She had been actively involved with Islamic community since 1995 through her MSA, and then as a founding member of TDC, and other community organizations. Make everything sound normal. I dont get why people need to reduce the frequency of wet dreams that they have, it is not like it is in their hands nor will Allah hold them accountable for it because it is not something wrong in of itself. I understand that there is a wet feeling but that isnt easy to make the difference so can you please explain how to know? Although it is recorded in Sunans Abu Dawud (#236), At-Tirmidhi (#113) and Ibn Majah (#612), it is in fact a weak Hadith due to the weakness of Abdullah Ibn Umar Al-Umari being in its chain, and he had a weak memory. It depends on how old they are, but if they are in their teens, then just start talking about it, of course start with an intro on how humans grow and our bodies change, and hormones, etc. the time of that prayer) elapses. This matter is as normal among women as it is among men. I realized that this issue is not only complicated for sisters but also a much neglected subject. If I try to control it, vaginal discharge starts coming out, and it even happens when I am sleeping, when I wake up every morning, I see discharge. Yes, definitely. Shes moving. Kind of embarrassing to post a reply here, Sorry the link wasnt working here it is again Ata Al-Kharasani (he is in An-Nasais route, #198) used to commit Tadlees as stated in At-Taqrib and he narrated this Hadith via Ananah (truncated form), so it cannot be known whether he did hear from the one he should be narrating from. I dont know what you mean by the treatment. 2. Can it be considered as Qarze-Hasana if failed to repay? Allahu alam.). Shorter Answer: Having a wet dream during the day in Ramadan does not invalidate the fast, because this is a matter that is beyond a person's control. He is an active instructor at SeekersGuidance and answers questions through the SeekersGuidance Answers Service. As soon as you get the thought make a very powerful Dua- something like: grant me and the muslim ummah the highest level of Jannah, forgive the sins of all previous, present and future Muslims. But sometimes scenarios are different; could you please be so kind to give me answers to few scenarios? I have also had a baby through c section as i couldnt labor him. [Abu Dawood, at-Tirmizi]. What is porn? It can be a lunch table discussion, or if you have younger children, it can be one on one with the older one. Also as for my doubt on having wet dream I want to ignore it as I feel if I should perform ghusl, same thing might happen again tommorow. When is ghusl required and when is it mustahabb? 1.If a person constantly has sexual thoughts which she tries to avoid all the time but see no discharge at all will that break her wudhu? 3. I cant know whether I achieved this significantly or insignificantly. Wassalam Id been trying to finalize my article on this topic for almost one year now but :). Also, keep in mind that the Prophet, sallallahu alihi wasalam, did not reprimand the woman who had a wet dream, neither did he declare it abnormal for women. And what counts as passing in front of someone? Perhaps if a person indulges in sexual thoughts, it may/can cause an ejaculation and he/she will have to make ghusal. Even if they do not attend the sex-Ed class at the school, I can assure you that they will be taught by their fellow students. Sister, dont misunderstand this to mean there should be no shyness when asking about religious matters. If you dont, email them. I didnt went to the bathroom before sleeping so it could have been there before I went to sleep but it could have occured during sleep also, Im not sure. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Shyness is part of faith. So shyness in religion is part of faith, but when someone says There is no shyness in religion, what he means is that there is no shyness in matters of religion, i.e., in asking about something concerning which one may feel shy. I would really appreciate any contact information? Stress on INVOLUNTARY. Is this true? From what I have read, the same can happen to men also, yet the ghusal doesnt become obligatory until they have an ejaculation and/ orgasm. If sisters have any further questions, please feel free to post them here. please can you clarify this to me, i frequently have a wet dream like 5 in a week and i was told by someone that it is bad omen, that it is spiritual problem. Can I accept commission from a property broker for selling the owners brothers property? So, this is not obsession, it is giving it its fair due. 3. It was nice and a very open talk since the one giving the lecture was a female herself. I dont want to go to doctors for them to ask me when was the last time i was intimate then when they realise what it is. But if parents support their children prior to