These booby traps also had a devastating psychological effect on soldiers, greatly reducing morale. Hundreds of adults have been released into the general public and many were not treated for corona, or were and released anyway. I love politics. Punji sticks were sharpened bamboo branches that were used by the Viet Cong as its toxic terror sticks. niio. Oops, there's been an error. Randy Weaver was importuned by some federal agency to join q white supremacist group to act as an informant. They were mostly made out of bamboo (though sometimes metal) in varying lengths and width, and had a simple sharpened spike on one end to impale its victim. Socrates. It is a simple spike, made from wood or bamboo, generally placed upright in the ground. The 4th Infantry also created a Confidence Course for its new arrivals from the states. Left Coast Chuck Id marry you if you were a girl! As the name indicates, the grenade-in-a-can was constructed by placing a grenade, with the safety pin removed, into a can. Other additional measures include coating the sticks in poison from plants, animal venom, or even human feces,[2] causing infection or poisoning in the victim after being pierced by the sticks, even if the injury itself was not life-threatening. Exposed punji sticks can be used to direct traffic into a fire zone. niio. Instead, consider traps that are only large enough to have a foot or leg fall in and become impaled on the spikes. He described to me how he witnessed, time and again, how green troops would avoid walking through any large puddle or pond, to skirt around the swampy spot for their fear of snakes. All rights reserved. 5. Product prices mentioned in articles and videos are current as of the date of publication. Garden centers used to sell dynamite for a reason. Red -Pelosi keeps sending me invitations to join the Dem party! Producing a lot more food, as well. The goal of the traps was to maim not kill as this required soldiers to deal with their wounded comrades, slowing them down. In her spare time, Rosemary enjoys spending time with her partner, her cats, and her horse, or sitting down to read a good book. People did not forget and while he won the next election, he barely squeaked by. The traps usually wounded, but could be fatal depending on the shells size. Enough history let's get to the first trap which is the sonic tripwire. Most nests have hundreds of ants. The tiger trap was another booby trap that, like the swinging mace, caused significant injury to a soldiers upper body. The victim would put his foot through the coverand fallon the spikes below. on soldiers, greatly reducing morale. bidens slave jails are at 768% capacity, with kids taking turns sleeping on bare concrete floors. Contrary to popular belief, neither the North Vietnamese Army nor Viet Cong guerrillas could match the U.S. forces toe-to-toe during the Vietnam War either in skill or of firepower. Remain standing and take your chances with being a bigger target or flop down and take your chances with being seriously cut in a world without organized medical care. Punji sticks are usually deployed in substantial numbers. Why You Should Never Put A Tall Fence Around Your House? The retreating Vietnamese would fashion traps from crude spikes, grenades, wires, and even memorabilia. Actually, any little dog that (example stated or chihuahuas) are a great alarm system. The simple trap is a . It worked. Right now, Arizona is counting Maricopa ballots. According to the Australian Ministry of Defense, around 11% of all deaths and 15% of injuries in the Vietnam War were due to booby traps. The punji stick or punji stake is a type of booby trapped stake. Punji sticks were a weapon used by the Viet Cong during the Vietnam War, often as booby traps. The Viet Cong will police up everything, including spent casings to use against us. Consider anything temporary at best and always make a map where these were put. All of our No TRESSPASSING Signs Clearly State: That all Unwanted/Uninvited Intruders will be Shot, and that any Survivors will be Shot Twice! We will happily guarantee that their remains will be Gloriously Spread over the Beautiful Desert Scenery to help fertilize, and thereby promote natural growth of the Biosphere; in compliance with EPA Ecological Minded Regulations, Local Jurisdictional Restrictions, and Non Denominational Religious Requirements as written or understood at the particular juncture of time and space continuums, moon phases or tide changes. Sometimes the sticks pointed downwards at an angle, with soldiers stepping into a pit unable to remove their leg without causing further damage. It was the Roosevelt appointed supremes who ruled that incarceration was constitutional. Shop MOVIE PHOTO: LIVE FOR LIFE-8X10 PROMO STILL-SOLDIER-UNFORTUNATE VICTIM OF PUNJI TRAP-1968-vg and more music, movie, and TV memorabilia at Amazon's Entertainment Collectibles Store. . All rights reserved. Several years ago, I had the opportunity to talk with a two-tour Marine who spent much of his time as a tunnel rat. This was one of the more brutal tactics utilized by the Viet Cong, as when the hidden ball was triggered, it would use the force of gravity to swing down and inflict. 