The EOC: Federal Operations Centers: Other Agencies. These capabilities are highly interdependent and require us to use existing preparedness networks and activities, to coordinate and unify efforts, to improve training and exercise programs, to promote innovation, and to ensure that the administrative, finance, and logistics systems are in place to build, sustain, and deliver the capabilities. %PDF-1.5 % - Nutrition assistance. Coordinates comprehensive incident resource planning, management, and sustainment capability to meet the needs of disaster survivors and responders. 2. The ____________ describes and organizes an integrated set of guidance, programs, and processes to enable the National Preparedness Goal. The term "mitigation" refers to those capabilities necessary to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters. It is NOT: A response plan for major hazardous incidents. Through these ESFs, government and private-sector entities provide the personnel, supplies, facilities, and equipment needed for Response. The National Incident Management System (NIMS) concepts and principles add this flexibility when dealing with an incident. Resources to be identified include personnel, teams, equipment, supplies, and facilitiesIntegrated communications:b) The use of a common communications plan and interoperable voice and data communicationsEstablishment and transfer of command:c) The process includes a briefing that captures all essential information for continuing safe and effective operationsIncident action planning:d) Capture and communicate the overall incident priorities, objectives, strategies, and tactics in the context of both operational and support activities, Of the 15 National Planning Scenarios, which of the following are considered "key scenario sets"? Whole Community B. Planning: Collection, analysis, and dissemination of risk assessment data. Weegy: "Near the computer" is a prepositional phrase. - Facility and resource security. Under the Stafford Act, federally recognized Indian tribes can directly request their own emergency declaration and major disaster declaration, or they can request assistance under a state request. C. Incidents should be managed at the highest jurisdictional level possible. The National Incident Management System (NIMS) provides the architecture for standardized preparation and response to domestic incidents and addresses a number of important considerations. 3. The USACE serves the Armed Forces and the Nation by providing __________ and capabilities as a ___________ service, and performs both military and civil missions. Scalable, flexible, and adaptable operational capabilities are implemented as incidents change in size, scope, and complexity, so that the response to an incident or complex of incidents adapts to meet the requirements under ICS/NIMS management by objectives. How the Federal Government aligns resources and delivers core capabilities to reach our shared National Preparedness Goal is described in: Federal Interagency Operational Plans (FIOPs), Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. The community lifelines increase our disaster response capabilities by identifying where there is a breakdown in service and evaluating immediate and potential impacts. 4. 7), Flexibility: Can be implemented in specified areas around the nation and facilitates scalability of emergency management and incident responseNIMS importance: Reduces the loss of life, property damage, and harm to the environment and highlights the need for collaborative response, common principles, and standardization of procedures and terminologyNIMS definition: A systematic approach to guide departments and agencies at all levels of government, NGOs, and the private sector and ensure all responders work seamlessly to prevent, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate the effects of incidentsStandardization : Fosters cohesion among various organizations and improves integration and connectivity among jurisdictions and disciplines, Match each management characteristic with the correct definition. Functions include but are not limited to the following: Communications The National Response Framework (NRF) is a comprehensive national guidance document that addresses roles, responsibilities, activities, and interdependencies for partners involved in response and short-term recovery actions disasters and emergencies in the United to States. Strategic Information and Operations Center (SIOC): Maintains situational awareness of criminal or terrorist threats, critical incidents, and crises--both foreign and domestic--regardless of cause or origin. 23), Gain and maintain situational awareness; Activate and deploy resources and capabilities; Coordinate response actions; Demobilize. Support Annexes that describe how support is organized among private sector, non-government organizations and federal partners. 0 - Secures additional resources to help meet response requirements. FEMA executes Lines of Effort (LOE) to operationalize the Core Capabilities (the ways) for response and recovery planning and operations. Fifteen functions used in a federally-declared disaster. Reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters. Transportation. Scalable, Flexible, and Adaptable Operational Capabilities Example Scalable, Flexible, and Adaptable Operational Capabilities Example Based on lessons learned from the 9/11 attacks, the New York City Fire Department (FDNY) established and trained Incident Management Teams (IMTs). Advises and assists the President in integrating all aspects of national security policy as it affects the United States. It is built on scalable, flexible, and adaptable concepts identified in the National Incident Management System to align key roles and responsibilities. refers to those capabilities necessary to secure the homeland against terrorism and manmade or natural disasters. 3) scalable, flexible and adaptable operational capabilities, 4) unity of effort through unity of command, and 5) readiness to act. 4. 30), This scenario set deals with the attacks related to nerve agent: (M3 L2 National Planning Scenarios, pg. Unity of effort respects the chain of command of each participating organization while. These risks affirmed the need for: An all-hazards, capability-based approach to preparedness planning. What is the definition for the "protection" mission area? B. - Improved information flow and coordination. The structures and processes described in the NRF must be able to surge resources from the whole community. 5.Unwillingness to act until a state of National Emergency is Declared. 