puberty by preparing them for the 5-10 year journey theyre about to undertake and supporting them at every stage, then they will come out much better on the other side knowing that their parent has been their best friend. He said: Women are the full sisters of men. [Sunan Ab Dwd and Sunan al-Tirmidh]. You said men and women are different but then you posted the fatwa which states that they are not different in this issue and both of them do not have to perform ghusl unless they see liquid, `Aishah said: Someone asked the Prophet (peace be upon him) about a man seeing himself discharging in his dream though he does not feel wet., Umm Salamah asked: What about women, O Messenger of Allah?. By the way, both men and women should use a sutrah when praying, and the same applies to women too, that if a woman passes in front of another woman who is praying, then she cuts off her prayer as well, and this is not limited to men. Usually, it is only pre-fluid (mazi) and not semen And to understand why someone would like to reduce the frequency, the thought should not be purely spiritual (and we know that this is not something a person is NOT held accountable for). If this is what is meant, then it is better to say that Allaah is not shy to speak the truth. As for khimar being required for going out of home, there is a difference of opinion. Female Wet Dreams: Islamic Perspectives & Regulations thank you i never masturbate nor even touch my private parts for pleasure or any i just think of a guy in the need of love and suddenly i realize its just fake and try to push away those thoughts from my mind yet some times i find a colorless liquid after that, is ghusl mandatory in this case? Quandary of Female Vaginal Discharge: Pure or Impure? Shaykh ibn Uthaymeen said: Balance is always advised, but we are humans like other humans, and we make mistakes. If a woman does not remember any sexual dream but wakes up with yellow discharge, is ghusl obligatory? but recently stoped after finding out. The sisters felt quite comfortable asking questions, in detail, that they normally feel shy about. There is one thing to note regarding this hadith, and that is the only weakness that exists in its chain is what you mentioned of that narrator Al-Umari who although was trustworthy but he had a weak memory. I would like to know how exactly do you know if you had a wet dream if you dont recall it. In response, I just wanted to share my experience. Is giving a discount based on sales target permissible in a business? as part of foreplay? :), Assalam ou alikum umm reem i want to ask u a question that plz tell me in clear wording that wht type of wet dreams are i mean that we saw a strange man in our dream so thats y we should take bath, Assalamo Alaikum. Recently, its been happening alot, it never used to happen before and Im 19 so it probably would have happened before if it was to do with puberty but it never did. That was why I wanted to ignore it but I was like what if it was maniy and since ramadan is coming that I will fast in a state of being junub so I decided to just do the ghusl but since then till now I have been very disturbed about the emission of maniy. I worked with a client who had a destructive thought and this ended it. 4.1 And what if she sees her underwear wet, can she consider it as discharge that breaks wudu only or not? However some thing do sound inhumane because the body having some cycle can cause me to do ghusl twice a day or something. An example of when a person says their intention out loud is when he stands for prayer but before he starts praying and before the first takbeer, he says I intend to pray maghrib, 3 rakahs, fardh for Allah, in congregation, etc.. i saw myself imagining about my future husband (whom i never met) and thought about sexual things and orgasmed right there. Saheeh Muslim, 469). Praise be to Allah. There is no mention that a man passing in front of a woman (or another man) cuts off their prayer, however, passing in front of a person who is praying in general is not something to be taken lightly, as the Prophet peace be upon him said: If the one who passes in front of one who is praying knew what (sin) he incurs, he would realize that waiting for forty is better than passing in front of him. Abul-Nadr said: I do not know whether he said forty days, or months, or years. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. 4. Now when i sleep in those clothes and wake up i still find them wet although i now deep its wetnes frm sprinkling as i dont recall seeing wet dream. I the morning when I woke up I saw a spot of discharge on my liner, it had dryed but it looked like a thin and light yellow discharge. 