5.1 Research Questions Such a process is valuable, for example, in the contemporary creative writing classroom. (5) Poetry: Poetry is a genre of literature which arises as a reaction to mans interaction with nature and the attempt to express such experience in beautiful lexical items. 2.1.8 Levels of analysis within the Graphological Framework: Enquiries into previous Categorization What are the arguments for/against anonymous authorship of the Gospels. Although this assertion may raise a seeming contrast between the terms linguistic stylistics and literary stylistics, a definition of these terms provided by Isidore can remove this confusion: Stylistics is the scientific study of style. Graphological Features The physical appearance of a literary text. But these definitions appear too eclectic. The result reveals the use of phono-graphological features to indicate contrastive stress and focus information. -Unfamiliar expressions 4.3.6 A Reign of Locusts ( (Wikipedia), is the deviation in which poets disregard the rules of writing. (doeniadevi.wordpress.com) Share Improve this answer Follow English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. Viewed in its historical perspective, however, stylistics may be said to have been influenced by the continental movements mainly by the school of New Criticism, Russian formalism and Prague school, French structuralism and modern linguistics which paved the way for stylistics and later contributed to its development. The syntactic style of the author is chiefly characterised by frequent deviation from English word order. The result is that, whereas linguistic stylistics comes up with a somewhat objective evaluation, based on realistic criteria; literary criticism comes up with that which is generally imaginative, speculative, subjective, and impressionistic (Isidore, 2010:30). x=iCrg/;O{fgaw{}ARW*T5#:Z$@"7/|A/B,Z_Pra[=|6[c|h_\D,~x_xFnl\]hn1d!nCoVB,WfY~5,]VryZWzXr F(071w GGo hl5?@f94viuDfn9S Text Analysis in Stylistics. What is Phono graphological analysis? - TimesMojo Like literary criticism, stylistics is interested in the message of the work, and how effectively it is delivered. CHAPTER THREE: DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS. language, it studies the sound system. Why don't we use the 7805 for car phone chargers? What's the cheapest way to buy out a sibling's share of our parents house if I have no cash and want to pay less than the appraised value? language features to reveal the deeper meaning of the poem. <> As a critical concept, style has been the focus of attention for centuries and has been studied from various perspectives. On the other, it may bring to light, significant features of style which would otherwise have been overloaded, and so lead to further insights; but only in a limited sense does it provide an objective measurement of style. Analysis in stylistics, therefore involves a range of general language qualities, which include diction, sentence patterns, structure and variety, paragraph structure, imagery, repetition, emphasis, arrangement of ideas and other cohesive devices. The deployment of language by a writer creates a distinct style through which he/she reaches out to the audience. Indeed, it may be daunting to try to attempt a stylistic analysis using all the checklists or aspects available in the literatures. Ehrlich, (1990) informs us that the tradition at the inception of the evolution of modern linguistics was for analysts to confine the analysis of a text to the sentence domain of which was, then, regarded as the largest unit with an inherent structure. For her, graphology or graphemics is the study of graphemes and any other element related to the written medium, and of the linguistic system that is manifested through these: The study of such units [graphemes] in a language is called graphemics or graphology. Look at the sentence in terms of length (short and long sentences), Simples sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences, and complex compound sentences, For instance, those that uses interrogative sentences, Look at the different types of English clause I.e phrases, The internal structure of a word. 5.4 Contributions to knowledge. 2.1.9 Present study categorization of graphological devices (Individuality), Does it tell you about where the person is from? The phonological PDF Stylistics Analysis on Poem "Trees" Joyce Kilmer Different registers make particular use of such graphological features as: size of print and capitalization in newspaper and advertising lay-outs; different typefaces and sizes in dictionaries such as this one; special lines in poetry, etc. This 11 paper however, examined objectivity in Maya Angelous Still I Rise. The graphological style of the author is featured Stylistics, Literary Criticism and Practical Criticism have certain things in common. The novelty of the definition offered by Wales (2001) lies in the fact that it broadens the spectrum of elements to be analyzed within the category of graphology beyond the letters of the alphabet, which is something that has not been considered until very recently. (PDF) Graphology as a Linguistic Level of Analysis: Definition The study adopted