & Earlier Predictions I know you receive hundreds of these requests so Im hoping that you are able to provide some feedback if time allows. Many thanks for your predictions, Jessica. Working in healthcare myself, I cannot possibly see how Telehealth consults could possibly replace in person consults for some medical specialities. This is extremely unusual. 2. Try not to buy into co-dependent financial relationships. This is what you read three years before it happened . Its about where you stand on that map. Happy holidays from California! You will make new friends from March 2023 who are quite powerful people. You are waiting on the news from your company because youre doing this on Mars Retrograde in Gemini in your Fourth House of property, home town, homeland and residency. Dangerous shared air. Comment moderation is in force, which means your comment will not appear immediately if at all. You have Jupiter (great possible gains) and Neptune (escape) in your Seventh House in 2022. Aquarius, you also have a rare combination of both Jupiter and Chiron in Aries in 2022, in your Third House of websites, books, scripts, courses, YouTube, academia, and so on. Siouxsie Sioux, 27th May Become who you are now! The past 2 years have been incredibly difficult left my job sold my home and feeling rather unstable regarding my future and my daughters. And the common cold. Charles and Camilla will not be King and Queen. Happy New Year. Where is all this coming from astrologically? Much further into the future from 2026 you could move to the last place you ever expected to find yourself in. It depends on what country you are in. This is a Robin Hood year, Leo. Jessica Adams mixes the best of Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Thai, Tibetan, Vietnamese and other Asian horoscope systems with western astrology to create a one-of-a-kind monthly forecast that provides insight into your April, as seen through both your Western and Eastern Horoscopes. Have you been following the catastrophic meltdown of Southwest Airlines in the American news over the last week? You may prefer to make rough notes on your options and decide after the 7th. Before you go, ask around and read between the lines about the place. Two gay men? I cant wait for March, but it will be a long winter getting there. Put measures in place now. Have a wonderful new year. Her astrology books include Astrolove, Handbag Horoscopes and 2020 Vision (Penguin) and the #1 Amazon bestseller 2020 Astrology - Your Five Year Horoscope Guide. Despite politicians, airlines, airports and cruise ship companies fantasising and denying, Covid was always going to keep mutating and like anything, it tries to survive and thrive. Aquarius is about all of us, sharing the planet (not a tiny handful of men at the top, controlling it). Jessica Adams claims she foresaw the coronavirus pandemic, but despite going public with her concerns nobody believed her. Personally I am desperately hoping for a better 2023. None of this is new! Its really simple. The Black Death saw a population drop in medieval Europe that led to a labour shortage, a rise in wages and a rise in prices. Thanks for indulging my questions. You may also be one of lifes jugglers, so while you are hoping to expand and explore through your son, you may want to do something concrete with a concept that you know could take off, if you only had the time to research a home for it. Ive been waiting around for the right time but it seems like theres never a safe time, but I cannot put my life on hold when its basically been here since March 2020. Saturn in conjunction with your Sun in Aquarius is a temporary tight set of restrictions on your friendships/groups and a passing test of your patience. . Pluto goes into Aquarius. The concentrated focus on the word or the bible will help. Your duet matters less than the message, though. This rollercoaster with the world of books (this will have personal meaning for you) brings jaw-dropping highs. Joe Strummer, 21st August. Here are all the dates you need for your natal astrology chart and also your usual Sun Sign horoscope. The 2024 elections in India, America, the United Kingdom are all about a radical new world economy. Partnerships (sexual or professional) bring life-changing decisions once the South Node goes into Libra from July 2023 and by the year 2024, you will find one person in particular brings back karma to you from 18 or 19 years before. There is no shortage of energy, people or enthusiasm. This is either about a duet you are in, or a duet you strongly affect. Find more great content like this at If sex and money spell love to you, thats Scorpio and the Eighth House. The big stretch is over in July. Thank you Jessica. This is a general message to you in the Aries, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius group. I JUST finished my third Saturn return of the year, and Saturn is about to conjunct my sun in Feb. Will it sing a similar tune? If you feel you left school too young, you may decide to enrol as a mature-age student in 2022. The book, Self Help For Your Nerves by Dr. Claire Weekes is another standby and when he reads the reviews he may want to try. You have choices then about the money, the bank, your home and also a new career. When will Mercury Retrograde increase the risk of rescheduling and cancellation in 2021 and 2022? The groundswell of anger from women, regards what the govt has done, is only going to increase. There is more to say about this, diary dates for 2022 and your Tarot reading for the year. New technology will be the handmaiden of a planet that does not unfairly burden some nations with rising sea levels, unbearable hot temperatures and so on. You and/or your partner or potential lover choose freedom. The Maxwell-Epstein story in which the media named Donald Trump is not over and there will be more shocks by July. The other really welcome change is the end of power and control issues with your career, industry, business, profession, academic career or unpaid work. Is relaunching as simple as buying a new wardrobe? ACN 644668431. My sun sign on my birth chart is saying I am a Pisces, although on your sign dates on the website, I am a Aquarius (Im born February 19th). Your published comment will appear on the website and in search engine results. Happy New Year . Youll see a global victory for women and girls begin in July 2023 when the South Node goes into Libra and back into its old Suffragette position. This period is really rehearsal and beta-testing with Mars Retrograde in Gemini until March 2023. New translation options for the web that make the internet global for girls and women in developing countries. Issues like peer group pressure; the hive mind; group psychology; team spirit dominate 2022 for you, if you are in this four-sign collection. Please keep reading if you are a Premium Member. Ive been waiting on acting on getting an intra company transfer to move from Canada to Europe or Australia in 2023. It may be a simple question of tax money, gathered from the rich, and paid out to the poor (which might be you). Directly, if you live there, or indirectly, if this is part of your professional or business world. The bad old days when people were providing free content (like unpaid journalists, photographers and so on) for billionaires will be a thing of the past. Help! Classically, this is actually a vow, before a celebrant, or perhaps in a Roman Catholic church, and so its really about the bible which rules the whole ceremony. First House appearances. But what stunning results. Can you provide any further information regarding this? Do everything you can to habitually protect yourself against Covid starting now. I have had some complicated and exhausting years since 2008. im planning to immigration from Sep2016 but hard economic condtions keep limit my life n being young adult living in tier 3 country also another obstacle as my parent always nagging about complete Uni studies You have the North Node at 6 Taurus and when Jupiter goes to 6 Taurus in June 2023 will be shown an opportunity not possible in 12 years to improve, expand and increase what you save, earn or own. March is the month you will see how different life could be in terms of a house or apartment. Global heating. Do you see some light in my future? Im afraid India is no different to China in terms of being vulnerable to new variants. The year of the Rabbit is dramatic, but how did astrology accurately predict 2022? The result? Thank you very much! On the plus side, UVC light works, and academics from Columbia University and Harvard Medical School have told us, repeatedly. Its just your exterior and you would be amazed at how little it matters. The solutions are already here for children. Im a little late to this one. Do you perhaps have any insights regarding their journey and mine and whether my daughters are going to be happy living in different locations. Will he find his path? Will this occur with the new cryptocurrency? Happy New Year. I intend to talk to him in the new year about HEPA and UVC for prevention (we are already using a company that utilises UVC equipment to sanitise areas in our workplace after someone has had Covid in our environment) and mask wearing was made mandatory a few weeks ago. I have always been the financial planner in my household, and OH is supportive of whatever choice I make, but right now cant tell if Im giving up, running out of steam, bored, avoiding change or responding to a call for change! I Had to share this, it hurts that this is printed.
Scorpio Woman Magnetic Aura, Articles J