But no doubt that sag tendancy to blurt stuff out can really get to a Pisces woman! I think its because he introduced my body to squirting .(lbs). Therefore compatibility is guaranteed. He has a very loving side where he can be sweet, but can at the same time b very stubborn causing arguments between us. She gives greater credence to her fantasies and imagination than to practical issues. Im a pisces woman and my boyfriend is a sagittarius. To be very completely honest, it was somewhat a beautiful relationship while it lasted. But I recently met a Sag funny story about how we met. My instincts kept telling me that everything about him changed but I just didnt want to take it seriously because I know how some men could be some times, so I thought things would have gone back to normal. She is quite open-minded towards work and personal life and likes to keep harmony in all aspects with her mate. We have been together for almost 20 years our relationships have no doubt had its ups and downs. He's been searching for that special someone for all his life, and he made a purpose out of this. Im a Pisces gal, hes a Sadge. If shes with someone that not only hurt and made her cry but shes still in love with him then shes certainly confused. Yes, Pisces man Sagittarius woman compatibility is tricky indeed. There's a lot of polarity between them, as Sagittarius has copious masculine energy while Pisces is deliciously feminine. I have tried dating ones like my horoscope or that matches as a pisces, and I always got hurt. This will take a lot of effort on both their parts, but the Sagittarius and Pisces love compatibility might work, if both the zodiac signs make the required effort. A Pisces female never tries to dominate her man and honors him above all. Good times and bad times. Its just who makes the first move. Sagittarius and Pisces cherish and appreciate each other's distinctive characteristics . Rams tend to be more selfish in relationships, while Pisces tend to be very selfless. it makes me laugh to think back to when we were first going out, and once when we were going to bed and falling asleep, i was having nightmares for a while, then asked him if an axe murderer came bursting though the door, would you protect me? and then he kept getting mad trying to convince me that it wouldnt ever happen, and couldnt understand that i just needed him to say yes, ill protect you but now he says he will .. although we still have some differences when it comes to spending time with eachother, like on holidays for example, he wants to go out and visit loads of sights and bars and basically cant sit still, whereas id rather stay at the beach or the pool and relax, and he wants me to go with him the whole time :/ and again if im hungover, id much rather stay in bed or watch telly or when we were on holiday, lay under an umbrella, whereas he insists on me getting up and doing something NOT a good idea to try to forcably move me when im in such an unstable state lol I cant believe that these are Pisces woman calling themselves cry babies??? Communication is key to any relationship regardless of your sign! If this pair ends up married, it is only going to be when a Sagittarius man is ready. Shes a Pisces woman and im a Sagittarius man. So as we have been married for 20 days, and I hope in 20 years we will still be as we are todayand grow with eachother. but nothing has challenged and made me feel like him. Thanks! The sex is awesome and our body rhythms match very well but I get frustrated with his lack of communication. Sagittarius are impulsive. The relationship between Sagittarius man and Pisces woman is compelling and very strong. You would think by now we would be more compliant with one another but we continue with our same struggles however when were good were amazing. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. They can realize they are too different for each other and extinguish the love relationship, still becoming friends and keeping the peace between them, or they can realize that being different is not a bad thing and try to start again on new grounds. She has to deal with her insecurities, and he has to become more emotionally available. raly sory to hear maybe hs not a sag in core. How to Get your Sagittarius Woman to obsess over you? Her womanhood is adored by her man. Being secretive and not being able to trust the person you supposedly love will definitely destroy the relationship. But sexual relationship of these two needs to have some warnings. You deserve to be the only woman in his life and hes unwilling to give that to you. Why? A Sagittarius man can enjoy sex while keeping his feelings at bay. We both met at the 1KM track. Im a Pisces women and Im everything it states apart from Im outgoing but Im currently dating a sag man and hes wonderful so reassuring and puts my mind at rest and loves me.what this space. NEXT!!!!! They didnt want him to be alone for the rest of his life. Join the leader in online dating services and find a date today. He has come a long way from the abrasive cold harshful truthful man that he was. I really like a Sag man and have found Cancers to be so boring!! He is so shy that at times he completely ignores me. They also like talking about philosophy. They can succeed as coworkers or classmates. He is always surrounded by ladies. If they are serving on a board together or working on a project for their church or place of worship, they can be a creative powerhouse. A Sagittarius man with a Pisces woman can present an extremely challenging match when expectations are not worked out at the beginning of any relationship. Im a pisces girl who was in a long term relationship with a sagittarius guy. Hows it going now? Sagittarius man and Pisces woman famous couples who succeed in love in the long run are few because this pair is so incompatible. In saying that, not all Sag men are the same. it was like a goodbyeafter that i left the countrysowe didnt speak often anymore..cuz