foregrounding as a. It covers how some stylistic devices are applied in the female and male perfume advertising slogans based on four levels: the graphological level, the lexical level, the syntactic level and the semantic level. endobj May God bless you all.always counting on you, for higher heights. or background belief relating to an utterance whose truth Sutardji's 'Tragedi Winka dan Sihka' and J.E. Eigenvalues of position operator in higher dimensions is vector, not scalar? -Nouns to interjections Behbood (2015) emphasizes that pedagogical stylistics examines the language of literature in both sentence level and the whole texts to encourage students develop their awareness of the connection between language and literature. physical context of speaker. Quotations understood without the knowledge of context and xcolor: How to get the complementary color. He notes that quotation marks are used to demarcate direct utterances; commas separate sentential elements for a short pause, semi-colon are also used to pause but longer than that of comma, question marks ends a question for emphasis sake and so on. ESQUIJO FLORES This graphological deviation foregrounds two different discourses used by the poet; army discourse in the octave, church discourse in the sestet." Cataphora: refers to an expression or subject which is In other words, it is the scientific study of style. Nicole Kidman Is a Fairytale Fantasy at the 2023 Met Gala Pragmatics is Therefore, we have basically , two types of stylistics: literary and linguistic stylistics. The poetry of Joe Ushie however, is characterized by these features and these inform the desire of this study. Literary language, with its three main genres; poetry, drama, and prose, is a situational variety of English that. The concept of Style does not exist in a vacuum; it has meaning when language is used to communicate the message. It describes % Punctuations From the aspects of graphological features, lexical features, syntactic features and semantic features, the thesis summarizes the stylistic features of English news report of public health emergency. Many scholars have all shared their diverse views about the levels of stylistic analysis. All these problems put together, inform the researchers desire for this study with the title: The Device of Graphology in Joe Ushies Poetry: Stylistic and Pedagogical Implications. 1. meaning, ideas, focuses and endobj 6. Stress, intonation, contractors and Stylistics in this research aims to show the language features used in the poem Mending Wall and find out how those features used to reveal the The primary focus here is foregrounding. The data comprises extracts of speech isolated for analysis at the level of phonology and graphology. However, Lennards (2005) proposal differs from that Levenstons (1992) in its aim and scope. To make a judgment about something, we need different evidences. Graphology, however, is an essential part of the description of any written language. This research employed stylistics as the tool to analyze the poems. context based study including linguistic analysis of text we can know the authors capitalization and punctuation. LEXIS & SEMANTICS Lexis concerns word choice; semantics concerns meaning. In stylistics, deviation is a style. contribute the totality of stylistic construction Therefore, to interpret a text stylistically both external and internal evidence are needed. 3) To identify the pedagogical influences that can be brought to bear by graphology in understanding Ushies poetry? level, syntactic level, graphological level and semantic level. It is done on the purpose of commenting on the quality of a text. General Manager at Sweetbites Manufacturing. whether the selected stylistic features do indeed capture the attention of readers, in the sense of making them notice more. reader.RANK FREQUENCY WORD ,l5#7:l5k>e; Does the order of validations and MAC with clear text matter? Their researches are a positive response and reaction to one of the controversial questions in relation to this level of linguistic analysis: what are the different levels and sub-levels to be included under the term graphology. phonological devices are alliteration, intended meanings and foreshadowing The researcher posits that Achebe uses italics for emphasis, to reflect foreign concepts or cultural beliefs as well as to create humour. For a systematic analysis, these linguistic features are clustered into phonological, graphological, lexical, grammatical and semantic levels of analysis. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. (2015:128) study by mentioning five levels in stylistics such as phonetic level, phonological level, graphological level, grammatical level, and lexical level. They write the words in such a way without any boundaries in lines, space, or rhymes. Graphology is the study of language in print; a stylistic instrument which makes Ushie's writing peculiarity an illustrating example of style as deviation from the actual linguistic norm. Detailed explanations of these levels are given below. I am also indebted to my amiable parents, Elder/Deaconess Nseobong Nkopuruk; they deserve a special mention, for their all-round support which metamorphosed into a Masters Degree in English, today.always counting on them too, for higher heights. Graphological devices include punctuation (comma, full stop, colon, semi-colon, and quotation marks, etc. As a literary critical term, style denotes a characteristic use of language. Graphology offers the reader a solid impression by communicating the exact mind of the writer. 