2. Disclaimer: All the techniques are for INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY and are never to be attempted by anyone for any reason. Editors Note: Please be sure to check out The Armory Life Forum, where you can comment about our daily articles, as well as just talk guns and gear. The government loves to use informants to set up unsuspecting folk into breaking laws that they may not realize they are breaking. If its proved there was voter fraud, we have a couple of senators and some congressmen who may well face recall. But those first looks proved to be deceiving, as the Viet Cong fought their larger and better-equipped opponents with every trick in the guerrilla playbook, even inventing some new ones along the way. More from us: The History of Fragging in the US Military. When the wire is tripped, the catch gives out and sent foot-long spikes into a trooper's chest at a hundred miles an hour. this is stray dog season. Thronier. Its Always Something. Trigger location; Reset manual. Placing a trap here is advantageous because the intruder to your property will have an additional 6 feet or so of distance to fall and accelerate towards the spikes in the bottom of the trap. The Viet Cong also frequently used secondary booby traps, so as soldiers rushed in to help injured colleagues, a delayed secondary charge would go off. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 3. Punji sticks, also known as punji stakes, were an extremely common booby trap deployed by the Viet Cong. The report goes on to recommend that human and animal waste be removed and burned to help maintain clean water and prevent dysentery which was widespread among U.S. troops in Vietnam (particularly new arrivals in-country). The bow trap: A simple bamboo bow trap was a common VC tactic, particularly in the early days of the war. All these stupid women needed to do was to tell him to knock it off! 3. The jungles of Southeast Asia are naturally dangerous, and the Viet Cong used many locally sourced ingredients for their traps to make the natural environment of their home turf even more deadly. Punji Trap CR 1/2. Icon of 1960s Britain: Who Was Mary Quant? Where would you rather be a criminal, in one of the countries to our south where poor folks are really poor or a criminal in the U.S. where most poor folks are considered middle class in countries to our south. Because of those traps U.S. troops were issued a new type of boots, which the stakes could not penetrate. If the neck and shoulders are intact, they can be buried with the broken edge showing to make an effective barrier. The sticks were often jammed into camouflaged pits dug in areas likely to be passed through by American troops, which soldiers would then fall in to and become impaled. Hidden gardens, thorny fruit trees, cactus, weedy meadows of grain and so-called 3 Sisters (which were more like 27 plants, all grown in the same beds). A lot of the loose kids are older, teens, and in Mexico a teen is supposed to act like an adult. Thank You. People in Kali-fornia are doing the same. Got no problems with dropped into any afterwards while exploring or cunningly lured by glittery rewards. We have those same Trespassers will be shot; survivors will be shot again! sign!! They will readily point out enemy booby traps, Never bunch up. The fruit is food, jam, syrup and wine and we eat young pads too. History Hit Launches on Comcasts Entertainment Platforms in the US. Red, Yes, you are so right! The latest content straight to your inbox plus an automatic entry to each of our monthly gungiveaways! Dick move not a trap camp, nor are drop, acid pits, or underwater spawn points. Shotgun Blank Trap 9. A round of ammunition would be set with a nail underneath, to act as a mock firing pin, and a board placed overtop the hole to prevent enemy soldiers from detecting it in advance. I agree to the Terms & Conditions Terms & Conditions. These are traps made with sharpened bamboo stakes, often smeared with urine, feces, or another substance that would cause infection in the victim. Vietcong Punji TrapsDuring the Vietnam War the Viet-Cong designed dozens of Sophisticated Punji -TrapsPunji Traps --Punji Spike Pit Trap - http://www.echo23. Only when necessary for your home and familys safety and security should any such traps be deployed. Bamboo whip: The whip was made of a length of bamboo under tension and covered with spikes (which were often poisoned). Plenty around but none on my property. His deep dives into historical research keep him (mostly) out of trouble and, yet, too often away from the rifle range. Cuomo is truly a man with out a soul. Within a few minutes of being bitten, the flesh surrounding the bite turned necrotic, swollen