3. If a female asks these types of questions which affects her prayers then i do not think she should abstain from asking since i agree with the sister that there is no shyness in religion and one should ask if in doubt. Ive been having some issue to the point i feel like i have ocd. Female Wet Dreams: Clearing Up Confusion - IslamQA I did briefly when i fell in love with my now husband when i was 19 years old. Ibn al-Mundhir said: All the scholars from whom I acquired knowledge are unanimously agreed on this If he wakes up and sees maniy, but does not remember having a wet dream, then he must do ghusl. I dont get orgasm but there is a wetness is this a wet dream that I am having and do I need to make ghusl as i experience the throbbing and it wakes me up. In the hadeeth you are talking about, when Umm Sulaym asked about ghusl from a dream, she was told, if she sees water, Can someone elaborate on ghusl more? I read your description but Im still not convinced. In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. Wet dreams are as normal for women as they are for men. (Followed by question2) If the age is above 12, would it be abnormal if you had wet dreams at What Should a Virgin Girl Do after a Wet Dream? 3. What if a female is sure she had a wet dream and had vaginal theobbing and sexual arousing but did not reach the point of having an orgasm. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. please i need an answer ASAP. i dont want this to lead me astray. Im not sure I tried rubbing my index finger and thumb together to feel its texture and it felt somehow on my finger. I do not intend to defend one opinion or the other, but I will briefly mention both opinions. Ah, thanks for the clarification in woman who has reached menstruation vs woman who is having menstrual period at the moment. I thought though, and Allah knows best, that that Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) use with pray with Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) sitting somewhere in front of him, and she would move her legs when he needed to Sujood and then replace them (in front of him) when he rose again? i have exactly the same questi0n. But what about the hadith mentioned above, by Sarah I believe- What good is a manual when its instructions become obsolete? Question # 372: Wet Dream (Ihtilaam) while Fasting Im a young muslim below the age of 18 Please let let me know. and Allah knows best, i am sort of confused it is actually a huge problem if we get such things in our dream and have to take a shower on daly basis especially in Pakistans chilling weather. Whats so hard about taking a shower? The sooner the betterbut definitely before praying or any other acts of worship, Salam If you have a wet dream when you are fasting and you notice discharge, does it break fast? Just when i thought it had stopped it continues again. He studied numerous texts in Islamic Law, Theology, Hadith, and other areas with Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and other teachers, including Shaykh Abdurrahman al-Shaar, Shaykh Ali Hani, and others. I just went to leave my reply here so i can see if there is an update to ur inquiry. Am I required to pay Zakat on a car that is owned by me, if I use it to deliver food? It could be that a woman, as we discussed in the article and in QA with sh. It is a dream where you might see yourself or some other girl with some guy. I am a young teenager and I have recently found out about this. Required fields are marked *. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Allahu alam but apparently the interpretation is that only if the dream resulted in orgasm (and not just a dream). Ustadh Sufyan Qufiis an advanced seeker of knowledge, originally from Algeria, who grew up in France. The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "Yes, if she sees water (discharge of fluid)." Ibn Qudaamah (may Allah have mercy on him) said in al-Mughni (1/130): If he thinks that he had a wet dream, but he did not find any maniy, then he does not have to do ghusl. Thank you. After that he performed wudu like that for prayer. [Ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar], Madhi when it comes to women is the wetness found while being aroused before reaching an orgasm. An exploration of the frailty and complexity of human nature. jazakAllaahu khairan. So both, her narration and the one stating that a woman passing in front of a man cuts off his prayers, both these narrations are authentic, so the scholars take them both into consideration when making the ruling, and they say that if the woman passes in front of him then that cuts off his prayer, but if she is like Aisha was in the bed in front of him, then her presence does not cut off his prayer. I told my husband and he thinks it may be an infection. