$property->marketing_flag), Give users with the Editor role access to Property Hive, excluding the settings area, Fix small formatting issue in property enquiry email body, Add new Google Map API Key field to settings, Add new Location and Availability filters to properties list in admin, Added inputs for commercial contact details to office settings page, Corrected issue with commercial description meta box showing on residential properties when editing property details, Corrected issue with commercial rent not being output by get_formatted_price() method if property was to let only, Added new methods and shortcuts to make it easier to get property related information in templates (e.g. Added a new action when property enquiries are successfully sent. We've had a great experience using this plugin and will continue to do so on many projects to come! when using Houzez and Houzez Data Bridge add on), Added filter propertyhive_default_applicant_send_matching_properties to specify default send matching properties status when an applicant is created, Changed default rent frequency to be PA when adding commercial properties, Added oEmbed option in Elementor embedded virtual tours widget, Default my account tab if hash is present in URL (i.e. This allows us to redirect to the my account page if someone is already logged in but lands on the login page, as well as use by other add ons, Swapped meter readings and management tabs, Corrected undefined index error on tenancies list when tenants have no contact details entered, Corrected typo in various success messages: succesfully -> successfully, Corrected action name for custom deposit scheme fields, Added support for Rank Math SEO plugin whereby property taxonomies and off market properties are removed from XML sitemaps, Added new Elementor widgets: Floorplan Link, EPC Link, Brochure Link, Enquiry Form Link, Virtual Tour Link, Added filter property_search_results_thumbnail_size to allow customisation of thumbnail size used in search results. Our support requests were addressed in less than 24 hours. propertyhive / gist:7458aeb66b574cec8d9749b30840a844. Integrates with the major software providers and property portals. via AJAX), Corrected issue with applicants showing in viewing negotiator searches and dropdowns, Declared compatibility for WordPress 4.8.1. Was causing some themes to break as the admin area tried to render shortcodes, Fix to the single property actions filter in how it passed arguments. Exclude certain office(s) from main results and shortcodes Add new latitude and longitude fields to office for displaying office map on website. Add a checklist to records within Property Hive. Useful for when adding shortcodes and needing to know which IDs to pass in, Updated Flexslider JS library to customised version which includes a destroy method, Added shortcode name to shortcode_atts function so developers can add custom attributes to existing shortcodes, Added Mauritius and Norway to list of countries, Declared compatibility for WordPress 4.8.2, Corrected the [properties] shortcode not working when only the commercial department is active, Added a new availability_id attribute to the [properties] shortcode, Changed the marketing_flag attribute to be called marketing_flag_id in the [properties] shortcode to match other attribute naming and to be clearer. Standard compliants, easy to use and so on ! As we use this field when ordering properties by date now we need it to be set, All shortcodes to use this _on_market_change_date if specifying they should be ordered by date. Allow your users to submit properties through the front end of the website. Automatically export your commercial properties from WordPress to NovaLoca. Done for the upcoming Microsoft Graph integration, Added ability to filter commercial properties by price and/or rent. Luxury Homes for Sale in Bourges, Centre Val De Loire, France Theres an add-on for that. As long as you have an understanding of PHP and WordPress, or know someone that does, you can make the changes yourself. For example: [properties department=commercial property_type_id=X], Added Ireland to the list of supported countries available to choose from, Corrected applicant registration form when loaded dynamically (i.e. Boundaries obtained from the Nominatim API, Added country_not attribute to [properties] shortcode, Ensure Property Hive-only mode checkbox only appears for administrators on user profiles, Added ordering capabilities to the properties returned by the REST API can be ordered by price by passing in price-asc and price-desc as the orderby parameter, Added new filter propertyhive_show_admin_menu_key_date_count to determine if overdue key date count should show in menu, Added new filter propertyhive_admin_menu_key_date_count_args so the query arguments used when determining overdue key date count in menu can be customised, Added new filter propertyhive_admin_menu_enquiry_count_args so the query arguments used when determining enquiries count in menu can be customised, Corrected issue with properties appearing twice when properties with the same price spanned multiple pages. WP-Property-Hive/propertyhive.php at master - Github This should mean formatting of dates are relevant to locale, When a user login is created from a contact, ensure first and last names are filled on the WordPress user record. Added delete quick link to key dates screen, Added ability to pass address_keywords as an array in a search query string to search multiple addresses at once (i.e. WP Real Estate 6. Added a myriad of new hooks surrounding actions and notes. . Bringing PropertyEngine functionality into your Wordpress site widgets shortcodes. Send property enquiries made through your website back into Reapit in real-time. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Can be selected under Property Hive > Settings > General > Map, Added filter propertyhive_remove_media_on_property_delete to disable the fact media is deleted when properties are permanently trashed, Ensured $property->tenure works for commercial properties, Maps shown on the property details page caters for map markers where anchor should be centre of icon (i.e. Enter your email address below to receive our newsletter containing news, release information and special offers. Should return true or false, defaults to true, Corrected issue with viewing grids not loading on property and contact records when multiple attending staff, Added country attribute to [properties] shortcode, Refactored recently added second/third viewing functionality to have less impact on performance on large sites. Boost productivity and automate workflows in your estate agency by connecting Property Hive to 3,000+ apps with no coding knowledge. Defaults to pcm, Ensure thumbnail heights are consistent and work when lazyloading in effect, Corrected issue when viewing enquiry record introduced in last release, Declared compatibility for WordPress 5.7.2, Updated contacts viewing grid to use new UI to fit in better with WordPress styling and include filters, Updated properties viewing grid to use new UI to fit in better with WordPress styling and include filters, Added Per Day rent frequency to commercial properties, Changed monetary input fields to display value with decimal and thousands separators, Added Book Viewing link on enquiry and auto-populate property and applicant, Removed notification about missing Google Maps API key warning if map provider is OpenStreetMaps, Added propertyhive_enquiry_email_show_manage_link filter to allow users to prevent manage link from showing in enquiry email, Deleting a user with role propertyhive_contact removes any meta keys for contacts that links this user to a contact to prevent a floating user with no relationship, Deleting a contact where a user login has been created deletes the user in question to prevent a floating user with no relationship, Fake a window resize event on Flexslider image load to get around issue with wrong image height being calculated when lazy loading being used, Corrected map not loading correctly in Elementor tabbed details widget when OpenStreetMaps chosen as the provider, Corrected deprecated Elementor namespaces warnings, Corrected issue with license not showing as valid when within weeks of expiry, Added counts to tabs on property and contact records showing number of items in each tab (viewings, offers etc), Added Enquiries tab and list to contact record displaying enquiries made by that contact, Create applicant profile when creating a contact from an enquiry. Added new actions before and after property enquiry wp_mail function called: propertyhive_(before|after)_property_enquiry_sent, Moved filter propertyhive_property_enquiry_sent earlier in process to more logical place, Updated currency exchange cron due to existing API no longer being available, plus multiple other enhancements and optimisations surrounding storing currencies, Added new filter propertyhive_show_tab_counts to turn off counts in tabs on property and contact recoods, Added new filter propertyhive_features_autocomplete to disable features autocomplete functionality, Corrected plugin update warning showing when an active license key exists but was due to renew in 30 days or less, Corrected Elementor Street View widget not working, Added new Property Hive-Only Mode on user profiles making it possible to hide standard WP functionality and promote Property Hive functionality making it easier for negotiators wishing to use Property Hive as their primary estate agency CRM, Added new propertyhive_floor_area_output to modify formatted floor area output, Added new propertyhive_site_area_output to modify formatted site area output, New merge contacts tool allowing you to merge duplicate contacts. Specifically for international agents who previously had to convert prices to GBP for them to work. This prevents confusion should an enquiry be a chase/follow up enquiry, or if someone else has dealt with the enquiry already, Added a link to enquiry emails sent allowing you to jump straight to the enquiry in WordPress. Value 4.4. Tool to assist with quickly and easily removing all images, brochures, EPCs and floorplan assets from properties that you have removed. Description. In the search field type Property Hive and click Search Plugins. We have been using wordpres/property hive for the last three years. Added for our Property Portal add on whereby agents can now have a user login, Added filter propertyhive_rest_api_property_field_callback so data returned from REST API can be modified, Correct PHP notice on saving property with no size entered regarding non-numeric values, Match properties to applicants based on freetype location and radius (if radial search add on active). Fantastic plugin and even better support! In future this could also hold number of impressions in search results, brochure download, enquiries and more. Available by selecting the contacts you wish to merge and choosing Merge from the bulk actions dropdown, Added additional negotiator fields to user profiles including telephone number and photo upload, Updated PH_Property object to contain negotiator related properties ($property->negotiator_name, negotiator_telephone_number, negotiator_email_address and negotiator_photo), Added new Elementor widgets for property office information, Added new Elementor widgets for property negotiator information, Added new tenancies grid to contact record showing all tenancies this contact is a tenant on, Corrected issue with related notes not showing in notes grids, Offers, Sales and Enquiries grids on property and contact records updated to new grid layout with status filter, Added filter propertyhive_search_form_rent_frequency to change rent frequency used in search forms. SC1), Added blank_option option to taxonomy form