and extremely painful. If by chance, and shear stupid luck, some dang Progressive Minded Social Justice Thinking, Enlightened, WOKE, Freeloading Fool and or Satanic Minion were to make it past all of the natural barriers; they would undoubtedly be in a sad state, nearly necked, and bleeding from a thousand wounds. When she gets loose, people find a few dead coyotes around town, then she comes home all happy. Firstly, locate a site for your trap. This was made worse by the use of secondary traps, which targeted those attempting to help the injured. Sometimes known as Toe-poppers these were small arms cartridges such as bullets that were placed within a bamboo tube and over a nail, and then camouflaged in the ground with the tip protruding. The trap was placed in a bamboo cylinder, set up with a nail as a firing pin mounted in the base. To boot the diseases that accumulate on the ends of the sticks promote plague in its victims. Dems are desperate to own us, but if these ballots are counted right, were one more nail in the dnc coffin. Along the fence line is fine but you have to make sure that the punji line ends far enough from the fence that making a flying leap from the top of the fence presents significant danger of being impaled. A tripwire was then attached and, when tripped, would pull the grenade out of the can and cause it to detonate. G.W. Rediscovering Richard III with Matt Lewis, Rome and the Amalfi Coast with Tristan Hughes, How Rome Became the Sole Superpower in the Mediterranean, Charles Martel: A Heroic Leader of Medieval Europe. Snakes were commonly used in traps inside tunnels. The war against communist mines and traps was one of the most significant aspects of the Vietnam War. And watch out for them grasshopper mice, they will bite right through heavy gloves as I have found out. Pelosi and Waters both will be recounted. However, the painful statistics tell a different story: From the beginning of 1965 until mid-year in 1970, 11% of all deaths and 17% of the wounds suffered by U.S. Army troops in Vietnam were caused by booby traps and mines. We dont kill snakes for few good reasons, bubonic plague, haunta virus and a few others. Tom is the author of more than 30 books on military history and weapons systems. I said, call in the sharks, then relented and said, No, why poison innocent man-eating sharks when a concrete block will do. A twist is where you have committed some crime that has been brought to the attention of law enforcement. To quote that great American political philosopher, We have met the enemy and they is us.. When I mentioned my fear of snakes, he laughed and said: You and almost every other draftee.. Ill be 70 this summergood Lord willing and the creeks dont rise I think my SS card is in a safety deposit box at the bank so I havent checked to see if mine says that on itlol. Im hoping to get some of the large pad nopal. This article, I hope, is for the latter situation where all government is dissolved and it is every man for himself. Do not never ever mess with a grasshopper mouse. Blake Stilwell is a traveler and writer with degrees in design, television & film, journalism, public relations, international relations, and business administration. Or you can just scatter broken glass around to make a less than threatening scene that you might credibly think up an excuse for that still is a fairly effective barrier to invasion by foot. Here are five booby traps that American GIs encountered during that conflict. these harassment allegations are not worth the time of day and nothing much to squawk about. No question about illegality in a situation where there is still some semblance of rule of law. The second is psychological; the fear of the wounds inflicted by these traps will cause people to become increasingly paranoid. Backfill with plenty or logs and thorn brush, dirt and so on. Punji stakes were often coated in plant-based poisons, animal venom, or human feces to poison the victim after their skin was punctured. The VC observed this, and frequently mined dung piles near American positions as they were quite certain American troops would remove them. My sister, who owned the pups, looked at her and frowned. They dont have to be close together even, just close enough that the approaching bad guy has to step very carefully to avoid stepping on the punji stick. Remember they all got together to plot resistance against Trumps Operation Warped Speed. The overcrowding is due to illegal aliens who come here to commit felonies. Most jurisdictions have strict laws regarding booby-trapping your home and property. The presence of punji sticks may be camouflaged by natural undergrowth, crops, grass, brush or . A visible trap together with a couple of covered traps will serve as a significant deterrent. Between 1966 and 1971, 27,000 civilians were killed by the . Punji sticks, also known as punji stakes, were an extremely common booby trap deployed by the Viet Cong. All devices shown