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. If i dont indulge in these thoughts but it randomly pops into my head and i discharge is my wudu invalid? A side note about making the intention, the place of the intention is in the heart, and saying our intention out loud is not from the sunnah. Copyright IslamWeb 2023. And Allah knows best My friend concentrates the shower on her stomach just above her sura she feels gd and has initial vaginal throbbing but stops before any orgasm or ejaculation she stopped masturbating once i explained that its haram and is wondering wether this is too if it is she promised shhe will stop but is reluctant to do so yet coz she heard people could get orgasms through a workout so y cnt she arouse herself through the shower if it feels gd plz reply wether its haram or nt thank u. I had a wet dream and i felt orgasm but when i woke up i did not felt wet. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Sis is it necessary to feel the sensation of orgasm as u discussed above if someone see every day and dont feel anything or dont remember the sensation of orgasm she should also do ghusl plx answer me!! Do not wait until your daughter asks you, because she may never ask you. Firstly, jazakAllah khair. Yup, the small parts you mentioned I take care of it. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. And then I thought about your post. but confused.. why this happen so intensely . You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Here is that hadith for those who are interested: Narrated by Khawlah Bint Hakeem, who asked the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) if a woman should make ghusl when she has a sexual dream, he (peace be upon him) said: No ghusl on her unless she has a discharge, similarly there is not ghusl on the man unless he ejaculates. (Related by Ahmad, Al-Nasai, Ibn Majah, and Ibn Abi Shaybah). Wet Dreams and Ghusl - IslamQA I read on a website that if a woman has sexual thoughts and discharges then her wudu becomes invalid. But up until now I have never made full/complete wudu and then bathe and that is where I was confused. I dont see what they can do about it. Secondly, there is no haya in issues concerning the deen. thanks. If I have some kind of sexy dream and when I awake up I remember the sexy dream and found a little mazi on my penis,will gusl will cumpulsory on me,because I have heard that if u remember the sexy dream and found mazi then u have to take gusl,I am hanfi and plz tell me in "yes or no" do not refer me to another fatwa. Rather, he made it quite clear that women can have wet dreams just like men do and there is no oddity or incongruity with it. Im not even aroused half the time but i have a strong urge to be intimate at times. It is not as simple to explain the orgasm in words. Fasting and praying is better. He embarked on his journey of learning through the various teachers at SeekersGuidance, including his mentor Shaykh Faraz Rabbani. For a lot of God fearing Muslims out there in different circumstances, this issue should be looked at in depth with proofs backing up the most authentic opinion. So there is a difference, and what cuts off the prayer is passing in front of the one praying only. So please give me clear answers whether its completely wrong or just fine and give some proof if you can. He prevented ejaculation; does he have to do ghusl? So Im not quiet understanding when is the time i need to do ghusl. For more details, see Ash-Shawkanis analysis on this weak Hadith in his work Nayl Al-Awtar (1/281). Do you still have to do ghusl? Barakallahu Feek, dear Hadith Check for your kind words . :o) And yes, we can get obsessive at times, and that is also not good. Answer: She must have yaqin (certainty) or at least a very strong presumption that shes had a wet dream (which includes an orgasm). Hence why wrote this in my last post: You said: I dont know what to do because I feel I am constantly going to the bathroom and cleaning myself, so much so that I change my pad at least two to three times a day. Thank you for writing this article. - IslamQA Answered by: Aalimah Nasima Umm Hamza Question: Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah! Whichever of the two prevails or comes first decides which parent the child will resemble. (Agreed upon. When religious laws conflict with reality, which should bend? This question you have already explained but due to continuous small changing in it i am getting more confused If i dont get a wet dream i am sure of it not even a thought of it but still i get a white discharge in washroom.. then it is all okay right? I never ever had a wet dream and I'm curious. So many young souls are vulnerable through not having the resources and avenues to trust information outlets and remain in quite an emotionally stuck place within themselves. The place for the intention is in the heart, meaning you know that you are standing to pray maghrib 3 rakahs, so you dont have to say it out loud. tahara without which salat is not valid. in the qna for the likeagarment course shaykh yasir stated that it is not haram. If so, I was not aware. I look forward to