Despite this, they look very much like Swedes and usually assimilate very well. )38.69% of GDP (2019 est. The fact that Sweden received about 100,000 immigrants per year is ironic considering that between 1880 and 1920, hundreds of thousands of Swedes immigrated to the US. World Population Prospects (2022 Revision). Since then, Sweden has pursued a successful economic formula consisting of a capitalist system intermixed with substantial welfare elements. copyright 2003-2023 ), total subscriptions: 12,843,683 (2021 est. Demographics of Sweden - Statistics & Facts | Statista Though there are no official statistics on ethnicity, according to Statistics Sweden around 1,921,000 (20.1%) inhabitants of Sweden were of a foreign background in 2012. Population increases during 2004-2012 have mainly been attributed to immigration from Muslim countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, and Somalia. ), European 69.8%, Maori 7.9%, Pacific Islander 4.4%, Asian 5.7%, other 0.5%, mixed 7.8%, unspecified 3.8% (2001), mestizo 69%, white 17%, black 9%, Amerindian 5%, Hausa 56%, Djerma 22%, Fula 8.5%, Tuareg 8%, Beri Beri (Kanouri) 4.3%, Arab, Toubou, and Gourmantche 1.2%, about 1,200 French expatriates, More than 250 ethnic groups, including Hausa and Fulani 29%, Yoruba 21%, Ibo 18%, Ijaw 10%, Kanuri 4%, Ibibio 3.5%, Tiv 2.5%, Arab, Baluchi, South Asian (Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Bangladeshi), African, Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashtun (Pathan), Baloch, Muhajir (immigrants from India and their descendants), Palauan (Micronesian with Malayan and Melanesian admixtures) 69.9%, Filipino 15.3%, Chinese 4.9%, other Asian 2.4%, white 1.9%, Carolinian 1.4%, other Micronesian 1.1%, other or unspecified 3.2% (2000), West Bank: Palestinian Arab and other 83%, Jewish 17%; Gaza Strip: Palestinian Arab and other 99.4%, Jewish 0.6%, mestizo 70%, Amerindian and mixed (West Indian) 14%, white 10%, Indian 6%, Melanesian, Papuan, Negrito, Micronesian, Polynesian, Amerindian 45%, mestizo 37%, white 15%, black, Japanese, Chinese, and other 3%, Tagalog 28.1%, Cebuano 13.1%, Ilocano 9%, Bisaya/Binisaya 7.6%, Hiligaynon Ilonggo 7.5%, Bikol 6%, Waray 3.4%, other 25.3% (2000), Polish 96.7%, German 0.4%, Belorussian 0.1% Ukrainian 0.1%, other 2.7% (2002), homogeneous Mediterranean stock; less than 100,000 citizens of black African descent who immigrated to mainland during decolonization; East Europeans have entered since 1990, Arab 40%, Pakistani 18%, Indian 18%, Iranian 10%, other 14%, Romanian 89.5%, Hungarian 6.6%, Roma (Gyspy) 2.5%, Ukrainian 0.3%, German 0.3%, Russian 0.2%, Turkish 0.2%, other 0.4% (2002), Russian 79.8%, Tatar 3.8%, Ukrainian 2%, Bashkir 1.2%, Chuvash 1.1%, other or unspecified 12.1% (2002), predominantly black; some British, Portuguese, and Lebanese, black 90%, mixed 6%, East Indian 3%, white 1%, black 66%, mixed 19%, East Indian 6%, Carib Amerindian 2%, other 7%, Samoan 92.6%, Euronesians 7% (persons of European and Polynesian blood), Europeans 0.4%, mestico (mixed European and native African), angolares (descendants of Angolan slaves), forros (descendants of freed slaves), servicais (contract laborers from Angola, Mozambique, and Cape Verde), tongas (children of servicais born on the islands), Europeans (primarily Portuguese), Wolof 43.3%, Fulani 23.8%, Serer 14.7%, Diola 3.7%, Mandingo 3%, Soninke 1.1%, European and Lebanese 1%, other 9.4%, Serb 66%, Albanian 17%, Hungarian 3.5%, other 13.5% (1991), mixed French, African, Indian, Chinese, and Arab, 20 native African tribes 90% (Temne 30%, Mende 30%, other 30%); Creole (Krio) 10%; refugees from Liberia's recent civil war, small numbers of Europeans, Lebanese, Pakistanis, and Indians, Chinese 76.8%, Malay 13.9%, Indian 7.9%, other 1.4% (2000), Slovak 85.8%, Hungarian 9.7%, Roma 1.7%, Ruthenian/Ukrainian 1%, other and unspecified 1.8% (2001), Slovene 93.1%, Croat 1.8%, Serb 2%, Bosniak 1.1%, other or unspecified 12% (2001), Melanesian 94.5%, Polynesian 3%, Micronesian 1.2%, other 1.1%, unspecified 0.2% (1999), Somali 85%, Bantu and others 15% (including Arabs 30,000), black African 79%, white 9.6%, colored 8.9%, Indian/Asian 2.5% (2001), composite of Mediterranean and Nordic types, Sinhalese 73.8%, Sri Lankan Moors 7.2%, Indian