within this article were fully dismantled and the area returned to its natural state immediately following their construction. But then, Mexico does have well over 8 million slaves, according to the CIA and Trump screwed them by fighting the dnc. DONT BE A BOOBY Her research focused on military, environmental, and Canadian history with a specific focus on the Second World War. The new Punji traps now conceal two victim steps on the trap the wire snaps and rows of iron spikes pierce his leg above the boot and enter his leg muscles from two sides. You dont need heavy duty rebar, again, quarter inch rebar or the lightest weight rebar will work just fine. Sheets of broken plate glass can also be partially buried to create effective barriers. The can held down the striker lever. LCC, Im right there with yaId rather not see the terrible things I firmly believe our country is about to experiencebut if Im still around Ill make the best of a bad situation. Yes, this is exactly what it sounds like. They were often marked by the Viet Cong using broken bushes, palm leaves, or certain alignments of sticks, such as a rectangle or tripod. These devices were used to delay and disrupt the mobility of Australian forces, in fact, the threat was often enough to slow any advance . Between two to three feet is a good depth. On the home front, a slow-going war fought mainly against booby traps left by an elusive enemy does not make for exciting news or compelling talking points for politicians. Caltrops, once made are easy to deploy. EFFECTS. Personally I would also want a fall away floor at each doorway, and a 10 foot drop right onto those sticks. All around the house are pits filled with brush and logs, then dirt for garden beds. Punji sticks were also used in conjunction with barbed wire, in tunnels and sometimes deployed in preparation for an ambush in areas where soldiers might be expected to take cover, thus impaling themselves in the process. I said the dog needs to be put down. Every single one of them can be considered a spy because when they return to China, they will under go 3 months of mandatory isolated interrogation. Weaver refused that ploy too. I looked through a handful of U.S. This was one of the more brutal tactics utilized by the Viet Cong, as when the hidden ball was triggered, it would use the force of gravity to swing down and inflict terrible wounds to a soldiers upper body. Keep it natural. Even as the VC dealt with maddening logistics, the situation worked in their favor as it forced American troops to deal with a dangerous wide array of mines to deactivate. The Weaver situation in Idaho was a classic example of that sort of despicable conduct. Guess what happened next. Sometimes a pit would be dug with punji sticks in the sides pointing downward at an angle. Any trap is illegal but if society breaks down more all concerns about that will disappear. This particular booby trap could be made worse by not only placing sticks pointing up from the bottom, but by installing them at a downward angle, along the sides of the hole. Old-school stuff is cool. Updated August 15, 2022 11:56:55 The booby trap was one of the signature tactics the Viet Cong used against American troops in Vietnam. New York has been arresting quite a few, lately. Snake pits were encountered by US tunnel rats, but the Viet Cong would put snakes in other locations, too, such as in their bags or in old weapons caches. Since completing her degrees, she has decided to take a step back from academia to focus her career on writing and sharing history in a more accessible way. While digging, dispose of the excavated dirt by carting away in a bucket or wheelbarrow. In this big city. Cutting out a section of grass only to replace it over an open pit will result in that patch of grass drying out and turning brown. As the numbers of U.S. troops deployed to Vietnam continued to grow, so too did the casualties resulting from Viet Cong booby traps. I hope not to live so long as to see such an incredible experiment in freedom for humanity crumble into what surely must follow the ever encroachment of our freedoms by folks who are so stupid they think they can decide how to live for 330+ millions of folks with a wide disparity of backgrounds. You can either buy the standard length which is 12 or 16 feet long and cut it yourself or buy precut lengths and just sharpen the ends.They sell a variety of lengths and thicknesses of rebar. History Hit brings you the stories that shaped the world through our award winning podcast network and an online history channel. From Michigan. The mace swung down on the path with great force to deliver terrible wounds to the upper torso and head. Wolfberries, native goji, are nasty, but look good. Not quite as good, and thorny. Punji sticks Punji sticks were the most infamous of the booby traps used, said to account for 2% of wounds to American soldiers. Even while the VC were masters of improvised explosives, they also