he told me i have somebody else thats why i left him.so after i met somebody else i get marry and have a kid but its not going wellso 1 year ago he added me on fb again and we talked and even called me and we was more open then ever..i told him i am not ok with my hbno sex no love.and he actually started open up and told me he never felt with nobody like with me and that he was wrong and because of him i left and its all his faultand he said that the sex he had with me was more then amazing and he never could imagine that beforeand he is in a relationship since 3 yrs.i dunno what to understand..but he actullay asked me if is here anything that holds me backi said no beside my kid nobut all this laws divorce and shit godso its crazy..and every 9 years he reapears into my life.then i have made a friend 3 =4 yrs agoalso sag and he knows also my situation and we talk alot almost everyday .We never met real he added me on fb..and he had a time when he didnt write me anymore cuz he said i cant be real i am to perfect and i just play him.but at the begining i did think he is just a friend cuz i didn;t like himbut in time i saw we think same have same hobbys and alllso i started need himand allways write him ..he helps me calm down when i am stressed he makes me laugh all day and we talk shit and all day about sex.i love sex and sag men are the best in bedi cant get enough..so we actually did think to meet soon..but financially we both stay bad thats the only issuebut i need meet him cuz i cant live like this with my hb ..i have almost 5 years with sex once at 1-2 month he is aqua..and he is so borring..he likes only in house and that makes me crazy..even when we travell we go to room and beach thats all.i like have fun go out meet people dance be sillyand thats why i like sag mens.they flirt..so do i and that never was a problem cuz we allways go home together.It doesnt bother me..i am proud if the girls wanth himAnyway if i divorce i don;t need any other men just sags. However, she may not appreciate his needy behavior at times. She will then feel constrained, and will start to wander further away, just to prove that she can - and the Pisces guy will shut down again. In very small doses, this pair can inspire, encourage, and excite each other. Men looking for a man - Women looking for a man. She is a Mutable sign, which means she goes with the flow of things around . For any man she loves, she is a perfect admirer with all the charm and dreamy qualities a lover wants in his woman. Gemini zodiac signs are down to pack their bags and leave on a trip at a moment's notice, Barretta says, which is why they'll instantly fall for Sagittarius who's known to do the same. Butsome of that is true about our relationship we talk sometimes sometimes we dnt but we dnt mind it it gives us our space from being around each other 24/7. This is the beauty of Jupiter's rule - everything makes sense in their relationship. These two signs share a soft and sensitive nature, as well as a strong intuition. This pair should never attempt a sexual relationship outside of romance. He loves his freedom above all else. Good luck Sage man . He was a manipulator, a liar, but quite good at making you believe anything. ) They never want to hand over the reigns or control to anyone. Im a pisces woman in a relationship with a Sag male. The Most Obsessive Zodiac Signs In Astrology Ranked | YourTango A Pisces woman cant do this. NOW BEGONE. our relationship was mature and very understanding and compromising but I felt like overwhelmed all the time. A Sagittarius man and a Pisces woman can seem like an extremely challenging couple, especially when their expectations are not met early in a relationship. Our first time around ended quickly and badly. This man wants a long foreplay that is completely in line with the Pisces woman's desires, as a Taurus man can take offense if the Pisces woman is in a hurry. Leo Man Obsessed With Pisces Woman - Zodiac Compatibility They both love to explore and can be imaginative in bed. Exactly, I wasnt submissive enough. We connect emotionally and especially physically but he is not willing to give up his freedom to be with other women, It makes it hard for me to be with him at all because of that. If they are colleagues, they balance each other out well on a team. He could be a cool change that she's looking for. Im a Pisces female and my bf of 5 months is a Sadge. Honestly we are best friends her parents love me and my parents love them but now that Im out I dont know what to do. I love him so much and while he has changed his ways and like he tells everyone when they say wow you settled down; he replies because I finally found the right woman. He likes the fact that I will take care of him; and care for his well being. This is not all bad, it means that they will share a lot and be sincere, just . He is a kindhearted man with lots of enthusiasm in his persona. Pisces are so emotional, I think the fish need to remember not to get trampled by the wild horse that is Sagittarius. I was always wrong, I never saw the big picture. Then all of a sudden she stop wanting to be with me because she said shes still in love with her ex that hurt her and makes her cry and really showed hes true color. When this doesnt happen, shell act as if he betrayed her even though his intentions were clear from the start. Gemini Man & Pisces Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Sagittariuss style in love is radically different at times while Pisces always has a quiet and smooth play. We can share the upmost comfortable silence, although I feel like I have to speak at time to compensate lol Im intrigued by him and I think hes intrigued by me. Saggitarious men are what I prefer! Pls comment, U c son same would have happened to me. I think we both felt relief it was over. Piscean women are very much at ease with their multiple contradictions. Pisces Man and Sagittarius Woman Zodiac Compatibility, Obsession, Love