fields, for when no label shown, Prevent error from being shown when added dropdown to search form with no options, Applicant matching and emailing introduced, Auto-matching can be enabled via settings to automatically email new properties to applicable applicants, Added new Emails settings area and set of templates introduced allowing customisation of emails sent, Added new Match History meta box to applicants showing a list of all previously sent match emails, Added new Do Not Contact Via option to contacts, Updated search form JavaScript to cater for multiple search forms on the same page, Add one-time review prompt 30 days after activation or first update, Added support for a country dropdown field in search forms, ph_form_field() function updated to fallback to getting post meta if no value passed in or not obtainable from URL. Includes exluding taxonomies from XML sitemap, adding first property photo as og:image, removing SEO columns from property list, and changing priority of Yoast option meta box to be at the bottom of the edit property page. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Although WP-Property can handle so much more than Added support for the new added_from parameter when performing searches. Send property enquiries made through your website back into Jupix in real-time. Automatically rotate the property photos to generate more interest and views from your audience. Record when a price change occurs from anywhere (i.e. Configurable under Property Hive > Settings > Emails, Updated a couple of default form labels to make them shorter. The staff were friendly and accommodating. Added new Property Marketing Statistics area to property edit screen under Marketing tab showing number of website hits with date range search. We've packaged all of our add ons into a single bundle, saving you over 1,000! PHP 2. Would you like to support the advancement of this plugin? Not applicable for example in Scotland with private residential tenancies where they dont have a fixed length, Added filter propertyhive_tenancy_lease_types to alter the tenancy lease types, Store a concatenated address for properties and contacts and use that in backend searches, instead of doing 6 individual query JOINs on each individual address field. This will then search the address, features, summary description and full description, Added hooks to Generate Applicant List page so third parties can add their own fields and filter results accordingly, Corrected conversion of sqm sizes to sqft for commercial properties when storing these for filtering and ordering, Corrected class name for image setting row, Use .on() listener when listening for search form department changes to cater for search forms written to DOM dynamically (i.e. change email_address to Email Address), Added new Elementor widget: Embedded Virtual Tours, Added ability to add embedded virtual tours to Tabbed Details Elementor widget, Added new filter propertyhive_show_admin_menu_enquiry_count to determine if open enquiry count in admin menu should be calculated and displayed. We've teamed up with StuRents to offer a free plugin that makes it easy to import and export properties from/to the StuRents website. Available in the actions area on a viewing record. Amended change made in latest release relating to floorplan button labels. No notes were lost. (Credit to https://github.com/Corin123555), Declared compatibility for WordPress 5.0.3, Removed dependency on third party site by storing jQuery UI CSS locally, Extensive sanitisation and validation throughout, Corrected potential vulnerability picked up by WordPress causing plugin to be removed from plugin repository, Corrected results shown when using the Price Range and Rent Range fields to filter properties, Added ability to create new applicant when entering viewings from Viewings area, Further improved persisting any search parameters that are present in the querystring but dont exist as fields within the form, meaning criteria isnt lost should a new search be performed, Corrected the offer summary tab from not showing, Corrected compatibility issue and certain admin scripts not being loaded when White Label add on being used, Added a new get_formatted_full_address() method to PH_Contact object, Corrected scenario where a search for W1 would return properties in SW1, Allow for entering of user details and property selection when entering an enquiry manually via WordPress, Added new filter propertyhive_search_summary_length in search/summary.php template to allow changing of summary length (defaults to 300), Corrected users shown in enquiry negotiator dropdown, Remove Recently Sold and Recently Let flags from default list, Added viewing confirmations. Remove country code if included in address_keyword search. Performed same removal \r\n from full descriptions on commercial properties to follow suit with recent change to residential descriptions, Move how and where Emogrifier is loaded so its only loaded when needed. This will be set to the property published date. Property Hive Stamp Duty Calculator Plugin WordPress.com Updated September 2022. availability, marketing flags. Located a 15-minute walk from the historic town centre of Bourges and Val d'Auron lake, our campsite is set in grounds of 1.3 hectares and has 107 pitches, shaded and unshaded, along with new generation mobile homes. We have a wide range of add ons to help you extend the functionality of your property website and enhance your visitors experience. Send property enquiries made through your website back into Loop in real-time. Steve and the team are always on hand to help with any issues we have, responding quickly with solutions. Defaults to true, Added support for new query string parameters commercial_for_sale and commercial_to_rent to allow filtering of commercial properties by sales and rentals, Change currency exchange rate provider to Google after