possessed some modern, command-detonated mines. This type of trap could either be constructed with a single can and a stake, or with two cans. Concealed devices used to inflict casualties, booby traps were an integral component of the war used by Viet Cong and the People's Army of Vietnam. If you have an opportunity to score some claymores, I would suggest that you consider doing so, making sure your source is secure and not some governmental trap. On the other hand, today we allow thousands of CCP Chinese to come to our country to attend school, work in our corporations, and live freely in our country while they are closely monitored by their own. Then we have yet another line of defense in angry ants, pissed-off scorpions, poisonous lizards, hungry birds, cantankerous ground squirrels, mangy jackrabbits, snakes, and ornery javalinas. Make sure the sticks are as straight as possible. LC Charles so, were ready to go all natural, all legal. You can always smear fecal matter on the points if you want to add to the psychological impact. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Booby traps are illegal in every state in the USA. Im adding as I can. They have the advantage of always having a sharp point facing up. Placement is also a limiting factor; setting a trap in your front lawn presents a problem. The Viet Cong also developed a form of modern caltrop, something that many American troops called Toe-Poppers. Hopefully should help folks to understand how so many really good states, where good decent people still live, are blue. With my investigation, punji sticks are illegal to use. You can use nails hammered through a board in the bottom of the trap as well. I found something by Socrates you might like. Occasionally the Viet Cong would dig pits beside each other, so when a soldier fell in and needed help, his colleague would then get trapped in the pit next door. They tend to rust, or rot, or become unstable. Yeah, the liberals gave us another border crisis. This often resulted in the slowing down of their unit while efforts were made to free them. The answer reinforced the fact that the VC came to know our troops as well as they knew themselves. This trap is just large enough for a Medium-sized character's leg. Punji Trap. The VC would dig a hole and put the sticks in the bottom, then cover it with a . The NVA and Viet Cong loved to fly flags and knew US troops liked to capture them when forced to leave a location, they often rigged the flags with an explosive, so when US troops started to take down the flag, the booby trap would go off. The new Punji traps now conceal two victim steps on the trap the wire snaps and rows of iron spikes pierce his leg above the boot and enter his leg muscles from two sides. Mount razor blades to stakes that you can drive into the pits sides, which will cut a limb that falls through. Claymores were far easier to set up for such an ambush than setting out several hundred punji sticks or digging pits to set punji sticks. In that application, a pit was a guaranteed man-getter. DIY Punji Stick Traps To Defend Your Home. Coyotes fear them, and with good reason. The pole had spikes on it, so when the tripwire was triggered, whoever tripped it would be impaled by the spikes on the pole as it whipped forward. "Vietnamese 'Face Knocker' Punji Pressure Trap. During my research into Viet Cong mine and boobytrap warfare techniques, one singularly bizarre element continued to show up in U.S. military reports: dung. 2many: Type depends on where you live, but all around, rugosa roses are so thorny they turn back rabbits and livestock. Like an old desert rat trold me many decades ago, If it aint got horns, thorns, or fangs, its poison Thats Arizona! Were a hundred miles north of the border, and probably better off than many in other, more northern states. Not only could you find yourself financially liable for harm caused to an intruder but also you could find yourself charged criminally. At first glance, the Vietnam War appears to be a ridiculous mismatch between a global superpower, rich in technology and industrial production, and a small third-world nation with barely enough resources to equip an insurgent force with modern small arms. Smaller shells often left men permanently disabled, while larger ones were fatal. A Korean soldier of the 26th Regiment, ROK Tiger Division, lifts a Viet Cong booby-trap from the ground during a demonstration near HQ, Song Cau. Small, lightweight branches, leaves, dirt and other debris will all act as camouflage for the completed pit. I would say that if its total chaos and there is NO RULE OF LAW and the crazies are trying to get to you to harm or kill you, then that would be a time to implement such a method of protection for your home. Leave this for thieves or sex predators lol. I like to plant rose bushes under my teenagers bedroom windows. Friends, relatives, children, animals and yourself can be hurt by it. The goobermint sold social