In a real world SHTF, how man of us will have enough saline soltion to rise out the left over quick clot? Tampon - My son said they had to go on a mission and Marine X wanted the chapstick and lotion for the trip. He lost me when you said they werent sterile. Contents When were tampons invented? 3rd they cause damage when being removed, this is true to any packing material. Thus, while the article may have left a few holes in the whys and why nots, it is spot-on in its advice to use the proper product and/or technique to STOP the bleeding. But even if they have, that doesnt mean they are what you should reach for in an emergency. You guys dont really understand why using a tampon for bullet treatments actually works. This was the first commercial distribution of menstruation-related items. With your membership you will also receive discounts on products and hours of Premium video content. The initial discovery of the telescoping cardboard "applicator tampon" was developed and patented by the Colorado doctor Earl Haas in 1931, but it was a woman, Gertrude Tendrich, who bought the patent and started to produce it, expanding from sewing tampons at home to distributing them under the now-famous brand name Tampax. The use of tampons in treating gunshot wounds has also helped to reduce the cost of medical supplies, which has saved the military millions of dollars. Earle Haas patented the first modern tampon in 1931, tampons had been used for thousands of years prior to that by women across the globe. Three balls in total will be packed in this manner. You need a fully staffed OR to clean QC out or else your buddy will die of infection, thats if the QC doesnt break apart. Do you know why men can write articles about tampons? The Ask an Expert section is currently for members of our online community. If you have the choice, use the right tool for the job. Photo: author. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested! On torso wounds, things get even more complicated. This isnt guaranteed but a possibility. most of the cops I knew, at least those that took the job seriously, had go bags with medicial/first aid kits with these things in there. Tampons just make menstrual bleeding less messy. But as Helen King notes, this is likely a misuse of the Greek word motos , which basically means the material they used for dressing wounds. Not a good as a hemostatic, for sure, but the gauze provides a lattice at the edge of the leaky artery to allow the clot to begin to form, same as stuffing a wound cavity with Kerlex, just packed smaller and with a tube to facilitate getting the gauze in the cavity and close to the bleeder. The Ebers Papyrus, for instance, recommends helping a woman with unusual discharge by crushing up earth from the Nile with honey and galena, putting it inside a wad of linen, and leaving it inside her. one would also figure if tampons made good bullet wound plugs they would be standard on every ambulance. The simplest way to do that is usually to apply trauma dressing followed by direct pressure. Sanitary Pads, Tampons and Diapers Are They Good Blood Stoppers? (That same article announced of those men, "They stick condoms on the muzzles of .50-caliber machine guns to keep out dust, and shoot right through the latex when the time comes to fire."). While the use of tampons is not the ideal solution and there are some better alternatives out there, given the necessity of the nature of puncture wounds, gsws, even large gashes, anything is better than nothing. Cache Valley Prepper is the CEO of Survival Sensei, LLC, a freelance author, writer, survival instructor, consultant and the director of the Survival Brain Trust. We examined the evolution of the medical application of tampons, uncovering the surprising history of these products and exploring their innovative use in treating gunshot injuries. In some cases, such as a .20 or .30, theyre smaller in diameter than a regular tampon. Tampons soak up menstrual blood, but they may also block some menstrual flow from the vagina, which could extend the duration of bleeding. The development of tampons as a medical tool began during the Vietnam War. while you do want to stop the bleeding, the bleeding itself does help irrigate the wound channel of smaller debris and contaminates. The expiration date on the package is the date in which the company can no longer guarantee a sterile product. When Were Tampons Invented? - Public Goods So they do not provide any hemostatic assistance. As to how old this practice is, one of our correspondents says he saw tampons used in this fashion during the Vietnam War. It was everyone higher in station than our conscript friend, so a severe wound was a death sentence for the infantry of low rank. Stitches should be removed from the face within 5 days. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. The idea of using tampons to treat gunshot wounds was controversial at first. This is as opposed totemporary cavitation, which is the damage to the bodys tissue caused by the energy dissipating from the projectile portion of the bullet. When he brought this up my imagination was just running wild, but I let him continue. You need to stay hydrated to avoid heat illness, bladder infections and kidney stones. Blood will pool into the temporary cavitation. Why do Australian tampons not have applicators? Photo: author, Top: one of authors favorites, Olaes Modular Bandage from Tactical Medical Solutions in four-inch version. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. Skin-to-skin contact between adults can increase levels of oxytocin, the love hormone. The severity of the trauma caused internally, the cavitation, is often hidden, especially if there is no exit wound. A Comprehensive Analysis, Exploring the Innovative JBX Theater: Revolutionizing the Entertainment Industry. Tampons are made to soak up blood, after all. A tampon simply does not allow that effectively. Soon after, they were used to treat gunshot wounds. 