3. Example 1. long poems TheWasteLand\underline{\text{The Waste Land}}TheWasteLand, Beowulf\underline{\text{Beowulf}}Beowulf, Gilgamesh\underline{\text{Gilgamesh}}Gilgamesh, ParadiseLost\underline{\text{Paradise Lost}}ParadiseLost, Rubaiyat\underline{\text{Rubaiyat}}Rubaiyat. b``$@ I" Dispatch/Deployment - a) Personnel and resources sent by an appropriate authority only when requested through established resource management systemsAccountability - b) Includes principles of the check-in/check-out, incident action planning, unity of command, personal responsibility, span of control, and resource trackingUnified command (UC) - c) Allows agencies with different legal, geographic, and functional authorities and responsibilities to work together effectively without affecting individual agency authority, responsibility, or accountabilityInformation and intelligence management - d) Establishes a process for gathering, analyzing, assessing, sharing, and managing incident-related information and intelligence. Energy ESF #6 Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Temporary Housing, and Human Services. - Facilitate problem solving. - Outlines how the Response mission area relates to other mission areas. State/Tribal Resources (If supplements are needed). ESFs and other organizing bodiesthe meansare the way we organize across departments and agencies, community organizations, and industries to enhance coordination and integration to deliver the Response Core Capabilities. Functions include but are not limited to the following: Scalable, Flexible, & Adaptable Operational Capabilities are included in? - Collective, strategic approach. Complete the sentence in a way that shows you understand the meaning of the italicized vocabulary word. 7. A. Match the correct functional area with it responsibilities. 7), Which of the following describes objective number one of the DOD's five key objectives that support the key strategic goal of protecting the U.S from attack? Operational Coordination The relationship between DOD, combatant commands, National Guard and Reserve are not clearly defined by law. 4). Prevention capabilities include but are not limited to: information sharing and warning; domestic counter-terrorism; and preventing the acquisition or use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Facilitates the reestablishment of damaged energy systems and components, and provides technical expertise during an incident involving radiological/nuclear materials. 4), Mitigation, Protection, Recovery, Response, Prevention, The National Defense Act of 1916, the Insurrection Act, and Title 10 of the USC section 12406 laws authorize the use of the National Guard in a federal status for: (Select all that apply) (M2 L3 National Guard, pg. State-to-State and Regional Resources (More assistance). f Get an answer Search for an answer or ask Weegy. - Identifying shelter locations and ensuring access to the whole community. the coordination of response - A way to streamline the interstate mutual aid and assistance process. The responsibility for responding to incidents, both natural and manmade, begins at the local level with individuals and public officials in the county, city, or town affected by the incident. D. National Incident Management System, what should be added when an adverb begings a sentence. How does texturing improve a fabric's feel and performance? National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (National VOAD): an association of organizations that mitigates and alleviates the impact of disasters; provides a forum promoting cooperation, communication, coordination and collaboration; and fosters more effective delivery of services to communities impacted by a disaster. Body is the mental image people have of their own bodies. (M1 L2 Incident Command System (ICS), pg. ESF #6: Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Temporary Housing, and Human Services, ESF #8: Public Health and Medical Services, ESF #10: Oil and Hazardous Materials Response, ESF #11: Agriculture and Natural Resources Annex, ESF #14: Cross-Sector Business and Infrastructure. Which of the following sets the vision for preparedness nationwide and identifies core capabilities? ESF #11 Agriculture and Natural Resources. Food, Water, and Sheltering. The US Coast Guard enforces, or assists in enforcing, federal laws and treaties on waters which include security missions in these areas: Drug Interdiction (correct)Migrant Interdiction (correct)Defense Readiness (correct). The ICS/NIMS resources of various formally defined resource types are requested . 5. Functions include but are not limited to the following: The Framework provides structures for implementing national-level policy and operational coordination for domestic incident response. How does this change under a UC? - Temporary accessible housing plans. Content in the support annexes is superseded by changes and updates to legislation. . Scalable, Flexible, and AdaptableAs Operational Capabilities.incidents change in size, scope, and complexity, the response must adapt to meet requirements. Communications. Robert T. Stafford Act2. food, water, and sheltering (M2 L4 US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), pg. - Providing emergency services such as water, food, shelter, clothing, assistance with family reunification, and supplies for post-emergency cleanup. hb```jB eaX( }q{R|16Y-8@Laj fwf FeRg2h:k`W@R4Y)%eN [1n Under which two basic authorities does USACE conduct its emergency response activities? National Response Coordination Center (NRCC): Provides overall emergency management coordination, conducts operational planning, deploys national-level entities, and collects and disseminates incident information as it builds and maintains a common operating picture. B. The Unified Coordination Group provides leadership within the Joint Field Office. 23) 8), Provide assistance to primary agency when tasked by DOD, The National Planning Scenarios form a basis for coordinated Federal ________, ________, ________. 