security to the masses on the basis that the numbers WOULD NEVER BE USED FOR IDENTIFICATiON PURPOSES as we had seen what was going on in Europe even though we had the head in the sand attitude that it really wasnt as bad as the press made it out to be and they were only Jews anyway, so it didnt matter that much. They could also be coated with poisonous substances from animals and plants. A poisonous snake would be attached to a piece of bamboo and when released on the victim would place the snake in a prime location to attack. You have a Hobsons choice. I actually think that the timing of and the multitude of these harassment cases pending are a convenient smoke screen to take the heat off the real extent of the criminality of his actions, many of which were also committed by other Dem governors. Cholla is nasty stuff. The VC would dig a hole and put the sticks in the bottom, then cover it with a thin frame. This aint over yet, Im Certain Keep watch, Hold the Line Patriots. The DNC is coming down hard on Cuomo for sexual harassment, something hes done for decades, to cover him as a mass murderer. What we are discussing here is the situation where the police are totally non-effective and all goobermint activities have broken down commonly called in preppier parlance WORL (Without Rule of Law). Thus no one would be the wiser! An oubliette is the best bet. These are traps made with sharpened bamboo stakes, often smeared with urine, feces, or another substance that would cause infection in the victim. Mailpouch: Corna is the dems version of Hitlers final shot for social sec recips. Activated by a pressure plate, this improvised trap springs a spike board into the unfortunate victim's face.". Can keep mobs (and cops) at bay. come after the monsoons. niio, New signs: of their enemies. What the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese Army lacked in the way of firepower they made up for in ingenuity. Our sense of normalcy and logic and values do not apply! Send the dad so he can rack up some cash and then go back. WE DONT LIKE POISONING COYOTES. The Punji stick trap was made infamous by the Vietnam war, not only because of the harm it inflicts on its victims but the simplicity of its construction. Regular Pit 3.Weight Limit Trap 4. Oh wellits not a big deal for me personally because I may not be around to see the Social Security fund go broke in 2035 like theyre predictingbut its a big deal for my children and grandchildren who have worked a job and paid into Social Security & will never see a penny of It. Its estimated that approximately 11% of deaths and 15% of wounds to American soldiers were caused by booby traps and mines in the Vietnam War. Spike Strips 8. The cartridge trap operated in a similar way to punji sticks, in that it was placed within a hole in the ground. views and opinions of Springfield Armory. Something different from the usual videos.A look at how the Viet Cong utilised simple materials to form crude yet effective punji traps in the Vietnam War.PL. As the USAF began to interdict communist supply lines from the North, supplies for Viet Cong units in the South grew even more scarce. These booby traps were created based on the fact that US troops enjoyed. It is a simple spike, made out of wood or bamboo, which is sharpened, heated, and usually set in a hole. What this means is impeachment. Mouser the rattler, deep pits filled with brush, logs, and dirt as gardensand becauseful where you step because they rot, leaving deep holes and angry carnivorous bugs like scorpions, centipedes, and hungry mice like the Grasshopper, who even coyotes fear. Almost all trees and bushes have thorns, even some food plants.Our strawberries grow on Pencil Chollo, which is loaded with nasty, loose thorns. The first instinct upon coming under fire is to flop down. The VC also used older mines captured from the French in the first Indo-China War, along with WWII-vintage Japanese mines (provided by China) and German mines (provided by Russia). [1] The Oxford English Dictionary (third edition, 2007) lists less frequent, earlier spellings for "punji stake (or stick)": panja, panjee, panjie, panji, and punge. These mines were normally set off electrically by an observer, delivering a massive blast of pellets into a tight kill zone, exploded at the exact moment that it would inflict the maximum number of casualties. U.S. "tunnel rats" had to be specially trained to navigate and disarm these traps. According to reports, the pole and its spikes could travel up to 100 MPH. Spikes were placed over a long bamboo pole, which was pulled back into an arc using a catch attached to a tripwire. People in GA were screaming madGreene is very popular in GA. Pelois, word is, was again caught with her hand in the tax payer cookie jar. Not only were these traps cost effective, but the bamboo used to construct many of them didnt register on the mine detectors used by the US.
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