2.1 Statement of the Problem 2.1.13 Pictography (graphical elements) Finally, Wellek and Warren (1977: 176) opine that linguistic study becomes literary only when it serves the study of literature; when it aims at investigating the aesthetic effect of language (Eyoh 2005). Contractions/ contracted forms The more a critic wishes to substantiate what he says about style, the more he will need to point to the linguistic evidence of texts; and linguistic evidence, to be firm, must be couched in terms of numerical frequency. Although this definition appears in fourth position, there is however, a third possibility when defining graphology which consists of giving prominence to its linguistic value. Linguistic Stylistics 3.6 Reliability of the Instrument In analyzing a text, the business of a stylistician is to look at many features of the text. In the case of this study, the device is Graphology. A study of English stylistics: Theoretical Background of - Kenyayote the study of semantics, word formation, Style also varies from one period to another. poem. It is full of words having fixed meaning and certain types of structures are invariably associated with certain effects (Leech, 1969). But also lately a more concerned view has been voiced which stresses that stylistics has contributed to methodologies in the teaching of literature and that, therefore, L1 and L2 methods are embedded in stylistics. Linguistic context refers to the surrounding features of language inside a text, like the typography, sounds, words, phrases, and sentences, which are relevant to the interpretation of other such linguistic elements. Lennards (2005) proposal on the study of graphological elements. Hence stylistics comes to create a mutual relationship between language and literature so as to be competent in both of them. Stylistic features like graphology, syntax, lexis and semantics are looked into. For instance, both concepts are interested in such features as are beyond the sentence boundary. (Eva, 2015) observes that the very first problem when dealing with graphology is its unclear meaning. It will follow these steps: firstly, students will acquire the knowledge that leads them to comprehend the basic grammatical and rhetoric concepts. iii. This non-linguistic meaning is further complicated by the uneven treatment that graphology has received from previous researchers. The irregular right-hand margin of poems, the strange use of parenthesis and the discarding of capital letters as used by E. E. Cummings, Christopher Okigbo, Wole Soyinka and others, fall under this division. Temporal deixis: They point to time. Table 2. Some common examples include letter and word . More remarkably, none of these collections has been studied stylistically. Levenstons (1992) proposal on the study of graphological elements. As far as a literary text is concerned, two evidences, internal and external evidence, can help us to come to an appropriate interpretation of a text. Which reverse polarity protection is better and why? This wise claim and assertion suffices my doubt about individual abilityit is as minute as the mustard seed. We certify that this Masters Dissertation: The Device of Graphology in Joe Ushies Poetry: Stylistic and Pedagogical Implications was carried out by Nkopuruk, Imikan Nseobong and submitted to the Department of English Studies, College of Humanities, Tai Solarin University of Education, Nigeria in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of a Master of Education (M.Ed.) Example of phonological devices include: alliteration, assonance, consonance and phonaesthesia. are not directly referable to any observable linguistic features of texts, and one of the long-term aims of stylistics must be to see how far such descriptions can be justified in terms of descriptions of a more linguistic kind. As a matter of fact, scholars of stylistics have scarcely given this poet a deserving attention. For example as a way of learning more about somebody's character through his writing: contracted forms, commas, stops, question marks etc. The study adopted Foregrounding and Multimodality as theoretical frameworks to the stylistic interpretations of the poetry of this author. Examples The discipline has originated the popular dualist approach to style based on the dichotomy between form and content. There are many examples of graphological level features in written language. What's the most energy-efficient way to run a boiler? Other graphological features include: the unusual but symbolic spacing, the italicizing of certain words and passages to denote a different context, the frequency of some punctuation marks and their prosodic and semiotic effects are the other possible graphological features of poetry. 2 The Nature and Goals of Stylistics.pdf - Introduction to