finance.yahoo no longer exists, Added ability to change negotiator and office under bulk edit properties, Declared compatibility for WordPress 4.9.4, Added new bedroom_bounds attribute to [similar_properties] shortcode. Previously, unless you completed requirements there and then, the contact would go in as a contact with no relationships and would be easy to lose / result in duplicates, Related to the above, when an applicant profile is created it will use the price and bedrooms of the property being enquired about as the basis of the relationship. Produce property window cards from within WordPress. propertyhive (Property Hive) GitHub Property Overview shortcode is used to display a list of all properties. You can now have a header-propertyhive.php, for example, if you want a different header on property pages, Declared compatibility with WordPress 4.5.3, Added support for availability filter in search forms, Fixed office filter on main property list in WordPress, Added support for price, rent and floor area range dropdowns in search forms, Made price and size columns sortable in WordPress admin property list, Properties can now be assigned to multiple locations. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Allows you to quickly and easily add a stamp duty calculator to a WordPress site using a shortcode. Property Hive Stamp Duty Calculator - WordPress.org Property Hive Add Ons Was previously hourly, Corrected use of incorrect filter when trying to change the default sort order of search results, Declared compatibility for WordPress 4.9.2, Corrected issue with editing existing images and floorplans not working in Firefox, New propertyhive_default_property_negotiator_id filter to set default property negotiator, New propertyhive_property_query_tax_query filter to give further control over main property query on search results, Declared compatibility for WordPress 4.9.1, Added support for comma-delimited list of IDs to be passed to shortcodes, Added term ID as column to custom field tables. New setting in Template Assistant add on utilises this, Added event details to new viewing details lightbox, Updated Fancybox jQuery library from 3.3.5 to 3.5.7, Corrected issue with department not getting set by default in applicant registration form following new custom department feature, Added the ability to add custom departments under Property Hive > Settings > General. Features are now trimmed (i.e. Opal Estate Pro 13. in popups), Tidied up slider control code to be more generic so third parties can add their own slider controls that arent price or bedrooms related, Declared compatibility for WordPress 5.5.1, Added a migration script upon update to set the on_market_change_date field where one doesnt exist. This plugin, from the creators of Property Hive, allows you to quickly and easily add a rental yield calculator to your website by adding the shortcode [rental_yield_calculator] where you want it to appear. Useful for when wanting to add different styling to sales vs lettings, Fixes to featured property transient. We have two dogs, and originally chose the hotel because they allow dogs (for an extra 5 pdpn). This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Put in place to cater for new Jupix Enquiries add on coming very soon. Users simply enter the purchase price then the stamp duty information is . Replace the standard 'Make Enquiry' button with 'Book Viewing', 'Book Valuation' and 'Make Offer' functionality from OneDome. Useful when the primary department is sales but you want to display the search form on a lettings related content page, for example. There are a number of attributes you can also use with the shortcode to determine the layout of the details. propertyhive / gist:4506a9d7b800014f7c430c375542ab35. I run a web development agency and we have used other solutions previously when integrating estate agent feeds into Wordpress. Display a HTML or image promotion mid-way through the search results listings. Showcase IDX 8. New viewings tab will only show if viewings exist and viewings module is active. Added the ability to mark applicants as Hot. Nestled in a verdant setting, Camping de Bourges is an ideal base for enjoying a . Can be called like $property->imported_id; Added new field type of recaptcha meaning a Google reCAPTCHA can be added to enquiry forms, Sanitize user input on applicant registration, New action propertyhive_user_logged_in called when applicant/vendor/landlord logs in, Declared compatibility for WordPress 4.9.8, Migrated from PrettyPhoto lightbox plugin to Fancybox 3, Give each floorplan its own action button as opposed to putting them into the same lightbox. Well now show a popup that shows viewing details, allows you to add notes and perform actions, and paginate through them without needing to click into the actual viewing. On the rare occasion where we have encountered problems the support and service offered by Steve and the team has been absolutely first class. Cost by Google is a lot less for static maps so useful for sites that get thousands of hits, Set default office when adding a property to users office if present, Tweaks to how individual address fields automatically pre-fill after typing in a display address, Added new filter propertyhive_description_output to full description output, Added bedrooms and property type to admin property list, Hid owner column in admin property list if contacts module is disabled, Added Record Enquiry action button to property record, Changed EUR currency to appear after price, Price slider to cater for when currency not GBP, Sort enquiry sources alphabetically preparing for when we can import enquiries from third party sources such as property portals, Dont output POA twice if commercial is POA on both sale and rent, Ensured children properties are deleted when parent property deleted (i.e.
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