2. Even packing gauze when removed will tear out clotting, or even irritate the wound area. I've seen people advocating for using them in medical kits. Of course, they werent called tampons in Ancient Egypt, which was where the first similarly-constructed device was recorded. You wrote, Im not going to get into the anatomy of a wound cavity. Why not?! Do yourself and your loved ones a favor: buy a real pressure dressing and take a class on how to use it effectively and efficiently. If you switch from tampons to free bleeding, theres also a reduced risk of toxic shock syndrome (TSS). Let alone the extra 20-50 miles to the nearest hospital? It's like how soldiers in WW2 would tell each other that . Granted the artery was not hit. My son said things were going well, and then the convoy was ambushed. Take a Xanax Jax. Modern-day pressure dressings are in fact designed to treat penetrating traumatic injuries related to austere or combat environments. 4th they come in various sizes and are often to small for the wound. This does not mean it is in circulation. They may follow bone structure, or ricochet. And even though using a tampon can occasionally cause a girls hymen to stretch or tear, it does not cause a girl to lose her virginity. It only works with a used Tampon, Duh. Like Rover said the tampon idea originated from soldiers trying their best to save a buddy in a time when the issued first aid consisted of a single small minimally effective pressure dressing on the lbe harness.The current IFAK has two different options for wound packing,which is an effective means of stopping bleeding.The tampon is less than ideal but better than nothing. FB Live World restart a heart day; a survivors perspective. Suggested materials included lint, flax, cotton, fine wool (yikes, itchy) or essentially anything soft and absorbent. However, in addition to menstrual blood, the tampon also absorbs the vagina's natural . Additional students will be charged on the day. 4 yr. ago Bullshit. The Napoleonic Wars saw many medical innovations, including: Yes, doctors literally plugged the hole by inserting a dressing that resembled a tampon into musket wounds. Many troops live on themsometimes with their families! Probably stung like hell, though. Even in civilian EMS I have seen packing save lives,and on one ocassion have seen a finger inserted in a neck wound get someone to the OR. In WWII, that was the battlefield antibiotic of choice. Ancient Japan: Paper Tampons (Maybe) One of the first civilizations to use tampons for apparent menstrual reasons may have been the Japanese. Most will not serve on a battlefield, but even there, expedience of removing the wounded to a proper MTF is paramount. The issue with putting a tampon in any puncture wound, knife or bullet is once you manipulate the wound you cause more damage and more bleeding. Depending on the calibre, the entrance hole might be small. OR even a bad cut from a hunter that accidentally slit his hand while field dressing a deer or elk!! Unusually among many inventions, the tampon in its two modern forms (with applicator and without) was formed, invented, and distributed almost entirely by women. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Hippocrates, in 500 BC, writes about absorbent material wrapped around sticks to carry medicine into the vaginal cavity. The swelling of said gauze applies additional direct pressure to the various capillaries, veins, artery, etc. A solid bunch of material in a tampon simply does not pack well. Could it happen? If you hadn't stopped that bleeding he would have bled to death. If you're a tampon user, you may not give much thought to the small wad of fabric you put into your nethers for one week a month, other than wondering if it's leaking and getting annoyed when there's no disposal bin. Im not sure if you are aware the military actually has invested in an a tactical approach using the same technology as the tampon (slight variance as the Militarys applicator uses beads of the same material instead of a large swab). This product as well as new wound gel dressings would be useful to carry in first aid kit as emergency response times are ridiculous and ambulances are tied up queuing at emergency units waiting to off load patients. Tampon Wound Dressing | Ask any woman. Other techniques must be used, I.e. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. With bleeding now controlled, use a section of regular gauze to wipe away excess blood, blunt dissecting as necessary to locate and visualize the severed artery. If you say you do not want me to try and stop your bleeding with a tampon, what would you want someone trying to help you do? This article will explore the history of tampons and how they were used to treat bullet wounds. It was the big difference between getting wounded in WWI and getting wounded in WWII. Now, a bandage that has a quick clotting agent could experience some degradation in effectiveness the further past the expiration date it goes. Using a tampon has no impact on whether on not someone is a virgin. There are several anecdotal ones, though. Tampons have been used by U.S. Army medics as emergency wound care dressings: This particular story about a wounded Marine saved by a tampon included in a misdirected care package from home is factual. It DOES stop the bleeding. Most skin wounds heal within 10 days. I had one put in a wound I received, in my side. If it is arterial wound then you best get a TQ on or your buddy is going to die. 6. The idea of wound management is to STOP the bleeding, not induce it. Because they have many more uses than just shoving them up your cooch. So, why shouldnt they work? However, as my military medical career progressed and I gained more education and experience, this is one of several medical interventions that were either modified or removed. The point is that we have to control the bleeding first, in order to ensure blood circulation. You shouldn't put a tampon in a stab wound - Full Fact Home and travel first aid kit should carry these types of wound care products. The whole idea of the article is really more aimed at the fact that they are NOT ideal, and you should plan AHEAD and have legit pressure dressings available on purpose for emergencies, rather than assuming a tampon will be just fine and not preparing in advance. In order to stop arterial bleeding and copious capillary bleeding along the woundTrack, you have to pack agressively. Youre missing the entire point of the article. You dont have to read survival groups and forums long before you will hear someone claim the lines of, I know this guy, who knew a guy, who was a medic in the war and he used tampons instead of trauma dressings. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Next. Temporary cavitation is important because it can be a tremendous wounding mechanism.. Applicator tampons help to do the hard work by pushing the tampon in for you. Privacy Policy. In the Napoleonic Wars, the most used . If I had been there my first reaction to render aid would be grab gloves, duct tape, scissors & thick pads as well as peroxide. Have you ever had to open an Israeli bandage in a crisis situation that is in 2 separate packages? Check the wound daily for signs of infection listed below. Throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries, cocaine was regularly used as a local anesthetic in surgery. Women picked up on the idea for their needs. Bullets do funny things when they enter the body. EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Limited Or Anthology Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actor In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie. Medics with years of combat experience say they consider tampons excellent for penetration trauma because not only do they absorb a lot of blood, they are sterile, packaged with easy-to-use applicators, and leave a "tail" protruding from the wound that aids doctors in easily removing them. So, even the most expensive trauma dressings are still cheaper than tampons. I am extremely relieved to see a thread, not just a post, devoted to this. The modern tampon (as in a tampon with an applicator) was patented in 1933 by a guy who then sold the patent to a woman who founded Tampax. The sad truth: if you're trying to stop a femoral arterial bleed with your wife's extra heavy Tampax, you're going to . Bleeding stops by pressure in most cases, a tampon expands when blood hits it. Thanks for the article. Something is better then nothing. The use of tampons to treat gunshot wounds quickly spread throughout the medical community and is still used today. And, again, it's not for menstrual purposes: it's for stopping baby-making. Youll be thinking youve done your job, but wondering why your patient is still deteriorating and exhibiting signs of hypovolemic shock. , Step 4: Apply very firm pressure to the packed wound for 3 minutes. There is a taboo on menstruation that lasts until today, which means it took quite a while for menstruation-related items to become commercial. Get everything included in Premium plus exclusive Gold Membership benefits. Have you ever stuck a tampon in a gun shot wound. Were tampons invented for bullet wounds? - Dixie Sewing Some doctors argued that it was an ineffective method of treatment and that it carried a risk of infection. During World War 1, field nurses discovered that Cellucotton worked well as a disposable feminine napkin. They have evolved from being used for feminine hygiene to being used as a medical tool to treat gunshot wounds. The French Revolution changed everything, and the guy in most urgent need of medical intervention got treated first (unless youre a boyfriend of Mario Cuomos daughter, then you get a COVID vaccine ahead of at-risk seniors. In a no S*** real world situtaion, who cares if you have a few pieces of sterile cotton in your arm. You have nothing in your bus that can tamponade a gunshot as quickly as a tampon unless you are using quikclot or similar product. Exactly. The female urinary diversion device (FUDD) allows you to urinate discreetly while standing up or leaning back. In 1931, a physician named Earle Cleveland Haas created Tampax, a tightly rolled cylinder of cotton with an applicator. What is the best less than ideal solution for a less than ideal situation? These sorts of concerns have taken tampons into the home-made sector. Not trying to be critical here, just trying to really understand all of the downsides of this method of wound management. You cover the tub tampons but NOT the Pads. Kimberly-Clark, an American . Scan this QR code to download the app now. That is significantly different from sterile. Army, Navy, Air Force, and every one! However, it is believed that the idea came from the militarys need to find an effective and efficient way to treat wounds in the field. My son said, "Mom, the tampons sent by the Marine Moms by mistake saved a Marine's life." If the stone (bullet) enters the water (tissue) with a lot of momentum, however, the surrounding molecules have to act a lot more quickly and violently, resulting in a splash (temporary cavity). June 3, 2014 By Caleb Causey filed under All Articles, Equipment and Accessories. Antiseptic cotton rolls were used to stop bleeding from bullet wounds. Even if we wanted to absorb the blood,a regular tampon could absorb approx. Before trying to stick a tampon in a gunshot wound like that, I would strongly suggest that you disarm the patient first (or render them unconscious) because there is no way they are going to let you poke even a tiny needle into a painful mass of raw nerves, swollen flesh, and splintered bone much less a tampon. Theres nothing wrong with wearing a bra while you sleep if thats what youre comfortable with. I do it just to upset the ER Doctor, Well that and leak on the floor. In ancient Japan, they created tampons out of paper, in Hawaii, they used ferns, in Indonesia vegetable fibers and in Africa rolls of grass. Tampons can work under some situations for GSWs; however, they are not ideal. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. If you have nothing else then use a tampon. 1st they are hard to open and know how to use, really? This might change the amount of fluid your vagina produces during the rest of the cycle, but more research is needed (2). Men seem to think that if they can stick a dick in it, it doesnt need anything to be sterile during the time when women are most vulnerable to infection. When were tampons invented? Shertz, M. (2019, July 18). Have you ever played a game of telephone? 8 things you probably didn't know about the history of the tampon You can buy two Olaes bandages for under $15, and two Israeli bandages for under $10.
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