Compatibility, Relationship, Sex Compatibility and Reviews. Our love for one another is unlike any weve ever experienced I think it takes time for these two signs to make it work. he has also made wrong decisions with other women. Thats why we would rather not. It's a tough mixture but it still holds possibility. Cancer Man & Pisces Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? I think Im going to give him a chance. Hell also need to accept and validate her moody nature. Any suggestions from anyone out there who are experienced? Hell never be a good communicator and it will always seem selfish to you yet normal to him. Unfortunately, there are too many differences to lead a smooth and quarrel free life with each other. You gonna get her! She is not a great initiative taker but once she gets talking, she can grab hold and run with it. I just finished dating a Sag man and everything you said was true for me. We talked for a while before meeting face to face. Dont worry! I want to know when i m going to get marriage which year and month pleasee say fastt Thankyou. My goodness this love thing feels so weird yet at the same time amazing!!! This was supposed to be in response to Byrd56, Im a sagatarian male in a relationship with a Pisces woman I love her physical assets and her natural motherly qualitieswe have hit a rough patch were we tend to argue a lot over dumb stuff after the argument we have a conversation and then realize it was insignificanta lot of the time I just want her to understand where Im coming from not that Im right or wrong just that my views is actually listened to and I want her to open up as well instead of tip toeing around how she feels I want her to express it as bluntly as I express myself so I know what I working with and I can attack the matter at hand instead of playing the guessing game but I do love her and Im willing to make changes for her like not being so blunt and putting a filter on my words she is worth that. I dont know what to do why I cant trust him and I love him. I was with a sag man and im a pisces woman i really wasnt interested at first,but end up calling me and it went from there.Sag men are good men,they will listen to you,spoil u,always there for you,they have friends but they prefer to hang out with there woman,they flirts but they dont cheat on there woman,but if he doesnt get his space,he will run,sag men love to dress,they love attention,you to keep the fire going they get boredat times,they love helping people,my sag man didnt listen to what mehow i. I dont think this is true at all. I really hope this relationship works out. How can a Pisces woman attract a Sagittarius man? just want to put this out there that I used to read this stuff hard core like down to the degree and the houses but when I met my husband of a whopping two years now lol our charts didnt match up at all and some how we fell in love and yes we fight like any other couple but how ever its not like unbearable to meet each other half way lol infact I barley remember the fights when I think of my husband I remember good things and light up and feel so happy because I love him! Her intuitive nature and creativity align with his passion and determination. He has made me more in control of my emotions, and not allow people to treat me like a door mat. Sagittarius Man Obsessed With Pisces Woman - Zodiac Compatibility I loved him with all my heart and I know he loved me too. I am the type of Pisces that likes when a man is honest with me even if the truth hurts because if you keep secrets and then I find out things I should have known before, a long time after, then that eats me inside and that is exactly what my Scorpio did to me. (7 ways to do it!) I dont know why and how did I fall in love with this Pisces woman but I am! A Sagittarius man lives in the real world with all his nave dreams and also inspires his Pisces woman to do so. It is human to cry. Somethings wrong here someones lying about their signs! In my honest opinion, you should talk to him about how you feel and whats going on through your mind. I am sag boy been on a relationship with a pisces girl for few month, and I will say there is not one and only truth about relationships. I think its part of us wanting to really please our lover. We met before I got lock up and became a strong couple when I was in. Im a pisces female and i am dating a sag man (2 years), and its like being in love with my best friend. Honestly couldnt of had said it any better I totally agree with everything you say and I am also a Pisces woman who just recently got into a relationship with a Sagittarius so its pretty good and interesting so far hoping for the best cuz I really like him <333. The Sagittarius man and Pisces woman are very communicative. If the stakes are low emotionally, this pair can collaborate well. More than once Ive felt like ending our dating but I also want to be able to communicate my thoughts to him so that I can get an understanding of where he is coming from. Hes a Sagittarius. sagittarius man and pisces woman sexually - look.perfil.com Leo Man Obsessed With Sagittarius Woman - Zodiac Compatibility Im married to Sagittarius man &Im living an awesome loving &lovable life for past 20 years there are many different types of opinions and likings between us but most of the times we both think same even though theres financial ups and downs he always makes sure Im safe he loves me so much &I love him till the deep of my soul, I feel secured when hes around me. We're in this together! He has asked me about my change. It has been going off and on for 9 years now. Its important to look at the compatibility of the rising sign as well, as I think that determines so much in personality astrology and compatibility. Indeed, for those who've tried and failed to find the right man offline, footing can provide. We have so much history we know each other very well and can talk out our issues.
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