1. Builds and maintains a common operating picture, Regional Response Coordination Center (RRCC). "Mission areas" were used to determine the response requirements generated by the national planning scenarios. -Describes key roles and responsibilities for integrating capabilities across the whole community. One premise of the National Response Framework is Tiered Response. refers to those capabilities necessary to secure the homeland against terrorism and manmade or natural disasters. (M1 L1 National Incident Management System (NIMS), pg 6), Planning, public information and warning, and operational coordination are all core capabilities applicable to which of the following mission areas? Scalable, flexible, and adaptable operational capabilities are included in? The five major functional areas consist of the Command Staff as a whole and the four sections in the General Staff: Operations, Planning, Logistics, and Finance and Administration. Use of communications and information systems that are familiar to users is a part of which key principle? Coordinates the support of management of transportation systems and infrastructure, the regulation of transportation, management of the Nation's airspace, and ensuring the safety and security of the national transportation system. Functions include but are not limited to the following: As incidents change in size, scope, and complexity, the response must adapt to meet requirements. - Agricultural disease and pest response. Which is the next level of government that responds to an incident when it has the potential to expand beyond the capability of local jurisdiction? Which core capability makes it possible to manage the life cycle of a potential crisis, determine capability requirements, and help stakeholders earn their roles? ESF #8 Public Health and Medical Services. How do coordination structures help organize and measure the whole community's capabilities? National Operations Center (NOC): In the event of an act of terrorism, natural disaster, or other emergency, the National Operations Center (NOC), as the principal operations center for the Department of Homeland Security, coordinates and integrates information from NOC components to provide situational awareness for the entire Federal Government, as well as for local, tribal, and state governments, as appropriate, to ensure that accurate and critical terrorism- and disaster-related information reaches government decision makers in a timely manner. Are distinct critical elements necessary to meet the National Preparedness Goal. This group is comprised of senior leaders representing State and Federal interests, and in certain circumstances Tribal governments, Local jurisdictions, the private sector, or nongovernmental organizations. 3), If a situation escalates to a magnitude requiring National Guard forces to operate under the command and control of their governor and federally funded through DOD; this is referred to as: (M2 L1 The Strategy for Homeland Defense and Civil Support, pg. - Readiness to Act. As needs grow and change, response processes must remain nimble and adaptable. As incidents change in size, scope, and complexity, response efforts must adapt to meet evolving requirements. - Public affairs and the Joint Information Center. facilitate problem solving Which partner is often the first to arrive and last to leave the incident site of a disaster? which one Weegy: The term that fits the definition provided is "body image". If a situation escalates to a magnitude requiring National Guard forces to operate under the command and control of their governor and federally funded through DOD; this is referred to as: This scenario set deals with the attacks related to nerve agent: Using the core capabilities, the National Preparedness Goals are achieved by utilizing the following mission areas: (Select all that apply), Mitigation (correct)Protection (correct)Prevention (correct)Recovery (correct)Response (correct). Scalable, flexible, and adaptable operational capabilities are included in NRF guiding principles How do coordination structures help organize and measure the whole community's capabilities? Most incidents begin and end locally and are managed at the local or tribal level. Provides a secure venue to support crisis management, special event monitoring, and significant operations. National Guard forces have no direct operational relationship to DOD or combatant commands while in Title 32. Flashcards, matching, concentration, and word search. Under the unified command (UC) principle, each incident commander (IC) is responsible for all incident activities, including strategies and tactics and ordering and releasing resources, particularly when an incident occurs within a single jurisdiction. What is defined as enabling the continuous operation of critical government and business functions? When additional resources or capabilities are needed immediately following an incident, the incident commander (IC) will contact which of these organizations? - Critical infrastructure reestablishment. A request for federal assistance (RFA) should be evaluated on the basis of six variables. Which of the following are part of the DHS/FEMA Federal Operations Centers? 5), Which of the following accurately describes a USNORTHCOM and USPACOM's operational objective of DSCA missions? What rights does the Declaration of Independence express. 21), DSCA is initiated by a request for DOD assistance from civil authorities or qualifying entities or is authorized by the POTUS or SECDEF. f Score 1 Log in for more information. (M3 L2 National Planning Scenarios, pg. As incidents change in size, scope, and complexity, response efforts must adapt to meet evolving requirements. Question Asked 10/29/2021 4:25:44 PM Updated 26 days ago|4/2/2023 4:33:57 PM 0 Answers/Comments This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. The combatant command responsible for conducting civil support operations (including consequence management operations) in accordance with US laws within the established area of operations is? 13. - Indicates the actions necessary to build and deliver the required capabilities. . Safety and Security. - Public safety and security support. When partners representing multiple jurisdictions or agencies work together to establish the incident objectives, what type of Command is being used? 2. A. Whether it's a start-up looking to grow rapidly, a mid-sized enterprise aiming . hbbd``b` $/ $X@="A~H fW8 Health and medical The National Planning Scenarios form a basis for coordinated Federal ________, ________, ________. Natural hazards, pandemics, terrorist organizations and cyber-attacks were key findings of a national risk assessment. They help unify the five mission areas and establish unity of effort among all those involved in the Response mission area. Federal Resources (Greatest response needed). The term "prevention" refers to those capabilities necessary to avoid, prevent, or stop a threatened or actual act of terrorism. When partners representing multiple jurisdictions or agencies work together to establish the incident objectives, Unified Command is being used.
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