your candid and in-depth opinion. For men, a wet dream or what is also called nocturnal emission, only happens during sleep. Khimar does not mean that particular Egyptian khimar rather it means any extra layer of cloth (jilbab, abaya) over the regular clothes. However, based on the hadith of the Prophet, sallallahu alihi wasalam, I would say that: Question: If a woman sees a sexual dream but is confused whether she had an orgasm or not, what should she do? By ijma, both men and women must do ghusl due to orgasm (with or without discharge). Considering the world we live in, it is probably already on their minds and they might have already heard some stuff from their friends or saw something on television (aka the devil in a box). I know there are a lot of questions from my side, but i really want to discuss these, Thank You for the consideration, 1. yes she does even the doctors. BUT they felt too shy to even pose the question with a complete anonymous name/email. But sometimes scenarios are different; could you please be so kind to give me answers to few scenarios? I think doubts are baseless, but cant judge in a state of doubts.. What to Do after a Wet Dream? - SeekersGuidance Asalaamualaikum warahmatullah. It helped me clear up so many confusions that I had regarding this particular issue. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of cookies. If one is really not sure what it is at all then one must perform the bath as the Hanafi school emphasises extreme caution in this issue, and rightly so for he that has no purification has no prayer and he that has no prayer has nothing. For Muslims, Islam is comprehensive. about the wetness that it is Mathy, then this does not render Ghusl obligatory, but one is obliged to wash the place that it has come in contact with., On the other hand, Maaliki scholar, Al-Mawwaaq, the author of At-Taaj wal-Ikleel, says (quoting from Al-Mudawwanah): If a person wakes up from his sleep and finds wetness in his bed sheet, then if it is Maniyy, hehas to perform Ghusl, and if it is Mathy, he has to wash his penis. Does a woman need to do ghusl if there clearly was no orgasm, but wetness is seen due to sexual thoughts? Heavy sprinkling is certainly not recommended as it has no real effect other than extreme discomfort. My previous post did not show up after awaiting its moderation. i want to ask a question that when i have wet dream i feel some kind of pain in my vagina?? Saba Syed (aka Umm Reem) is the author of International award winning novel, "An Acquaintance." Assalamu Alaikum, My question is I my dream a man is pinch me near my privat part but I didnt feel any thing Umm Salamah said: Umm Sulaym came to the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alihi wasalam, and said, O Messenger of Allah, Allah is not too shy to tell us the truth. So when the need rises, one must ask in order to educate themselves regarding these issues which are of utmost importance. Many people forget about the small parts of the body. Allaah knows best why that happened. In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. Answer: Vaginal discharge does not necessitate ghusl, no problems here. what should she do? i am 19, it happens many times with me that even when i am awake i dream as if a guy is kissing me and hugging me with love. Jazak Allah, Assalmualaikumhow about when you think about sex you get a vaginal discharge.does that need ghusl. but when she wakes up and no wetness then thats fine although its better to perform ghusl. Girls are more likely to hide anything they find to be abnormal for fear of being a freakand mothers need to pre-empt this. JazakAllah khair. like a dream in a dream. Sister thank u so much for clearing that stuff up for me but in one the hadeeths or quranic verse it says that having wet dreams is a sign of puberty and I havent hit puberty yet Im 13 so does that mean that it is fardh for me to start praying on time etc. If a woman has a wet dream of herself masturbating and feels aroused(vaginal throbbing) and sees discharge but cannot tell if this discharge is from the dream or the daily discharge women usually have. (sorry i will be slightly descriptive, please forgive me, but i need the right answer so i know im doing things correct) So i went to check and i had a very faint..very faint brown or really light brown spot on my pantie liner. Please direct your questions to our Whats the Matter section, your answers are all here please help. It is out of her control, especially for younger girls who may be experiencing many hormonal changes in their bodies. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. The intention is the fact that you for example want to pray maghrib 3 rakahs, so that intention should be in the persons heart and is not to be pronounced with the tongue before you start the prayer.
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