Tamil 4.6%, Sri Lankan Tamil 3.9%, other 0.5%, unspecified 10% (2001), black 52%, Arab 39%, Beja 6%, foreigners 2%, other 1%, East Indians (Hindustanis) 37%, Creole (mixed white and black) 31%, Javanese 15%, Bush Negroes (also known as Maroons) 10%, Amerindian 2%, Chinese 2%, white 1%, other 2%, indigenous population: Swedes with Finnish and Sami minorities; foreign-born or first-generation immigrants: Finns, Yugoslavs, Danes, Norwegians, Greeks, Turks, German 65%, French 18%, Italian 10%, Romansch 1%, other 6%, Arab 90.3%, Kurds, Armenians, and other 9.7%, Taiwanese (including Hakka) 84%, mainland Chinese 14%, aborigine 2%, Tajik 79%, Uzbek 15.3%, Russian 1.1%, Kyrgyz 1.1%, other 2.6% (2000), mainland: native African 99% (includes 95% Bantu, consisting of well over 100 tribes), Asian, European, and Arab 1%; Zanzibar: Arab, native African, mixed, native African (37 tribes; largest and most important are Ewe, Mina, and Kabre) 99%, European and Syrian-Lebanese less than 1%, Indian (South Asian) 40%, African 37.5%, mixed 20.5%, other 1.2%, unspecified 0.8% (2000), Arab-Berber 98%, European 1%, Jewish and other 1%, Turkmen 85%, Uzbek 5%, Russian 4%, other 6% (2003), Baganda 17%, Ankole 8%, Basoga 8%, Iteso 8%, Bakiga 7%, Langi 6%, Rwanda 6%, Bagisu 5%, Acholi 4%, Lugbara 4%, Batoro 3%, Bunyoro 3%, Alur 2%, Bagwere 2%, Bakonjo 2%, Jopodhola 2%, Karamojong 2%, Rundi 2%, non-African (European, Asian, Arab) 1%, other 8%, Ukrainian 77.8%, Russian 17.3%, Belorussian 0.6%, Moldovan 0.5%, Crimean Tatar 0.5%, Bulgarian 0.4%, Hungarian 0.3%, Romanian 0.3%, Polish 0.3%, Jewish 0.2%, other 1.8% (2001), Emiri 19%, other Arab and Iranian 23%, South Asian 50%, other expatriates (includes Westerners and East Asians) 8% (1982), English 83.6%, Scottish 8.6%, Welsh 4.9%; Northern Irish 2.9%, black 2%, Indian 1.8%, Pakistani 1.3%, mixed 1.2%, other 1.6% (2001). Here are the facts and trivia that people are buzzing about. Race Income inequality in Sweden Even though most Swedes do not attend church, there has been some resentment of new waves of Muslims entering the country. WebGet current population, race, age, income & poverty statistics for Sweden, ME from the US Census Bureau. Aims: Bedaquiline is now recommended to all patients in the treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) using standard dosing regimens. All three ratios are commonly multiplied by 100. North and center, mostly Muslim: Arabs, Gorane (Toubou, Daza, Kreda), Zaghawa, Kanembou, Ouaddai, Baguirmi, Hadjerai, Fulbe, Kotoko, Hausa, Boulala, and Maba. However, Sweden has also been a beacon of tolerance for most refugees, and there are large groups of Iraqis, Ethiopians, Iranians and Somalis. As the ability to measure blood drug concentrations is very limited, little is known about drug exposure and treatment outcome. Most people live in the southern half of the country. ), production: 1.07 million metric tons (2020 est. The next largest ethnic group is made up of Finns. Sweden is found in northern Europe and is made up of thousands of tiny islands in addition to the mainland. ), fossil fuels: 1% of total installed capacity (2020 est. note: data are in current year dollars, Germany 10%, Norway 9%, United States 8%, Denmark 7%, Finland 6%, United Kingdom 5%, Netherlands 5%, China 5% (2019), cars and vehicle parts, packaged medicines, refined petroleum, broadcasting equipment, lumber (2019), $263.269 billion (2021 est.) )services: 65.4% (2017 est. )female: 18.2% (2020 est. ), municipal solid waste generated annually: 4.377 million tons (2015 est. The major exception is Somalia. )transmission/distribution losses: 10.434 billion kWh (2020 est. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. The capital of Sweden is Stockholm and this city is inhabited by a population of over 911,000, with 1.4 million in urban areas, and 2.2 million in the metropolitan areas. Population of Sweden, New York by Race and Ethnicity Sweden Demographics and Statistics Sweden has a population of about 10.1 million people. )imports: 1,310,671,000 cubic meters (2020 est. One-third of Sweden's GDP comes from Stockholm and it is the political, economic, and cultural heart of the country. )expenditures: $256.454 billion (2019 est. The largest cities in Sweden are: Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmo, and Uppsala. After these reforms, Sweden enjoyed remarkable gains in its economy and quality of life, and managed to sit out World War II (1939-1945) as a neutral nation. )forest: 68.7% (2018 est. Sweden: indigenous population: Swedes with Finnish and Sami minorities; foreign-born or first-generation immigrants: Finns, Yugoslavs, Danes, Norwegians, Greeks, Many tables on are in downloadable XLS, CSV and PDF file formats. )wine: 3.4 liters of pure alcohol (2019 est. This year, some political analysts are predicting another heavy turnout in this months midterms. )exports: 36.824 billion kWh (2020 est. )crude oil and lease condensate imports: 403,200 bbl/day (2018 est. Prison population total. Formula: (([Population ages 0-15] + [Population ages 65-plus]) [Population ages 16-64]) 100. Other notable cities with populations over 100,000 include Malm, Uppsala, Vsters, rebro, Linkping, and Helsingborg. She has a Master's degree in History. Between 2016 and 2019, the white population declined from 197,845,666 to 197,309,822, in yearly amounts of -97,507, -212,957 and -225,380. Fitch rating: AAA (2004)Moody's rating: Aaa (2002)Standard & Poors rating: AAA (2004)note: The year refers to the year in which the current credit rating was first obtained. ), Italian (includes small clusters of German-, French-, and Slovene-Italians in the north and Albanian- and Greek-Italians in the south), black 90.9%, East Indian 1.3%, white 0.2%, Chinese 0.2%, mixed 7.3%, other 0.1%, Japanese 99%; Korean, Chinese, Brazillian, Filipino, other 1% (2004), Kazak (Qazaq) 53.4%, Russian 30%, Ukrainian 3.7%, Uzbek 2.5%, German 2.4%, Tatar 1.4%, Uygur 1.4%, other 4.9% (1999), Kikuyu 22%; Luhya 14%; Luo 13%; Kalenjin 12%; Kamba 11%; Kisii 6%; Meru 6%; other African 15%; Asian, European, and Arab 1%, racially homogeneous; small Chinese community, a few ethnic Japanese, homogeneous (except for about 20,000 Chinese), Kuwaiti 45%, other Arab 35%, South Asian 9%, Iranian 4%, other 7%, Kyrgyz 64.9%, Uzbek 13.8%, Russian 12.5%, Dungan 1.1%, Ukrainian 1%, Uygur 1%, other 5.7% (1999), Lao Loum (lowland) 68%, Lao Theung (upland) 22%, Lao Soung (highland) including the Hmong (Meo) and the Yao (Mien) 9%, ethnic Vietnamese/Chinese 1%, Latvian 57.7%, Russian 29.6%, Belorussian 4.1%, Ukrainian 2.7%, Polish 2.5%, Lithuanian 1.4%, other 2% (2002), Sotho 99.7%, Europeans, Asians, and other 0.3%, indigenous African tribes 95% (including Kpelle, Bassa, Gio, Kru, Grebo, Mano, Krahn, Gola, Gbandi, Loma, Kissi, Vai, Bella, Mandingo, and Mende), Americo-Liberians 2.5% (descendants of former U.S. slaves), Congo People 2.5% (descendants of former Caribbean slaves), Berber and Arab 97%, Greeks, Maltese, Italians, Egyptians, Pakistanis, Turks, Indians, Tunisians, Alemannic 86%; Italian, Turkish, and other 14%, Lithuanian 83.4%, Polish 6.7%, Russian 6.3%, other or unspecified 3.6% (2001), Celtic base (with French and German blend), Portuguese, Italian, Slavs (from Montenegro, Albania, and Kosovo), and European (guest and worker residents), Macedonian 64.2%, Albanian 25.2%, Turkish 3.8%, Roma (Gypsy) 2.7%, Serb 1.8%, other 2.2% (2002), Malayo-Indonesian (Merina and related Betsileo), Ctiers (mixed African, Malayo-Indonesian, and Arab ancestry: Betsimisaraka, Tsimihety, Antaisaka, Sakalava), French, Indian, Creole, Comoran, Chewa, Nyanja, Tumbuko, Yao, Lomwe, Sena, Tonga, Ngoni, Ngonde, Asian, European, Malay 50.4%, Chinese 23.7%, Indigenous 11%, Indian 7.1%, others 7.8% (2004 est. Learn about the Sweden racial demographics? Swedish is a North Germanic language that is closely related to Norwegians, Danish, Icelandic, and Faroese. )$531.455 billion (2020 est. miles). Why does Sweden have a low population density? The main reason for the slowed population growth has been the decline in the birthrate, from 14/1000 population to the 11. This density is spread over an area of 173,860 square miles (450,295 km ) of total surface area and ranks 159th in the world. When I filed a complaint, I was subjected to a racist reprisal. Sweden is a sparsely-populated country. US voter turnout recently soared but lags behind many peer By area, it is the third-largest country in the European Union, at 450,295 square kilometers.
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